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 Author Development Discussion Log

Joined: October 16, 2002
Posts: 897
Posted: 2002-11-20 21:19   
* [Admin]Faustus waves to everyone..
* [-GTN-]Kortoz gives [Admin]Faustus a great big hug...
* Gideon snaps to attention, and salutes [Admin]Faustus...
* [MUTED] [-GDI-]louis_gc {C?} waves back
* Coleen bows deeply in the direction of [Admin]Faustus.
* [MUTED] [S.W]Excaliber salutes [Admin]Faustus..
19:07:46 [Admin]Faustus: "FYI... the UniverseServer class is finished, I'm working on the client side of things now... "
20:57:46 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "So whisper away folks"
19:07:53 [GER]Kharn: "Faustus an ETA on the Beta of 1.481 plz!"
19:07:55 [Admin]Selvarian: " /everyone waves back"
* [DK]Lith Ragond kneels to Faus and begins worshiping him
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff waves to [Admin]Faustus...
* [-GTN-]Neon Samurai waves to [Admin]Faustus...
19:08:09 Gideon: "And the peasents rejoyce!"
* [MUTED] [-GDI-]Barthezzz {C?} waves to [Admin]Faustus...
19:08:13 [Admin]Faustus: "@kharn... looking like friday beta code will go online.."
20:58:16 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "woot"
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff winks suspiciously at [Admin]Faustus...
19:08:30 [MUTED] [-GTN-]Krim {C?}: "Awesome, that's all I needed to hear "
* [GER]Kharn cheers big F
19:08:33 [MUTED] [-GTN-]Krim {C?}: "Later "
19:08:33 [Admin]Faustus: "minus platforms/fighter changes... mostly to test UniverseServer code..."
19:09:03 [Admin]Faustus: "platform/fighter changes are easy however, won't take very long to get those changes implemented.."
19:09:41 [GER]Kharn: "Is the Univerese server the end of the scenario servers?"
19:09:55 [Admin]Faustus: "FYI... I played JumpGate for the first time yesterday "
19:10:20 Gideon: "@Faustus, I'm sorry..."
21:00:16 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[-GDI-]louis_gc {C?} whispered "will there be an upgraded with extractor with more beams, and an extractor badge??""
19:10:29 [-GTN-]Kortoz: "did you like it Faust?"
19:10:45 [Admin]Faustus: "@kharn... scenerio servers are looking like they will stay... however, the MV will have something very much like scenerio servers, basically hotspots where people can jump right into the same system... basically, the action will be more concentrated... thanks to shipyards"
21:01:07 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: " [~L~]Ae0n-X whispered "what is on the to do list?""
19:11:15 Gideon: "YAY, scenarios are staying!"
19:11:18 [Admin]Faustus: "@kortoz... yeah, I liked it... different game from mine, but I liked elite alot and thats what it reminds me of.."
* Gideon does the dance of joy...
19:11:35 [Admin]Faustus: "hehe"
19:11:56 [-GTN-]Kortoz: "Ive never played JG"
19:11:57 [Admin]Faustus: "@aeon-x... well, check the dev log.. everything in alpha status is what I want in the next version.."
19:11:59 [MUTED] [-GDI-]Barthezzz {C?}: "Blegh :?"
19:11:59 Gideon: "Huh, you're the first person that I have heard say they liked Jumpgate. Never played it, myself."
* [MUTED] [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO has entered the room...
19:12:18 [Admin]Faustus: "@gideon... well, I'm a hardcore gameplayer... "
21:02:18 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "LOL"
21:02:20 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[PB]Cattraknoff whispered "about that guess faustuss weight thing what was the answer to it""
19:12:28 [Admin]Faustus: "I don't mind a hard game "
19:12:30 Gideon: "Cool."
19:12:39 [Admin]Faustus: "it was a little difficult to dock.. "
19:12:52 [-GTN-]Kortoz: "lol catt"
19:13:01 [Admin]Faustus: "haha... I was wondering if someone was going to ask about my weight.. "
19:13:03 Gideon: "Ahhh, so it's hard. Hmmm, that would be why people hated it. I dig hard games, too."
