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 Author Achilles' Personal Log Entry #9b
Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
The Myrmidon Legion

Joined: December 15, 2009
Posts: 327
Posted: 2011-11-01 13:05   
In line with Guyton’s video trailers
Admiral Achilles, Star date 2265.44- Personal logs, entry 1 :

Some time has passed since my exodus form the UGTO armada. I spent that time trying to find meaning in my life outside of the Fleet, the war, killing. I came to the realization that perhaps it is my purpose to wage war on the Confederates and the Alien. Therefore, I turned my packet back into the Trade Organization Navy. It was reaccepted of course and I spent a long time flying as a reservist dread pilot for the frontline forces in the R33 defense force.
It was not long before I longed for the good fight; I submitted my packet for the elite force of UGTO, the space marines in the Renegade battle group. After a brief time of deliberation I was accepted into their ranks. The Renegades immediately accepted me as one of their own, I became close friends with SteveyK, the one they called Bladerunner, The other they called Saturn Shadow, and Guyton.
The Renegades were a whole other form of the UGTO navy, they were tenacious, organized, but most importantly deadly. It seemed that whenever the battle group amassed in group that their tactics resulted in heavy casualties for the enemy side. The commander of the Renegades, Nemesis, gave the order for the Renegades to capture and hold the system of Kaus Borealis. And so the UGTO war drums sounded with reverberating concussions. It was sure to be a fight for the ages.

Admiral Achilles, Star date 2267.47- personal logs, entry 2:

The battle in the Kaus borealis was a constant struggle though we currently hold the system it came at a price. Nemesis and his Elite Assault Dreadnought, Ark Rebel, was severely disabled. He himself was mortally wounded surgeons said he would be out for about a month. SteveyK the acting commander of the RSM battle group lost a Support Station and one of his prized Battle Dreads, still though he had enough ships and he was still ready for the fight. The Chief Marshal who was known as “Flash” lost two of his EAD’s but as one of the wild card fighters Flash was still wanting to kill. I, myself lost my favored Torpedo Cruiser, USS Hellbringer, and my Command Dread , Spatha, was temporarily disabled. As the newly promoted Operation Officer of the RSM battle group and now the second in command I brought to the table the idea of a coordinated assault straight into the heart of the Kluth alien home system. It was therefore entitled, Operation Maelstrom2, after the first operation failed due to logistical failures.
The Kluth continued to raid the Kaus borealis system on the days leading up to Operation Maelstrom2 and the ICC began to become bolder and conduct formidable raids from their base in Dres Kona. This did not seem to worry UGTO High command. Their sole focus was on pushing Kluth back as far as possible. It was plain to see form the Renegades point of view that the simple hatred for the Alien consumed much of the energy of the Battle group. I even found myself caught up in the fervor for the oncoming Operation. Little concerne was turned to the intentions of Exathra Alliance and the other Battle groups of the Confederate Navy.
The day of Operation Maelstrom 2 the comm channels were alive with updates and orders. Just as planned the Renegades managed to push the Kluth out of the Sagittarius cluster and back into the Andromeda cluster with minimal casualties. I was in charge of my command Dread and put in charge of the combat operations. As we pushed in to kluth space in Andromeda, the plan changed from simple planet capturing and into a complete scorch earth policy. The order cam form above that the holding of any Kluth planet was not necessary and that to do so was impossible our Strategic bombers therefore began to MiRv bomb any structures on an enemy planet. It was understood that the longer we stayed in Andromeda the more in danger Sagittarius was.
My final task was the bombing of Sag Hotha, the Kluth home planet. By this time majority of the Renegade were deployed elsewhere to keep back the alien hoard. It was me Bladerunner, Alleycat, and Illusmaze. A small taskforce for a tremendous task. It was decided that first we must take out the Planet’s adjacent moon. The task was slightly difficult and my bomber was mildly scorched by the moons heavy planetary defenses, but none the less the objective was completed. With a final sweep I began to bomb Sag Hotha. Almost as soon as I started enormous bug like ships the size of our dreadnoughts appeared. They did not hesitate to open fire on us , burning huge holes in our armor and hull. I managed to destroy what seemed like the Kluth ship yard. However, after my ship became severly damaged I was forced to jump out and flee to friendly space. Bladerunner suffered a few major hits but managed to destroy one of the now named “Siphons”, after the energy absorbing lasers they use. When we returned to Sagittarius. We found that the ICC began launching assaults into Kaus borealis and recapping any bases we had in Dres Kona.With the majority of our battle group damaged and tired we were forced to pull back into R33. But this time with a large buffer zone between us and the Kluth.

