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 Author Weapons Leveling?
Pitch Black

Joined: January 11, 2010
Posts: 3823
From: LobsterTown
Posted: 2010-05-31 11:30   

On 2010-05-31 05:38, jackbob wrote:

who are you and what universe you come from.

let me put it to you this way i will use 2 navel ships.

say for example a destroyer at sea vsed a battleship at sea is it possible to slap a bb gun on that destroyer.

of course not its to small. well guess what. you just basicaly suggested that please think about that before posting about weapon lvling again. put it this way as the gun increases in lvl it gets bigger so would it be possible to slap a huge space cannon inside a small destroyer hull. now take into consideration a lvl 10 gun is huge because its ment for a station. there is the logics behind weapon lvling.

if people want big guns on small ships when they are trying to make this game pratical and not the grand centeral station of the crazy games that are not very fun universe. you really need to get a grip on relality or find a different game. i play this game because its reasonable with the weapony.

i have seen game where fighters could one shot dreadnoughts thats what you guys keep suggestion and its insane its not fun because people stop playing. so who are you going to use your riged ships on.

Your analogy is flawed because a naval destroyer might mount a 5 inch cannon or howitzer. At least it is STATED in the specifications. And a BB mounts the bigass 16 inchers.

In the game, there's a diff between CL and HCL. Little ships carry CLs. Big ships carry CLs and HCLs. That part is fine.

BUT..... Nowhere in the game did it state that there is a diff between a PC mounted on a Dess and PC mounted on a dread.
A dessie might mount 4 PCs, and a dread 12 PCs. But those PCs are essentially the same, because there is NOTHING in the game that defines them as different.

If this weapon levelling does exists, then it is a hidden modifier that is essentially not transparent to the player and should be made so.

So unless there is a stated difference in the weapon classes, all of what you stated is just conjecture and means squat to me.

Levelling should be removed. The alternative is to openly define the level of the weapons. Light, Medium, Heavy.

[ This Message was edited by: Kenny_Naboo on 2010-05-31 11:35 ]
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Grand Admiral

Joined: August 25, 2006
Posts: 591
Posted: 2010-05-31 13:16   
I wanna add somethign based on those 2 Naval Ships,
Yes DD cannot mount BB gun, But notice how the Destroyer Fire much faster at a much closer Range than the Battleships? the big guns the Battleship carry are more stronger yes, but fire at a much longer range and a much slower ROF

i Don't know if the Weapons level also affect Range and ROF (if they do, it must be a very small Changes between Dessy and Dreads cuz i never noticed) But righ tnow, we don't see much of that difference

at least range wise, if the Dessy PC is a small powered version of the dread's, it means it has less Charge energy in the shots, thus faster ROF and less range? wouldn't it be logical?

i don't say remove the Weapon LVLing, there there for a very good and already stated reason, but maybe "Upgrade" that system wouldn't hurt

[ This Message was edited by: Zero28 on 2010-05-31 13:20 ]
19:33:51 [ZION]GothThug {C?}: "Zero..you are DS's hero"

Templar Knights

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 2044
From: Michigan
Posted: 2010-05-31 13:37   

who are you and what universe you come from.

let me put it to you this way i will use 2 navel ships.

say for example a destroyer at sea vsed a battleship at sea is it possible to slap a bb gun on that destroyer.

of course not its to small. well guess what. you just basicaly suggested that please think about that before posting about weapon lvling again. put it this way as the gun increases in lvl it gets bigger so would it be possible to slap a huge space cannon inside a small destroyer hull. now take into consideration a lvl 10 gun is huge because its ment for a station. there is the logics behind weapon lvling.

if people want big guns on small ships when they are trying to make this game pratical and not the grand centeral station of the crazy games that are not very fun universe. you really need to get a grip on relality or find a different game. i play this game because its reasonable with the weapony.

i have seen game where fighters could one shot dreadnoughts thats what you guys keep suggestion and its insane its not fun because people stop playing. so who are you going to use your riged ships on.
[ This Message was edited by: jackbob on 2010-05-31 05:42 ]

A DD uses 5" guns as it's main weaponry and a BB uses 13"-16", or 18" if you count the Yamato and Musashi.

But a BB can also mount 5" guns, as well as the .50cal and 40mm guns that a DD can use. Those 5" guns .50cal guns and 40mm guns do not magically get stronger just because they're mounted on a bigger ship, the bigger ship is just able to mount bigger guns, and more of the smaller guns.