19:13:13 [Admin]Faustus: "I'm 6"1 at 235... "
19:13:13 Gideon: "At least, the people I have heard from."
21:03:20 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: " [PB]Varzadium whispered "ok, I was just wondering what the platforms look like, do they resemble the pictures Tael posted in the forum of little diamond shaped boxes?""
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff slaps [Admin]TheEvilGriffin in the head...
19:13:28 [Admin]Selvarian: "woot! I was close."
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff laughs at [Admin]TheEvilGriffin...
19:13:42 [Admin]Faustus: "but I'm working on bringing that down... hopefully once DS picks up, I can spend more time at the gym.. "
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff kisses [Admin]TheEvilGriffin...
19:13:58 Gideon: "Little diamond shaped boxes?"
* Gideon goes to look at the pics...
19:14:36 Gideon: "* [PB]chosen of chaos{IC} whispered "this has probaly been metioned before but u know we fight on a 2d plain(i think) is there any plans in the future to fight on a 3d plain so u cud basicaly attack from above? just wondering""
19:14:51 Gideon: "Yes, there are plans for this. expect to see it in about two years, minimum."
19:15:13 Gideon: "This would be a major rewite of some of the code, and is more effort than it is worth at this time."
21:05:12 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[-GDI-]louis_gc {C?} whispered "will there be an upgraded with extractor with more beams, and an extractor badge??""
21:05:21 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "lol"
* [MUTED] [¤RDG¤]*null is very patient, two years is nothing
19:15:31 [MUTED] [-GDI-]louis_gc {C?}: "diamond was tael"
19:15:43 [-GTN-]Kortoz: "personnally I would not like 3D in DS"
19:15:59 [PB]Varzadium: "BTW: my question wasn't meant to be insulting..to anyone..."
19:16:04 [Admin]Faustus: "@chosen... yes, I might take DS fully 3D someday... the reason we went with 2D was because of the interface issues... once viable alternative, is a seperate lobby/client where you can fly the fighters in full out 3D.."
19:16:39 [Admin]Faustus: "certainly, when we implement the ground combat... it will be fully 3D.."
19:16:41 Gideon: "Okay, I don't see any little diamons for platform pics. Are you reffering to the ICC weapons platform?"
19:16:46 Gideon: "diamonds"
19:16:48 [GER]Kharn: "Is there an ETA when the more advanced diplomatic options will be implemented and what will they look like......"
19:16:51 [Admin]Faustus: "done BattleZone style .."
19:17:07 [MUTED] [-GDI-]shadowdancer [InMe]: "non beam, weapons would be pratically useless in 3d"
19:17:53 [Admin]Faustus: "@kharn... the UniverseServer will make it easy... thats why it's being done is to more seamlessly intergrate the entire universe into one single entity.... diplomatic options will prolly be 1-2 months away"
19:18:02 [PB]Varzadium: "@Gideon, i guess i don't know how to say what I want to say, don't worry about it and thanks for trying to answer my silly question. i'll just wait and see."
* Gideon is really looking foreward to diplomacy...
19:18:17 [Admin]Faustus: "* [-GTN-]Condor whispered "do you plan joystick controls in the update"
19:18:26 Gideon: "You sure? I don't mind answering."
19:18:39 [Admin]Faustus: "@condor... yes, someday, we haven't locked down a version for joystick support... "
21:08:46 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO whispered "again will there be any upgrades to the ships in the way of a reverse thruster?""
19:19:10 [PB]Varzadium: "I just wondering if those pictures Tael posted are an accurate portrait of how the "platforms" will look in game.."
19:19:35 Gideon: "Well, no 3D object can be done true justice with a 2D picture."
19:19:37 [Admin]Tael: "i still have yet to post the Kluth Pics, looking for a good background to post them on"
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff waves to [Admin]Tael...
19:19:48 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling... well, technically, all ships already have reverse thrusters... your nav computer hides that complexity from you.. otherwise how would you stop... I think you mean the ability to fly backwards?"