Admiral Achilles, Star date 2267.47: Personal log entry 3—

The ICC made another assualt into the Cincinnati Cluster. Reports had it that it was a coalliton of the Faster than Light and Exathra Alliance Battle groups, I had only read about these fleets before never had the chance to face them head on. My Chief informed me that both were considered “elite” by the ICC standards. A QRF of RSM and other UGTO affiliates were dispatched to engage the forces. When I arrived on site the sytem was already halfway captured or blockade. This was my first engagement I came in contact with the Exathra Alliance commander, the one they called Agamemnon. His command, as I would soon learn would irk me the most. After a a series of intensely bloody engagements and a risky gambit I devise our forces had managed to inflict enough casulites to make the Sepratist flee and we began to rebuild Cincinnati, this time with a bit more defenses, why they lacked a sizeable defense force I did not know.

Admiral Achilles, Star date 2267.48: Personal logs entry 4—

As the newly Promoted Operation Officer for the Renegades I began a series of intense training operations In R33. These trainings ops then led to my creation for a strike back at ICC. This paled in comparrison to Operation Maelstrom, however I still seethed with anger form their hasty assualt into our space. A retaliation strike was in order. For the quickness and the to be able to make the time hack we attacked Dres Kona. The three easiest planets to capture and hold were the three nearest to the gate. I never liked Dres Kona its system had many tactical “holes” that mde it simple for an enemy to utilize and consolodait forces. For the mission I chose my trusted friends, Bladerunner, Guyton, AKA, Datalu, and a relitvely new comer to the battle group Kazies Gaians (a friend of Guytons, so its good enough for me). The timing was perfect for the raid since the Kluth were licking their wounds after a recent assault on Kaus Borealis earlier in the week. I decided to begin the raid using my Comman d dread, Spatha, the Worm hole device proved an effective way, albeit risky, way to launch surprise strike right into enemy lines. Luckly this time it worked for in the past UGTO worm hole technology has been… fickle. The ocean planet of Oceaniana was first and its capture was both quick and uneventful. I then decided to have fun and retired the Spatha for my Battle Dreadnought, the USS Vengence. Its Heavy EMP cannons were the perfect weapon agianst the Confederate’s stolen shield technology. I sometimes wonder how this war would be different if Scientist Holtzman didn’t run away to Exathra. Shortly after establishing a working outpost on the watery planet we began the quick and devestaeing bombing and capping run in Dres Kona. The only resitence we met were the rougue pilots of cruiers and few dreadnoughts we fell quickly by our Dreadnought and cruiers escorts. HA, rookies looking to make their name, only a foolish captian throws himself alone at any attacking force. After bombing the majority of the infanstructure and causeing heavy casulties to the planets I felt that our job was complete and we returned to Kaus Borealis for a debriefing. A deep anger settled inside of me as I pondered why we met such a pitiful force of resitence. I again longed for a fight to which my name can be remembered.

