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Forum Index » » Developer Announcements » » Developer Chat Log - 11-06-2002
 Author Developer Chat Log - 11-06-2002
2nd Rear Admiral

Joined: July 03, 2002
Posts: 3697
From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted: 2002-11-08 16:04   
* EVENT: 'Developer Chat' event is starting now...
* [-GTN-]SkyLander has entered the room...
19:03:46 [Admin]Dr Evil: "thanks for coming everyone, we'll get the meeting started here as soon as faustus arrives"
19:04:01 [Admin]Faustus: "I'm here.."
* [Admin]Faustus broadcasts "DEVELOPER CHAT is now starting... just join the Developer Chat room in the main lobby"
19:05:56 [Admin]Faustus: "welp... FYI... I'm finally back to work on 1.481, after many days tweaking/watching the new billing system..."
* [Admin]TheEvilGriffin begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
* Coleen begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
19:06:47 Gideon: "And the peasents rejoice!"
* [-GTN-]SkyLander turns off the applaud sign
19:06:53 [Admin]Faustus: "anyway, to everyone... once I get done with my ranting about what I'm working on... whisper your questions to one of the admins or moderators, please don't whisper directly to me... "
19:06:55 Gideon: "...huzzah..."
19:07:00 [Admin]Faustus: ";)"
* [Admin]Samweis thinks he will better hide then
19:07:35 [Admin]Samweis: "j/k"
19:07:40 Gideon: "Don't whisper to me, as I may not be in the room at the time."
19:08:07 [Admin]Faustus: "anyway.... as you may know from the last dev meeting, the big coding project is the UniverseServer... basically, a central server to link all the game servers into a single universe ... "
* [MODTALK] [Admin]Dr Evil @38885 Sent "afk for a few, something burning downstairs...."
19:09:19 [Admin]Faustus: "I'm still working entirely on the UniverseServer at the moment, as you might guess it's a big change in the code... and I want to be very careful and get it right the first time, because basically I'm trying to keep support for Scenerio servers... while adding the new functionality needed to make DS truely scalable.. "
19:10:17 [Admin]Faustus: "by scalable... I mean, no limits to players in a certain star system for example... a truely distributed system, whereas the load can be distributed accross multiple processes/machines... "
19:11:19 [Admin]Faustus: "the most important feature the universe server will provide... is allow you in-game to view ALL of your fleet's planets, manage them, even watch a battle occuring around one of your planets accross the universe.."
19:11:37 [MUTED] Naufragus: "hoooray"
19:12:04 [Admin]Faustus: "anyway... I'm done with my rant... let the asking of questions begin "
19:12:17 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Quick ques"
19:12:35 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "with the scalability can the amount of ships be pumped up on the screen?"
19:12:55 [VA]Wicked Ice ={NuKe Squad}=: "so basically it asks the concerning servers about the data and redirects it to the player? looks like alot of bandwith "
19:13:07 [Admin]Faustus: "@sky... well, hopefully in the end, the real limit will be your hardware... and the number of polygons you can render per frame.. "
19:13:24 [Admin]Faustus: "@sky.. not a network/server limitation.."
19:13:39 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Oh"
19:13:50 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "ALso have a question sagitter wanted me to ask"
19:13:57 [Admin]Faustus: "@wicked... this shouldn't be much more bandwidth than now.. "
19:14:07 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Is coming out of a jumpgate do you still ho out randomly?"
19:14:07 [~L~]Armand: "9749"
19:14:18 [~L~]Armand: "lol sorry guys"
19:14:30 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "come out randomly*"
19:14:47 [Admin]Faustus: "@wicked... out of system updates will be on-demand only, meaning only if you look at a star system, will you get information on it.. otherwise you will get updates about planets in other star systems once every 30 min or so, atleast thats my currently line of thinking.."
19:15:06 [Admin]Faustus: "@wicked.. however, captured planets will be sent instantly... "
19:15:26 [VA]Wicked Ice ={NuKe Squad}=: "nice... ok understood, thx"
19:15:29 [Admin]Faustus: "@sky... you always come out of a JG in a random direction.."
