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 Author [TEST] Need upgrade paths tested...

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 2749
From: Austin, Texas
Posted: 2006-02-13 08:45   
I've setup some basic upgrade paths for most devices. Obviously, I'm most likely missing something, I need to know what looks broken.

Also, the upgrade requirements are pretty default right now, we will need more comprehensive requirements before we can release.



  Goto the website of Faustus
Nim *
Chief Marshal
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: September 05, 2004
Posts: 295
Posted: 2006-02-13 09:16   

On 2006-02-13 08:45, Faustus wrote:
I've setup some basic upgrade paths for most devices. Obviously, I'm most likely missing something, I need to know what looks broken.

Also, the upgrade requirements are pretty default right now, we will need more comprehensive requirements before we can release.


These are the bugs I've noticed as Kluth..

Organic Armor can be upgraded to any human armors (Ablative, Reflective and Standard)

Disrupters can be replaced with HCL

Bio Bombs has only mirv as a upgrade path and once u change to mirv you cant change back to bio (I think it should be tele kinectic bomb instead of mirv)

Psi cannons has 2 upgrade paths, both of which are human tech (particle cannon and emp)

Jump Drive has no upgrade path (Kluth should be able to upgrade to antimatter jump drive shouldnt they?)

Assault disrupter has 1 upgrade path and that is to the normal disrupter. After changing to normal disrupter you can only upgrade it to HCL and not back to assault disrupter

Psi Missile has no upgrade paths.

Tractor Beam has no upgrade paths

Reactors have no upgrade paths.

AM torp has the option to be upgraded to ICC Fusion torp

Elf beam has no upgrade paths

Mines can be replaced with any other faction mines

Mining beam has no upgrade path and has a bugged picture on the slot.

EDIT: Shredder missile and shock missile have no upgrade path either

Also once u change from psi cannon to emp or particle cannon, you cant go back to psi cannon

I can no longer change armor to human type. (Was able to couple hours ago)

[small][ This Message was edited by: Nim*FL* on 2006-02-13 09:28 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: Nim*FL* on 2006-02-13 11:17 ]

Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2006-02-13 09:22   
On UGTO you cant swap reactors, tractor beams and mining beams. You can only change ecm, eccm and scanners. But that might be ment to be that way.


Joined: December 13, 2004
Posts: 554
Posted: 2006-02-13 10:48   
energy reqs would have to be low that way.....otherwise ur ship wouldnt be able to go faster than a station without losing too much energy

Nim *
Chief Marshal
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: September 05, 2004
Posts: 295
Posted: 2006-02-13 10:52   
Results after testing as ICC:

WH Device 1 on WormHole cruser can be upgraded to WH2 Device

Fusion torp = Am torp

CL can be changed to pulse which can then be changed to HCL with no upgrade options.

IE can be changed to AME

WH2 device has no upgrade paths

F-29 on Line station has no upgrade path

Ion cannon can be changed to emp/pc but cant be changed back

PCM has no upgrade path

Mines can be upgraded to any other faction mines



Joined: November 26, 2005
Posts: 45
Posted: 2006-02-13 11:24   
As my pres hasn't been upped yet i can only test scouts.

As ugto I went assault corvette

1. was able to change drives to AME drives

2. Chemical lazer first only changed to pulse beam, the pulse beam had the ability to change to either standard chem or heavy chem (didn't make sense to me )

3. p torp has no upgrade path (should these still be changeable with missiles (? unsure))

Particle cannons only change to EMP cannons so there's no problem like there is on the luth ships where psi change to particle or emp

and thats all I can check till I get given some pres on beta lol

Extra: Once I switched my drives to AME I was unable to change to any other drive + Once I switched to HCL I was unable to change ot any other lazer

Extra2: Mirv bombs have nothing to change to

[small][ This Message was edited by: Cataclysmic Bum on 2006-02-13 11:48 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: Cataclysmic Bum on 2006-02-13 11:50 ]

