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 Author [484] Metaverse
Rhiawhyn Zerinth
Fleet Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: October 31, 2005
Posts: 257
From: I.C.C Deep space refueling station
Posted: 2008-04-22 21:07   
So you are saying its like in team fortress 2 for capturing a controll point.. the more that stand on it the faster it captures...

add an ability for any ship with building devices to be considerd two ships ;P

death is not the greatest loss of life, the greatest lost of life is what dies inside of us while we live.

Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: October 01, 2005
Posts: 1553
From: Newport News, Virginia
Posted: 2008-04-24 01:28   
Battlefield 2 has a capturing system that we are discussing right now. the more people in the proximity of the capture zone, the faster the zone is captured. i am pretty sure you can code something like that, Richard...a LOT of other games have this very system of capturing.

captain of the ICC Assault Cruiser C.S.S. Sledgehammer

  Email Leonide
Axianda The Royal
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Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
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From: Axianda
Posted: 2008-04-25 15:05   
another idea on the capture a home planet might be to implement some conditions that have to be met first for a home planet to be capturable.

for instance capturing all the connecting sytems.
when that is done an automatic broadcast is being sent as a final distress signal, like " Earth is in danger of Invasion" this will focus every player on earth, or if the UGTO is smart the take that time to make sure they can secure one of the neighbour systems.

- Axi

Eledore Massis [R33]
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Templar Knights

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From: tsohlacoLocalhost
Posted: 2008-04-26 12:08   
If you want to go that far Axi. why not go further.

(only got 10 minutes before i have to go. So lets type this out fast, instaid of in notepad++ that normaly would includes correct sentence structure, punctuation and correct spelling.)

If you want oth ave a dynamic universe aka our MetaVerse, beeing able to capture and oppress a enemy faction is a must have.
Just the option alone should bring the game closer to the player, amd must make him awear of the factor that he is needs to take care and stay on top of events that is happening inside his faction.

I prefere the sugestion that has been made by Doran a enemy faction has to gain congrol of starssystems instaid of all planets.
you can have a planet or two depending on a system that is still in enemy hands.
But eventualy that planet might become independent aka revolting if there faction isn't payign attention to them or if there under constant unsucessfull enemy attacks. there might even be the unlikely case if the enemy has hold of the system for a longer period that that single planet might revolt and join the faction that has hold over there current system.

Currently we got the home gate around the faction's home planet.
In the future i might think that this must be rechanged back to the way it was in the past, have the home gate rorate on the outskirts of the system and yes only be allowed to spawn frigates or below.
I consider this gate when the home system if captured "faction rebels tryign to regain there empire/form of goverment." becous you will always have some people trying to resurect there own empire or goverment just becous the feel or where loyal to it.

As far as the home planet is going i consider the planet it self a NPC planet.
It should hold all the facilities and resources required for a faction to be a Goveming and independant power in the universe. (Pirates are the only current faction i see that dous not require sutch a base.)(MIr is a other point.)
It should require actions of the players to maintain its independence however, in example it should be kept stocked with resources. There for it may require some of the planets in the system to function as a mining base or active players mining and gathering resources for it.
The planet should have more than average defence systems and should be the only plannet that has the abillity to allowe ships to spawn even when a heavy enemy presence is detected.
(There should be a restriction on the ships selection dependign on the proximity of the enemy pressence. e.g. enemy at 2000gu should allow cruisers to spawn but not dreads and stations. bellow 1000 destroyers only and so on or in a other level modifier. this becous larger ships would origionaly take more time to build and the planet needs its active defences fast!
This feature will Force players to take a more active defence role.
one exeption however DOCKED ships should not be included with in this feature. a ship already there should just launch!)

other factors as said above, requiring for all linked sectors to be under control i would be in favor for this.

darn 10 minutes are up,
Will post more then i have the time.


DS Discordion

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2008-05-01 13:51   
Realsol and r33 will be added sometime today, needs feedback from players

Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2008-05-01 13:58   

On 2008-05-01 13:51, Doran wrote:
Realsol and r33 will be added sometime today, needs feedback from players

I think was discussed, but maybe you could at the same time just add another cluster to both Sirius and CD (maybe an extra star for CD with some planets around it) to semi-balance out the Real sol vs other home systems. I think that was one (the only?) of the purposes of the map competition


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2008-05-01 14:12   
Yeah, that was the goal of it: give the other systems better balance vs Sol.