19:15:41 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Thats what i thought"
19:15:55 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "but that was sagitters question anyways thanks "
19:15:55 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "why is that?"
19:16:09 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "* [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R* whispered "Will you have to reset the MV for the new patch?""
19:16:13 [Admin]Faustus: "[MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "why is that?""
19:16:25 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "brb"
19:16:25 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling... to prevent gate-camping"
19:16:37 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "i see thank you"
19:17:08 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "with this universe server will there be lag between systems? like no responding jumpgate or hole?"
19:17:15 [Admin]Faustus: "@gogeta... most likely, this will require a MV reset... however, I think we may add many more new systems to the MV ... perhaps doubling the number of star systems.. and give some truely back-alley systems to explore and conquere"
19:17:28 [Admin]Faustus: "KIGR]smilingjester: "with this universe server will there be lag between systems? like no responding jumpgate or hole?""
19:17:40 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "YAY!"
19:18:05 [MUTED] Skully42: "Maybe this is not for here, but with the coming boxed version is it possible to earn prestige on a private server?"
19:18:17 [Admin]Faustus: "@smilinig.. the universeserver will FIX the getting stuck in JG issue... currently when you go from one server to another, the server has to write your ship/stash to the database, the other server tries to load it, any failure will cause you to get stuck... "
19:18:44 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "thank you"
19:19:11 [Admin]Dr Evil: "Skully42: "Maybe this is not for here, but with the coming boxed version is it possible to earn prestige on a private server?""
19:19:33 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling.. the UniverseServer will not RELY on the database to save/load player data.. it will keep it in memory and write to the database when it can... if the DB goes down, it will try again later... "
21:09:39 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Again players, PLZ whisper your questions to a Mod or Admin"
19:20:12 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "thank you"
19:20:37 [Admin]Faustus: "@skully... no, our experience with allowing that shows us that players would exploit the system if they could earn on private servers (i.e. setting a 1 player server)"
19:21:17 [Admin]Faustus: "@skully.. not to mention the ability for them to hack their stats.. "
19:21:56 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "couldn't we make it so that there is a minimum instead of a mazimum player setting?"
19:22:35 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "this way it could ensure the kill ratio as well as a defined at least 2 factions for each map"
19:23:03 Chromix: "Please WHISPER your questions to the Admins or Mods, not to Faustus directly, also DO NOT write into the normal chat. Thanks."
19:23:06 Gideon: "19:21:56 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "couldn't we make it so that there is a minimum instead of a mazimum player setting?""
19:23:23 Gideon: "That would not prevent the issue of exploiting/hacking."
19:23:30 [Admin]Faustus: "NO... on private server prestige gain."
19:23:35 Gideon: "It would just make it so that more than one person has to do it at a time."
19:24:11 [Admin]Faustus: "I have to pay my bills... we don't get diddly from the retail release... "
19:24:32 [Admin]Faustus: "thats why DS is subscription based, because bandwidth and salaries costs lots of money.. "
21:14:43 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R* whispered "Last time you mentioned that some systems would be hidden, how would you find them and could you build a faction exclusive gate to it?""
19:25:46 [Admin]Dr Evil: "shipyards Gogeta, in the next update"
19:25:50 [Admin]Faustus: "@gogeta... sounds like a good ideal... the ideal about players building jumpgates is still up the air however.. but we do plan to make many star systems hidden until the players discover a star system and it's planets "
19:26:31 [Admin]Faustus: "meaning... I like the ideal alot, I'm going to look to implement it into 1.481"
19:27:13 [Admin]Dr Evil: "when you join a game server, you can select the location you want to start at... home JG's or any shipyard your faction currently owns."
19:27:30 [-[A]-]Ramius: "Do platforms actually have to built around planets, like in orbit, or can they be built anywhere, & if they must be built in orbit, how many can be built?"
19:27:52 [Admin]Faustus: "[MODTALK] [VA]Wicked Ice ={NuKe Squad}= @17637 Sent "... well ... id sggest that some gates can be *locked* by a faction... or turned of... would be nice so ppl have to fly through nowhere to get into the system... btw... [Question] how would the Universe server display players, i mean at the moment every *friendly* player is on the radar map within the system... so would there be a *radius* or still as player per system?""