19:19:59 [Admin]Selvarian: "yep"
19:20:14 [-GTN-]Kortoz: "I like a slight reverse movement too"
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff winks suspiciously at [Admin]Selvarian...
* [MUTED] [PB]Cattraknoff slaps [Admin]Selvarian in the head...
19:20:44 [PB]Varzadium: "Gideon, i *LIKE* how they look, you know =)"
19:20:59 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling... reverse motion is possible... I''ll have to consider it"
19:21:18 [Admin]Faustus: "[GER]Kharn @7759 Sent "will there be a linux client at least for the lobby?""
21:11:23 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[ICN]-=Gogeta=- whispered "What are your plans on the whole capture ships thing, will u be able to camand captured ships?""
19:22:08 Gideon: "Now THERES a question with a large answer..."
19:22:13 [Admin]Faustus: "I'm working out the details with a programmer in NY, who has ported 3D applications over to Linux before... we are working on putting together a deal to port DS servers/client code to Linux/FreeBSD and Mac OSX"
19:22:13 [Admin]Selvarian: "If you keep the same slider for setting velocity both forwards and backwards, make sure you add a stop button, otherwise I'll pull my fur out trying to hit "stop""
19:22:21 [Admin]Selvarian: "aka 0 gu/s"
19:22:39 Gideon: "I'll pull Selvarians fur out, too..."
19:22:48 [Admin]Faustus: "[-GTN-]Condor whispered "have got a out let for the game i the u.k yet""
19:22:54 [MUTED] [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "lol"
19:23:02 [Admin]Faustus: "@condor... we are in talks with a company in the UK right now"
19:25:16 [Admin]Faustus: "has everyone seen the pics of Gideons platforms... "
19:25:17 [Admin]Faustus: "?"
* [MUTED] [-GDI-]louis_gc {C?} has seen em
19:25:44 Coleen: "Quite a few times, actually, F "
19:27:40 [Admin]Tael: "I havent posted teh Kluth yet"
21:17:42 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[PB]Varzadium whispered "i was wondering what gaming media/websites, etc are going to have advertisements for DS ?""
19:28:22 [MUTED] [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "oh- D-Ooh!"
21:19:22 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "afk 1 sec brb"
21:19:29 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[ICN]-=Gogeta=- whispered "Are we allowed to try get other gaming magazines to do reviews about DS?""
19:29:43 [Admin]Faustus: "Please guys.. don't whisper your questions to me.. "
19:29:59 [Admin]Faustus: "@gogeta... certainly... and thanks if you do.. "
19:30:15 [Admin]Faustus: "whisper to TheEvilGriffin .."
21:21:28 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[KIGR]Aubinator-FLEET:ATCO whispered "is it too late for new ideas.. such as buildings (a geothermal power planet? on that can power an entire colony, but requires EVERYTHING to be researched first...)""
21:34:22 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "heheh Gid"
19:44:43 Gideon: "Seriously."
19:44:47 [Admin]Faustus: "basically, the whole point of the next update is to UNIFY all the star systems into a single entity... so I can do exactly stuff like that... talk to people in another star system, send them orders, manage a planet, etc.."
21:34:57 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[ICN]-=Gogeta=- whispered "I heard from a rumor that the cost of modding will go down is this true?""
19:45:04 [Admin]Faustus: "@gideon.. perhaps"
21:35:34 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "I like building Luna, Its a chalange "
19:45:51 [Admin]Faustus: "@Gogeta ... I plan to add supply/demand to the pricing structure of ship devices... so technically, you will be able to shop around soon. "
19:45:59 Gideon: "It is the smallest planet object in the game. My theory is that it is tied to the buildings slots not having enough room to line up correct."
21:36:18 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: " [{BSS}]Darksworde*LtJg* whispered "Will anything be done to select planets or ships that dont appear on the map (F2 key)""
21:37:02 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[KIGR]Aubinator-FLEET:ATCO whispered "is the tranni AI being removed for sure now? ""
19:47:18 [Admin]Faustus: "@Darksworde... do you mean the contact buttons?"