Admiral Achilles, Star Date 2267.49: Personal logs entry 5—

My wish was granted. As I sat at my desk fileing last minute Operation specifications for an upcoming Operation. An urgent message came to me, R33 has been invaded again by the Confederates. According to the preliminary report they had mamged to overun the system. I gathered what fores I could and we began the defense. Of course upon arrival the preliminary report were wrong, and the ICc were not the only invaders we met kluth raiders who managed to knock out any of our smaller attack vessles we had. The recaptureing of R33 was difficult, bloody, but most of all ENRAGEING. I again me the methodic and brilliant ICC admiral Agamemnon the heavy cruiser he flew managed to disable the Spatha’s forward thrusters and I again pulled out my prized Battle dread. When the Venegence suffered minor but disconcerneing hull damage I then borught out my torpedo crusier to take care of the alien pestilence that prevented me form pushing the ICC out of the system. Luckly the Kluth are somewhat detered once enough of them are damaged or desroyed enough to tip the odds of their plans. This assualt deeply angered and puzzled me. After the system was recaptured, at the cost of many lives and ships, I sent a report to Fleet High Command concerning the recent attack. Of course, Command told me that the assault was a random event and that it probably wont happen again soon. Yeah, those old men would say that. To them any fight would be random and imperfect. For those of us who are fighting its unforgiving. On the return trip back to Battle Group head quarters my thoughts returned to the curious and impressive commanders of the ICC. Their actions currently have been highly coordinated, aggressive, but more importatly strong. Never before have the Confederates amassed so much firepower to push back the UGTO. I remembered the names the EWAS pilots picked up, the ICC commanders names. Again there was Agamemnon and a new on I think they called him Defiance. These men were a discomforting notion that the ICC were growing more clever. They utilized cruisers and detroyers, easy targets alone but together as a group proved to be… trouble. The Seperatist must be taught a lesson, but how? Back at the RSM headquarters I began working again on my newest work of art, it was sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Admiral Achilles, Star Date 2267.52-60 ,Personal Logs Entry 6

I had never enjoyed clandestine missions, but of course UGTO high command gave orders to the Renegades for a small group of us to go covert undercover and infiltrate the ICC command. Our mission was to gather intel ICC tactics and ship capabilities and of course their weaknesses. Of course we followed orders. The task was not simple we first had to sell our cover stories. I was a brand new promoted Admiral in charge of one of the dreaded ICC heavy cruisers, one Combat Dreadnought, a Siege dreadnought a small group but more than enough for a skilled officer to gather valued information for UGTO. The ICC hierarchy was a complex of multiple battle groups similar to RSM but no one group was in charge. Instead their command structure was a combination the top admiralty and the top political civilians. It was complex, messy, and difficult to understand. Often time I had trouble understanding who my superior was and who my subordinate was. To make my cover convincing I had to do the unthinkable, I had to attack UGTO controlled space. To reduce the maximum amount of losses I decided to attack Kaus Borealis. With only three barren planets with small populations an overall easy target, but the hardest part was the fact that RSM was guarding the system. I had to attack my own brethren. It was at this time I met Agamemnon, the Commanding officer in charge of the Exathra Alliance Fleet battle group. He was a true loyalist to the ICC, he was somewhat of an officer of the old sort. He had a sound tactical mind and was always ready to defend his precious confederacy. It was him and the group of a
group of other ICC captains who joined us. Upon arriving to Kaus Borealis, it appeared that the MI had already done the job of weakening the war torn system. The remnants of the UGTO defense were severely weak and in no shape to put up a defense. My heart wept for the loss of my fellow brothers. With each volley I knew deep in my heart that I was subjecting my own brothers to death. On the contrast Agamemnon took pride in every UGTO ship he destroyed. Not the pride in the killing and death, but more so the pride of protecting his rebellious alliance. His actions would be the ones I studied most. My Intel gathering continued without any interruption and thus ended my undercover time in the ICC.

My exfiltration point was in Dres Kona a large gaseous planet by the name of Psc- 120 there was a local nebula that was able to conceal the large Command station and my dreadnought. I had scuttled the evidence and small battle group that was requisitioned to me for the mission and covered my tracts well. All seemed to go well as I settled back into the comfortable surroundings that was my ship, when suddenly the Station signaled my communications officer that there was enemy inbound. Ii gave the order for the immediate evacuation of all personnel from the station and to turn the station on to auto pilot. The commanders obeyed and began to create the exfiltration worm hole back into UGTO space. I gave the order for my ship to provide a base of fire using ranged weapons until the evacuation pods could be safely on board the Dreadnought. As I kept a constant eye on the oncoming ICC fleet I could see the very distinct emblem of the lead ship. EAFS. It was the Heavy Cruiser Athena, Agamemnon. The very officer he helped win a battle for was now his opponent. Good. Just as soon as the pods were on board I gave the order for the charge. As the supporting ship entered the worm hole the Spatha charged the minuscule opposing force. All forward batteries open fired and as soon as the Athena came within range the Spatha released a deadly flux wave. Disabling her forward weapons the cruiser was nothing more than a sitting duck in the face of the monstrous dreadnought. None the less in my mind I knew that now was not time for fool hardy fights. I had to make my way to the Worm hole. I knew that the ICC defense force was opening fire on the station to prevent my escape. I ordered for the ship to turn to the worm hole and head home. As we entered the shimmering white portal I watched as a main reactor of the Station went critical and exploded. The portal quickly closed trapping 4 UGTO destroyers and frigates on the other side. Their sacrifices shall not be forgotten and shall not be in vain.
Upon my arrival back to RSM HQ I began work on a plan that was about to send a message that no one shall never forget.