19:28:19 [Admin]Faustus: "@wickered... you should be able to see ALL ships in the entire universe.. meaning you can order some ships in the next star system to go do something.."
19:28:20 [Admin]Dr Evil: "planning on building one around a jump gate Ramius? "
19:28:34 [-[A]-]Ramius: "no, i swear "
19:28:36 [Admin]Faustus: "@ramius... no, you'll be able to build platforms ANYWHERE... "
* [-[A]-]Ramius coughs and backs into a corner...
19:28:52 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "With the new fighters coming is the limit on fighters per ship?"
19:28:57 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Or the entire server?"
21:19:23 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[-[A]-]Excaliber whispered "The subject of a scout/recon badge has been raised in the forums recently and with the possibility of haveing to find/scout systems in the MV is there a possibility of getting them ?""
19:29:32 [Admin]Faustus: "@sky... there will have to be a limit... It will prolly be a player based limit, meanign each player can have n fighters... "
19:29:45 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Oh ok"
19:29:53 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Even with the lower poly counts on the fighters?"
19:30:08 [Admin]Faustus: "@excaliber... yes, it's very likely we will award scout points to someone who discovers a new planet.."
19:30:08 [Admin]Dr Evil: "a ship based control limit makes sense"
19:30:14 Gideon: "Sky, as I understand it, it's a server load issue, not a poly issue."
21:20:19 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R* whispered "What is the limit of platforms per system?""
19:30:33 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Its a server load issue?"
19:30:36 [Admin]Faustus: "@gogeta... beta testing will determine the limit"
19:30:41 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "hm I thought it was graphics lag"
19:30:45 [Admin]Faustus: "same for fighter limits... "
21:20:52 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: " [VA]Wicked Ice ={NuKe Squad}= whispered "ugh... imaging that there are 60 icc guys online... how would the map look like? maybe implement a *radar range* to set the radius?""
19:31:02 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Oh so the limits are finalised yet?"
19:31:11 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "aren't*"
19:31:18 [Admin]Faustus: "@wicked.. there is already a limit on your nav screen for friendly contacts (30 I think).."
19:31:26 [Admin]Faustus: "@sky... nope"
19:31:29 [Admin]Dr Evil: "* [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz whispered "Q: the disscusion about Kluth light ships with cl2ks is comming back again. Will there ever be somesort of light Disruptor for their light ships?""
19:31:55 Gideon: "Sky, there is some client side lag that we will hopefully be aleviating, but that is not the whole story."
19:32:12 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Oh ok thanks Gid"
19:32:16 [Admin]Faustus: "@barthezz... once 1.481 is out, I think we will get alot of new weapons/devices into 1.482... light disruptors sound like a solid ideal"
19:32:31 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "What about ship configurations?"
19:32:31 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "Wickedish"
19:32:35 [*TS*]Midnight: "Ive noticed alot of my lag on this high end machine is caused by the explosions espeicaly the larger ones and near buy.. could you look into the poly counts for those and try to reduce them ?"
19:32:39 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Are you going to change any?"
19:32:40 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling... it better be stable "
19:32:53 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "lol"
19:33:00 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "That and all the little bugs that still linger around"
19:33:02 [Admin]Faustus: "@sky.. if we do, that will come in 1.482"
19:33:13 [Admin]Dr Evil: "* [•RDG•]RedDragonGecko whispered "How fast will the new bombing fighters fly? If they fly any faster or slower than 10gus a sec they will be useless.""
19:33:14 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Ok"
19:33:32 [Admin]Faustus: "1.482 will likely be a maintence release so to speak, tweaks, new gagdets, ship changes, etc... all easy stuff to do.."
19:33:45 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "* [MoA]hilgner whispered "subscription: only 1-month-subscription now or will there come a six month package again (I would pay the full 6 month but I hate to pay every month)?""
19:33:53 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Ok just thought stuff should be cleaned up before release =)"
19:34:02 [Admin]Dr Evil: "1.482 = game balancing update"
19:34:04 [Admin]Faustus: "@red... I would say they would fly 80% of the current fighters"
19:34:43 [Admin]Dr Evil: "sorry Red, no wave bombing with bomber fighters"
19:34:54 Gideon: "Red, remember that these are to suppliment player bombing, not replace it."