19:47:32 [Admin]Faustus: "@aubinator... no, not for sure... "
21:37:47 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[PB]Varzadium whispered "maybe this has already been mentioned, but are there any changes in the badge/medals or player ranks happening? For example, more ranks or badges?""
19:48:36 [Admin]Faustus: "@Varzadium... nothing is occuring on that front, but I know I need to add more... I'll try to fit that into the 1.482 release"
19:48:44 Gideon: "I would like to pass that question off to...Coleen!"
21:38:51 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "umm when F aske you something you dont have to whisper tha answer to me "
19:49:01 [PB]Varzadium: "cool, i havne't gotten a "grats" in months..."
19:49:04 [Admin]Faustus: "yeah, actully, perhaps coleen is doing some medals ? "
21:39:31 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[{BSS}]Darksworde*LtJg* whispered "Sometimes a friendly wont appear on the map unless I select a planet and use the camera to focus on it""
19:49:40 Gideon: "Coleen must have her face in her art."
19:49:41 Coleen: "I'm working on it, yes"
19:49:52 Coleen: "I did, luckily I looked back just now.."
21:39:49 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[KIGR]Aubinator-FLEET:ATCO whispered "what about ship customization... (look-wise) have you started scripting to allow fleet sto add their logo to a ship?""
19:49:52 [Admin]Faustus: "@varz... we want to add "titles" you can gain to player profiles... (i.e. Lord of Mycopia) ... "
19:50:09 [PB]Varzadium: "super"
21:40:19 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[-GDI-]louis_gc {C?} whispered "will there be more ships comming out soon"
19:50:26 Coleen: "But yes, I'm working on new medal art "
19:50:49 [Admin]Faustus: "@Darksworde... thats just normal object culling, if we sent every detail all the time, you would just lag out... you basically, receive an update every 30 seconds, which sends you all friendly contact info.."
19:51:00 Gideon: "Lois, I can answer that."
19:51:02 Gideon: "No comment."
19:51:03 [Admin]TheBumble: "hokka - i am a bit late - sorry"
19:51:10 Gideon: ";-)"
19:51:13 [Admin]Faustus: "yes, and using the Camera forces objects in the area to be updated.."
19:51:31 [Admin]Faustus: "@bumble... your FIRED! j/k"
19:51:36 [Admin]Faustus: "hehe"
19:51:39 [Admin]TheBumble: "ooops - lol"
19:52:02 [Admin]Faustus: "oh wait... I don't pay you anything, thats right, I can't fire you "
19:52:43 [Admin]TheBumble: "oh - you are right - now im save "
21:42:47 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "* [KIGR]Aubinator-FLEET:ATCO whispered "is tail sliding ever going to happen, instead of ALWAYS travelling in the direction you point... so you rotate faster that you change your direction?""
19:52:59 [MoA]Patlukowsky: ":)"
19:53:47 Gideon: "Okay, on the new badges. coleen wants to finish the UGTO inf pic first. It is about 80% done. She may have to redo ALL the badges to keep the designs consistant with each other. She is still thinking on this."
21:44:10 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Strombergmoon whispered "To Aubinators qusetion will ship nose art only be avable to fleets or will Indys get to do it too?""
19:54:33 Gideon: "Aubinator, that would require a lot more physics calculations than we have in the game. That means more coding, and more server load."
19:54:45 [MUTED] [KIGR]Aubinator-FLEET:ATCO: "more lag "
19:54:46 [Admin]Faustus: "@Aubinator... the physics that we currently use are very good for prediction... tail sliding would make the math more complex, and could slow things down a bit.. so doubt it, but it is possible.."
21:45:13 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[ICN]-=Gogeta=- whispered "If and when new badges come out, if u already qualifiy for the badge is it automaticlly given to you?""
* Gideon thinks about pulling cookies in a dread...
19:55:40 [Admin]Faustus: "I know what you mean though... I worked on wing commander games at origin... and their physics allow the ships to slide through turns.."
19:55:56 Gideon: "I don't see why not, Gogeta."