I forget.. did we get maps of that? Or was there pushback against the idea of changing whats near and dear to the hearts of the players? Its been a while and I'm sleep deprived.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Dionysian *EP5* (Angel of Destruction)
Grand Admiral
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: November 21, 2003
Posts: 135
Posted: 2008-05-01 15:15   
Some nice ideas on here.

A couple of other ideas to throw in to the pot.

1 Make the gates owned by the side whose system they are in - like a planet.
IF an enemey does approach, you then get the enemy detected warning. This then gives defenders more time to get the system that has been penetrated. You coould also make the gate have its own dictor or light weapons which would make penetrating an enemy sector a dangerous thing to do - it would be a brave pilot who went straight to a home system.

2 Make Planets & supply lines to a base more important
If you only had the fuel to make say 10 gate to gate jumps you would probably only go 5 - 6 systems before refueling. IF you then remove the ability to rearm / reload drones unless orbiting a planet that has a depot then will people penetrate 5-6 systems hopefully getting damaged as they go for one or two bombing runs?

I agree that a sup could accompany you but in 484 unless they capture a fully functioning planet that is not going to help much long term. You could also review the speed at which suppies sup -i.e. make them sup twice as fast to help keep combat going but halve the amount of sup pres they get for doing it so that suppies don;t become even more pres happy than now.

Could also introduce a pres penalty for logging off outside a friendly system. Call it ship abandoned or something. If your ship is 1 million GU from an enemy system - no fuel why should you be able to log off and get it back 2 mins later. In a real war you would be consider lost behind enemy lines . Make a penalty - say 1/3 of ship loss and people will have to try and fight back to home territory

3 Give the planets a loyalty factor based on proximity to home planets and length of time under present ownership. Thefore even a loyal ugto planet like MArs gets captured then say 50 hours later it might be down to 1% UGTO loyal 99% ICC loyal. - Those near earth might start as 99% UGTO 1% ICC - those in epsi might be 33% ugto, 33% icc 34% kluth.

Therefore if say Mars get captured it is 99% certain to revolt ( to start with ) unless the owning fleet stays in orbit and if they do revolt they are more likely to go back to their original owner. Revolt could be something like a large number of inf appear on the planet - fight the owners inf so if you only drop 4 heavies and cap it - it will almost certainly revolt and 30 standard green inf will appear

Do these 3 and if a fleet tries to penetrate 3-4 enemy systems it will encounter.

1) Gates that will announce to the defender that an enemy has arrived and may possibly dictor or shoot at them.

2) No supply base so although a suppy may keep them in the field that suppy will have no way of rearming / loading itself. Fleet may therefore get cut off without fuel much more easily. and lose pres.

3) Any planets that are captured will be liable to revolt anyway until they have been held for say 24 hours further depriving the invaders of a base.

The only real answer to the above would therfore be a grind across the MV - never going more than 1 system from safety unless you were on saome well planned behind the lines raid


Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2008-05-01 19:01   

On 2008-05-01 14:12, Shigernafy wrote:

I forget.. did we get maps of that? Or was there pushback against the idea of changing whats near and dear to the hearts of the players? Its been a while and I'm sleep deprived.

The reason given, somewhere, was that they couldn't import maps (yet) or something.

edit:and scripts don't work, otherwise I would write a script up

edit 2:
The star Luyten 726-8 B is inside Luyten 726-8 A (probably because of the new sun model)

edit 3:
Phobes and deimos are sexy. One of them emits fire out of them.

[ This Message was edited by: Nanatsu-Yoru on 2008-05-01 20:33 ]

Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: October 01, 2005
Posts: 1553
From: Newport News, Virginia
Posted: 2008-05-01 20:54   

On 2008-05-01 15:15, Dionysian *EP5* (Angel of Destruction) wrote:
Some nice ideas on here.

Could also introduce a pres penalty for logging off outside a friendly system. Call it ship abandoned or something. If your ship is 1 million GU from an enemy system - no fuel why should you be able to log off and get it back 2 mins later. In a real war you would be consider lost behind enemy lines . Make a penalty - say 1/3 of ship loss and people will have to try and fight back to home territory pres penalty for anything besides death is a BAD BAD IDEA!!!!