19:34:57 [Admin]Faustus: "@hilgner... 6-month is currently disabled, once we determine if our fraud issue is taken care of with the romainians... as you might guess, a charge-back on $49.95 is ALOT more expensive than $9.99 "
19:35:02 Gideon: "* Naufragus whispered "will Luna be fixed in any of the next updates?""
19:35:18 [Admin]Faustus: "plus... they are less likely to risk going to jail over 9.99"
19:35:22 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "and the EAD "
19:35:40 [Admin]Faustus: "LUNA/EAD/Luna/EAD... "
21:25:49 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[VA]Wicked Ice ={NuKe Squad}= whispered "will we be able to set the type of fighter on a fighter station ourselves or will this be determined?""
19:36:30 [Admin]Faustus: "@wicked... not sure yet, but I'm thinking all the new fighter types, you'll have to upgrade them via a starport.."
19:36:33 [Admin]Faustus: "or shipyard.."
19:36:57 [Admin]Faustus: "oh... just heard a BOOM, and my power flickered.."
21:27:10 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "uh oh"
19:37:14 [Admin]Faustus: "a transformer may have blown.."
19:37:18 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Watch out for that mad scientist down the street"
19:37:25 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "lol its the kluth!!!!!!"
19:37:32 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "or mir "
21:27:37 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[-[A]-]Excaliber whispered "and how many reloads will the supply platform have ?""
19:37:38 [VA]Wicked Ice ={NuKe Squad}=: "they are Elfing you "
19:37:45 [Admin]Faustus: "The K'Luth are bombing EARTH "
21:27:54 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "lol"
19:38:01 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "lol"
19:38:11 Coleen: "Seen that happen, F.. very interesting looking at night.. hehe"
19:38:14 [Admin]Faustus: "@exaliber... it will prolly have the same amount as a supply, we'll have to have some means for players to bring it new supplies.."
19:38:37 [GER]Kharn: "* [GER]Drugstar whispered "when will k´luth loose access to the CL2000 class weapon?""
19:39:04 Gideon: ":-) That's the ICC..."
19:39:08 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "Will supply rates increase? As in will ships repair faster?"
19:39:11 [Admin]Faustus: "@drugstar... if we do, it will be in 1.482"
21:29:17 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[~L~]Lithium whispered "Will stations ever get missions?""
19:39:16 [MUTED] [KIGR]smilingjester: "never hahahaha"
19:39:30 [Admin]Dr Evil: "[19:39:01 06/11/02] * [•RDG•]RedDragonGecko whispered "Ive heard alot about the ships loadouts being redesigned, any idea when this will happen?""
19:39:30 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "With the hull increases it takes a long time for 1 supply to gate ya going again"
19:39:48 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "get*"
19:40:03 [*TS*]Midnight: "I think the concern there should more be focused on getting more drones"
19:40:07 [Admin]Faustus: "@lithium.... they will, we're implementing a player driven mission system for 1.481... "
19:40:19 [*TS*]Midnight: "almost takes 2 full banks to repair a dread from 1"
19:40:47 [Admin]Faustus: "basically, rank is really going to mean something... as higher ranking planets will be able to create misions... "
19:40:47 [Admin]Dr Evil: "Red, we will do that in 1.482, we'll be going over the existing ship inventory in general"
21:31:03 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[VIP]KaMiKaZe CrAsH [Self Destructor] whispered "will the support stations have more reloads on it?""
19:41:21 [Admin]Dr Evil: "[19:40:50 06/11/02] * [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz whispered "Will press gain ever be slowed down? you can get 2nd rear in only days!""
19:41:28 [Admin]Faustus: "like I said 1.482 will be the maintence release... 1.481 is a MAJOR feature change release... I expect it to go beta in about 1 or 2 weeks.."
19:41:53 [GER]Kharn: "* [GER]Drugstar whispered 'Can the balancing i.e. k´luth loosing cl2000 happen beforehand as it is a big balance isue?""
19:42:03 [Admin]Faustus: "@bathezz... I'll look into that.."
