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Forum Index » » English (General) » » The Uprising of the UGN...
 Author The Uprising of the UGN...
Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 17, 2007
Posts: 395
From: Liverpool, Great Britain
Posted: 2009-01-02 13:13   
The ships were engaged.

There was no turning back now, Admiral Veronw decided. He had commited every last ship to the fight. If anything was to go wrong now, it would be fatal to the mission.

He had been planning this black op for months. A special operation, too delicate for the UGTO Navy and too strong for the UGTO special fighter crews. That was why the UGN had been formed. A crack unit of 25 ships that were able to be fully ready for any potential op. The leader had been a former spy, a cunning captain in his own right, he had staged no less than 14 ambushes upon ICC Cruisers in the last year, destroying each within minutes using his Assault destroyer and the two harrier frigates he had had under his command as a Captain. The UGN was especially intrested in him when they heard that he had crippled an ICC bomber dread, when under fire from seirious opposition around the planet 'Oymvre'. He saved the lives of 200 million people that day.

These thoughts were as nothing to him presently however, as he seized up the situation standing around a holographic presentation of the battlezone. There had been months of planning for this day. The UGN had been ordered to send a clear messege to the ICC of the UGTO's strength. He had accepted. The target was the planet Azuk, which held heavy value for the ICC as a staging post into Sagittarus.

The black-painted armor of the Battle Dread Revenant shuddered as another Ion pulse hit. The Strike force of 25 ships had jumped in only 20 seconds ago. 20 Seconds, and the ICC picket patrols had already managed to scream for help. That was, of course, before the Torpedo Cruiser Wraith had silenced it with a full alpha of it's weapons. The battle over the planet was bloody, but after just 1 minute and 45 seconds, everything but the Command carrier had been destroyed. That was an amazing achievement seeing as the ICC forces defending Azuk consisted of 12 Combat destroyers, 4 Assault cruisers and a Combat dreadnaught. The Command Carrier hadn't been noticed in the month's recon time prior. Perhaps it had been there for repairs, even so, it would not matter and would be another part of the coup as fire poured in on it from all sides, overloaded it's sheilds and hulled it. A frigate turned and put a burst of burning plasma into the hole in the hull and twisted to escape the massive explosion that ensued. The battle over Azuk had ended, and even as the light from the Carrier's explosion dissipated, the 3 command dreadnaughts of the strike force had launched bombs at the infanty stations around Azuk.

--- End of Chapter One---

--- Chapter Two ---

The mood within the Infantry landing pod was grim. The battle above the planet had gone well, possibly too well, but as the pod dropped through the blackness of space and began to flare as it entered the atmosphere, there was no shouts of jubilation, no high-fives. Only silence.

The pod spread what stubby wings it had and began to slow down. Using the enhanced sensors of these pods, they were all on course to land within a 1-kilometer radius, with the command pod at the center. They came down in quick succession. The pod that contained Company A, under the command of Corporal Leo 'Leonide', smashed onto the planet with a bump, gouging twin waves of soil out from under it's heavy mass and leaving a divot the size of an old football pitch. Leonide barked an order, and the soldiers under his command released their landing harnesses. He went to the door of the ship, and making sure that his soldiers had their guns drawn he punched a button on the control pad next to him. The door hissed slightly as the room was compressed, then wailed as the metallic doors split in two directions, opening horizontally. The soldiers filed out and began to set up defensive positions whilst they were waiting for the remainder of the battalion to march in. Then, they were not only going to fight, they were going to win. Leonide looked over his troops and smiled to himself, his face reflected in his combat suit. He then returned to digging a fire pit...

--- End of Chapter Two ---

--- Chapter Three ---

Veronw looked at the tactical display, then looked away, wiping his eyes before returning.

It was definate. The ICC were organizing a response. He deicided it was no big threat to the mission, since he knew from the transponder logs recovered from the ICC Command Carrier that the size of the UGTO force hadnt been communicated. As far as the response group knew, the UGTO had had the element of surprise. Veronw smiled to himself. He knew that no matter what, they would not be expecting the planet to be fortified with 25 of the UGTO's best fighting ships and the 10 defense platforms that he had ordered his command ships to start construction upon. Not to mention the 4 supply platforms that were to be built from the few remains left of the ICC ships. He glanced at the tactical display again. The ships were 30 minutes from Azuk. He ordered his ships to prepare for a fight.

As B and C company marched into the arbitary 'beach-head' that the assault force had taken, Leonide met up with his two LT's. Somehow, their marches hadn't been noticed by ICC ground forces, a miracle given the circumstances. C company, under the command of Chris 'Crim' Fear, had even had to walk past an ICC tank company.

Leonide knew that the best option would be to force the tanks into a city. The troops under his command were street fighters and would be able to take them on. He ordered the troops to move towards the nearby city of Rezgul, 13kilometers away. It was to be a long march, and he did not want to miss his schedule.

--- End of Chapter Three ---

--- Chapter Four ---

Leonide looked in his telescopic visor again. He knew that someone was going to have to scout even further across the open plain. The ICC had attempted small terraforming processes, and a few dead forests had been the result. They would be invaluable, but keeping order within a small dead forest would be hard, especially since the forest most likely was too small to contain the battalion.

Staff Sargent James 'Dawg' was picked for the scouting operation. He was not one of the most respected or liked of soldiers. Far from it. But he had amazing stealth skills, his training record would testify this, if he hadnt have already broken into the UGTO senate only to leave his application form on the security minister's desk.

He was a spec-ops assassin. A ranger. He had won the gold star for bravery and valor in combat. He donned his black and grey - blotched camoflage armor, checked the safties on his M-126B Silenced Laser Rifle, and left for the nearest pothole in the plain below. His target was a hill, just half a klick away from the city boundaries that was covered in forest. He would set up camp there and quietly recon the city.


Meanwhile, Leonide was busy thinking of ways to assault the city and get the tanks inside the city. A small intrusion into city would not warrant the tank brigade's attention, as it would be just an infantry assault and they would want to keep property damages to a minimum.

However, he could not scare them into the city either, as his infantry battalion did not have the heavy weapons to fight on open ground.

That left one option. He would have to disable the anti-air defenses that were within the city, and hope that a bomber strike on the tanks would scare them into the citie's protective bubble shield.

A faint smile spread onto his list as he assembled his strike team...

---End of Chapter Five---

To be written...
[ This Message was edited by: The Alpha Zombie on 2009-01-02 13:14 ]
[ This Message was edited by: The Alpha Zombie on 2009-01-03 10:50 ]
[ This Message was edited by: The Alpha Zombie on 2009-01-03 11:06 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Deltaflyer the second on 2009-01-31 18:58 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Deltaflyer the second on 2009-02-04 13:03 ]

Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 17, 2007
Posts: 395
From: Liverpool, Great Britain
Posted: 2009-01-03 11:07   
Bump with two new chapters.

Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 17, 2007
Posts: 395
From: Liverpool, Great Britain
Posted: 2009-02-02 16:55   
Bumpitty bump with chapters 4 and 5.

Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: October 01, 2005
Posts: 1553
From: Newport News, Virginia
Posted: 2009-02-02 17:26   
interesting read. please continue.

captain of the ICC Assault Cruiser C.S.S. Sledgehammer

  Email Leonide
Vice Admiral

Joined: October 11, 2003
Posts: 150
From: vermilion AB
Posted: 2009-02-03 00:44   
Not a bad story!

  Email Jaydawg   Goto the website of Jaydawg
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