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2006-02-13 18:41   
- cant change engines even with enough tech and res. tried with battle cruiser and assault scout
- cant change to standard or ablative armor from reflective
- harrier frigate cant change armor at all, same with interceptor (theres something else effecting it, because now i cant seem to change armor on any ship, armor icons are red) (seems like a logout fixes it)
- command station spawns with AM torps, can be swapped for fusions only
- command station cant swap wh2 for jump drive, same with the other stations
- battle station cant swap fighters
- command dread spawns with railguns(?), rails can swap to gauss emp or partical, gauss only swaps to railgun

--mirvs dont swap to neutrons, (neutrons dont swap to mirvs for that matter), PCMs dont swap to PSMs
--mining beams cant be swapped to anything, nor anything to mining beams (mining beam icon have grey rectangle in them)
-- cant swap to flux beam, flux beam cant swap to anything
-- mines swap to any mine

--ion cannon can swap for emp or partical cannons
--no option to swap to sabots, sabots dont swap to anything
--wormhole cruiser wh1 can swap for wh2, and not back to wh1
--minelayer dessie and frigate have options to swap TN mine for any mine, but wont acutally make the swap

[ This Message was edited by: Doran on 2006-02-13 20:23 ]

Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2006-02-13 19:47   

It seems that some ships upgrade fine and others arent able to. Will startin compiing a list soon. Items in italics conform to upgrade path.

The follwoing devices should be globally available(Name/Slot type):

-IE Drive - Engine

-Tachyon Drive - Jumpdrive *BUG* - No upgrtade path to AMJD available

-Wormhole 1 - Jumpdrive 2

-Wormhole 2 - Jumpdrive 3
-HyperMass Accelerator - JumpDrive 3

-ECM - Warfare
-ECCM - Warfare
-Scanner - Warfare

-Beacon - Beacon

-Auxiliiary Power Generator - Aux

-Tractor Beam - Utility
-Mining Beam - Utitlity

-Supply - Drone

The following devices should be global (available to all ships), but limited by the Planets Hub(IE ICC Hub for Fusion torps, Kluth hub for AM tech):

-AME Drive - K'luth Hub- Engine
-AFE/PFE - UGTO/ICC Hub - Engine

-Antimatter Jump Drive - K'luth - Engine *BUG* - Currently N/A

-AM Torp - K'luth Hub - Standard Launcher
-Proton Torp - UGTO Hub - Standard Launcher

-Fusion Torp - ICC Hub - Standard Launcher

The following devices need to be restricted to availablility by Faction only, with the exception of Pirates having global access to all non-psi faction tech (excluding Mi):

-Light Chemical Laser - ICC/UGTO - Light Beam
-Heavy Chemical Laser - ICC/UGTO - Heavy Beam
*BUG* - Can upgrade to this from Pulse Beam
-IT Missile - UGTO/ICC - Heavy Launcher
-AR Missle - UGTO/ICC - Heavy Launcher

-Pulse Beam - ICC - Light Beam *BUG* - Can upgrade to HCL
-Rail Gun - ICC - Standard Mount *BUG* - Can upgrade to Particle and EMP
-Guass Cannon - ICC - Standard Mount

-Sabot - ICC - Standard Mount *BUG* - Currently not available

-Flux Beam - UGTO - Light Beam *BUG* - Currenlty not available
-Particle Cannon - UGTO - Standard Mount *BUG* - Can upgrade to this from Railgun
-EMP Cannon - UGTO - Standard Mount *BUG* - Can upgrade to this from Railgun

-Disruptor - K'luth - Light Beam
-Psi Cannon - K'luth - Standard Mount

-Psi Missile - K'luth - Heavy Launcher *BUG* - Unable to upgrade to Shredder/Shock Missile
-Shock Missile - K'luth - Heavy Launcher *BUG* - Unable to upgrade to Psi/Shredder Missile
-Shredder Missile - K'luth - Heavy Launcher *BUG* - Unable to upgrade to Psi/Shock Missile
-Assault Disruptor - K'luth - Heavy Beam

