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Forum Index » » Developer Announcements » » End of player/scenerio servers?
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 Author End of player/scenerio servers?

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 2749
From: Austin, Texas
Posted: 2002-10-23 11:47   
I'm still going over the issues, but there is a real possiblity that player/scenerio servers may have to go away.

This may happen because of the increased interconnects between the game servers will rely on high-bandwidth connections, meaning gameservers will need to be clustered on a local LAN in order to work correctly.

However, I'm still working out the design and my goal is to keep player servers and the existing scenerio servers... however, if push comes to shove I will make the best decision for the long term success of the game, which might mean removing supoprt for scenerio and player ran servers.


Richard "Faustus" Lyle

[ This Message was edited by: Faustus on 2002-10-23 11:51 ]

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Joined: June 29, 2001
Posts: 3052
Posted: 2002-10-23 12:03   
Hm, couldn´t someone who sets up a gameserver simply set up his own database server too and the issue would be resolved ?

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Lith Ragond
Galactic Navy

Joined: November 25, 2001
Posts: 1854
Posted: 2002-10-23 12:07   
WOOT! while i am afraid you will lose some players if scen goes away, and it will be hella hard to teach the newbies without a scen (maybe a newbie MV which is smaller and wiped every so often, i think that would be easiest to teach newbs) i would be EXSTATIC if DS shifted to the MV (since FA is where anyone thats anybody goes). i will support you on this 100%, and to anyone that says this is a bad idea, you know it'll be the greatest move for DS Faust.

also, faus, there are a few questions i would like to personally ask you, as making them public might not be a good idea just yet.

Zurai {RIP R33}

Joined: December 28, 2001
Posts: 835
From: Orlando, FL
Posted: 2002-10-23 12:28   
I don't like it. With the standard scenarios going away, add to that player scenarios and metaverses going away as well... for one, you might as well tell us not to make any new maps now and remove the map editor from the download. For two, you're going to lose a ton of customers who rely on scenario for quick games because they don't want to spend a half hour in the metaverse getting from the home gate to the battle system.

One thing you might consider is creating a seperate download package for player servers that contains basically the current server operations code, with a note that it won't be updated or worked on. At least that way people who really enjoy making maps (like I do, and I know others do as well, and there will be more with the retail release) will have an outlet for it.

  Email Zurai {RIP R33}

Joined: February 08, 2002
Posts: 108
Posted: 2002-10-23 12:52   
hmmm considering that you are scrapping the scenario servers later in the future, you must have in mind that all players will move into the metaverse. In effect the curent players do have the experience moving around. However, what about the incoming new players??? Currently the tutorials desperately need improving as well as the manuals.
The tutorials needs to be more dramtic like having a voice directing the player (e.g Freespace, Mechwarrior4) possibly a minor plotline.
Additionally I would stressed that the newbies server should remain.
Theres my 2 cents given




Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 2749
From: Austin, Texas
Posted: 2002-10-23 13:31   
You guys don't have to convince me about keeping the scenerio (esp newbie servers)... I want to keep them, I'm just running into some design issues... that hopefully I will resolve.


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Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2002-10-23 13:45   
Mv only would be so nice
/me dreams of a 100% MV darkspace.

Anyway me thinks that as a long term plan DS would have to go MV only or remove the Word "Persistent" Cus thats what Scenario is Not

And a good tutorial removes the need for a newbie server.

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Jim Starluck
Templar Knights

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 2232
From: Cincinnati, OH
Posted: 2002-10-23 14:51   
If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger space battleship and try again.

  Email Jim Starluck
Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2002-10-23 15:40   

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Fleet Admiral

Joined: November 13, 2001
Posts: 431
Posted: 2002-10-23 18:52   
If because of logistal reasons or what not scenarios have to go away, then that is what you must do Faus. I do appreciate that you want to keep the scenario servers around.

As nothing personal, but I would cancel my account shortly after scenario servers went away. I enjoy playing on them to much. I know it might become a big problem to keep them around, but if your worried about subscriptions, you would lose a lot of people by cutting the scenarios. Honestly, getting some more maps and custom maps up would probably help grow the game more than I think is realized...but that is just my opinion.

I would hate to see FA go away. I've been with this game almost a year and have enjoyed it. Would be sad to leave.
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  Email Warpath81   Goto the website of Warpath81
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-10-23 21:17   

Delete Scen servers and create a Newbie MV which is the size of say 3 or so systems which is whiped every 24-48hours... also reset the MV just for a start fresh for retail/and the new server arrangement... this will only allow for the proper hardcore gamers to stay and go on and also the newbs will be trained alot better/harder in preparation for the new setup (MV only)...

i strongly recommend this idea

Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: June 07, 2002
Posts: 1128
Posted: 2002-10-23 21:31   
Faustus, if you remove the scenerio servers there will be an impact on earning bombing and engineering prest.

The MV planets are almost always built up, and even with being able to make defensive platforms I doubt there will be systems w/o their max number of platforms in them. As for bombing... W/ the MV planets there isn't much in the way of bombing that a new player can do... and what they can do won't result in much bombing prest


Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2002-10-24 02:16   
Engineering: Build platforms, they get killed alot so they can always be build.

And bombing is hard yes, there for Bombing press in the Mv should be higher.

And maybe now the player base might dropa bit because you remove the scen servers.
You know what that means: that means they didnt like Darkspace, they liked farming press in the scenario server. if you like a game then youll play it on any server.

If they would remove Mv then ill play in scen, i dont like it but i love Ds.
So i have no choise.
MV is way cooler then scen, and ds was supposed to be a persistent online game. Well scenario is Not.

Going Mv only will be a good thing todo before retail, cus Persistent is what most players prefere. Wanna Fight buy Ut2003 (nice game btw, 1 of the few action/shoot games i like).

Anyway just my 0.285 Euro cents.


[ This Message was edited by: Barthezzz [NL] on 2002-10-24 08:35 ]

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DOM700 [-IMO-]
Fleet Admiral

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-10-24 08:22   
That's really a problem, with players not being able to create their own maps anymore
Hopefully you find a solution to this, I don't like the normal scenario servers, but some player made map test servers were always fun to play on
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

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Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2002-10-24 08:31   
Player maps in MV. People could make them then staff or a group of players could review them and pick maps that are gonna be used in the MV.

Anyway i say use 1 free week for Mv only, you can see what people will say and it would be a nice test. Also cus its free people will have no reason to be mad cus you shut down the Scens.

Anyway to bad theres only a 25% chance the scen servers wont work on the Universe server.

PS: Going retail with MV and scenario might would be a huge mistake because 1 of them has to go in the future, you can develop them both into something good. And the longer you wait the harder it will be.

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