19:55:57 [Admin]Faustus: "it was very cool... but it tends to generate jousting combat... "
* Coleen loved WC 3
21:45:58 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[KIGR]Aubinator-FLEET:ATCO whispered "what about fleet ship configuring, for fleets of 30+ can have their logo on their ships!""
19:56:28 Gideon: "Heh, I was so depressed to find out that I can run WC3 on Win2K..."
19:56:44 [-GTN-]Kortoz: "I have friends over, hav to go, l8r all"
* [-GTN-]Kortoz waves
* [Admin]TheBumble loved All THE wc-GAMES
21:46:53 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[eXS]ScHaKaL* whispered "what weapons will Defense plaforms get?" "
19:57:07 [Admin]Faustus: "@Aubinator... thats on my TODO list... some of that code is already in place.."
19:57:37 [Admin]Faustus: "@schakal... most likely we will make several diff defense platforms... some with beams, some with missiles, and some with combinations.."
19:57:57 [MUTED] [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "hey, when i don't say anything, am i automatically ignored?"
19:58:07 [Admin]Faustus: "@aubinator.. but I want to put lightmaps on the planets first, I think thats a bigger bang for the buck.."
19:58:09 [eXS]ScHaKaL*: "hmmm ok, no plats with torps?"
19:58:13 [MUTED] [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "ok... bye all"
19:58:39 [Admin]Faustus: "@Enforcer_II.... no, this room is moderated, everyone is muted"
19:58:44 Gideon: "Plats with QSBs..."
19:58:55 [eXS]ScHaKaL*: "lol"
19:58:56 [|CD|]SkyLander: "Beefy"
19:59:04 [Admin]Faustus: "hehe"
21:49:03 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[PB]chosen of chaos{IC} whispered "wud it be possible i mv that all ships of a certain fleet hav a tradmark ability chosen by fleet leader for example PB vessels going around with extra power capability"
19:59:13 [|CD|]SkyLander: "Would look pretty atleast =)"
19:59:37 [Admin]Tael: "ACtually I was toying with ideas to bring back the QSB, i miss the purty boom it made lol"
19:59:47 [Admin]Tael: "Just dont let Roomer come back and get one..."
19:59:55 Gideon: "Chosen, don't you thing that would be just a little unbalancing?"
20:00:31 [Admin]Faustus: "@chosen .... something, we've already planning to do, is upgrades for all ships devices... meaning, all devices can have an upgrade level from 0-100... so in fact, a cool ideal I just had.."
20:00:56 [Admin]Faustus: "is fleets can pre-buy the upgrades for their members... i.e. MOA buys level 25 engines, so all ships they get start at level 25.."
20:01:10 [Admin]Faustus: "very cool ideal.."
20:01:13 [Admin]Tael: "Yes, F and I have been bouncing upgrade ideas off each other for a month now"
20:01:32 Gideon: "Or use a fleet level global research system for ship components. That's another option..."
20:01:41 [Admin]Tael: "Ah that might work, actually I have some new things to bounce off you about that anyways..."
21:51:40 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "lol oops"
21:52:10 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Strombergmoon whispered "Will the ship upgrade only be for fleets?""
20:02:27 [Admin]Tael: "@Gideon I was thinking of making a planets Science Level limit the max rating of a device it can produce"
20:02:37 Gideon: "Well, as an independant player you could buy them for your ships."
20:02:57 Gideon: "Thus driving a player based economy..."
20:03:02 [Admin]Tael: "you scrap 2 Research bases, then the planet can only make CL300 level 20, not level 50 anymore"
20:03:04 [Admin]Faustus: "@Strombergmoon ... I doubt it, any ICC will be able to use any other ICC shipyard most likely... I don't see much benefit from allowing fleets to lock other fleets from using their shipyards.."
20:03:35 [Admin]Faustus: "@tael... very cool ideal"
20:03:49 [Admin]Faustus: "now you would have a reason to keep research bases around .. "
20:03:54 [Admin]Tael: "Its already in my new planet idea right up..."
20:04:02 Gideon: "However, this is something we should discuss in a private dev meeting..."
20:04:03 [Admin]Tael: "er write up"
20:04:06 Gideon: "Hint hint..."
