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 Author Lets see the top ten in credits..
Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2006-10-20 16:47   
ok, gonna grab on to that tangent and run with it...

A very real point was made by a previous post here and that is "Many players abuse game bugs and exploits without fear of the Mods or Admins."

That couldnt be more true. Many players will break the rules knowingly and willfully everyday, because they know if they do it fast enough no one will have time to get the mountains of evidence against them, and there is almost NEVER a mod in-game anymore. now, Doran does a darn fine job moderating the lobby. But we need AT LEAST 1 mod on each faction ALL THE TIME. If the current mods cannot find the time to do this, then it is time to promote more mods.

Also, Mods and Admins have to start KEEPING TRACK of warnings they give out. They often go so long between actually catching someone breaking a rule that the same person will be warned repeatedly for the same offense (which they knew was wrong to begin with). The RoC says that you get a warning, then kicked, then banned (or something along those lines), but all people are getting are warning, warning, warning, warning, warning.....

When are you guys gonna drop the hammer? Come on. These players are not morons. They know when they are crossing the line. If the guidelines for Mods and Admins to start laying down the law are so constricting on their authority, then it is time for the guidelines to be loosened.

A game requires rules to be played properly. The Mods and Admins are the police of the game rules. Without fear of the Mods and Admins, the game turns to anarchy. It's like playing monopoly, but players keep just taking properties and money from eachother and the bank all the time and there is no one there to stop it.

Want me to put my money where my mouth is? I'll do it. Make me a Mod. Ill keep an eye on UGTO whenever I am in game (which you all know is a reasonably large number of hours per week). Teach me all the commands I have access to and how to use them properly, and Ill do it. Heck, I already point out to players on UGTO when they are doing something wrong. Just, without authority, it's 50-50 on if they will listen to me.

P.S. Jack would make a great Mod, too. He knows the players arent dumb and he will drop the hammer *snap* just like that. I would certainly keep my ducks in order if he was a mod.

P.P.S. Smartin could do the job, too.

[ This Message was edited by: Kanman *FC2* on 2006-10-20 16:51 ]

Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2006-10-20 16:52   
Isnt that credits realy matter, it's that said players have gone against the RoC, after staff have already taken actions against such things.

  Email Supertrooper
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2006-10-20 17:07   

Sorry, got carried away with the p.s. in Kanman's post!

[ This Message was edited by: BackSlash *Jack* on 2006-10-20 17:08 ]

Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 22, 2006
Posts: 2815
From: Philly
Posted: 2006-10-20 17:40   
If I wasn't scared enough at jack being dev... that thought certainly does it....
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Lark of Serenity
Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: June 02, 2002
Posts: 2516
Posted: 2006-10-20 18:11   
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 1.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

- This is what DS is about, and i feel sometimes that people have strayed from this.

Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

- leave eachother the hell alone. if someone looks like theyre exploiting, request a mod/admin to take a look, dont start a flamewar.
- it doesnt matter what someone posted about DS on some website, thats their problem.

i probably can find similar notions as these in the RoC, but the UDHR is a lot shorter =)

and yes, more moderators are needed i think.

[ This Message was edited by: Lark of Serenity on 2006-10-20 18:12 ]
Admiral Larky, The Wolf
Don't play with fire, play with Larky.
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Grand Admiral

Joined: September 04, 2002
Posts: 393
Posted: 2006-10-20 18:14   
his time is best spend on fixin the game.

don't even try treating the symptoms, just get rid of the source.

no, and that does in no way mean "ban goth" or stuff like that.

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Grand Admiral

Joined: August 04, 2005
Posts: 1107
From: Michigan
Posted: 2006-10-20 19:03   
I accept...wait..yes...i accept.

p.s. I know I just accepted nothing. This brings up a good conversation borgie and I had with Shig the other day in the MV. I am in US EST time zone and when I get out of work I never see a mod on the Kluth side. It would be nice to have someone their that can keep an eye out. Not saying i am the person for the job but Kanmans right lets do somethign.

