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 Author place your joke here (keep em clean)
2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-26 11:07   
A programmer and an engineer are sitting next to each other on a long flight from Los Angeles to New York.

The programmer leans over to the engineer and asks if he would like to play a fun game.

The engineer just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks.

The programmer persists and explains that the game is real easy and is a lot of fun. He explains "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5. Then you ask me a question, and if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you $5."

Again, the engineer politely declines and tries to get to sleep.

The programmer, now somewhat agitated, says, "OK, if you don't know the answer you pay me $5, and if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you $100!"

This catches the engineer's attention, and he sees no end to this torment unless he plays, so he agrees to the game.

The programmer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?" The engineer doesn't say a word, but reaches into his wallet, pulls out a five dollar bill and hands it to the programmer.

Now, it's the engineer's turn. He asks the programmer "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down on four?"

The programmer looks up at him with a puzzled look. He takes out his laptop computer and searches all of his references. He taps into the Airphone with his modem and searches the net and the Library of Congress. Frustrated, he sends e-mail to his co-workers--all to no avail.

After about an hour, he wakes the Engineer and hands him $100. The engineer politely takes the $100 and turns away to try to get back to sleep. The programmer, more than a little miffed, shakes the engineer and asks "Well, so what's the answer?" Without a word, the engineer reaches into his wallet, hands the programmer $5, and turns away to get back to sleep.


2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-26 11:08   
A military cargo plane, flying over a populated area, suddenly loses power and starts to nose down. The pilot tries to pull up, but with all their cargo, the plane is too heavy. So he yells to the soldiers in back to throw things out to make the plane lighter. They throw out a pistol. "Throw out more!" shouts the pilot. So they throw out a rifle. "More!" he cries again. They heave out a missile, and the pilot regains control.

He pulls out of the dive and lands safely at an airport. They get into a jeep and drive off. Pretty soon they meet a boy on the side of the road who's crying. They ask him why he's crying and he says "A pistol hit me on the head!"

They drive more and meet another boy who's crying even harder. Again they ask why and the boy says, "A rifle hit me on the head!"

They apologize and keep driving. They meet a boy on the sidewalk who's laughing hysterically. They ask him, "Kid, what's so funny?" The boy replies, "I sneezed and a house blew up!"

2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-26 11:08   
Taxiing down the tarmac, the jetliner abruptly stopped, turned around and returned to the gate.

After an hour-long wait, it finally took off.

A concerned passenger asked the flight attendant, "What was the problem?"

"The pilot was bothered by a noise he heard in the engine," explained the Flight Attendant, "and it took us a while to find a new pilot."


2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-26 11:09   
On reaching his plane seat a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped in next to him. He asks the stewardess for a coffee where upon the parrot squawks "And get me a whisky you cow!" The stewardess, flustered, brings back a whisky for the parrot and forgets the coffee.

When this omission is pointed out to her the parrot drains its glass and bawls "And get me another whisky you idiot". Quite upset, the girl comes back shaking with another whisky but still no coffee.

Unaccustomed to such slackness the man tries the parrot's approach "I've asked you twice for a coffee, go and get it now or I'll kick you".

The next moment, both he and the parrot have been wrenched up and thrown out of the emergency exit by two burly stewards. Plunging downwards the parrot turns to him and says "For someone who can't fly, you complain too much!"

2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-26 11:14   
It seems the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a unique device for testing the strength of windshields on airplanes. The device is a gun that launches a dead chicken at a plane's windshield at approximately the speed the plane flies.

The theory is that if the windshield doesn't crack from the carcass impact, it'll survive a real collision with a bird during flight. It seems the British were very interested in this and wanted to test a windshield on a brand new, speedy locomotive they're developing.

They borrowed the FAA's chicken launcher, loaded the chicken and fired. The ballistic chicken shattered the windshield, went through the engineer's chair, broke an instrument panel and embedded itself in the back wall of the engine cab. The British were stunned and asked the FAA to recheck the test to see if everything was done correctly.

The FAA reviewed the test thoroughly and had one recommendation: "Use a thawed chicken."

(extra) link to chicken gun http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/6318/17852979mb2.jpg

2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-26 11:29   
NOT a joke, and probably false, but....

Old Ironsides
The U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) as a combat vessel carried 48,600 gallons of fresh (remember that figure) water for her crew of 475 officers and men. This was sufficient to last six months of sustained operations at sea. She carried no evaporators (fresh water distillers). However, let it be noted that according to her log, "On July 27, 1798, the U.S.S. Constitution sailed from Boston with a full complement of 475 officers and men, 48,600 gallons of fresh water, 7,400 cannon shot, 11,600 pounds of black powder and 79,400 gallons of rum."

Her mission: "To destroy and harass English shipping."

Making Jamaica on 6 October, she took on, according to her log, 826 pounds of flour and 68,300 gallons of rum.

She then headed for the Azores, arriving there 12 November. She provisioned with 550 pounds of beef and 64,300 gallons of Portuguese wine. On 18 November, she set sail for England.