19:42:13 [*TS*]Midnight: "[-[A]-]Excaliber whispered "i agree with the current repair rate it seems more realistic but yes we need more drones " ^_^"
19:42:19 [*TS*]Midnight: "well put"
19:42:19 [Admin]Faustus: "@drugstar.. it could for 1.481 if it's really a major issue"
19:42:55 [Admin]Faustus: "* [KIGR]Aubinator whispered "what about implementing another fleet completely from scratch? somebody whom scares the KLuth race, let alone the Humans""
19:43:00 [MUTED] [KIGR]Capt.Mordrid: "it's not"
19:43:07 [MUTED] [KIGR]Capt.Mordrid: "sorry"
19:43:22 [-GTN-]Neon Samurai: "* [-GTN-]Maskerade whispered "Will infantry on planet try to counter landed infantry with the RAze order given? From what I read, planets will be easily capped otherwise." "
19:43:31 [Admin]Faustus: "@aubinator... yeah, it's called the MIR, they've already been annouced... once DS is actually making some cash, I can hire on the people to finish up the artwork and get the ships spec'd out.."
19:44:17 [Admin]Faustus: "@maskerade... your infantry will do what they are told, friendly inf will attack any enemy infantry.. unless they are told to fortify, in that case they will star fortified in their current location.."
19:44:38 [Admin]Faustus: "MIR = Machine Intelligence"
19:44:46 [Admin]Faustus: "forgot what the R was for, need to ask nimby "
19:45:00 [Admin]Dr Evil: "Race"
19:45:03 [Admin]Dr Evil: " "
19:45:22 [Admin]Faustus: "well, MIR may be a workign name anyway.."
19:45:48 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "maybe: Machine Intelligence Race?"
19:46:57 [Admin]Faustus: "hoohummm... twiddle"
19:47:06 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "lol"
19:47:22 [Admin]Faustus: "anyone ready for the two towers to get released? boy I can't wait.. "
19:47:31 [Admin]Dr Evil: "Faustus, stacking infantry... will you be able to drop them on top of a structure or drop multiple troops in the same spot?"
19:47:39 Coleen: "hehe"
19:47:43 [GER]Kharn: "got my tickets since 2 month;)"
19:47:43 [Admin]Faustus: "@evil... YEP"
19:48:00 [Admin]Dr Evil: "and will the troops be able to pass through structures?"
19:48:07 [Admin]Faustus: "@evil.. YEP"
19:48:12 [*TS*]Midnight: "ohhh Garrisoning a building .. SWEET ^_^"
19:48:31 [GER]Kharn: "no more death stars!"
19:48:39 [Admin]Dr Evil: "how will we be able to issue orders to troops that are dropped on top of a structure?"
19:49:20 [Admin]Faustus: "@evil... I will most likely treat stacked troops as a single target 9you'll be able to select individual units in the target window).."
19:49:39 [Admin]Faustus: " [KIGR]Aubinator whispered "Is there a way to have it so that you can customize you ship to youre colour scheme liking? (will it lag the game? large scripting? cost anything in virtual creds?) How about adding logos to your ships etc.. so when people see your ship, or logo of your fleet, itll sne edshivers down their spine? LOL""
19:49:41 [*TS*]Midnight: "[-[A]-]Excaliber whispered "yeah being able to capture a building on a planet and prevent the enamy from scrapping would be a great new feature =)" hmm"
19:49:55 [Admin]Faustus: "@aubinator... fleet logos on the ships is on the TODO list... not a high priority however"
19:50:00 [Admin]Dr Evil: "* [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz whispered "Will there ever be a way to stop the enemy from passing trough all your systems and just start with your home system and after that capture your other systems?""
21:40:53 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Yeah you defend "
21:40:57 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: ";)"
19:50:55 [Admin]Faustus: "@bathezz... I think the defense platforms (placed near a jumpgate) might slow down the enemy "
19:51:00 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "lol"
19:51:09 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "k"
19:51:43 [Admin]Dr Evil: "[19:50:55 06/11/02] * [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz whispered "Will we be allowed to put our logo in our motto again anytime soon or will we get a Logo space on the Fleet page?""
