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Forum Index » » Player Submitted Maps » » [Open Call]Maps - Old is the new retro
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 Author [Open Call]Maps - Old is the new retro
Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2012-10-21 14:40   
For the 1.7 metaverse, 7 systems are being added. The seven maps thare are being added have been pulled from old sources, but due to their age, names are all that survive in a easily usable format. So, you get to (re)build a new(old) map.

The Rules

  1. You get 1 submission and that's it. Pick one system and make a map for it.

  2. Your map submission must be named in the following format: [SYSTEM NAME] - [@YOUR ID NUMBER]. Example: Andosia - @14362

  3. Each map may have NO MORE THAN 13 planets. Stars dont count. Nebulas dont count. Asteroids dont count. This means you'll have to pay attention to the names list for each system, because a few of those have more than 13 names.

  4. Ideally, each map should include all listed names, except where there'd be more than 13 planets.

Chosen maps will be randomly selected from available entries for each system that 1) meet the above requirements and 2) dont totally suck.
Chosen maps will also likely be tweaked slightly for things like distance, especially if you didnt bother checking your math and just threw a bunch of random dots on a dartboard.
If your map gets picked, you'll of course have the satisfaction of having your map in the metaverse. You'll also get a pile of credits, 14000 of them.

You can get a map template right here, but since these maps are intended for the metaverse, you dont need to include a map description or objective.

Critium 32

  • Critium 32
  • Critium 32 Major A
  • Critium 32c
  • Gorge
  • Morus
  • Pinta
  • Pritium
  • Turanous
  • Vertus
  • Zentos
  • Zork


  • Andosia Prime
  • Broth
  • Burn
  • Dark
  • Froh
  • Gunny
  • Hamm
  • Hilg
  • Marder
  • Sist
  • Tegr
  • Trace
  • Wot

Ross 348

  • Ross 10
  • Ross 11
  • Ross 11a
  • Ross 11b
  • Ross 11c
  • Ross 6
  • Ross 7
  • Ross 7A
  • Ross 7B
  • Ross 7C
  • Ross 8
  • Ross 9
  • Trathia
  • Wethinic

Ross 448

  • Chaotia
  • Gethugianic
  • Pethic
  • Roasia
  • Rondamic
  • Tetrithic
  • Tetwep

Williams 38

  • Bat
  • Broken
  • Catcher
  • Charger
  • Cub
  • Deep
  • Econo
  • Fossil
  • Paw
  • Stripe
  • Williams 38a
  • Williams 38b

Williams 22

  • Kevlar
  • Little Smokey
  • Skate
  • Specter
  • Tropic

Xi Bootis

  • Abel
  • Ardenia
  • Brittania
  • Darian
  • Entreides
  • Gunther
  • Haven
  • Ixian
  • Lokdar
  • Lyra
  • MacCabes
  • Nahdar
  • Omicron
  • Thaxius
  • Ypres
  • Zephyr

[ This Message was edited by: Mersenne Twister on 2012-12-08 19:36 ]

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2012-10-21 14:54   
submissions can go below.

Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: April 30, 2002
Posts: 830
From: Land of Chocolate
Posted: 2012-10-22 22:37   
Can we rename the planets? My main concern is the Ross 348 system, where it seems to start at Ross 7, but nothing before that... The number system is off.
Also, can we make extra submissions that don't count?
[ This Message was edited by: Tellaris on 2012-10-22 22:59 ]

Captain of the StarCruiser
I hit planets for fun!
Spellchecker, the POWER t00l

Flux Capacitor

Joined: July 30, 2010
Posts: 305
From: the place
Posted: 2012-10-23 06:31   
how big can we make a map? and i noticed we can make a xml sheet with x,y coordinates on this map, isnt it kinda hard to picture that map that way?

think ill make an easy paint file to make the map first then estimate coordinates from there.

edit: got it, Ross 448 - @207510

Edit2: okay ty Doran ill fill in the spreadsheat later. just think its best/easier if the maker also post some kind of picture he/she had in mind, better to envision the map when its drawn, even in the simple paint form.

