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 Author If DS falls...

Joined: January 18, 2007
Posts: 147
From: Dev land
Posted: 2007-02-07 18:35   

On 2007-02-07 18:33, Codex-127729 {Just PLAY The Game} wrote:

On 2007-02-07 14:35, Sayin57™ wrote:
Idk... maybe this won't go too far, but I have to atleast propose it...

Maybe it'd be a good idea to, even though this patch is ...not exactly on-point, to start prepairing rollback data now, starting with this patch incase it is required in the longrun?

There r some very small advantages in having one person lok after the main code, one of these things is the fact that the person knows everything there is to know.

It is still insane though and it is a bloody lot of work

Yes it is, which is why he's added two new members onto the dev team to allow them to work on content whilst he can work on core-engine/game development.
Made by Doran

Lark of Serenity
Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: June 02, 2002
Posts: 2516
Posted: 2007-02-07 23:34   
hawk/whoever, youre partly right, some ppl log in and see little to no ppl playing and decide to stop there

OTHER ppl would go on to play, but they see "omg why would u pay for this game" coming from people in the lobby.

in case u dont get my drift: no, the lack of patches isnt helping, but neither are you. (you = the general populace of nay-saying fiends)

one thing ive always, always said: morale is more important than anything else. when i was commanding ICC fleets way the hell back, 2-3 years ago, i didnt care if i got the most skilled pilots or not, it was what they THOUGHT they could do that counted. skill has its merits, but give me a group of mediocre pilots that with the right psychology and they will win.

this isnt any different

the most extreme example: do u think Faustus codes better with people saying "take your time, we want a good game and we know you can do it." or with people saying "why do you suck so much? so many people have left, i think everyone else should leave, give up on your dream" ?

i know what conditions id rather live under

as for the patch itself, i dont know whats rumour or whats fact. i know faustus is working on it, because Darkspace is the culmination of his imagination, its his digital baby. he wont simply abandon it unless even Ent or me or Quistis finally say "time to pack it in."

people say DS is old, getting outdated, thus not worth it anymore. i still play total annhilation. 1997, that games a DECADE old, and i love the hell out of it. how old is pong? people still love it to death. hell, even just the concept to something like battlefield 2142 is HOW old now? ill bet you money that the battlefield series will eventually get jetpacks, and then itll just be a glorified version of Tribes.

DS might be old, but if Faustus can get it up and running again, it will be one of the best MMPOGs out there. i mean, common, its like playing an FPS version of master of orion, how much cooler can you get? not very.

and if youre going to base the viability of a game off whether or not n00b gamers who want better graphics instead of better gameplay know about the game or not, youve got your own problems to worry about sonny. they dont know about DS? give em the damn link, tell em in all likelihood the game will be getting better and that its worth paying now if only to learn enough that the next patch, the better game, will be fun.

thats my 2 dollars Canadian

[ This Message was edited by: Lark of Serenity on 2007-02-07 23:39 ]
Admiral Larky, The Wolf
Don't play with fire, play with Larky.
Raven Division Command - 1st Division

Grand Admiral

Joined: September 13, 2006
Posts: 171
Posted: 2007-02-08 00:04   
If is not the question but WHEN is, richard can't maintain this game

anylonger so its best he sell it or scrape it, I know we have a few loyal

fools and idoits that want to keep this game alive but we must face teh

facts, unless this game get some additional tallent or a publisher

DarkSpace is doomed to go the way of Countless other good mmo's that

had some potentional but not the fiscal numbers to keep them alive in a

hungry greedy world, i am a big fan but i see things as they really are not

as I want them, WE as a community need to Either learn to code C++ and

all the other crap so we can take charge of our game, Fauset has a job and

family its time he dump this game on us.(or someone with the disposable income needed to manage a game like this)

Just a Grand though from....

The Master.

[ This Message was edited by: Vore on 2007-02-08 11:10 ]
When we fail to dream we fail as a society.

  Email µOmniVore
Peter Wiggin

Joined: November 10, 2005
Posts: 636
Posted: 2007-02-08 00:13   

On 2007-02-08 00:04, Vore wrote:
If is not the question but WHEN

This game can make it, so stop being another "Nay Sayer"


I know we have a few loyal

fools and idoits that want to keep this game alive but we must face teh

facts, unless this game get some additional tallent or a publisher

DarkSpace is doomed to go the way of Countless other good mmo's that

had some potentional but not th efiscal numbers to keep them alive in a

hungry greedy world, i am a big fan but i see things as they really are not

as I want them WE as a community need to Either learn to code C++ and

all the other crap so we can take charge of our game Fauset has a job and

family its time he dump this game on us.(or someone with the disposable income needed to manage a game like this)

Just a Grand though from....

The Master.

The more that people hear "DS isnt going to make it, im not going to sub anymore" the more that people will continue to stop subbing and increase the chances of it failing. If people like you just stop being doomsayers, it may have a better chance. What is a topic like this accomplishing anyways? Yet another pointless topic that will not change anything. If you have opinions, keep them to yourself if it does not benefit the community.