20:04:15 [Admin]Faustus: "plus.. the upgrade level would obviously affect the price of the device.."
20:04:17 [|CD|]SkyLander: "nudge nudge"
* Chromix smiles at Gideon...
21:54:34 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[DK]Lith Ragond whispered "what about fixing the gate/tech problem on maps where ICC and UGTO are allied?""
20:04:53 [Admin]Tael: "yep, a planet at level 50 could make a level 20 wpn cheeper"
20:04:56 [Admin]Faustus: "@gideon.. actually, in part, what the dev meeting is about is brainstorming as well as discussing the ideals we are thinking about.."
20:05:13 [Admin]Faustus: "@lith... yep, I plan to fix that in the next update.."
20:05:13 Gideon: "Okay, well then let me bounce this off of you for this subject."
21:55:22 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Strombergmoon whispered "The reason i ask is some of the proposed changes benfit fleets over indys it seams""
20:05:30 [DK]Lith Ragond: "woot, thanks"
20:05:45 Gideon: "If there were global research projects instead of all planet based, then fleets could specialize in which tech they want to be best at."
* [MUTED] [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO starts banging his head off the desk
20:05:48 [DK]Lith Ragond: "Strom, join a fleet "
21:55:58 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[KIGR]Aubinator-FLEET:ATCO whispered "so, about those CL100 fighters, are they coming ""
20:06:06 Gideon: "Creating trade between fleets of technology, and creating unique feels to each fleet."
20:06:13 [Admin]Faustus: "@gideon.. I was thinking of a new structure, which would link research levels accross multiple planets.."
20:06:21 Gideon: "No, they have CL2000s"
20:06:37 Gideon: "Like a unified AI processing center."
20:06:38 [|CD|]SkyLander: "there beefy fighters"
20:06:38 Gideon: "Cool."
21:56:36 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[ICN]-=Gogeta=- whispered "Have u ever thought of putting in a alliance button where say if ugto and kluth got together they could allie and planets would not fire on them and they would be green diamonds, untill the alliance was cancelled?""
20:06:45 [Admin]Tael: "yeah, that would tie in with the Comm Station concept I have for other reasons"
20:06:46 [Admin]TheBumble: "not the new cl5000??"
20:06:55 [Admin]Tael: "ie, planets can not send news or distress if no comm station"
21:56:56 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Gogeta thats what the Diplomacy Feature will bring "
20:07:07 Gideon: "Gogeta, that concept is central to the Diplomacy system coming."
21:57:20 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "[-GTN-]Maskerade whispered "Q: with all these new ideas are more structures going to be allowed? By needing extra structures to produce certain items will take away from the defence of planets.""
20:07:38 [Admin]Faustus: "@gideon.. basically, I'm getting more and more concerned about making fleets to independent... I almost like fleets of the same faction being forced to work together in some cases.. or perhaps, k'luth fleets can fight each other, but the UGTO won't stand for that.."
20:07:44 Gideon: "CL5000 is very limited. Scouts and higher only. "
20:08:00 Gideon: "I have some theorys on how to work that..."
20:08:04 [-GTN-]Maskerade: "hehe"
20:08:05 [MoA]Patlukowsky: "lol gideon"
20:08:17 Gideon: "You can declare non-hostility treaties with fleets outside your faction."
20:08:40 Gideon: "However a true alliance, and the combination of economies and research that comes with that may only be applied to fleets inside your faction."
20:08:57 [Admin]Faustus: "K... sounds good"
20:09:06 Gideon: "So, while you may have a cease fire with PB, you do not have free flowing economic and research trade with them unless you are K'Luth."
20:09:28 Gideon: "Kinda like having different levels of alliances."
20:09:35 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "please rise structure limit"
20:09:37 Gideon: "Instead of just War and Peace."
20:09:40 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "raise"
20:09:56 [Admin]Faustus: "@tael.. the IPS was one of the weapons I pulled, because it wasn't diff enough from the other weapons.."