If a Scout can mount a Heavy Railgun and Fusion Torpedo then it should do the same damage as the ones mounted on a larger ship because it's not described as being a different weapon. Personally I don't care if the weapons on my Scout do less damage than the guns on a DN, but it should at least SAY that somewhere instead of making people think it's the same thing if it's really not.

And speaking of torpedoes, PT boats mounted torpedoes and they were just as deadly as the ones used by Submarines, Destroyers, and Cruisers even though a PT was less than 100 feet long and made of wood. Aircraft could also be equipped to mount torpedoes.
[ This Message was edited by: Talien on 2010-05-31 13:41 ]
Adapt or die.


Joined: December 14, 2005
Posts: 579
From: In your base, stealing your cookies
Posted: 2010-05-31 13:53   
Wep leveling was added because of people whining about ships like the escort dessy having the same amount of firepower as a combat dread did. Also back then Heavy Cannons didn't exist, HCL did but heavy cannons didn't.

All a Heavy cannon or beam is, is just 2x damage of a normal cannon. They did this to cut down on the gadget count on ships. So where before there would sit 2 cannons on the same arc, they added 1 heavy cannon instead.

As for an analogy as to why? The higher the level the gun, the bigger the shot (and subsequent space) gets. So the coils needed to fire that shot farther out and handle the bigger bullet will get bigger according to the level of the gun. Also the higher level guns shoot harder hitting shots BUT fires less frequently. Why do you think a heavy railgun on a scout fires so fast compared to one on a heavy cruiser?

WH 40k armies, Grey Knights, Dark Angles, Imperial Guard (Vostroyan First Born) and Orks.

There is a thin line between knowing when to give up and when to try harder.

  Email Starcommander
Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2010-05-31 15:41   
Weapons do have inate level modifiers, which are tied directly to the ships hull level.

Essentially the system works as follows:

As a weapons damage increases it's energy use also increases, but its rate of fire decreases. So instead of having many calibers of weapons (and the associated individual gadgets) on increasingly bigger hulls, we instead have one weapon that autoscales. Providing this is balanced correctly, it tends to work out quite nicely.

However, it is not quite so simple as you also have to take into account how this affects the 'accuracy' of each weapon. A faster projectile will also be more accurate which will not directly impact the DPS, but it has a passive effect in that if a given weapon hits more often, it's effective DPS will higher than that of a slower velocity projectile.

There is also the impact potential, or average damage per projectile/volley. Cannon for cannon, bigger ships actually have a slightly lower DPS than the guns on smaller ships. This is an intentional part of the design as it skews the system slightly in favour of players using the smaller ships. If anyone want's to try and argue about this, I can refer to various efficency issues with large power networks, loss of energy through resistance, etc, plus it does not really matter as the bigger ships have a lot more guns to begin with. What they lose per gun, they more than make up for with numbers.

Here is an example of a couple of the weapons, although the numbers below are a version or so out of date due to some range modifications to some weaponry.

P.S. I might give out some credits to the first people that can spot some glaring issues with the above data. I am well aware of a number of shortcomings. I am wondering if anyone else can pick up on them too (Development Team excluded).

[ This Message was edited by: Drafell on 2010-05-31 15:45 ]
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

  Goto the website of Drafell

Joined: August 13, 2001
Posts: 1912
From: mrsparkle
Posted: 2010-05-31 16:09   
It's hard to use WWII naval analogies because destroyers and battleships had different roles, and there were massive economic issues that made smaller ships oftentimes a lot more desirable than a massive battleship. Destroyers carried anti-sub and torpedo ordnance and weren't expected to engage battleships with their guns.

In DS we don't have defined roles for frigates, destroyers, cruisers and dreads (exception being certain frigates like sensor frigates, but scouts do that job better overall). Each class is just a smaller, weaker version of the previous. We do have minelayer and missile versions but overall the smaller ships are just temporarily used while earing enough prestige to move on to the next hull class.

My idea is and has always been to remove weapon leveling entirely and adjust weapon loadouts accordingly. We already have some of the necessary gadgets, like heavy variants of cannons. Heavy cannons should be equipped on dreads and maybe assault cruisers, and regular cannons should do the same damage on a scout as they do on a cruiser or dread, just that there's way fewer of them.

The biggest determining factor of firepower should be the amount of weapons, and that's because there's no defined roles for the various combat hull classes, and most are expected to fight the same way, from dreads to frigates.

It used to be like that, but the current thinking now is that dreads should not be so vulnerable to smaller ships because of some lack of desire to earn ranks or something if small ships did more damage.

