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Forum Index » » English (General) » » Chillin in Proc - Gasp? Death!
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 Author Chillin in Proc - Gasp? Death!

Joined: June 04, 2005
Posts: 85
Posted: 2009-08-03 00:17   
So here we are, going through proc. We have a few dreads with us, some support, and lots of.. well, you fill it in.

Although I understand that Proc is infested with Mi... does it really have to be about instant-mega death (I assume their swarming/following is programmed this way) from a 5-6 fleets of Mi dreads + nodes with enough ECCM's to show particles of dark matter? (ignore the poorly thought out joke).

I give you, Proc spam?

(warning: 1.1mb file)

About 30-50 odd ships (im sorry, im not going to sit there and count) following anything that moves makes some parts of this unplayable. Though I know this is acceptable to some (mostly because they do not go into proc, or whatever little reason), but dont you think this is a bit 'new player'-unfriendly?

I mean, if this is what it takes to slap in a few random elites in Proc, doesn't that kind of ruin things if even 5-6 dreads/stations die in seconds? Dont give me all this about tactics or 'strategy'. Its very user-unfriendly and a deterrant, in my eyes.
[ This Message was edited by: Shadow Wraith [Elite] on 2009-08-03 00:21 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Shadow Wraith [Elite] on 2009-08-03 00:26 ]


Joined: February 23, 2009
Posts: 12
Posted: 2009-08-03 00:32   
dark's tactic of pulling them into the planet made abit of mess... The moment we uncloaked we died...

Winters Rapture
Fleet Admiral
United Nations Space Command

Joined: December 09, 2007
Posts: 355
Posted: 2009-08-03 00:49   
Don't worry, your sig is still 0.0. You'll ne fine

But yea, It's prbably not a very good idea to solo proc, because they willl spawn spam. All that I can offer is have one person distract them in something VERY fast, Then you pick off what you want.
Time for revenge. . .


Joined: June 04, 2005
Posts: 85
Posted: 2009-08-03 01:00   
First off, I wasnt alone or anything - we had dreads+supp, second off, I was out of their ping range, so my sig was fine at that single point of time to take a screenie..

Whether *I* personally know better is besides the point, new players dont.

Even with all that said and done, the basic and core point is that its very user-unfriendly. Especially as the servers are not listed as beginner/intermediate/advanced or something to give new players some form or idea that 'hey wait, I shouldn't go there unless I want to get reared by 15 dreads, 10 cruisers, 10 dessys, 5 supports, and 2 nodes after they jump nearly right over you.

[ This Message was edited by: Shadow Wraith [Elite] on 2009-08-03 02:44 ]

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: July 12, 2007
Posts: 140
From: mbllanes
Posted: 2009-08-03 05:21   
I understand from your ship configuration that your Kluth, even though they are tons of MI, the are all stupid AI's, there are ways to deal with them before you could effective kill whats left of them.

Ask around veteran procycon kluth players, they know how to handle them.

And if you're kluth, don't consider them ur enemies, consider them as your PET, and i call them my PET.


Point Of No Return
Chief Marshal
United Nations Space Command

Joined: December 24, 2007
Posts: 78
Posted: 2009-08-03 10:39   
Awah poor little bugs, try working in Proc. without cloaks. And the Mir are more advanced than the lutes anyway, according to game lore. I do wish I had seen your visit to Proc it sounds like a refreshing aspect to DS.


Joined: June 04, 2005
Posts: 85
Posted: 2009-08-03 11:20   
Again, some of you people dont seem to read the full thread, or even at all., or need to get your eye sight checked.

This has NOTHING to do with me being kluth or the Mi being my pet. We ticked off a few of them.

This has NOTHING to do with you criticizing the faction I chose or what I did with it.

This has NOTHING to do with you not knowing who I really am or my skill (do not give me some pointless inane banter about skill or talk to vets)

This has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that a new inexperienced player who is testing DS may find going into proc and being spammed to insta-death by those 15 dreads, 10 cruisers, 10 destroyers, 5 supports and 2 nodes VERY annoying and deterring to the point of not wanting to play.

I even bolded terms that some of you seem to have trouble with when reading this post. Am I nice or what?

[ This Message was edited by: Shadow Wraith [Elite] on 2009-08-03 11:22 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Shadow Wraith [Elite] on 2009-08-03 11:22 ]

Raven Warriors

Joined: May 23, 2002
Posts: 284
From: 10 minutes away in a fast boat
Posted: 2009-08-03 12:00   

On 2009-08-03 11:20, Sir Kestal wrote:
Again, some of you people dont seem to read the full thread, or even at all., or need to get your eye sight checked.

This has NOTHING to do with me being kluth or the Mi being my pet. We ticked off a few of them.

This has NOTHING to do with you criticizing the faction I chose or what I did with it.

This has NOTHING to do with you not knowing who I really am or my skill (do not give me some pointless inane banter about skill or talk to vets)

This has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that a new inexperienced player who is testing DS may find going into proc and being spammed to insta-death by those 15 dreads, 10 cruisers, 10 destroyers, 5 supports and 2 nodes VERY annoying and deterring to the point of not wanting to play.

I even bolded terms that some of you seem to have trouble with when reading this post. Am I nice or what?

[ This Message was edited by: Shadow Wraith [Elite] on 2009-08-03 11:22 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Shadow Wraith [Elite] on 2009-08-03 11:22 ]

Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but proc is not the place for a noob to be hanging out. afaik they're supposed to start in rogen's rift.. gain some experience and move from there, so that excuse isn't really valid. And again, afaik (as well as what i've heard) other smaller fleets have survived in proc. why did you die? well, you already said not to mention tactics, so I won't. maybe you just pissed off the Darkspace gods and got punished?
-so precious lovin the thrill...

Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2009-08-03 12:15   

On 2009-08-03 11:20, Sir Kestal wrote:

All I read in your post.

  Email Supertrooper

Joined: June 04, 2005
Posts: 85
Posted: 2009-08-03 12:17   

On 2009-08-03 12:15, Crim {Pants?} wrote:

On 2009-08-03 11:20, Sir Kestal wrote:

All I read in your post.

Well played, good sir. Well played.

Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2009-08-03 13:00   
I'm pretty sure the first time the newbie dies, he'll go "I shouldn't be here".

Kind of like trying to fight Brock with a level 5 charmander

Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2009-08-03 13:18   

On 2009-08-03 13:00, Fattierob wrote:
I'm pretty sure the first time the newbie dies, he'll go "I shouldn't be here".

Kind of like trying to fight Brock with a level 5 charmander

Try a level 4 Charmander, and no other pokemon.


  Email Supertrooper
Vice Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2009
Posts: 14
From: UK
Posted: 2009-08-03 13:59   
Wow. None of this really address any of the points raised by Sir Kestal...

How are noobs supposed to know NOT to go into Proc?

How are noobs supposed to know that Rogens is the place test their mettle?

I don't consider myself a total noob but if I did go into a server as part of a fleet looking for combat and we all got popped by a completely overwhelming force then I would wonder what the purpose of that server was?

I wouldn't think 'Oh dear, my tactics weren't up to scratch'. There are no tactics that nullify odds of 20:1 (except cloaking or running away) and that's not what I imagine people going into Procyon server want to do simply to avoid annihilation?

Is Proc there to give experienced players the challenge that is lacking due to poor subscription?


Moving on slightly, isn't meeting every post that describes some subjective inconsistency or issue with DS (and let's face it - it's not perfect but it is still very good and I love it) with horrible, waspish sarcasm, put-downs and snide stabs at people precisely what is not needed?


Who is this game for?

a) The established veterans who can sometimes be so magnanimous?
b) The new players that are still learning the ropes and ask questions with infuriating regularity?
c) The non-subbed but oh-so-vocal players who feel need to slap down posters who have said something they don't agree with.
d) Everyone not covered by 'a' to 'c'.

My approach:

I 'fear' the veterans as I don't like getting fried and losing prestige....

I am annoyed by continual noob questions on jumping/orbiting/building etc etc, because I learnt by reading the manual and working it out....

I ignore the non-subbed know-it-alls....

BUT I hazard a guess that this game is for all players, 'a' through to 'd' alike.

Am I wrong?

Why should anyone ever suggest/comment on anything about a game they are paying to play when replies are so predictable, dismissive and downright grating? (Don't overlook the 'paying' bit - it's quite important.)

That attitude is what's dooming this game, but I believe there are people out there who don't care as long as they get to say their piece, demonstrate their 'superiority' and to hell with the impact it has on any fledgling players view of this game.

No new players = no emerging new community = stale boring game

It's not there yet, can we not have it go that way please?

Thanks for reading (if you're still awake at this point - well done!)

Unlucky for some

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2009-08-03 17:34   
just going out on a limb here (also just going out on a tl;dr limb), im guessing folks are not familier with the MotD, or are even aware that it exists.

for the uninitiated, the MotD (meaning Message of the Day) is a package of text which among other things, can be used to provide messages on a daily basis. in particular, darkspace's motd implementation displays the contents of the defined motd to the user whenever they log into the chat server-- this is the block of text that every user sees when they come into the lobby or hop on a server, it goes a little something like this:


* Welcome to DarkSpace 1.519 - (c)2000-2009 Palestar Inc

- DarkSpace takes pride in a community where people of all countries, ethnicities, and dialects can come together for an awesome gaming experience. As we are all here to share in the same never ending fun, detriments such as swearing, racial slurs, bigotry, and religious/political/drug discussions, as well as references to explicit content or sexual innuendo are prohibited in the main lobby and in game.

If you are having trouble connecting to, or playing in the Sagittarius server, you are welcome to help the new players learn in Ursa Minor (Beginner Area). There is also challenging PvE available in the Procyon server. Can you help stem the tides of the MI invasion?

- Type "/?" on the chat line for a list of available commands.

i can see why most people would miss that, after all, there is a bit of a greeting and then it goes right into the "THOU SHALT NOT" bit, followed by some other junk nobody reads, then a list of arcane chat line command, memoriztion of which is clearly an unreasonable expectation.

if i may, id like to direct your attention at one sentance (just one, i promise) in the motd:

There is also challenging PvE available in the Procyon server.

says something about the procyon server.., guess there's PvE combat there.. uh... challenging...challenging...letsseehere.

Dictionary.com offering a challenge; testing one's ability, endurance, etc

well okay then, i see your point, i guess that's not descriptive enough, should read as "So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth."

ill make the necessary corrections post haste.

Lethal Assault Group

Joined: September 19, 2004
Posts: 323
From: Margaritaville
Posted: 2009-08-03 18:25   
Well, here's a tip regarding the Procyon server:

#1. Firstly, you will get ganked by a retardedly huge MI fleet on the Procyon server.

#2. Secondly, have a decent engineer (a 1/2 way decent builder) setup a planet for you in the area your are getting your butt kicked.

#3. Thirdly... ...don't stray to far away from the said planet or refer to tip #1, then read tip #2 again.

There's a little bit of reading between the lines here and it may be obvious, but maybe not? Just take a look at tip #2 thoroughly and see how it works out.

#4. Use reflective armor and be careful where you park at, not to mention the idiots that seem to shoot YOU more than the enemy.

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