20:10:05 [Admin]Faustus: "IPS = Ion Pulse Stream"
20:10:16 [Admin]Tael: "ah ok"
20:10:16 [PB]Varzadium: "later guys i'm going to hop in FA server"
20:10:25 [Admin]Faustus: "l8r varz"
20:10:25 Gideon: "Hmmm..."
* Gideon starts thinking of a way for this weapon to work.
20:10:37 [PB]Varzadium: "bye faus =)"
20:10:43 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "hey"
20:10:45 [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "..."
20:10:46 Coleen: "Hey Faustus.. if I were to design a different badge set for each faction, would you be able to code it in so that the profile would show the badge set of the faction you belonged to? Or does it have to be a generic badge set for all factions?"
20:10:53 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "@faus are u going to rasie structure limits????"
20:10:53 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "i got a question for fastus"
20:10:57 [Admin]Faustus: "IPS is better than the IP.. but they are from the same line of tech"
20:11:02 [Admin]Faustus: "IP = Ion Pulse"
* [BIS]shadedancer slaps Chromix in the head...
20:11:07 Gideon: "How about if it "jumps" from ship to ship. So you fire at one, and it jumps to up to 3 more nearby ships losing power with each jump?"
20:11:11 Gideon: "Might be cool..."
20:11:20 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "faustus"
20:11:21 [eXS]ScHaKaL*: "what does it do?"
20:11:23 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "about registering"
20:11:37 [Admin]Faustus: "@gogeta.. perhaps, slowly... I don't want to the CPU usage to go through the roof "
20:11:40 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "how exactly doesthat work paying by direct debit"
20:11:41 Coleen: "Chain lighting effect, Gid?"
20:11:47 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "ok ty"
20:11:47 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "from our bank accnt"
* [PB]chosen of chaos{IC} waves to [-GDI-]Kahless[NL]{IC}...
20:11:57 Gideon: "Yeah, would look cool and make it different."
20:11:57 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "and is it effective for canadian customers?"
20:12:16 [|CD|]SkyLander: "the little doctor =)"
20:12:18 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling... are you using paybycash?"
20:12:27 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "and if it is what info do we need to do it?"
20:12:34 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling.. I think paybycash will only do virtual check for US customers... not sure about canada"
20:12:36 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "no not yet but i want to"
20:12:42 Gideon: "Allowing 32 units on EVERY planet including death stars will rais process strain enough as it is..."
20:12:46 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "grrrrrr"
20:12:56 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "is there any other method of payment"
20:12:56 [Admin]Tael: "hmm, i was looking at creating a new hvy disruptor, and raising the charge rate of the current disrruptor so it fires faster"
20:13:00 [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "i am using that as well, and MAN ... it gets up their in price! lol"
20:13:04 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "cus i only have a compnay credit card"
20:13:06 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling.. actually, I know PBC has some popular form of payment for canada.."
20:13:42 Gideon: "Tael, heavy disruptor=people changing out CL2Ks in every fleet for them."
20:13:46 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling.. use BIBIT if at all possible... you'll avoid the extra charges PBC adds on.."
20:13:49 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "and how do we go about becomming a mod?"
20:13:49 Gideon: "Maybe they should be K'Luth only?"
20:14:00 [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "no"
20:14:05 [Admin]Tael: "no, locking them to kluth only, and then disruptors change to medium beam"
20:14:05 Gideon: "A special surprise for the human infestation..."
20:14:07 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "they should"
20:14:28 [Admin]Faustus: "@smiling.. check the Moderator Feedback forum, I think there is a topic there about becoming a mod.."
20:14:30 [|CD|]SkyLander: "lower the damage on disruptors?"
20:14:31 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "and light for small ships"
22:04:29 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Faustus is a fix near for users that have permission to enter and post in a private forum, but cant? "
20:14:35 [DK]Lith Ragond: "yes, disruptors, Kluth only. i am all for changes to disruptors"
20:14:36 [Admin]Tael: "smaller kluth ships can mount the current disruptors, but not hvy disruptors"
20:14:39 [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "interchanging the technologies of alien weapons should be "researchable" if captured. right?"