In the ensuing days she defeated five British men-of-war and captured and scuttled 12 English merchantmen, salvaging only the rum aboard each. By 26 January, her powder and shot were exhausted. Nevertheless, and though unarmed, she made a night raid up the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. Her landing party captured a whiskey distillery and took aboard 40,000 gallons of single malt Scotch aboard by dawn.

Then she headed home.

The U.S.S. Constitution arrived in Boston on 20 February 1799, seven [7] months after her departure, with NO cannon shot, NO food, NO powder, NO rum, NO wine, NO whiskey, and 38,600 gallons of stagnant water.


A Troll =SSC=

Joined: August 15, 2002
Posts: 302
From: New Orleans,Louisiana
Posted: 2007-01-26 19:45   
On 2007-01-01 07:46, HMS Blueprint wrote:
OOO I GOT ONE ........ the japanese have invented a camera that shuts it photo shutters soo fast you can actually take a picture of a women with her mouth shut!!!!!!!!!
ps. Padma if you read this please dont kill me its only a joke and i kinda like my face the shape it is.

[ This Message was edited by: Cobra 1-1 on 2007-01-26 19:47 ]
Hell hath no fury like a shattered star.

  Email A Troll =SSC=
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2007-01-26 20:33   

On 2007-01-26 11:29, Ship-Of-Fools wrote:
NOT a joke, and probably false, but....

Old Ironsides

You might like to know that the British Empire decided to send frigates out to fend her off, when she was technicaly classed as a "slightly" larger than destroyer hull (think destroyer-cruiser), and they were shipping patrol frigates at that. Ironside and (cant remember the name of the ship) a British frigate had a 3 hour long battle, which I was tought about in history. Apparently the only reason Ironside won was because the frigate was very old, and some of the cannon fittings were lose, and so the guns weren't aimed properly, and so some of the shots litraly just bounced off her.

There's a book too if I remember correctly, which is a good read. Mostly captains notes made into fiction with fact (if you understand where I'm coming from). Also has neat little facts like Isambard Kingdom Brunel building a propellor for the S.S. Great Britain that's only 0.4% slower/worse than one that's completely optimised by a computer nowerdays (clever man).

Anyway, I'll stop with my history lesson now

2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-27 05:57   
jack, u totally ruined the funny,

next u going to say she was made of green oak

2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-01-27 08:00   
Men and women have two distinct views about a wedding. The husband to be wakes up in the morning, plays a round of golf and counts the minutes until he has to be at the altar.
The wife to be on the other hand, wakes up in the morning and is panicking. She immediately begins to organize things, making sure everything is in proper order. In her mind she is repeating what she
has to do. 'All I have to do is go down the aisle, get to the altar, and marry him.' She repeats this over and over again, until she begins to shorten it to three words which she continues to repeat.. 'Aisle, altar,
him.' 'Aisle, altar, him.' 'Aisle, altar, him.'

$yTHe {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: September 29, 2002
Posts: 1292
From: Arlington, VA
Posted: 2007-01-27 10:06   
A man walks into is house at 6 in the morning after a night out to find his wife standing in the kitchen, tapping her foot and looking livid. He has alcohol on his breath, and a strange lipstick on his cheek.
"I trust," she snarls, "that there is an excellent reason for you to come waltzing in at 6 in the morning?"

"There is," he replies.


2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-03-12 22:11   

The population of this country is 300 million.
160 million are retired.
That leaves 140 million to do the work.
There are 85 million in school.
Which leaves 55 million to do the work.
Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government.
Leaving 15 million to do the work.
2.8 million are in the armed forces
Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work.
Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and city governments.
And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.
At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.
Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.
Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.
That leaves just two people to do the work.

You and me

And there you are,

sitting on your butt,

at your computer, reading jokes.

Nice. Real nice

[ This Message was edited by: Ship-Of-Fools on 2007-03-12 22:11 ]

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2007-03-12 22:37   

On 2007-01-27 10:06, $yTHe {Ret.} wrote:
A man walks into is house at 6 in the morning after a night out to find his wife standing in the kitchen, tapping her foot and looking livid. He has alcohol on his breath, and a strange lipstick on his cheek.
"I trust," she snarls, "that there is an excellent reason for you to come waltzing in at 6 in the morning?"

"There is," he replies.



Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: October 01, 2005
Posts: 1553
From: Newport News, Virginia
Posted: 2007-03-12 23:37   
OOH OOH! i got a good one liner...

my EAD pwned that AD...

captain of the ICC Assault Cruiser C.S.S. Sledgehammer

  Email Leonide
2nd Rear Admiral
Angry Mob

Joined: June 10, 2004
Posts: 415
From: USA
Posted: 2007-03-15 00:35   
A very self-important university freshman attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.
"You grew up in a different world. Actually, an almost primitive one," the student said loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. "The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon and our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light speed processing and...," pausing to take another drink of beer.
The senior took advantage of the break in the student's litany and said, "You're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were young. We invented them! Now, tell me, what are you doing for the next generation"?


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