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 Author Thermal Game
Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2007-05-07 14:01   
Give. Me. Now. Plz.


Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-05-08 15:19   
Ok. I have 6 devices working. I don't know that I should call them secret, since the link below leads to an image showing you how to build them all. I decided not to just put the image directly in this post in case some of you want to try to figure them out on your own. Be warned though. There is no real rhyme or reason behind the devices. I just made them up as I went based in arrangements of particles that are unlikely to occur by accident.

Picture of the Six Devices

The devices should be drawn SMALLER Than they appear in this image. Also, light green = acid, dark green = plant. In the Acid/Fuel Generator, there needs to be ICE on one side and WATER on the other. Employ the permanent COLD and permanent HOT to achieve this. All devices with one particle on one side, and another particle on the other side are interchangeable. They can go on either side. The plant in the Laser Gun MUST go on the left and the gun only fires to the right.

Device descriptions:

Device 1: Shield Generator

The shield generator creates an invisible bubble of metal around the generator aprox. 100 pixels in diameter. It CONSUMES acid to activate and will 'refresh' 1-2 times per second so long as fuel continues to be provided. You know it is working when you see puffs of red fire in the device. The shield also includes 2 layers of hemispheres of WALL to block lightning that hits the very top of the shield (since we all know that lightning does not follow the metal horizonally).

After a few seconds without fuel, the shield will fail and go away. You know the shield is active when you see the invisible shield in the thermal view. You know it is gone when cold replaces the heat of the shield in thermal view. The shield generator blocks all bomb device effects from entering the protected area. Bomb Devices will not work inside a shielded zone.

Due to me being too lazy to add the arrays and loops needed, once multiple shield bubbles are produced, only 1 generator needs to remain fueled to maintain all shield bubbles.

Device 2: The Destructive Bomb

You know it is active when you see yellow start to grow in the metal connector bar. About 2 seconds later, everything within a 100 pixel radius is converted to fire.

Device 3: The Acid/Fuel generator

I got too lazy to refill the tank on my shield generator. This generates acid out the bottom. Unlike the shield generator and Laser Cannon, it does not consume fuel and will run forever.

Device 4: The Cold Bomb

This does no damage other than instantly making the area around the bomb VERY cold. The core of the bomb will be destroyed upon detonation. A similar signal in the metal connector will indicate when the bomb has been activated.

Device 5: The Heat Bomb

Exactly like the Cold Bomb except.... HEAT.

Device 6: Laser Gun

Although it looks more like a machine gun, I was going for laser so that is what I will call it. It can fire up to 30 pixels and only to the right. It blows through EVERYTHING except metal and shielded areas. Upon impact with either of those, it generates heat. It also generates some heat along the path. This CONSUMES water for fuel MUCH faster than the sheild generator consumes acid, and there is no device to make you water.

And Now the Link to the Game:
Thermal Weather Devices

If you are having any trouble making a device work (The laser gun is the hardest). Just pop me a Private Message or reply in here and I will divulge the EXACT parameters that makes a device work so you can understand why it isn't working for you.

Also, it still will run faster, potentially MUCH faster, on different computers. The delays in the game are based directly on the computer cycling through the code. The faster the computer --> Faster results. Bombs may detonate before you even see the activation indicator, etc. Sorry. I can't fix that. I'm not that good at coding. Also, it is common that the actual cursor position ends up being at the tip of the top of the cross rather than the middle.

Enjoy. Let me know if you have any suggestions for other devices and I will see if that works with my game code.

[ This Message was edited by: Kanman *FC* on 2007-05-08 19:18 ]

Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2007-05-08 16:19   
Its extremely picky about arrangements it seems. Parameters plaz oh wise Kanman.


Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-05-08 17:36   
Ok, exact parameters:

Shield Gen:

Center: Acid (which will ignite when it is working).
7 pixels to the left of Center: Wall
7 pixels to the right of Cetner: Wall
1 pixel directly below Center: Wall
5 pixels directly below Center: Metal
7 pixels above Center: Wall
14 pixels above Center: Metal

Destruction Bomb:

Center: Acid
5 pixels to the left of Center: Wall
5 pixels above Center: Wall
10 pixels to the right of Center: Metal
15 pixels to the right of Center: Water
5 pixels above the WATER: Wall
5 pixels to the right of WATER: Wall

*Note: Acid and Water have interchangable positions*

Acid/Fuel Generator:

Center: Wall
5 pixels to the left of Center: Ice (non-permanent kind)
5 pixels to the right of Center: Water
5 pixels above and below the ICE and WATER: Metal
5 pixels below Center: EMPTY SPACE

*Note: Ice and Water have interchangable positions*

Cold Bomb:

Center: Snow
5 pixels to the left of Center: Wall
5 pixels above and below Center: Wall
8 pixels to the right of Center: Metal
15 pixels to the right of Center: Plant
5 pixels above and below the Plant: Wall
5 pixels to the right of the Plant: Wall

*Note: Snow and Plant have interchangable positions*

Heat Bomb:

Center: Water
5 pixels to the left of Center: Metal
5 pixels above and below Center: Wall
8 pixels to the right of Center: Metal
15 pixels to the right of Center: Plant
5 pixels above and below the Plant: Wall
5 pixels to the right of the Plant: Metal

*Note: Water and Plant have interchangable positions*

Laser Gun:

Center: Water (fuel which will be consumed)
5 pixels below Center: Wall
10 pixels below Center: Metal
5 pixels to left of Center: Wall
10 pixels to left of Center: Plant
1 pixel right of Center: Metal
2 pixels right of Center: Metal
3 pixels right of Center: Metal

*Note: Laser beam will eminate from 4 pixels to the right of Center, but laser is stopped by Metal, so if 5 pixels to the right of Center is Metal, the beam will be blocked. This is what makes the Laser gun the hardest to make work.*

I also assume you found the new brush size? Is it more effective for you? I know it lags the game when you are using it, but it saves time when brushing large areas.

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-05-08 22:15   
I try to avoid adding new versions with minor changes, but I think these few changes greatly improve the game. Only 3 changes here:

First, I noticed the impact boom of lightning striking wall was an inaccurate temperature. This has been corrected.

Second, I made Wall a slightly darker color to permit cursor visibility within large areas of wall.

And third, I changed the way Cold Bomb and Heat Bomb behave, in that they only change the temperature of the open air in the bomb zone. I did this for more interesting effects and the fact that after it went off in the other version visibility in the thermal view was simply shot down to blind.

I think you will agree these are beneficial changes.

New Link: Thermal Weather Devices 2

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-05-09 19:00   
Ent, try to contain yourself. Here is the one you have waited so very long for. It took me retracing almost every line of code to make this work. INVISIBLE HOT & COLD SPOTS! Woot! They are made using the new ICE/RED buttons in the middle of the button-line. Let me know if you need them tweaked to work more to your long-desired concept. Also, I haven't strongly beta tested it. I just made sure it was working generally and sent it on its way. let me know if it does something bad.

Thermal Weather Devices 3

[ This Message was edited by: Kanman *FC* on 2007-05-09 19:02 ]

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-06-13 19:30   
Hi guys. Without the ability to play DS, I have been killing time by tweaking the Weather game. So, anyway. I have added more things (sand, glass, steam, poison) and changed how some things work. First off, Acid + water no longer results in fire. Now, any combination of acid, water or poison results in the generation of water. Second, Poison kills plant ravenously. Sand turns to glass at high temps and glass turns to sand at low temps. Sand and glass can exist at the same time in moderate temperatures.

I have also added something I think you all will find most helpful. Since temperature plays such a big role in things now, a more direct method of control was needed beyond that of permanent hot and permanent cold spots. So, I added a brush for adjusting temperatures gradually. This brush is very powerful on the large brush (changing temperatures by 5 at a time (the game's temp range is 0-100). The other size brushes work as well, but much slower (2 degrees at a time).

Glass is resistant to lightning like wall but without the explosive component. Lightning just chips away at it one pixel at a time.