20:14:43 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "there is smiling"
20:14:44 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "thank u sir"
20:14:51 Gideon: "Then the ship jumping IP/IPS beam could be the special ICC beam. The UGTO has the special Flux Beam."
20:15:14 Coleen: "Oh, yes PLEASE Grif. My access to private forums has been borked for a long time now "
20:15:15 [|CD|]SkyLander: "God for the jumping beam"
20:15:16 Gideon: "UGTO would need another special tech, to make them feel...special."
20:15:23 [DK]Lith Ragond: "good idea Tael"
20:15:26 [|CD|]SkyLander: "Gid*"
20:15:37 [|CD|]SkyLander: "would it do less and less damage per jump?"
20:15:38 [Admin]Faustus: "well, I'm at a loss on whats going on with the private forums.."
20:15:42 Gideon: "Yes"
22:05:46 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: ":("
22:05:53 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "ok, thx anyhow"
20:15:58 Gideon: "In ratio to the max ammount of jumps it can make. "
20:15:59 Coleen: ":("
20:16:00 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "my stomach is devouring itself need food NOW cya laterz everyone"
20:16:08 Gideon: "4 jumps max means that it loses 25% power each jump."
20:16:10 [Admin]Faustus: "because, everyone who said they couldn't access it, I check the DB, and the record is there to allow them access.."
20:16:16 [|CD|]SkyLander: "cause some games have that type of weapon and it does more damage per ship it hits"
20:16:21 [|CD|]SkyLander: "like star trek armada for example"
20:16:26 [ICN]-=Gogeta=-: "and gl in the interview faus"
20:16:46 Gideon: "Yeah, more damage per ship could be a little much..."
20:16:46 [-GTN-]Neon Samurai: "faust its the same problem i had before that i posted to the pmf"
* [ICN]-=Gogeta=- waves to [{BSS}]Darksworde*LtJg*...
20:16:55 [KIGR]-SmilingJester-FLEET:XO/TCO: "i cant access to reply for the mod thing"
20:16:59 [PB]WDPFF: "gid your math is wrong"
20:17:01 [DK]Lith Ragond: "ok, be back on later"
20:17:01 Gideon: "I like less damage. Feels more logical that it looses strength per hit."
20:17:05 [DK]Lith Ragond: "and dont forget..."
20:17:14 [-GTN-]Neon Samurai: "where ppl are getting logged in to the forums as guests as they cant post anywhere unless they manualy log in"
20:17:15 Coleen: "Faustus: If I designed a different badge set for each faction, would you be able to set it so profiles showed the badges of the faction you belonged to? Or is it only possible to show one generic badgeset?"
20:17:18 Gideon: "Probably."
20:17:23 Gideon: "it was just an example."
20:17:31 [-GTN-]Neon Samurai: "and im positive its not a cookie problem on my side"
20:17:32 Gideon: "I meant 4 jumps including the first hit."
* [ C `]Dwarden has entered the room...
20:17:41 [PB]chosen of chaos{IC}: "hey tael u still working on that kluth stealth/bio armour thingy?"
20:17:49 Gideon: "Should have said 4 targets."
20:18:06 [PB]WDPFF: "yeah but if it goes down by 25 it takes off 25 from 100 and then 25 from 75"
20:18:09 [PB]WDPFF: "which is smalller"
20:18:13 [PB]Kallith: "Welp off to study for my Mcse's,ceyas all"
20:18:17 [Admin]Faustus: "K.. guys I've gotta get back to work... l8r"
20:18:20 [KIGR]Enforcer_II: "what about a plasma cannon. Very powerful with in a few gu's and looses potency at farther range."
22:08:21 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "c ya F"
20:18:27 Gideon: "25 from the total. not from after each jump."
20:18:28 [-GTN-]Neon Samurai: "cya faust"
22:08:29 [Admin]TheEvilGriffin: "Have a good Day F"
20:18:32 Gideon: "Okay, well, that's enough of that."

  Email TheEvilGriffin
Fleet Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2002
Posts: 894
From: Ramius
Posted: 2002-11-20 21:21   
thx grif

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