The other big problem is lack of economic reason to use smaller ships in game. I'm not fond of limiting the ships a player can use when he's earned rank to use them, but if dreads were so costly to use compared to cruisers that it might be better for a faction to mass produce cruisers instead we might have a reason there to change this game from DREADspace to DARKspace like it was intended. [i]BUT, and this is a big BUT[i/], if that comes from ships using up resoures as they're spawned it will be one huge spawn screen-waiting mess as some people mine to get their ships and others wait at spawn screen to use the resources as soon as available.

Pitch Black

Joined: January 11, 2010
Posts: 3823
From: LobsterTown
Posted: 2010-05-31 19:06   

On 2010-05-31 13:16, Zero28 wrote:
I wanna add somethign based on those 2 Naval Ships,
Yes DD cannot mount BB gun, But notice how the Destroyer Fire much faster at a much closer Range than the Battleships? the big guns the Battleship carry are more stronger yes, but fire at a much longer range and a much slower ROF

i Don't know if the Weapons level also affect Range and ROF (if they do, it must be a very small Changes between Dessy and Dreads cuz i never noticed) But righ tnow, we don't see much of that difference

at least range wise, if the Dessy PC is a small powered version of the dread's, it means it has less Charge energy in the shots, thus faster ROF and less range? wouldn't it be logical?

i don't say remove the Weapon LVLing, there there for a very good and already stated reason, but maybe "Upgrade" that system wouldn't hurt

Perhaps I could agree with this.
Just add a number behind the weapon to denote its class or level.

Eg: Scouts/Frigs carry PC1, DD carried PC2, Dread carries PC4.

But I'd go with this more....


On 2010-05-31 16:09, MrSparkle wrote:

My idea is and has always been to remove weapon leveling entirely and adjust weapon loadouts accordingly. We already have some of the necessary gadgets, like heavy variants of cannons. Heavy cannons should be equipped on dreads and maybe assault cruisers, and regular cannons should do the same damage on a scout as they do on a cruiser or dread, just that there's way fewer of them.

The biggest determining factor of firepower should be the amount of weapons, and that's because there's no defined roles for the various combat hull classes, and most are expected to fight the same way, from dreads to frigates.

It used to be like that, but the current thinking now is that dreads should not be so vulnerable to smaller ships because of some lack of desire to earn ranks or something if small ships did more damage.

This goes with what I mentioned earlier. Smaller ships carry less weapons, bigger ships carry more. But each of those weapons are essentially the same type.

If a dess carries 4 PCs, and a dread carries 12, that dread essentially has 3 times more firepower already.

I wonder what's with those peeps who're against this? A destroyer has much less armor and weapon mounts compared to a dread. And they still want the weaps on that destroyer nerfed by virtue of levelling.

Lived too long already and are afraid of dying?

[ This Message was edited by: Kenny_Naboo on 2010-05-31 20:37 ]
... in space, no one can hear you scream.....

Templar Knights

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 2044
From: Michigan
Posted: 2010-05-31 20:49   

On 2010-05-31 15:41, Drafell wrote:

P.S. I might give out some credits to the first people that can spot some glaring issues with the above data. I am well aware of a number of shortcomings. I am wondering if anyone else can pick up on them too (Development Team excluded).

One thing that immediately springs to mind is smaller ICC ships would seem to be even more inefficient if they're firing weaker shots at a faster rate but only because of the limited ammo supply, and longer range weapons having slower speed kinda negates the advantage of having longer range if it's easier to dodge the shots.
Adapt or die.


Joined: December 14, 2005
Posts: 579
From: In your base, stealing your cookies
Posted: 2010-05-31 21:07   

On 2010-05-31 15:41, Drafell wrote:

P.S. I might give out some credits to the first people that can spot some glaring issues with the above data. I am well aware of a number of shortcomings. I am wondering if anyone else can pick up on them too (Development Team excluded).

Seems your math isn't right, like the HP section and damage section. HP shows 1500 for a railgun as base and modifier is 175 (I am guessing that it gets 175 more HP per a level) but at level 2 a railgun has 1850 HP. Shouldn't it have 1675 at level 2? Same thing with damage it says a railgun dose 310 base damage, and modifier is 47, but it says at level 2 a railgun dose 404 instead of 357.

Also your projectile ranges aren't correct either. a level 2 railgun doesn't have 1225 range, its close to 1k.

Your ammo count isn't right either, base of 96 ammo, mod of -2 but level 2 has 92 not 94.

Those were the issue that poped out at me right away.

WH 40k armies, Grey Knights, Dark Angles, Imperial Guard (Vostroyan First Born) and Orks.