[ This Message was edited by: Smartin(anti-slinki) on 2006-10-20 19:35 ]

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GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-10-20 22:11   

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GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-10-21 00:28   
you know what yall, im not gonna justify myself to you all, believe what you want you always do....i am not like the rest of the n00bs here and exploit the game system anymore....like what happened 3 1/2 years ago, except the thing is im not exploiting anything.....how i got these creds is an accident pure and simple believe it or not its up to you.....

i am not a problem player anymore...i am behaving myself, i have calmed down on the anti-bomber rants, i have calmed down on everything else.....

now on to the accident i was loading some HMA's up from Jasha 10 level 10's for stations....when i got back to the home system jasha got leveled. and when i tried to unload the HMA's unto the sag starport i lagged something aweful...it froze a good 2-3 minutes and i just logged, im way to impatient and i was gonna go building but, i just freaking logged...i logged to try to prevent these credits from goin any higher...thats the truth pure and simple, and i was gonna tell shig about it but as usual he's never on when i am or if im in the lobby and not talking he's there or vice versa....believe it or not i was just as shocked as you all were....i havent checked the Rankings in 3 days as i have been in the hospital getting my teeth yanked out and i got home 2 nights ago....but anyways thats what happened...i dont want anyone to think im a cheater because im not

  Email GothThug {C?}
[2006] - Codex09

Joined: August 16, 2006
Posts: 187
From: Sydney Australia
Posted: 2006-10-21 00:39   
Just to answer Doran's question I am here because I liked playing this game, however over the past few weeks like a few others I have seen people doing nothing but finding different reasons to pick on Goth.

I dont play many games that are based online simply due to the fact that I enjoy just playing a game at my own pace and I know that whatever I do will only affect me and no-one else.

When I stumbled over Ds and thats all it was a stumble because it is hidden away on most of the sites you find it on I logged on to find a community that I thought was ok, people seeme to be getting on with each other and things were going alright, now however or should I say over the last lets say month or so it's not only the quality of the game that has gone down hill with the lag problem and the excessive bombing but the way some of the community is treating other people has also gone down hill.

This will only hurt the game and the quote I put into my last msg on this thread was what some other person had wrote about the game on one of the sites that has a link on this site the link is


or it might have been the other one I can't remember

and basically I don't think that users that read something like that would really want to give DS a try.

Whether DS survives or not really has nothing to do with me cause when it comes down to it I am just another paying player, but it has a lot of potential to be a great game once again but some things need to change and whether they do or not is not up to me.

It would be a real shame to loose a game because of a small group of people adding to the problems the game is already having.

[ This Message was edited by: [3RAR]Codex-09.66.14{Aussie Battler} on 2006-10-21 01:05 ]
Old enough to know better, yet young enough to still learn.

Grand Admiral

Joined: January 24, 2004
Posts: 1729
From: sitting somewhere drinking beer
Posted: 2006-10-21 01:52   

On 2006-10-20 16:47, Kanman *FC2* wrote:
ok, gonna grab on to that tangent and run with it...

A very real point was made by a previous post here and that is "Many players abuse game bugs and exploits without fear of the Mods or Admins."

That couldnt be more true. Many players will break the rules knowingly and willfully everyday, because they know if they do it fast enough no one will have time to get the mountains of evidence against them

This is for the most part true. It always has been and it always will be. However we MUST take the time to “get the mountains of evidence” and even then we sometimes make mistakes and take action against a player when it is not Warranted (I myself have done this and I know other staff have as well in the past)

and there is almost NEVER a mod in-game anymore.


And you know this how? Yes it is common knowledge that I have 3 clone accounts….Can you name them? Is 3 all I have? How often are they in game? When my Icon is gray…Or Dorans, Or Madbums, or any Staff member for that matter how is it that you somehow know we are not in game? Furthermore, just because you do not SEE me in game does this mean I am NOT? Trust me friends and neighbors YOU have NO idea what Lag is until you have experienced being a Moderator while In Game, You can not even grasp the meaning of Spam until you have done this. All you see is your Faction chat…some Clan chat…..the occasional /t or /y WE SEE EVERYTHING When you SEE me in game know that I am PLAYING, because if I were Moderating you would not see me. If I tried to play AND Moderate My Computer would burst into flames.

now, Doran does a darn fine job moderating the lobby.

Yes he does. Without question.

But we need AT LEAST 1 mod on each faction ALL THE TIME.


Not possible I don’t care how many Mods we have THAT is just not possible this game runs 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year……I defy you to get “AT LEAST 1 mod on each faction ALL THE TIME

If the current mods cannot find the time to do this, then it is time to promote more mods.


From where? Mod Depot? Mods R Us? Which of the currently 14 (FOURTEEN) players in the lobby would you have us Promote? Or perhaps you would have one of the 17 currently in Game promoted? This topic has been discussed among the staff on more than one occasion and it has been decided that the current player base doesn’t warrant more moderators, however when 1.484 is released we expect to have a need to.