Admiral Achilles, Star Date 2267.62 Personal Log Entry 7,
By request of Renegades Executive officer SteveyK, I decided to take some leave time on Earth. I would call it home except for it wasn’t. Spending majority of my life on board stations and ships it’s hard to call anywhere home. My family owned and left to me a Chateau in the Appalachian Mountains of North America. We kept a stable of about 5 horses and a large open field. I spent most of my time out there finding new trails and just enjoying the quiet of nature. It was hard to forget that life was also calm and tranquil, and the horrors of war are hard to forget. I thought to myself about the last fumbled Operation, command had pulled the vast majority of the Renegades to perform other task so much that when the hit time came only five Captains remained. The operation was scrapped and Renegade Command began work on another operation.
I rode to the top of a hill that overlooked a forest, the beauty was breathtaking it was fall now and the forest presented a symphony of colors reds, oranges, and yellows danced in the wind. Here was peaceful. I sat there for moment taking in the site. I then noticed the horse’s demeanor change. I sat still a feint hum of a grav-bike was fast approaching. An assassin? It’s possible the ICC could do without me leading UGTO ships deep into their sovereign territory. I steadied myself, slowly unhooking my kinetic pistol from its holster. I felt the wind as the bike stopped it could only be about 5 meters from me. I slowly slipped my foot form the stirrups. I heard the sound of a man walking his way to me. I threw my foot over the horse and turn to face my enemy gun pointed straight at his face. The man stood frozen in place. He was wearing a black tunic with white gloves. I instantly realized who it was, Jonathan one of my family’s butlers. I holstered my sidearm, and he relaxed. “I have a message for you sir,” he said. I chuckled then answered, “I’m on leave I’ll take the navy’s message next Monday.” The butler looked surprised but then regained his composure, “Sir, it’s not just from Naval High Command, It’s from Marshal Nemesis. He says it’s urgent.” “And I will answer his call when I get off leave he signed the form himself- “Sir, The Marshal says that we lost our territory in Sagittarius, the K’Luth are invading Lacerta,” he interjected. A deep cold feeling came over me; the thought of the K’Luth invading our home system simply frightened me. I told Jonathan to send word back to Renegade command that I’ll be there within 12 hours. The next news I would receive would make my heart sink.
Admiral Achilles, Star Date 2267.68-74 Personal Log Entry 8,
Upon arrival at the Forward Operating Base Hammer, I learned word that three of our ships had been infected with a K’Luth spore that took over the minds of all the soldiers killing them from the inside out until they were mind controlled shells. The casualties were three of my friends Blade, Guyton, and Kasix. They were gone now to the Alien hoard. Now was not the time for grieving though. UGTO High Command directed any and all available ships to assist in the retaking of the systems of Cincinnati and R33. I had capitalized on this fact and integrated the captains with the Renegades. In a matter of 2 days the RSM fleet had managed to recapture the lost Cincinnati cluster. Even though our hold on it was shaky at best we only lost 3 ships and only a handful of the ship in the Renegades inventory were damaged to the point where they needed to be pull back. Marshals Nemesis and SteveyK led the way through most of the fighting. Nemesis favored using his Elite Assault Dreadnought the Lethe, named after the Greek mythological river of the underworld it translated into River of Oblivion. SteveyK typically had more eclectic taste I was there next to him many times often he would command either his own EAD he named the Claymore, or his Command Dreadnought the Carrions Call. I was taking no chances this time I chose my Battle Dreadnought the USS Acheron for the vast majority of the fights. The K’Luth was by far the most difficult enemy the RSM Battle Fleet encountered. We had often encountered a small band of them on the outskirts of Kaus Borealis, but this new offensive was unlike anything we have seen. They now massed in large groups with many dreadnought sized ships with accompanying support ships. Their tactics seemed almost predatorily like the wolves on Earth. They would seek out smaller ships first and then focused all their fire on the larger ship attacking them one by one. After days upon days of constant fighting we had managed to regain all of our lost territory. A long hard battle that cost many lives, I knew that this was only the beginning, nothing more than a taste of what was to come.