19:51:49 [Admin]Faustus: "in fact, I know we're going to have some pretty large deep-space based in-game once this code is release.. it will be very cool "
19:52:24 [Admin]Faustus: "@bathezz... I didn't really see a problem with fleets putting their logo inside of the motto... I think the real issue, was them putting HTML code in their name.. it messes with the fleet list.."
19:53:22 [Admin]Faustus: "@barthezz... so far as I'm concerned, it's ok to put your fleet logo in your motto... unless the admins tell me there is a very good reason not to allow that.."
19:53:29 [Admin]Dr Evil: "the fonts (sizing and different font types) were messing up the list as a whole"
19:53:59 [Admin]Faustus: "@evil... the motta is only displayed on the fleet information page.."
19:54:34 [Admin]Dr Evil: "yep, motto shouldn't present any problems at all"
19:54:42 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "Why am i the only one with Questions?"
19:54:48 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: ":)"
19:55:11 [Admin]Faustus: "K... lets unmoderate the room, and have free chat for a while... using the bathroom.."
19:55:18 [Admin]Dr Evil: "* [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz whispered "Also ICC are supposed to have an energy prob (Wad the plan anyway) but the other factions seem to have a bigger energy prob, will this be changed?""
* Room is no longer moderated...
* [Admin]Dr Evil set the room to unmoderated...
19:55:27 [Admin]Faustus: "19:23:03 Chromix: "Please WHISPER your questions to the Admins or Mods, not to Faustus directly, also DO NOT write into the normal chat. Thanks." "
19:55:35 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "we are free!!"
19:55:41 [Admin]Faustus: "[ C `]Dwarden @86 Sent "Question from me, will be there diplomacy system between fleets incorportated to site and cooperating within game ?""
19:55:42 [Admin]Dr Evil: "Yes Barthezzz, you can put your logo back into the motto"
19:55:43 [~L~]Lithium: ": )"
19:55:44 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "hmm So many Questions so little time"
19:55:48 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "wickedlly:)"
19:56:02 [Admin]Faustus: "@dwarden.. yes, diplomacy system is being implemented.. to allow fleet/fleet conflicts within the same faction"
* Room is now moderated...
* [Admin]Faustus set the room to moderated...
* Room is no longer moderated...
* [Admin]Faustus set the room to unmoderated...
19:56:17 [Admin]Faustus: "ops..."
19:56:18 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "?"
19:56:21 [-GTN-]SkyLander: "woo?"
19:56:24 [Admin]Faustus: "BRB"
19:56:26 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "hehe"
19:56:58 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "darkspace is evil"
19:57:07 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "me to!"
19:57:07 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "me to!"
19:57:08 [ C `]Dwarden: "No Faustus is evil"
19:57:11 [ C `]Dwarden: "DS is hellish "
19:57:18 [Admin]Faustus: "bwwhahaha"
19:57:20 Teager: "lol Barth"
19:57:28 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "pure evil"
19:57:31 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "Gimme Gimme Gimme a man of the midnight..."
19:57:35 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "lalal something more"
* [GER]Kharn slaps [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz in the head...
19:57:54 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "BRB"
19:57:56 [-[A]-]Excaliber: "Barth your not evil just insane "
19:58:00 [GER]Kharn: ";)"
19:58:07 [Admin]Faustus: "I'm thinking about having another free trial before retail release... FYI"
19:58:08 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "Thats the same "
19:58:10 [*TS*]Midnight: " /me blinks"
19:58:13 [*TS*]Midnight: "erm"
* [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz goes like shiggity shiggity shwa
19:58:31 [Admin]Faustus: "@dwarden... yep, it' fixed.."
* [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz slaps [*TS*]Midnight in the face with a Squirrel...
19:58:42 [Admin]Faustus: "l8r coleen"
19:58:50 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "@faustus i thought darkspace went retail November 5th"
19:59:12 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "boxed retail"
* [=ACS=]FearNick has entered the room...
* [~L~]Lithium gives [Admin]Dr Evil a great big hug...
* [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz slaps [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER} in the face with a really large whale...