The first thing you will notice is the buttons have been re-arranged. They were getting a little messy looking so I took the time to move them into a more organized order. I apologize for the high number of times ICE/FIRE couples appear. You will just have to learn which is which with some trial and error. Or you can just read this: From left to right: New temp brush, permanent invisible, permanent visible, thermal cam. The reset button has been changed to a puke green because the poison is purple and I kept clicking RESET when I wanted the poison button.

PLAGUE: I have decided to call a certain phenomenon "plague" due to the lack of control you have over it once it is started. A combination of Water, Plant and Poison will result in a mess of activity that is difficult to contain or control. Water turns to plant, plant turns to pioson, poison turns to water, water turns to plant..... It is pretty (got a tie-die things going on). There are several ways to contain it. Sand works, walls work, fire kinda works, extremes in heat (evaporate the water and kill the plant) or cold (freeze the water and kill the plant) work.

Anyway. Have fun with this new version.

Weather Sand

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2007-06-13 19:40   
Use a mouse over tooltip to display what does what in a little area above the sandbox.

And feel free to use DSFTP instead of Putfile.

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-06-13 19:42   
Sure.... MouseOver Tooltip.... Im sure I could figure out how to do that.... maybe. I'll look into it.

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-07-18 09:43   
I don't like to post this thing every time I make just 1-2 small adjustments, but I have made several substantial upgrades over the past few weeks so I thought I would share.


1) I added a small grey button in the left to add a Wall floor, thus preventing ground absorbsion if that is not desired.

2) Next to the Floor button, I added a yellow button that I call HandOfGod. Lightning storms from the cursor with this tool.

3) Metal can now be made EXTREMELY hot, glow red hot, and even melt. I have added a new substance (molten metal) next to the metal button. To give you perspective on how hot is HOT: the thermal aspect of the game was made with a scale of 0-100 degrees in mind. The metal melts at about 4000 degrees and explodes at 7500 degrees. This explosion can only be acheived by use of the Laser Gun Device.

4) I have completely re-written the Move() function, which has eliminated the 'leftward tendency' that bothered me in all previous versions. This new code allowed for me to add additional controls to how different substances levelled out. For example, sand sits piled up and slowly levels out, while water acts more like water than ever before. Let me know what you think of the new movement behavior and which of the two you like better.

5) I may have changed how Water/Acid/poison interact. I have changed it so many times that I dont remember the last way you all saw it.

6) Sand still turns to glass if it gets hot, but now reverts back to sand if it gets too hot.

7) Dead plant burns at extremely high temperatures.

... I can't think of any other changes, but I may be forgetting some. Oh well. Enjoy the new one.

Link: Weather Sand version: I don't even know anymore

[ This Message was edited by: Kanman *FC* on 2007-07-27 17:38 ]


Joined: July 09, 2007
Posts: 10
Posted: 2007-07-18 13:52   
Lol, this is cool. Kinda one of those games that you find on Addicting Games that dont really have a point

EDIT: Although buttons arent working, all I can use is water

[ This Message was edited by: Mk-V on 2007-07-18 13:58 ]

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-07-18 15:15   
Sorry for the bug, but on other peoples' computers the cursor is actually at the tip top of the crosshair rather than the center. That is why the buttons seem not to be working.


Joined: July 09, 2007
Posts: 10
Posted: 2007-07-18 18:28   
yup, I figured that out

i cant seem to melt the metal or turn sand to glass, Mind making a post on which color button does what?

Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-07-18 19:35   
Use the temperature brush, which is the Blue-Red button set farthest to the left, next to the Fire button. Just select the biggest brush and the red heat button, then apply it to the metal. You will see the metal turn brightening shades of red and then suddenly become a slightly darker shade of red. The darker shade of red is the molten metal.

The glass is now a tricky business to make manually. See, glass kept getting in the way of the molten metal so I changed how it works. Now, sand will turn to glass if it gets hot, then revert to sand if it gets very hot. Use the same heat brush as before to heat it up to just the right temperature bracket. Once it is made into glass, it will remain so until it is made VERY hot or Very cold. sand and glass can co-exist at moderate temperatures, so dont worry about it suddenly collapsing on you.


Joined: July 09, 2007
Posts: 10
Posted: 2007-07-18 19:46   
K, im wondring what some of the buttons are:

strange greenish-teal


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