Also, Mods and Admins have to start KEEPING TRACK of warnings they give out. They often go so long between actually catching someone breaking a rule that the same person will be warned repeatedly for the same offense (which they knew was wrong to begin with). The RoC says that you get a warning, then kicked, then banned (or something along those lines), but all people are getting are warning, warning, warning, warning, warning....


I Fail to see where you get your information (False as it is) Do you have access to Staff Chat? No? Ah! No wonder you are so misinformed……. You only know what you SEE!
* Sent [MODTALK]: "and you do not see messages like this"
• Sent [STAFFSEND]: “Messages like this?”
• =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
• [MODERATOR] [=CSA=]Feralwulf @89474 Sent "And you will not see THIS unless you seek the Wrath of Mod"
• =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
• Quite Different from the one everyone in lobby sees
• [MODERATOR] [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "which looks like this"

As for Warnings…. Let’s review The RoC, and Clarify (as it was taught to me)
Dealing with Problem Players: Warnings and Actions

Before pushing Players off a server for exploits, be sure that the behavior is a known exploit.
If unsure, bring it up as soon as possible in the Moderator forum and/or email the PaleStar staff. Players should only be pushed for known exploits unless their behavior poses a critical threat to the integrity of the game.

Players should not be pushed/banned for in-game ignorance.
However, in-game stupidity (intentional ignorance bordering on malice which negatively impacts game play for other Players) is another matter, and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Read Investigate, Get evidence, and don’t ream the newbies that don’t know any better.

Never take punitive actions against anyone without due cause or a reasonable explanation.
Especially avoid "impulsive" responses to Player behavior. Always mete out admonishments with an even hand. Punitive actions should only be used as a last resort when all other attempts to entice the Player to voluntarily correct his/her behavior have been exhausted.

Don’t Jump straight to the Kick/Ban Gun Cabinet (Furthermore without due cause or a reasonable explanation.) Means investigate, and if action taken, Post the report in Staff Forums , it does not mean I must give YOU “The Offender” a Reasonable Explanation….However if you wish, when you return from your Kick or Ban I usually will do so.


Always warn a user before you take any action against them.
As stated above, some users after being warned will realize their actions and stop. Then again, there are some that want to cause as much grief as possible to other participants. However, never hesitate to take action if you see a person causing repeated trouble to participants, whether it be vulgar language, racial comments, or a total disrespect for others. This is grounds for an immediate kick action. (I have wanted to address this one for a while now as it is the complaint against me that I most often receive)

I’ll go over that one again: Always warn a user before you take any action against them.
As stated above, some users after being warned will realize their actions and stop. Then again, there are some that want to cause as much grief as possible to other participants. However, never hesitate to take action if you see a person causing repeated trouble to participants, whether it be vulgar language, racial comments, or a total disrespect for others. This is grounds for an immediate kick action.

Note the Bold text? If you have been warned many times, in fact Kicked And or Banned before for the same offense I do NOT HAVE TO WARN you “This is grounds for an immediate kick action”

If your conduct whether it be vulgar language, racial comments, or a total disrespect for others is excessively Offensive, or could by any reasonable person be KNOWN to be wrong and or a Violation of The RoC I do NOT HAVE TO WARN you “This is grounds for an immediate kick action”

Bear this in mind next time you wish to toss the F word out there, or exchanged Barbed comments (even in jest) with another player

For most basic infractions, Moderators should use the following formula for dealing with problem Players:

First Offense: Polite request

Second Offense: Issue warning

Third Offense: Kick/Push the user for 10 minutes.

Fourth Offense: Issue second warning

Fifth Offense: Ban the user for 24 hours.

Sixth Offense: Final warning

Seventh Offense: Expulsion/Account Termination

Ok 1) If We ran strictly to this there would MAYBE be 3 or 4 of you guys left, and they would be demanding our immediate demodding. And 2) I personally DO follow this guidline as much as I can, but my mere Mod powers will only allow me to Ban you for 24 hours, so after the 7th offense I just Ban you when you step out of line and add a request for Admin review to my report. I believe this to be standard across the board with all of us on Staff.

When are you guys gonna drop the hammer? Come on. These players are not morons. They know when they are crossing the line. If the guidelines for Mods and Admins to start laying down the law are so constricting on their authority, then it is time for the guidelines to be loosened.