19:59:21 [-[A]-]Excaliber: "Good idea Faustus but i have to admit your Email spam has worked wonders for bring back the older players "
19:59:31 [~L~]Lithium: "Uhh a why a whale?"
19:59:45 [-[A]-]Excaliber: "i havent seen newbie this active in ages"
19:59:51 [~L~]Lithium: "HOW come every time I hug Evil he leaves or runs away : ("
19:59:53 [Admin]Faustus: "@excaliber... yep, sadly, we've still got 49,000 players in the cull table.. "
20:00:11 [ C `]Dwarden: "50% are 2nd accounts"
20:00:21 [-GDI-]Evil Barthezzz: "only 66 peeps to 60000 Accounts "
20:00:23 [ C `]Dwarden: "so count 15-25k real ones"
20:00:29 [-[A]-]Excaliber: "keep spaming them there come back or be buried in Emails "
20:00:43 [Admin]Faustus: "well, 10,000 acounts have been active in the last 60 days, about 5,000 in the last 30 days... "
20:01:01 [ C `]Dwarden: "more as nice "
20:01:48 [Admin]Faustus: "but, I log when a player who was going to be culled, comes back, and we've been getting a pretty good number of players making their accounts active again.."
20:02:00 [Admin]Faustus: "plus.. some older players, actually subscibed as well.."
20:02:16 [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R*: "r we still asking question?"
20:02:20 [Admin]Faustus: "guess they like all the changes.."
20:02:28 [Admin]Faustus: "@gogeta.. sure, just talking.. "
20:02:54 [Admin]Faustus: "@aubinator... click on "Development Log".. "
20:03:00 [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R*: "will we be able to control ships when you implement ships captured?"
20:03:01 [ C `]Tegan: "Faustus, can we get something bigger then a Station? "
20:03:04 [-[A]-]Ramius: "If there was a high ranked player who wanted a clan of his/her own, should it still be culled?"
20:03:10 [-[A]-]Excaliber: "yeah i had to explain to the old players who havent been here since beta how to build planets "
20:03:13 [Admin]Faustus: "@evil... I bet chromix could write you a script to tame a space monster and controll it.."
21:53:35 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: ":)"
20:03:37 [Admin]Faustus: "@tegan.. sure it's called PLANET ... duh "
20:03:48 [ C `]Tegan: "bah"
20:03:54 [ C `]Tegan: "can't control planets"
20:03:55 [Admin]Faustus: "I'll make it so you can fly a planet, but it will have 0 velocity and 0 thrust.. OK "
20:04:04 [Admin]Faustus: "hehe"
20:04:08 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "@faustus can you make ICCvsKluth maps only and UGTOvskluth maps only?"
20:04:08 [ C `]Tegan: "ok lol"
20:04:08 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "Don't use small planets "
20:04:09 [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R*: "lmao"
20:04:17 [ C `]Tegan: "well if we can control who to fire and aim for"
20:04:21 [GER]Kharn: "ok if i get the kills of the def bases;)"
20:04:22 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "they are smaller than Dreads "
20:04:38 [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R*: "will we be able to control ships when you implement ships captured"
20:04:48 [Admin]Faustus: "you know what would be funny... before a MV reset, give players a weapon that can blow up planets, I bet within 24 hours there would be no planets left i nthe MV.. "
20:05:00 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "lol ya"
20:05:00 Naufragus: "2 hours"
20:05:03 [GER]Kharn: "lol"
20:05:04 [ C `]Tegan: "probably right Faustus"
20:05:07 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "30 sec.!"
20:05:08 [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R*: "1 i say"
20:05:11 [ C `]Tegan: "an empty MV"
20:05:13 [Admin]Faustus: "@aubinator... I think I'm going to start making planets rotate anyway.."
20:05:15 [ C `]Dwarden: "F"
20:05:22 [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R*: "all flying scouts"
20:05:27 [GER]Kharn: "only asteroids left..."
20:05:29 [ C `]Dwarden: "i think in 60 minutes will be ALL planets including stars wiped out"
20:05:40 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "SUPERNOVA!"
20:05:48 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "boom!"
20:05:51 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "kill all!"