Admiral Achilles *GALATIC MESSAGE SENT FROM DEEP SPACE * Log Entry 9 [Time Stamp Unavailable]:

Aliens. I hate Aliens. The ICC ? I hate them too. You fools you pushed us back beyond the Lacerta Gate thinking what ? That we were so weak that we will just wither and die? For 7 years we sat patiently gathering our forces. While you sat in complacency we grew stronger. You pushed us into the farthest reaches of the galaxy destroying our worlds one by one, but you made one fatal error…

*Achilles appears on a space dock badly scarred he now wears a death watchers mask, the sounds of the internal respirator can be heard. Beside him on either side SteveyK appears his face mostly concealed by his cloak, and Nemesis appears on the opposite side a prominent scar runs across his face.*

You failed to kill us all.

*Behind the three men can be seen what would seem to be an army of soldiers, officers, and RSM admirals. Nemesis nods to the men and they all enter their respected ships.* Cut scene to the outside of the docking area. *The mighty RSM battle Group begin to leave the space dock a wormhole appears and the ships begin to enter.*

You assumed that in our weakness no force and challenge you. And now… finally…We have returned.

*In the peaceful space of R33 cluster a worm hole appears And out pours hundreds of UGTO fighters and the ships of the RSM Battle group.*


Admiral Achilles Personal log Entry # 9B [Day 9-14 of UGTO Reclamation] Star Date 2268.17-.22:

