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 Author sorry i havent been on as of late (warning: not a cry for attention)
Grand Admiral

Joined: September 26, 2006
Posts: 549
Posted: 2007-02-16 05:27   
I'm sorry but anyone who posts personal informaiton in a public forum is screaming for attention. I may sound harsh and cold but oh well.

This is information that the general DS public did not need to know and should be kept between you and your "friends".

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-02-16 09:09   
uh flip where do you think i've been the last few weeks? in therapy, i have enough time to wake up, post something and then go back to this Group thing that i've signed up with...its really fun, theres games, movies, i get to cook i get to do things i like, HELL im even a DJ some nights and im on this medication called Chlonopin and Robaxin but yah, I figured SOME OF YOU would care, i guess not, and its guys or girls in this case like you that cause this sorta crap, i mean sure its an online community but WORDS hurt reguardless :|

  Email GothThug {C?}
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2007-02-16 09:16   
goth, things like this are simply not ment for a public forum. Anything personal isnt.


Raven Warriors

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 2673
Posted: 2007-02-16 11:23   

On 2007-02-16 09:09, Fatal GothThug *Ens* wrote:
its guys or girls in this case like you that cause this sorta crap, i mean sure its an online community but WORDS hurt reguardless :|

Actually...no one brought this on you. You brought it on yourself. You can also change. FIrst of all, you got problems man. That's right. 5 boxes of twinkies? Egads, check the nutrition on those. That right there is attempted suicide tbh. Second, thoughts of suicide? Wanting to kill yourself? I'll say this now, you're being an idiot. I say that to anyone who ever tells me they have thought about killing themselves. Get a grip, life sucks, it's true, but there is still stuff to be thankful for. Can't find anything? Did you not wake up today? Do you have clothes? Do you have family? That's enough to be thankful for right there. If you were thinking about suicide so you could cause someone pain over you offing yourself, well, I got news for you. They wont care for long. Oh at first they will feel a little bad, but not for very long at all. You have problems. YOU need to sort them out. YOU need to change. Get control of yourself. If peoples comments on an internet spacegame hurt you, then get away from it. If you wont help yourself, no one else will. I do not mean this as a flame or anything. It's the truth. It's advice. I hope you get better.

Chief Marshal

Joined: May 29, 2002
Posts: 257
Posted: 2007-02-16 13:06   
good luck goth!
things can only get better now

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-02-16 13:09   
Thanx Riley

  Email GothThug {C?}
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
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From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2007-02-16 13:20   
It's proven that everyone thinks of killing themselves every once in a while (I don't know how often that is though). If you were serious about it and actualy wanted to go through with it, then props to you for having the nerve to get help (most people just ignore it).

Seriously though, this sort of jazz isn't mean for a public forum. Tell your friends in private, and talk to them about it if need be - but don't put it out there for everyone to see, because there will always be those who will use it against you, and who will put you down, no matter where you go, or what you say.

[ This Message was edited by: BackSlash *Jack* on 2007-02-16 13:20 ]


Joined: July 22, 2003
Posts: 570
From: Lagtopia, Lag system.
Posted: 2007-02-16 14:42   
why wasnt this thread immediately locked?

  Email Hawk™
Grand Admiral

Joined: January 24, 2004
Posts: 1729
From: sitting somewhere drinking beer
Posted: 2007-02-16 14:57   

On 2007-02-16 14:42, Hawk™ wrote:
why wasnt this thread immediately locked?

Because, Contrary to popular belief we do not Lock/delete Topics out of hand. Goth has every right to post his personal life (Misguided though it may be to do so), and Barring any excessively venomous comments, and or and all out Flame War, we will just continue to moniter this topic ... for now.
Don't mess with old dudes...age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!


Joined: October 24, 2004
Posts: 204
Posted: 2007-02-16 19:07   
stop eating twinkies, and start getting in shape and maybe u can get yourself ..umm how can i say this.. going in a better direction.