Also, if you think it is failing, why do you continue to post "ideas" on the DS beta forums? Also why are you still here? Why waste your money on something you are so sure will fail?

[ This Message was edited by: Anonymous on 2007-02-08 00:30 ]

Sanity Assassin (K'Luth propaganda)
Grand Admiral
Sanity Assassins

Joined: February 19, 2006
Posts: 919
From: Pittsburgh PA, USA
Posted: 2007-02-08 10:50   
I still belive DS will prevail. Im happy to hear about the hardware addition and the fact that a new version seems to be on the way soon. I say we try to help out by letting everyone know from the online world about this game and how fun it is whe we got people in the MV. I have been told that the best way to support DS is to keep Subbed, and I always do. Therfore i am offering to pay 9.99 for any player UTGO, ICC, and K'Luth alike to remain subbed.....this is for those who REALLY DON'T have the cash flow. I will pay for 1 player over myself a month so if your broke, hungry, out of beer and wanna play DS to pass the time and actually PLAY this game more than 2 days a week, gimme a hollar, ill help lend a hand to keep DS alive! How to go about this I do not know yet, but im sure there is a way.

[ This Message was edited by: SANITY ASSASSIN (Save DS) on 2007-02-08 10:53 ]

  Email Sanity Assassin (K'Luth propaganda)   Goto the website of Sanity Assassin (K'Luth propaganda)
Grand Admiral

Joined: September 13, 2006
Posts: 171
Posted: 2007-02-08 10:54   
So they would use one to improve this dieing game simply that, and to start the disscussion on how to make ds a better game with more innovation and less blanace cries, instead we have little kids here who want a black and white game with no other colores or style, untill the game get a more open minded community this game is gona die fast no matter what Fauset does to the actuall game maybe some day this game will go open source and some people will start to actually PLAY again.
When we fail to dream we fail as a society.

  Email µOmniVore
Sanity Assassin (K'Luth propaganda)
Grand Admiral
Sanity Assassins

Joined: February 19, 2006
Posts: 919
From: Pittsburgh PA, USA
Posted: 2007-02-08 10:56   
Vore, that last post really confused me. Wth are you talking about?

......ya, what kanman said.....i say your an undermining moron.

[ This Message was edited by: SANITY ASSASSIN on 2007-02-08 10:59 ]

  Email Sanity Assassin (K'Luth propaganda)   Goto the website of Sanity Assassin (K'Luth propaganda)
Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-02-08 10:57   
Vore, you cant say you love this game and think it has a lot of potential. I have read your 'review' of DS on the online reviewing sites. You trash DS like it is a piece of crap. You tell people not to waste their time or money... Your review alone may well have costed DS dozens of paying players by now.

Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2007-02-08 11:10   
I think Vore is trying to say "We dont need stability with balance, with need to try something NEW! Something DIFFERENT! CHANGE THE GAME!"

Which unfortunately.. is why we are in this mess in the first place.

You know the MV is set up now? You know how the network backend works? You know how different now is from 1.480? That was innovation. At the wrong time.

Innovation is sadly, the problem and not the solution at this present time!

Heres an example. You have a car. This car is working GREAT! It does everything you want it to do, and it gets the job done perfectly. But its... normal. Theres nothing special about it, except that well, its perfect! But its apparently, boring in the fact that it doesnt do anything new.

So you go out, and you paint it something weird, give it huge wheels, install a huge tailpipe, tint the windows PINK, get brighter headlights, and a loud, roaring, mean engine, and huge speakers in the trunk with neon illuminating the beast with nitrous boosters on the end.

And then it looks GREAT! It looks pretty interesting too. And then you take it down the road and find most people think its an eyesore, the music is loud and annoying and the engine is just horrendous. You also find that going faster than you need to gets you in trouble, and eventually, you are in a bigger mess than before.

Innovation, does not equal better. Nor does different equal better.

You can change DS, but in doing so, you ruin how it was designed to be. Thats the problem VORE. The game itself is different from alot of others, and you know what? It does it extremely well.

Is different bad? No! But you know what? Sometimes you dont need something different. Lets look back on the last example.

DS is like an old car of yours. It works well, does what its supposed to, but recently, it came upon some problems. It seems that engine you put in isn't reliable, and the turning is jerking, and your brakes are nearly non existant. At this point its almost too risky to keep driving.

So do you go out and do to it what I said in the first example? What exactly does it help? The engine, the turning, the brakes, they all still suck. And in the end, while it looks good, you just can't drive it.

So what DO you do? You fix it. You repair the problems until its back on its feet and you drive it safely, and your happy with that. Its perfect. And THEN you can change it. Make it look better, drive better, turn better, accelerate quicker, STOP quicker. You can change those things THEN, but doing that now, only makes those problems worse.

But this car is only getting fixed if the mechanic thinks the drivers still care enough about the car to drive it.


[ This Message was edited by: Enterprise on 2007-02-08 11:13 ]


Joined: August 13, 2001
Posts: 1912
From: mrsparkle
Posted: 2007-02-08 13:12   
Hello again everyone.