Vengeance. The single word is all that consumes my mind in the present. Hatred has sown its seeds in my heart and over our long time in Exile. Between the dammed Kluth and the equally marked ICC they have completely destroyed everyone thing I have ever loved in this universe. So I have made it my personal priority to deceiver as much pain possible to anyone dumb enough to stand in my way. What was left of the UGTO High Command exists only in name. Our forces though still functional will take some time to return to its original grandeur. The only battle groups that remain relatively unscathed are the Renegades and the Galactic Navy both now partially operate as the head of the UGTO forces. Though I was offered a position on the high council I respectively declined. Administration was never my strong suit. About a half an hour after midday chow I was approached by Nemesis he told me there was a meeting of all Flag Staff he would not tell me what is was regarding only that it was important. Our walk to the council chambers was silent.
Both of us carried scars of past battles since the initial Kluth occupation of Lacerta. He had a very prominent scar that ran diagonally across his face from the destruction of his beloved battle dread. He and a hand full of marines barely made it out alive. Nemesis almost died trying to save his executive officer. The XO died from a collapsing “I” beam “Nem” made it out with a scar. I would imagine he still has nightmares about it. SteveyK was one of the more lucky Flag Officers he didn’t lose a ship but his Command Dreadnought was heavily damage in the Lunar Repel and he suffer second degree plasma burns to the left side of his body. They’re not severe but he still chooses to wear a cloak to cover it up. In truth I think he just wanted to look more menacing. Saturn’s Shadow manages to lose his right eye and left forearm to a Ganglia’s shroud missile that launched shrapnel into the bridge of his Elite Assault Dread. He now sports a new Red cybernetic eye and a titanium arm. Neon also took some burns when a Parasite fired a disrupter into the command bridge of his Battle Dread he decided to copy SteveyK’s new fad and sport a cloak as well. I do believe Steve’s fashion style is going to sweep the Renegades wardrobes soon. As for myself I suffered serious injuries to my upper respiratory system from a fusion fire while trying to evacuate my torpedo cruiser during the Titan Blitz. An antimatter torpedo managed to rip through the armor into the one of my loaded proton torpedo tube and it set off a chain reaction. As I was getting my men into the escape pod an explosion erupted. I was caught in the blast. If it was not for my medical officer refusing to take the first pod I would be dead. I now have to wear what is referred to as a death watchers mask. The respirator is somewhat annoying but I get used to it. Some of the men say that it even adds to my intimidating presence.
IN the council Chamber I listened intently as the Admirals of the High Command were laying out the details for the UGTO navy to reclaim out lost territory. Of course it fell to the Renegades to reclaim Sagittarius territories. Nemesis who had sat in front of me turned to face the RSM Admirals he motioned for us to follow him leaving the briefing mid-way through. We returned to our headquarters and began planning our assault; I was to coordinate the main strike force into R33. Simultaneously Saturn Shadow and Spartan Z were going to lead the Assault in Cincinnati. Finally our time has come to take the fight back to those who drove us from home.
We traveled to R33 through a series of Worm holes. This allowed us to take the all-important tri-planetary system of Paul. For this task Nemesis preferred to be on the combat line. With the XO Steveyk accompanying him the two commanders led the Combat group in a bloody battle. I was tasked out to capture the planets. In this end I decided to lead the bombing group. I felt that I should be the one to launch my fury at the alien that drove me from my home. Upon the command bridge of my Strategic bomber, the Javelin, I caught myself feeling joy for every MiRV bomb that struck the planet. However, after about half of the Cluster was captured I noticed we were not facing the amount of opposition reports originally tracked. We were all wary as we continued to bomb and capture the remaining planets. Our true trials came as we were finishing our capturing of Grace. The fleet was in orbit rebuilding the infrastructure of the planet, preparing it for its new human colonist. Suddenly, our passive long-range sensors picked up a large fleet massing at the Kaus Borealis gate. Though definitively we did not know who was at the gate, in the back of our mind we knew that it was not a friendly welcoming party.
After we felt that the Planets were secure I boarded my command dread the Spatha. By sheer coincidence the engineers never removed the Worm Hole device from the jump drives. The battle group decided to make a two pronged attack the first group would include Nemesis and I would take the chance and use the Worm Hole to maneuver our strike force behind the massing fleet. While SteveyK and Neon would take their strike group and jump straight into the front of the fleet. SteveyK and Neon jumped first, the typical shock and awe technique of SteveyK proved to be more than enough to draw the attention of the of the now identified Kluth fleet. It was comprised of a handful of cruisers a siphon and 2 mandibles and handful of cruisers. It was easy enough targets for our battle harden forces. Shortly after SteveyK and Neon’s forces engaged I opened a Worm Hole and Nemesis and I with our forces traveled through instantaneously. We arrived to the site of SteveyK opening fire on a nearby Kluth parasite cruiser. The cruiser attempted to turn but waited too long the Chemical lasers of SteveyK’s Elite Assault Dreadnought pierced through the soft organic armor of the cruiser. Neon preceded likewise another cruiser exploded in a brilliant blast as his EAD proudly plowed through the remnants of its shell. As the Spatha neared the closest