There is a thin line between knowing when to give up and when to try harder.

  Email Starcommander
Templar Knights

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 2044
From: Michigan
Posted: 2010-05-31 21:49   

On 2010-05-31 21:07, Starcommand of ICC *XO* wrote:

Seems your math isn't right, like the HP section and damage section. HP shows 1500 for a railgun as base and modifier is 175 (I am guessing that it gets 175 more HP per a level) but at level 2 a railgun has 1850 HP. Shouldn't it have 1675 at level 2? Same thing with damage it says a railgun dose 310 base damage, and modifier is 47, but it says at level 2 a railgun dose 404 instead of 357.

Also your projectile ranges aren't correct either. a level 2 railgun doesn't have 1225 range, its close to 1k.

Your ammo count isn't right either, base of 96 ammo, mod of -2 but level 2 has 92 not 94.

Those were the issue that poped out at me right away.

I thought that right off myself, but the shown levels are 2/4/6....doesn't show 1/3/5 but if you take them into account the figures add up.
Adapt or die.

Grand Admiral

Joined: August 22, 2009
Posts: 410
Posted: 2010-05-31 23:01   

On 2010-05-31 11:30, Kenny_Naboo wrote:

On 2010-05-31 05:38, jackbob wrote:

who are you and what universe you come from.

let me put it to you this way i will use 2 navel ships.

say for example a destroyer at sea vsed a battleship at sea is it possible to slap a bb gun on that destroyer.

of course not its to small. well guess what. you just basicaly suggested that please think about that before posting about weapon lvling again. put it this way as the gun increases in lvl it gets bigger so would it be possible to slap a huge space cannon inside a small destroyer hull. now take into consideration a lvl 10 gun is huge because its ment for a station. there is the logics behind weapon lvling.

if people want big guns on small ships when they are trying to make this game pratical and not the grand centeral station of the crazy games that are not very fun universe. you really need to get a grip on relality or find a different game. i play this game because its reasonable with the weapony.

i have seen game where fighters could one shot dreadnoughts thats what you guys keep suggestion and its insane its not fun because people stop playing. so who are you going to use your riged ships on.

Your analogy is flawed because a naval destroyer might mount a 5 inch cannon or howitzer. At least it is STATED in the specifications. And a BB mounts the bigass 16 inchers.

In the game, there's a diff between CL and HCL. Little ships carry CLs. Big ships carry CLs and HCLs. That part is fine.

BUT..... Nowhere in the game did it state that there is a diff between a PC mounted on a Dess and PC mounted on a dread.
A dessie might mount 4 PCs, and a dread 12 PCs. But those PCs are essentially the same, because there is NOTHING in the game that defines them as different.

If this weapon levelling does exists, then it is a hidden modifier that is essentially not transparent to the player and should be made so.

So unless there is a stated difference in the weapon classes, all of what you stated is just conjecture and means squat to me.

Levelling should be removed. The alternative is to openly define the level of the weapons. Light, Medium, Heavy.

[ This Message was edited by: Kenny_Naboo on 2010-05-31 11:35 ]

i am going to assume you never read the posts earlyer again.

one the higher the weapon lvl the more damage it does and the slower it charges up have you noticed that scouts seem to shoot faster at stock then stock stations or dreads. i am going to assume you didn't.

Grand Admiral

Joined: August 22, 2009
Posts: 410
Posted: 2010-05-31 23:05   

On 2010-05-31 15:41, Drafell wrote:
Weapons do have inate level modifiers, which are tied directly to the ships hull level.

Essentially the system works as follows:

As a weapons damage increases it's energy use also increases, but its rate of fire decreases. So instead of having many calibers of weapons (and the associated individual gadgets) on increasingly bigger hulls, we instead have one weapon that autoscales. Providing this is balanced correctly, it tends to work out quite nicely.

However, it is not quite so simple as you also have to take into account how this affects the 'accuracy' of each weapon. A faster projectile will also be more accurate which will not directly impact the DPS, but it has a passive effect in that if a given weapon hits more often, it's effective DPS will higher than that of a slower velocity projectile.

There is also the impact potential, or average damage per projectile/volley. Cannon for cannon, bigger ships actually have a slightly lower DPS than the guns on smaller ships. This is an intentional part of the design as it skews the system slightly in favour of players using the smaller ships. If anyone want's to try and argue about this, I can refer to various efficency issues with large power networks, loss of energy through resistance, etc, plus it does not really matter as the bigger ships have a lot more guns to begin with. What they lose per gun, they more than make up for with numbers.