1) Gates that will announce to the defender that an enemy has arrived and may possibly dictor or shoot at them.
gates shooting or dictoring...HORRIBLE IDEA

2) No supply base so although a suppy may keep them in the field that suppy will have no way of rearming / loading itself. Fleet may therefore get cut off without fuel much more easily. and lose pres. it's called Shift Y.

[ This Message was edited by: leonide *EP5*(DA-U) on 2008-05-01 20:55 ]

captain of the ICC Assault Cruiser C.S.S. Sledgehammer

  Email Leonide
_x$witchBladex_ [1.480 Fanboy]
Grand Admiral

Joined: February 26, 2003
Posts: 849
From: Upstate New York
Posted: 2008-05-02 20:59   

On 2008-04-21 22:11, Enterprise wrote:

For one, with bombing fixed, safe zones would unneccessary, but it still leaves a problem, that home planets and systems tend to be constantly attacked first - its not hard to bypass nearly every system, even without wormholes. It has been a consistent problem in past versions.. after all, just about every point of common sense says that home systems should be the hardest things in the world to get to and conquer.

My advice would to make it so that all the systems are connect with jump gates, but make home systems only accesible by long jumps or by naturalling occuring wormholes that are one-way
However, Faustus has a good idea to help with this as well.

On 2008-04-22 09:06, Faustus wrote:
I might be able to change it so jumpgates can be controlled (i.e. captured).. that would be nice.

If we were allowed to set jumpgates to one-way this would work as well.The only problem I see occuring is that people are just going to spam the servers with orders changing/reversing the way that the jump gates would function.


If a sufficent trading system was ever implemented, forcing structures to take a constant supply of resources would force planets to rely on one another for resources in a supply chain. Thus the concept of sieging comes into place. I dont think I have to elaborate more there.

The only argument I have for this is that after awhile we all know that planets just stockpile resources to ungodly amounts.

[ This Message was edited by: _x$witchBladex_ the Rum Loving Pirate on 2008-05-02 21:06 ]
* [=TB=]Enterprise @39933 sent to Clan: "Thats a lie Switch, you'd never let anyone else drink rum if it were right there. You'd slip teh roofies in and start drinking it yourself and not even realize it."

Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2008-05-02 21:34   

On 2008-05-02 20:59, _x$witchBladex_ the Rum Loving Pirate wrote:
The only argument I have for this is that after awhile we all know that planets just stockpile resources to ungodly amounts.

Cap on the max number of resources a planet can have?


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2008-05-03 04:27   
One way gates is possible...

The problem is that even the faction whose home system it is wouldn't be able to use the gates to get back there; there's no way to discriminate based on who is using the gate.

So its all or nothing. Plus.. not sure what I actually think about that proposal - just commenting on whether its possible.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Eledore Massis [R33]
Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: May 26, 2002
Posts: 2694
From: tsohlacoLocalhost
Posted: 2008-05-03 10:37   
On 2008-05-01 20:54, leonide *EP5*(DA-U) wrote:
gates shooting or dictoring...HORRIBLE IDEA

Letting it have a dictor IS a realy good idea!
Have you ever got stuck with a dictor following you and you enter trough a gate to think "Yes safe!" but you where still dictored?
If you give a gate a small e.g. ~300/~450gu Dictorfield that might never happen again.
(not going in to details just think about it and search for a reasy why.

Weapons however hmm indeed maby not.
Maby PD weapons only like 4 CL. but nothing fancy.

On 2008-05-02 21:34, Nanatsu-Yoru wrote:
Cap on the max number of resources a planet can have?

a 100 million resources, However i think we might add somthing like different max resources per planet type.

And or let resources be influenced by the structures on the planet?
Planets: 10 mil is default max for a barren planet. 5 for ice, 20 for arid, 30 for terran, 80 for Super Terran. (and i'm even forgetting planet size)
Structures: hub adds 5, Shipyard 20, Mine 2, deep core 4, mantle 8, Factory 1..
(As for structures destroying the structure loses the resources it holds)

hmm might better post this idea some where else i think..
DS Discordion

Hellza - Dark Master
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Praetorian Wolves

Joined: June 06, 2004
Posts: 498
Posted: 2008-05-03 11:48   
Would it be possible to make a Jumpgate have '13 inf' slot? its not bombable. only way to capture it would be to drop infs onto it.
being said ten, so it would take more then one person to be able to capture the jump gate.

when its being invaded it would give a distress sig like our planets would?. it would give people time to back up the jump gate.
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