Mandible I ordered for my Gunnery officer to open fire. A volley of Proton Torpedoes and Particle Cannon Bolts flew from my Dread. Finding their target I could see the damage my weapons made, though the Kluth living ship only seemed to be annoyed by my attack. It began to turn to face me. I again launched another volley, another direct hit made more scorching and holes. The alien ship open fired, I could hear the faint hissing as the armor of my Dread was being melted through, another hit would most surely cause hull damage. Again the Spatha released another barrage, this time a chunk of exo-skeletal like armor flew off the alien ship exposing the softer under hull of the ship. Form behind me I watched as Nemesis’ EAD open fired. The lasers made quick work of the wounded vessel. It too erupted in a fiery ball of fusion. The Siphon catching Nemesis and began to turn around to face Nemesis’ ship. Nemesis continued on course charging the Siphon. The Siphon did likewise, it open fired. The heavy disrupter beams could be seen melting through the EAD’s heavy frontal armor, still Nemesis’ ship did not falter. His ship returned fire; the EAD’s chemical lasers and Flux Beam return the favor. The Siphons insect like armor suffered heavily forms the EAD’s attack. As my ship began to move into position the siphon gave another assault again the EAD’s heavy armor absorbed that blast. I closed in on the Siphon and released a volley of Particle canons and Proton torpedoes. The volley met its target slamming into the front of the alien dreadnought. Quickly the Siphon began to turn the alien fleet began to change course and head or the jump gate. The RSM fleets formed a line and push the now fleeing attackers. A radio message came over the comms the voice was familiar but was more distorted and almost distant sounding, “Fools you consider this a victory? This is but a small miniscule triumph, the remnants of your precious Revolutionary Armed Forces shall claim your souls for the hive mind. Enjoy your victory death shall follow suit.” The transmission ended in static. The voice was vaguely similar to an old friend, could it be? Could Bladerunner and the rest of the RAF be alive? I felt a cold tremor run down my spine, an entire flotilla of RSM turned Kluth.
With R33 secure we again turned our eyes on the contested system of Kaus Borealis. Many of my subordinates commented that they haven’t seen me this happy since the success of Operation Befallen Hammer. As the RSM battle group came out of light speed in the system scanners picked up multiple contacts all matching known silhouettes of ICC ships. Without fail Nemesis gave the order for pursuit and kill. The ICC is sometimes overly predictable. I began to think to myself as my new and improved battle dread, The Acheron, began to initiate battle procedures, “It would never fail that if UGTO show intentions for conquering a system the confederates would be there to slow operations down.” That’s was the thing about the ICC, they were phenomenal skirmishers and pilots, but they rarely deploy their forces properly to hold out in a long term battle. I recalled a recent battle not far from the R33 gate; I was on a routine patrol near one of our boarder systems. Neon and I were tasked out to detect a known Kluth supply base in the area. While we were drifting waiting for our jump drives to recharge an old friend paid us a visit. Agamemnon, my longtime rival, jumped in with, what would seem a planetary eradication party. Neon and had to act quickly. I ordered the entire group to adjust course for intercept. My command dread, The Spatha, was slow but had sufficient armor to take on Agamemnon’s new Assault Dreadnought. Neon’s Elite Assault dread began to make quick work of the raiding party the small lightly armored frigates and destroyers fell to the mighty dreadnoughts powerful lasers. As Agamemnon’s dread turned to face me I gave the order for my ships to fire at will. Proton torpedoes and particle cannon fire erupted from the firing ports of my dread. I watched as they slammed into the front shield of Agamemnon’s dread. I could clearly see now the enemy dreadnought bristling with weapons. On the front Agamemnon’s emblem could be seen, similar to mine, the duel crossed swords with a lightning bolt through the middle. It was not all that different from the emblem on the side of my dreadnoughts, I could always admire style. Foolish enough Agamemnon’s dread did not attempt to turn direction he simple charged forward towards me. Another two volleys met their target and dropped his forward shields. In range the Assault Dread open fired. Luckily enough the Spatha had fitted new reflective armor, the beams did minimal damage and the few torpedoes were easily absorbed. Without any supply the raiding party fell quickly as Agamemnon’s dreadnought and mine did the dance of battle. Toe to toe Agamemnon’s ship was formidable, but his light composite armor quickly withered away, soon enough my weapons began to inflict hull damage and the Assault dreadnought broke contact. I watched as the remnants of the raiding party jumped back to ICC space. Now remembering, I didn’t give the order for pursuit, it was too early for killing Admirals. Especially ones I had grown to respect.
I turned my attention back to the fight at hand, I watched as we grew close to the ICC ships this time the simply jumped out of the system. I though it strange that the ICC would behave like that. Likely an engagement somewhere else forced them to redeploy elsewhere. The Battle group maneuvered back around, the capturing of Kaus Borealis wouldn’t take long.
We only needed Kaus Borealis for a short time, enough for us to fortify R33. This task proved to be incredibly hard and annoying. A new Kluth hive mind that calls itself “Army of Darkness” has made Kaus its new favorite hunting ground. Coupled along with the EAFS ICC fleet becoming increasingly bolder with its attacks I will be glad to change operational priorities back to conquest and eradication. Not much to report for this week, though there is something on the horizon that leaves me with an uneasy feeling.