[ This Message was edited by: -Rene- on 2012-10-24 06:37 ]

my signature is awesome

  Goto the website of Flux Capacitor
Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2012-10-23 10:09   
for size, probably want to keep it inside of roughly 30k square for the large ones. smaller maps can be in the neighborhood of 10-15k square
for examples of how big that is, tetra's about 30k across, and dres-kona's between 15k and 18k (its a little rectangular)

maps do need to be submitted in spreadsheet form. they do include an x,y scatterplot graph to show where each planet is relative to another (if not, one can be easily created in any decent spreadsheet program). granted, it wont show orbit paths that way, but thats what we have to work with (and nothing a little photoshopping cant fix)

348 is a known..thing. id prefer to have 348's names left as-is for now, but it'll very likely get a new set of names before it's added to the metaverse. havent quite decided how i want to handle that yet, maybe ill contact the chosen mapper for a batch of names. maybe not.
but use the existing names.

Forger of Destiny
Chief Marshal
We Kick Arse

Joined: October 10, 2009
Posts: 826
Posted: 2012-10-23 12:33   
Critium 32 - @191408

size 29kgu x 28kgu

includes all planet types except inferno and terran.
has a nebula and 2 moon-type objects (like the 4 which orbit Jupiter in lacerta)
Forging legends and lives outside till naught remains inside.

Grand Admiral
Faster than Light

Joined: July 19, 2011
Posts: 507
From: Hivarin, CD+36*15693
Posted: 2012-10-23 14:44   
The .odf file will only let me input jumpgate, terran, nebula, and star. How do I fix that?

edit:nvm, fixed.
[ This Message was edited by: Mylith(helper) on 2012-10-23 14:47 ]


Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: April 30, 2002
Posts: 830
From: Land of Chocolate
Posted: 2012-10-23 20:34   
Easy fix. Highlight the cells you want to change, go to "Data", click "Validity", uncheck "Show error messages when invalid data entered"

For some reason this locks it to only existing data in that column.

Ross 338
Hopefully this works... Let me know if it doesn't.
Note* Didn't put any jumpgates. Didn't think it was required.
NoteII* I don't know the diameter of the planets anymore. Its been a while since the days of the old editor. You'll likely have to adjust the numbers anyway.

Also did Williams 22, I can post it if you guys want another not-counted submission. Let me know.
[ This Message was edited by: Tellaris on 2012-10-23 21:51 ]
Captain of the StarCruiser
I hit planets for fun!
Spellchecker, the POWER t00l

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2012-10-23 23:35   

On 2012-10-23 20:34, Tellaris wrote:

You need permission to access this item.

Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: April 30, 2002
Posts: 830
From: Land of Chocolate
Posted: 2012-10-24 15:08   
Should be fixed now, try again.
Captain of the StarCruiser
I hit planets for fun!
Spellchecker, the POWER t00l

Grand Admiral
Faster than Light

Joined: July 19, 2011
Posts: 507
From: Hivarin, CD+36*15693
Posted: 2012-10-29 11:38   
Xi Bootis - @221120

If it needs another JG add it below the star around 5kgu.




Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 1789
Posted: 2012-12-08 18:19   
Bump. We need maps folks. Don't miss out on a chance to add to the game.

Flux Capacitor

Joined: July 30, 2010
Posts: 305
From: the place
Posted: 2012-12-08 19:17   
You cannot have OBJECT-B orbiting OBJECT-Q, unless OBJECT-Q was added before OBJECT-B

dont u mean other way round? Like..sun is added first, object orbit sun.

2nd in list prolly a sun or gas giant. object B. many planets later object Q comes into play, a planet. and now u say object Q need to be added first?

I assume u just mean list suns and gas giants first, and ur assumption of what object b or q is, is different from mine

well finished spread sheet that fits with earlier post of paint file map:


ive added notes to try explain the basic intention of placements a little bit, tried to keep it short.

[ This Message was edited by: Fietsemaker on 2012-12-08 21:48 ]

my signature is awesome

  Goto the website of Flux Capacitor
Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2012-12-08 19:42   
its a heirarchal order, you can have something lower in the order orbiting something higher up, but not the other way around

put it another way, the king's at the center, queen revolves around the king. rook, bishop and knight all orbit the king and queen, and the pawns orbit outside everybody.
darkspace will throw a fit if you try to have the queen orbiting a knight (we call that the lancelot effect, and the king's none too thrilled about it either)

Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2012-12-08 23:45   

On 2012-12-08 19:42, Doran wrote:
darkspace will throw a fit if you try to have the queen orbiting a knight (we call that the lancelot effect, and the king's none too thrilled about it either)


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