Here's another problem with DS that is rarely mentioned: DS is a niche game that won't appeal to everyone. It's primarily a team-based PvP mmog in space with little to no PvE.

You simply will not draw large crowds with a niche game like that.

Look at Shadowbane, for anyone familiar with it. It's primarily PvP and does a good job of it. But it can't sustain a large subscriber base. And it never will-no primarily PvP game will-because I'm sure that PvPers are the minority of online subscription-based game players.

So, since DS cannot and should not ever compete with juggernauts like EVE (which I do not play btw, I did not leave DS for another game), it should be marketed as a unique team-based PvP mmog in space. It has to try to attract those players that would be interested in it's specific type of game play, not players who don't want constant PvP because those players will not stick around.

I do plan on coming back even just for a while. If it does seem improved and I do decide to stay, I will promote this game word-of-mouth as an exciting PvP mmog in space with an emphasis on planet-building, star system capturing, and fleet vs fleet combat. Much like certain beloved single player space colonization and conquering games of old, only multiplayer and more intense.

The game won't surive without proper marketing, especially word-of-mouth marketing.

BTW, why is the screenshot that says 'omg lag' STILL there? That screenshot could very well be the #1 killer of the game! Someone really has to get rid of that. New players routinely look at screenshots of games they're interested in, so this one screenshot could be ruining it. Someone please get rid of it For DS's sake lol.


Joined: February 08, 2007
Posts: 27
Posted: 2007-02-08 16:45   
This game might stay alive if you helped new players subscribe

Peter Wiggin

Joined: November 10, 2005
Posts: 636
Posted: 2007-02-08 17:19   
Most people dont have the same problem you have. You do realize patience is a virtue? if you read the topic you created and spammed in, you would see two posts that help you.

[2006] - Codex09

Joined: August 16, 2006
Posts: 187
From: Sydney Australia
Posted: 2007-02-08 18:31   

On 2007-02-08 10:54, Vore wrote:
So they would use one to improve this dieing game simply that, and to start the disscussion on how to make ds a better game with more innovation and less blanace cries, instead we have little kids here who want a black and white game with no other colores or style, untill the game get a more open minded community this game is gona die fast no matter what Fauset does to the actuall game maybe some day this game will go open source and some people will start to actually PLAY again.

U know i would love it if this game went to open source!

I for one would spend all of my spare time working on making it a better game, and I would make more spare time. I think I could also quite possibly get some of the other people I work with to help me out.

The unfortunate thing is I don't think that DS will ever be open source unless someone was to make Richard an offer he couldn't refuse to buy the game from him then they made it open source.

Yes black and white thinking is not a good way to go but in the world today it is sometimes (nearly always actually) the easiest way to go.

My last words on this are, when new players come to DS I have noticed that a majority of people are willing to help thm, however there is also a small group/number of people that give new players a hard time.
Now to an adult or a person that is mature enough being called a name like noob has very little if any effect, however this same name when used on someone that may already feel like they are an outsider can be enough to drive them away. The list of things that can drive people away from a game could very possibly have hundreds if not thousands of things in it and for people to start pointing fingers at each other saying you are doing this by saying that is not going to help either.

I have always believed that speaking the truth is usually the best way to go and believe me I have many many people around the place that hate me because I speak the truth or refuse to support their incorrect ideas or lies.

the fact is DS is on the very brink of staying or going, and I can understand that some of the people here may be a little upset or angry when people say things that may be precieved as an attack on DS or as things that may be of no help to DS.

I think in all truth that Richard may well have already made his mind up on what DS's future is, the fact that he is upgrading some hardware this Saturday may be his last attempt to bring more people into the game b4 he makes that decission to close DS. I can sort of understand the problem Richard has with DS as it has been something he has worked with and then owned for many years now, I am completely sure that he won't close DS while he thinks there is some sort of hope for it, but as a business man he also has to try to distance himself from the emotional attachment to the game and think about the financial side of things (which I am pretty sure he has also done).

To all those people who have supported DS for such a long time I say you should be commended for your loyalty to the game, but there are also other people who just cant afford to continue to support a game that just isn't working how it is supposed to (I am one of these people). These are the people that have slowly given up on the game over the past months and for some of these people DS will never be a part of their online gaming experience again.

Maybe in time DS will make a come back but my guess is if there is a come back it isn't going to be a huge mass of people but something is better than nothing.

DS's fate is something we will all find out about as time goes by.

[ This Message was edited by: Codex-127729 {Just PLAY The Game} on 2007-02-08 18:57 ]
Old enough to know better, yet young enough to still learn.


Joined: February 08, 2007
Posts: 27
Posted: 2007-02-08 18:53   
Looks like the game and the community isn't very good, mabey I'll just not bother SUBSCRIBING

Grand Admiral

Joined: December 01, 2003
Posts: 602
From: NJ, USA
Posted: 2007-02-09 06:18   

On 2007-02-08 18:53, JediSwift wrote:
Looks like the game and the community isn't very good, mabey I'll just not bother SUBSCRIBING

Community's just fine, and most of the people are missing

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