[ This Message was edited by: *Achilles* on 2012-02-10 17:07 ]
There Are no Pacts Between Lions and men.

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Xavier I. Agamemnon
Grand Admiral
Exathra Alliance Fleet

Joined: October 12, 2010
Posts: 357
From: Babylon5
Posted: 2011-11-01 13:17   

Xavier I. Agamemnon
CD/I.C.S Spartacus
HC/I.C.S Athena
CDD/I.C.S Achilles
Leader of the Exathra Alliance Fleet.

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Guyton (Angel of Death)

Joined: January 25, 2004
Posts: 706
Posted: 2011-11-01 14:13   
Pretty good story, it kept me reading
Yes, its scifi lore : https://www.youtube.com/@BlackstarLore

Fatal Mack Bolan(WildCards_58th)*COM*
Fatal Squadron

Joined: June 12, 2010
Posts: 184
From: home planet: Exathra
Posted: 2011-11-01 15:05   
very good story, only found 5 or 6 spelling errors
1st recorded subscription activation 8-17-01 (under a different name & email)
20 years of playing this mo'-fo....amazing isn't it ?
119 on prestige list..
R.I.P. Stephen Hawking
R.I.P. sean connery
R.I.P. adam west

  Email Fatal Mack Bolan(WildCards_58th)*COM*
-xTc- ExisT
Chief Marshal
Army Of Darkness

Joined: March 20, 2010
Posts: 534
From: Red Lobster
Posted: 2011-11-01 19:04   
Good story and accurate, ugto kicked us out of sag and bombed all our SY's last week
*Connection lost, attempting reconnect in 30 seconds....
Do you really want to just pay bills until you die?

Ak-47[Elite Assault Rifle]

Joined: September 17, 2011
Posts: 40
Posted: 2011-11-01 19:09   
Awesome Achilles

Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
The Myrmidon Legion

Joined: December 15, 2009
Posts: 327
Posted: 2011-11-07 08:33   
Part 2 is up for tge log entry guys imput is appreciated
There Are no Pacts Between Lions and men.

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  Email Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon   Goto the website of Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: July 27, 2010
Posts: 106
Posted: 2011-11-07 18:30   
Quite good. 1 Suggestion and 1 question

Suggestion: Write it out in Microsoft word or something to fix the minor spelling and grammar mistakes that sometimes slip by.

Question: Are your logs based on true events?

Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
The Myrmidon Legion

Joined: December 15, 2009
Posts: 327
Posted: 2011-11-07 19:20   
Suggestion comment: Yeah i did but for some reason it spell check failed

There Are no Pacts Between Lions and men.

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Xavier I. Agamemnon
Grand Admiral
Exathra Alliance Fleet

Joined: October 12, 2010
Posts: 357
From: Babylon5
Posted: 2011-11-07 19:49   

On 2011-11-07 18:30, IllusMaze wrote:
Quite good. 1 Suggestion and 1 question

Question: Are your logs based on true events?

yes his and mine are both based off on true events we both update every so often
this one is my version: http://darkspace.net/index.htm?module=forums.php&page=/viewtopic.php?topic=52070&forum=113&11

[ This Message was edited by: Agamemnon (//:CO:\\) on 2011-11-07 19:50 ]

Xavier I. Agamemnon
CD/I.C.S Spartacus
HC/I.C.S Athena
CDD/I.C.S Achilles
Leader of the Exathra Alliance Fleet.

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Faster than Light

Joined: October 15, 2009
Posts: 1812
Posted: 2011-11-07 21:23   

I havent lead a cruiser pack in ages...
Defiance and Opposition, a tribute to teamwork. I will remember always

Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
The Myrmidon Legion

Joined: December 15, 2009
Posts: 327
Posted: 2011-11-08 13:27   
Yeah Defiance you should start doing that again.
There Are no Pacts Between Lions and men.

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Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
The Myrmidon Legion

Joined: December 15, 2009
Posts: 327
Posted: 2011-11-16 09:19   
part 4 is up guys I might put this on hold till Agamemnon starts doing his again. I'm not sure. I will , however include this week after that its at the flip of a coin.
There Are no Pacts Between Lions and men.

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  Email Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon   Goto the website of Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Xavier I. Agamemnon
Grand Admiral
Exathra Alliance Fleet

Joined: October 12, 2010
Posts: 357
From: Babylon5
Posted: 2011-11-17 10:36   
may 24 is when i set out for boot camp.

[ This Message was edited by: Agamemnon (//:CO:\\) on 2011-11-17 12:06 ]

Xavier I. Agamemnon
CD/I.C.S Spartacus
HC/I.C.S Athena
CDD/I.C.S Achilles
Leader of the Exathra Alliance Fleet.

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Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
The Myrmidon Legion

Joined: December 15, 2009
Posts: 327
Posted: 2011-11-17 17:55   
haha Ok which branch? Also good luck

There Are no Pacts Between Lions and men.

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