Ask around. My “Hammer” Drops quite often. I am not shy about it. I truly HATE to Kick or Ban anyone, you will never understand what it means to me to do that, how it makes me feel…..but rest assured I do not hesitate; I do not shy away from it. To my knowledge NONE of the staff Enjoys Kicking or Banning players but at the same time NONE of us will hesitate to do so IF it is warranted

Want me to put my money where my mouth is? I'll do it. Make me a Mod. Ill keep an eye on UGTO whenever I am in game (which you all know is a reasonably large number of hours per week). Teach me all the commands I have access to and how to use them properly, and Ill do it.

Players almost invariably Play less after being Modded, and after promotion to Admin they a rarely seen(though are on line WAY more often than any of you think)

Why is this? It varies depending on the staff member in question so I won’t even get into it. Most of you seems to think that “Well If I were a Mod I would just Ban him now and be done with it” Well actually…..No you wouldn’t If you did (in most cases) you would incur the Wrath of Mithrandir or Scotty…Yes it is true! We Mods ARE Moderated by others, and they do not hesitate to lower the boom on us if WE step out of line! But Trust me when the time comes for new Mod elections I will keep you in mind.

Heck, I already point out to players on UGTO when they are doing something wrong. Just, without authority, it's 50-50 on if they will listen to me.

That 50-50 doesn’t improve with authority trust me.

P.S. Jack would make a great Mod, too. He knows the players arent dumb and he will drop the hammer *snap* just like that. I would certainly keep my ducks in order if he was a mod.

…No comment.

P.P.S. Smartin could do the job, too.

Again No comment.

The Fact remains however that The Staff (both Moderators and Admins) are here Far more often than you will ever know. At times we maintain a visible presence and at times we do not. We DO investigate /reports by players, but you (even if you are the reporter) will rarely if ever know what if anything was done, this protects the privacy of the “Offender”.

Every so often a topic such as this pops up. Players Bemoaning the inaction of The Staff, yet when we “Tighten the reins” it NEVER Fails that those who demanded said tightening are ALWAYS the first to Cry “Mod Nazi” and “You guys are too strict”…….Usually (in my experience) this is due to the fact that most of you want us to be stricter with everyone…..except you of course.

As for The matter of Goththug, his Actions, Conduct, and any possible abuse of the game system…. Surprisingly MANY of his most vocal accusers are little better than he is in this regard, in fact more than a few (I see from looking at the watch list) are actually (by enforcement of the RoC according to THEIR standards) MORE deserving of a Perma-Ban than Goth is….To be honest If I were not so bound by the guidelines we staff are expected to adhere to I would have already repeatedly banned more than one or two.

Note: It is NOT the Poster (in this case Kanman) that I have taken issue with, but the Views expressed in the post which I know are shared by many of you. You all want to be a Mod, you all know you can do better than the current Mods, You all think there should be more Mods…….NONE of you wants to be Moderated however, it’s always “The other guy” that should be Mute/Kicked/Banned.

I AM a Moderator, I take it seriously. I often use humor to defuse a situation, and act like a jackass, but I do my job, and at the risk of seeming to brag I think I do it rather well. I am Honored and privileged to be on the staff with what in MY opinion is without question the best Moderating/Admin Staff online today bar none. It is NOT however Easy, it is VERY rarely “Fun”, and the rewards are few and far between.

Don't mess with old dudes...age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!

Chief Marshal

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 1276
Posted: 2006-10-21 02:14   
That brought a tear to me eye, it did.

  Email Mithrandir

Raven Warriors

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 2673
Posted: 2006-10-21 02:24   
You know, I'm pretty sure Lark and Feral just owned everyone in the thread with their posts.


Joined: March 19, 2006
Posts: 268
From: Manchester, England
Posted: 2006-10-21 05:17   
Rather than reducing every1 to 10 million credits why dont you do some sort of fair deal. because people like ronzo tops no711 sheng taxi etc who have been here for years, I dont think its fair on them but ppl that have played for years must have earned it why take it away from them just because of goth over exploitation of money.

I think you should reduce every1 that has over 50 million that has been on less than 1 and a haft years should be put down to 10 million dont punish every1 for 1 persons actions or a few make them pay not us

P.S goth u complain everyday about mirving exploits and you go and exploit even worse. u have no right to complain, i hope you get banned if you are money cheating.
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Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2006-10-21 08:03   

Things could be worse, as credit exploiting goes.
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