-Active Shield - ICC - Shield
-Reactive Shield - ICC - Shield

-Standard Armor - UGTO/ICC - Armor

-Reflective Armor - UGTO - Armor
-Ablative Armor - UGTO - Armor

-Organic Armor - K'luth - Armor

-Mirv Bomb - UGTO/ICC - Bomb *BUG* - Unable to upgrade to Neutron
-Neutron Bomb - UGTO/ICC - Bomb *BUG* - Currently not available

-Bio Bomb - K'luth - Bomb
-Telekintik Bomb - K'luth - Bomb

-Auto Hull Repair - K'luth - AHR
-Cloak - K'luth - Special

Flux Wave - UGTO - Special

Pulse Wave - ICC - Special

-Auxilliary Shield Generator - ICC - Aux

[small][ This Message was edited by: Drafell on 2006-02-14 10:18 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: Drafell on 2006-02-15 19:05 ]
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

  Goto the website of Drafell

Joined: November 02, 2002
Posts: 306
From: Adelaide, Australia
Posted: 2006-02-14 17:55   
Found a bug in the mine swapping on Kluth,

AM Mines cannot be swapped for any other mine even though the upgrade paths are green.

This bug appears on both the Scarab and Instars not sure about ICC/UGTO mine swapping

Grand Admiral Nat
Darkspace Moderator/Developer
Commander Colony Excalibur
Captain Siphon Australis

Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2006-02-14 17:58   
UGTO Frigate can swap OK (according to Doran) but the same bug exists with all ICC Minelayers.
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

  Goto the website of Drafell
_x$witchBladex_ [1.480 Fanboy]
Grand Admiral

Joined: February 26, 2003
Posts: 849
From: Upstate New York
Posted: 2006-02-14 20:03   
No weapon can be swapped for a Beacon.
* [=TB=]Enterprise @39933 sent to Clan: "Thats a lie Switch, you'd never let anyone else drink rum if it were right there. You'd slip teh roofies in and start drinking it yourself and not even realize it."

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2006-02-16 16:30   

On 2006-02-14 20:03, _x$witchBladex_ {Kama Sutra} wrote:
No weapon can be swapped for a Beacon.


1st Rear Admiral

Joined: December 11, 2003
Posts: 42
From: USA Eastern Time
Posted: 2006-02-18 12:58   
(1)It seems that a lot of ICC ships can't swap reactive shields for active shields. I've tried everything from a bomber corvette to a missile cruiser. And yes, I confirmed that the planet had the stuff required for the swap. I've seen this mentioned before, but not that it affected so many ships. It displays the upgrade, but it remains red and unselectable.

(2)Destroyers seem to have some odd bugs with engine hardpoint graphics. Not sure why, or if it will work itself out.

[ This Message was edited by: Maxor on 2006-02-18 13:00 ]
There are things in this world that man was not meant to know . . . and we have most of them convieniently arranged alphabetically by title.

Grand Admiral

Joined: February 16, 2005
Posts: 27
Posted: 2006-02-18 14:10   

On 2006-02-18 12:58, Maxor wrote:
(1)It seems that a lot of ICC ships can't swap reactive shields for active shields. I've tried everything from a bomber corvette to a missile cruiser. And yes, I confirmed that the planet had the stuff required for the swap. I've seen this mentioned before, but not that it affected so many ships. It displays the upgrade, but it remains red and unselectable.

(2)Destroyers seem to have some odd bugs with engine hardpoint graphics. Not sure why, or if it will work itself out.

Did you turn your shields off before trying to swap for active shields?

Shields can be switched off by pressing ctrl + s and must be off like the engines in order to be swaped.

1st Rear Admiral

Joined: December 11, 2003
Posts: 42
From: USA Eastern Time
Posted: 2006-02-18 22:49   
My brain would like to apologize for that last post, as it seems to have been made by the body while the brain was sleeping.

Thanks Nim, I really shouldn’t have missed that.

There are things in this world that man was not meant to know . . . and we have most of them convieniently arranged alphabetically by title.

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