  Email *Peanut*

Joined: March 09, 2004
Posts: 5
Posted: 2007-02-16 21:19   
Perhaps the most important thing I've learned in my life this far (and the hardest advice to follow) is to not judge people when you haven't been in their situation. Depression is a difficult thing to understand, and if you haven't experienced the constant, all-encompassing, unspeakable pain that chronic depression brings I don't really think you can understand the situation. Logically, depression doesn't make sense, and killing oneself seems like a senseless, wasteful "permanent solution to a temporary problem." Logic can't always break through the fog of depression, and when the only thing you can do is hurt, just, everything hurts for long periods of time, eventually you can't really remember any of the good things about life and it doesn't make sense to continue living just to endure the constant pain. You know how some people with physically painful terminal illnesses want assisted suicide? Depression is kind of like that, except you can't expect to die and be out of your misery anytime soon. Goth posted his issues in what is so obviously an inappropriate venue because he needs to feel like somebody cares and he is not all alone in his pain. Yes, he should have discussed this privately with close friends, but it's hard to discuss something like this in the "real" world, and maybe he doesn't have many people to turn to. Like I said, logic and depression don't really mix, I know I've called/IMed people I shouldn't have just because I needed to feel like someone cared about me. Honestly, if you disapprove of Goth's post, be mature enough to ignore it and move on. No one's comments are going to "cause" or cure depression, but they sure can do a lot to either make the situation much worse or much better.

Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2007-02-16 23:28   
I'm wondering which of the flamers here and generally anyone that can't think of a better thing to do than make pointless replies - ( ie. _x$witchBladex_ {AM}, Durlan Katz, Sausage fingers!, Sixkiller, bc796d, -RevenG-, Hawk™, |PeaNuT|) - wants to be the first to have their forum rights removed on a permanent basis.

The Staff have had enough with the constant flaming, griping, veiled insults, and general caustic attitude of many players towards certain individuals. You are all on notice that if this does not change then we are likely to see many permanent absences from the DS Game System.

Please let the Staff moderate the forums and don't try telling us how our jobs should be done. If you have a complaint or suggestion about something then use the appropriate Staff Feedback forum or contact a Moderator directly.

For your general information, this is exactly the right venue for this type of thread, regardless of your personal opinions. Providing it does not break the RoC or isn't inappropriate to the DS Game System as a whole, then will will not moderate such posts unduly.

If you cannot post something of value to the discussion at hand then don't post at all.

- Draf.

[ This Message was edited by: Drafell on 2007-02-16 23:33 ]
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

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Peter Wiggin

Joined: November 10, 2005
Posts: 636
Posted: 2007-02-16 23:38   
I agree with.. mn... I cant remember how to spell that name..

Anyways, considering my mom and I both have similar things to goth, I know how it is(but after people said things like multiple people in here decided to do) I stopped talking about it. Hell, I even talked myself into never going to a hospital(for any reason) or see a counsellor again because of comments such as the ones made in here.

I admit I have no life(I have as much as i need in rl, plus i count people online as real friends) and that is why I used to talk online like Goth does. So before you continue to make unfriendly posts(I consider my last one friendly advice), just remember how things can turn out from one comment. Words hurt, even if they dont hurt you.

Goth has gone through a lot. And after this gaming community(even myself, I admit) have been less than friendly with him at times, the last thing he needs right now is rude comments. Remember.. if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all.


Raven Warriors

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 2673
Posted: 2007-02-17 03:28   
Suppose I better say something about this. Draf+Goth, my post was not meant as a flame. After rereading it, I can see how it came off that way. It is very harsh, and I could have said things in a nicer way. I am sorry that it came off, or rather was a flame. Goth, in short, you have things to be thankful for still. Think of those, and the depression will go away faster. Never forget what you have. Look not at what you have lost, but what you have left. Please accept my apologies. Draf, please accept my apologies as well.

Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2007-02-17 05:09   
I find my name in your post Draf, yet i fail to see any of the points you adressed in my posts. Therefore, I dont really like it when you say things like that and you might want to say them with a bit more tact next time.

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