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Developer Update 9/9/2004... |
Faustus Marshal Palestar

Joined: May 29, 2001 Posts: 2749 From: Austin, Texas
| Posted: 2004-09-09 08:46  
Time for another update...
First off, I've moved the default BPS for a SocketUDP from 5k to 3k per second, which should prevent the slow dial-up connections from timing out when connecting to the MV.
Additionally, I've come up with a better solution for the entire connection timeout code (something that is needed to detect when the other end doesn't shutdown a connection properly) so that nobody should ever get disconnected again that actually has a live working connection.
Admins, I've fixed the "Save" log feature for a process server, so that the entire log is saved in ANSI now. If you didn't already notice, if your saving a server log the first part is in ANSI, any additional lines are unicode, which made it quite hard to read the file
Graphics optimization... this is next on my TODO list, which involves grouping all geometry being drawn to a single material. This is going to be a huge savings, and should actually let us draw 200+ fighters with practically no drop in frame rate. Currently, the engine draws each fighter seperately, which means the texture state will change 3-4 times for a single fighter, then repeat for each fighter afterwards... same for ships, same for all other 3D objects in the world.
The optimization involves, pushing all geometry into the material, so that when the material is set, ALL geometry using that material is rendered at once... this should drop the texture state changes down to the lowest possible level.
Voice chat... I'm going to take a crack this week at getting this feature re-enabled. I'm still thinking about this will actually function in-game, any player sugestions would be welcome...

Archon Grand Admiral
Joined: October 14, 2003 Posts: 331 From: Queensland, Australia
| Posted: 2004-09-09 08:49  
w00t Nice Work F!!
~Insanity Is Only The Beginning~
Axianda The Royal Fleet Admiral Terra Squadron
Joined: November 20, 2001 Posts: 4273 From: Axianda
| Posted: 2004-09-09 08:50  
- Axi
Apocalyptic Angel Cadet
Joined: August 29, 2004 Posts: 22
| Posted: 2004-09-09 08:58  
So, when do we get the music back as well?
Keep the good work up
Sc0tTn Cadet
Joined: February 26, 2004 Posts: 206 From: Mackay Queensland
| Posted: 2004-09-09 09:03  
GO on you holiday Faustus
Nice work

Ceridan Cadet
Joined: May 24, 2003 Posts: 608 From: Canada
| Posted: 2004-09-09 09:10  
w00t, ty for the Update F.
_________________ -1st Rear Admiral Ceridan
stuck in Univercity limbo
SabelTooth Cadet
Joined: March 16, 2002 Posts: 340 From: The Netherlands
| Posted: 2004-09-09 09:15  
Yay!! thnx big F
Now all I have to do is make some time free to play :S
BackSlash Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003 Posts: 11183 From: Bristol, England
| Posted: 2004-09-09 09:51  
Why not make it so ingame you can right click on a person and enable voice chat with them, then when you've done that with one person you can invite other peopl efor a sorta conference sorta thing.
Just an idea.
Otherwise .... PLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait for alot of these gfx improvments...seems pointless being able to play the game at the highest resoulution if it only runs at just 100 fps ^^

Gideon Cadet
Joined: September 14, 2001 Posts: 4604 From: Oregon, USA
| Posted: 2004-09-09 10:09  
I hate to be a killjoy, but...
Uhhh...what about the 483 changes? You decided to just ditch those, or am I missing where they fit in here? Some communication on this might be nice.
_________________ ...and lo, He looked upon His creation, and said, "Fo shizzle."
Faustus Marshal Palestar

Joined: May 29, 2001 Posts: 2749 From: Austin, Texas
| Posted: 2004-09-09 10:57  
Sorry, Gideon... Thats a given, that your changes are going back in...I'll do better to explain myself next time.
BackSlash, good ideal.. so basically, and "Hail" button when you target someone, which brings them into your voice chat group, then another display to remove them from the group or mute them.
Richard -Faustus- Lyle
Lead Programmer - DarkSpace /

[ This Message was edited by: Faustus on 2004-09-09 10:58 ]

BackSlash Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003 Posts: 11183 From: Bristol, England
| Posted: 2004-09-09 11:51  
Exactly...but I dont know about targeting...say I want to communicate to Forseth who's in R33 repelling UGTO, and im in BD, it would take too long to find him in the system, and then hail him. Maybe when you click on a system it should list the people that are in it. Like in 1.480 when you targeted a system it would tell you how people people are in it .
Woo Darkspace is gonna be good!
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[ This Message was edited by: BackSlash on 2004-09-09 11:54 ]

|2eason Grand Admiral Agents
Joined: September 30, 2001 Posts: 1252 From: Wisconsin, US
| Posted: 2004-09-09 14:26  
This should have two modes:
1) Typical Mode: Automatically adds other voice chat enabled users on your faction into the voice group.
2) Customized Mode: You choose whether to automatically add every user on your faction, every user in your fleet, or just select other voice chat enabled users and add them to your list. You can also use any combination of the three.
Of course, there would also be an option to have yourself skipped over so that other people can't add you to their "Listen list". Etc, etc. Perhaps even have the option to create your own private "Group Chat Room"
- |2eason -
[-[A]-]|2eason the retired
Fattierob Vice Admiral
Joined: April 25, 2003 Posts: 4059
| Posted: 2004-09-09 14:59  
Do what they do in Counter-strike
Hold down one button (K?) to to your fleet I mean anybody within 5kgu of your ship.
Don't like what somebody is saying? click on their ship and press the "mute button"...
I don't want to to have to invidivual select ships to broadcast orders....holding down a button and saying a quick sentance in the heat of battle works well.
BackSlash Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003 Posts: 11183 From: Bristol, England
| Posted: 2004-09-09 17:31  
Faustus I think plays CS so it probably wouldnt be to hard to make it like that.

Jim Starluck Marshal Templar Knights

Joined: October 22, 2001 Posts: 2232 From: Cincinnati, OH
| Posted: 2004-09-09 19:26  
The way I figure it, voice-chat should be done with a "frequency" or "channel" system.
I.e. there are three frequencies reserved for ICC, UGTO and K'luth chat specifically. ICC cannot hear anything from the UGTO one and so on.
There would also be Fleet-reserved frequencies, just like there are Fleet-specific forums.
Then there would be "Open Broadcast," which works like /yell and sends to all ships, friendly and hostile, in the immediate area.
We could also have a ton of "unused" frequencies, which people could tune to if they wanted a more private conversation...of course, there would be the chance of someone else switching to that frequency and listening in...
*shrugs* That's the way I would like to see it.
_________________ If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger space battleship and try again.