20:05:53 [ C `]Tegan: "Faustus as it is now you need to go through a jumpgate to get to different system once 1.81 goes you can fly direct?"
20:05:57 [ C `]Dwarden: "Supernova ... that will be in 10seconds then"
20:06:00 [-GTN-]Zurai [SHIELD]: "rotating planets would make it impossible to bomb"
20:06:05 [ C `]Tegan: "and jump direct"
20:06:11 [ C `]Dwarden: "booom, sir shockwave at sensors ....boooom"
20:06:12 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "use Quantum Singular Bomb to kill planets "
20:06:12 [Admin]Faustus: "@ramius... thanks, get your maps ready.. "
20:06:19 Naufragus: "not if bombs tracked"
20:06:19 [{BSS}]-=Gogeta=- *R*: "you can jump diresct"
20:06:20 [-GTN-]Zurai [SHIELD]: "it's already near-impossible to bomb planets that have an orbital velocity"
20:06:27 [Admin]Faustus: "@tegan... you can already fly directly"
20:06:28 [~L~]Lithium: "Could Stations ever get the ability back to use QSB's?"
20:06:33 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "when can we get new maps?"
20:06:44 [ C `]Tegan: "Faustus i can't jump it"
20:06:50 [ C `]Tegan: "it says i have enough fuel"
20:06:53 [ C `]Tegan: "starts to get read"
20:06:57 [ C `]Tegan: "and my V goes negative"
20:07:00 [-GTN-]Zurai [SHIELD]: "oh yeah, faustus... any more info on the map contest?"
20:07:02 [ C `]Tegan: "i lag out and reset"
20:07:05 [Admin]Faustus: "@tegan.. get a scout..."
20:07:12 [ C `]Tegan: "..."
20:07:14 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "yes, happens the same with me"
20:07:17 [~L~]Lithium: "lol"
20:07:31 [ C `]Tegan: "I don't think you can capture planets in a scout Faustus"
20:07:32 [eXS]Dead-Eye: "but without lag out and reset"
21:57:38 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Tegan dont target the star , target the space around it"
20:07:51 [ C `]Tegan: "oh"
20:07:54 [KIGR]Capt.Mordrid: "Chris Pelton... i met Ralph at a pc show here at the dome"
20:07:56 [ C `]Tegan: "thanks"
20:08:00 [ C `]Tegan: "ill try it "
20:08:01 [KIGR]Capt.Mordrid: "oops"
20:08:56 [ C `]Tegan: "i want to see a day when youll have like 100+ people in the same system duking it out"
20:09:01 [KIGR]Aubinator: "what about a deathstar type wepon ONLY on a planet or moon that you are able to fire at enemy planets when they get too close.. not DESTROYING THE PLANET but eliminating everything on it, like a thousand Bio Bombs dropped on each square surface (big bandwidth needed I know) A Genesis!""
20:09:21 [KIGR]Aubinator: "make it Cost ALOT!!!!!"
20:09:26 [ C `]Tegan: "Aubinator its called StarWars "
* [*TS*]Midnight falls over
20:09:35 [KIGR]Aubinator: "LMAO"
20:09:47 [ C `]Tegan: "maybe a weapon that is planetary based that can breach your hull"
20:09:52 [-GTN-]Zurai [SHIELD]: "also called the quantum singularity bomb"
20:10:49 [ C `]Dwarden: "i want 50PWatt defence orbital beam"
20:10:56 [*TS*]Midnight: "that would take out a whole planet"
20:11:01 Chromix: "QSB was way more fun with 500gu radius "
20:11:17 [ C `]Dwarden: "no, i speak about taking out enemy fleet "
20:11:54 [KIGR]Aubinator: "then you'd NEVER get a planet back!"
20:12:00 [KIGR]Aubinator: "it's hard enough as it is"
20:12:04 [ C `]Dwarden: "Dread grill at Af"
20:12:04 [KIGR]smilingjester: "lol"
20:12:07 [~Z~]SuperNova10{UGTO HATER}: "when does the patch come out?"
20:12:17 [Admin]Faustus: "K.. I've got tons of work guys... I'm away"


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Lieutenant Commander

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Posts: 260
Posted: 2002-11-08 16:48   
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