Here is an example of a couple of the weapons, although the numbers below are a version or so out of date due to some range modifications to some weaponry.

P.S. I might give out some credits to the first people that can spot some glaring issues with the above data. I am well aware of a number of shortcomings. I am wondering if anyone else can pick up on them too (Development Team excluded).

[ This Message was edited by: Drafell on 2010-05-31 15:45 ]

last time i checked which was 2 years ago the psi cannon was psi and energy.


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2010-05-31 23:16   

On 2010-05-31 21:07, Starcommand of ICC *XO* wrote:
math issues

Values are base + (level + mod), and the smallest ships are level 1, so you never actually have gadgets with the base values. That might affect the range, but also keep in mind that weapons aren't at 0,0 of the ship; the mount points can be a few gus from the center, which may shift the numbers a bit. Or maybe there's a slight calculation bug on ranges; without actually testing, it's hard to say offhand.

Having a level system means that we don't have to have 3 times as many weapons on a ship to make it more powerful. Yes, looking at a dread layout that's 3x as full as a dessie layout gives you an immediate grasp of its relative power, but it also means a lot more gadgets and resulting projectiles to track. It's more efficient to have levels.

And heavy variants are the same principle -- for ships that would have 10 cannons, we just make a Heavy variant and then add 5 of those to the ship. They're made to be twice as powerful, that's all.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Pitch Black

Joined: January 11, 2010
Posts: 3823
From: LobsterTown
Posted: 2010-05-31 23:16   

On 2010-05-31 23:01, jackbob wrote:

i am going to assume you never read the posts earlyer again.

one the higher the weapon lvl the more damage it does and the slower it charges up have you noticed that scouts seem to shoot faster at stock then stock stations or dreads. i am going to assume you didn't.

I did notice that. But it doesn't matter.
A peashooter that shoots slightly faster doesn't make up for anything.
It's not as if the ROF is doubled for damage halved, so that it comes back to the same thing.


On 2010-05-31 23:16, Shigernafy wrote:

Values are base + (level + mod), and the smallest ships are level 1, so you never actually have gadgets with the base values. That might affect the range, but also keep in mind that weapons aren't at 0,0 of the ship; the mount points can be a few gus from the center, which may shift the numbers a bit. Or maybe there's a slight calculation bug on ranges; without actually testing, it's hard to say offhand.

Having a level system means that we don't have to have 3 times as many weapons on a ship to make it more powerful. Yes, looking at a dread layout that's 3x as full as a dessie layout gives you an immediate grasp of its relative power, but it also means a lot more gadgets and resulting projectiles to track. It's more efficient to have levels.

And heavy variants are the same principle -- for ships that would have 10 cannons, we just make a Heavy variant and then add 5 of those to the ship. They're made to be twice as powerful, that's all.

But in doing so, it invariably gives the bigger ship a non linear or proportionate increase in firepower.
Bigger ships already carry more weaps. And if these weaps also have a modifier to increase the power, then it simply disadvantages the smaller ship.
Promoting the use of smaller ships while discouraging dreads and stations? This is definitely not the way to go about it.

If a bigger ship has problems dealing with a smaller, more manueverable one pelting it and flying rings around it.... just call in a smaller ship to assist. That's what escorts are for. The big ship is not at a disadvantage because he can still kill the smaller ship if it gets too close, or if it's badly driven. But he'll do better if he has a smaller ship close by to defend him.

In the current naval context, that's why CVNs and BBs have escort vessels. Big ships are powerful, but they have to have some kind of disadvantage against smaller ships. Removing levelling won't nerf them to a large degree. It'll ensure that some smaller ships will be needed in the game when the other side pulls them out.

But.... Granted, we can still all live with the current levelling setup. But it would be nice to have the weaps classified openly according to their levels.

[ This Message was edited by: Kenny_Naboo on 2010-05-31 23:56 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Kenny_Naboo on 2010-06-01 00:05 ]
... in space, no one can hear you scream.....

Lark of Serenity
Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: June 02, 2002
Posts: 2516
Posted: 2010-05-31 23:23   
A) a destroyer in real life cannot physically mount the cannon of a dreadnaught. this should follow suit in a gamespace as well. not too long ago we didnt have weapon levelling and it was hell.

B) weapon levelling increases the damage, yes, but also reduces the rate of fire and the speed of the projectile, meaning the bigger a ship you have tbe harder it is for you to shoot something smaller than you.

it is balanced. leave it alone.
Admiral Larky, The Wolf
Don't play with fire, play with Larky.
Raven Division Command - 1st Division

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