Tael 2nd Rear Admiral Palestar

Joined: July 03, 2002 Posts: 3697 From: San Francisco Bay Area
| Posted: 2003-02-01 03:12  
* EVENT: 'Developer Chat' event is starting now...
18:58:39 [Admin]Tael: "ok gents we will wait a couple of minutes to see if F shows"
19:03:49 [MUTED] [HWL]Riley: "if?"
18:59:14 [Admin]Tael: "the ds time seams to be a little fast"
19:04:40 [MUTED] [HWL]Pentara: "Lol. We're waiting for a Faustus Sighting. Hehehe"
19:05:12 [Admin]sunshine: "good evening gents"
19:01:25 [Admin]Tael: "Ok i just talked to F, he is on his way"
19:06:34 [Admin]Faustus: "howdy... "
19:06:46 [MUTED] [-DD-]NightDragon: "Hi Faustus"
19:06:49 [Admin]Faustus: "sorry, was getting a drink... "
19:06:55 [Admin]sunshine: "cheers"
19:07:30 [Admin]Faustus: "whew... FYI... I've got the UniverseServer/UniverseClient implemented now... just finished in fact, going to spend the rest of the day getting it compiled ... "
19:08:03 [Admin]Faustus: "the load-balancing is fully implemented now... so zones will automatically split and merge based on the number of objects in a zone.."
19:08:09 [~L~]PizzaTheHut: "that sounds good... "
19:08:28 [Admin]Faustus: "plus... transfers from zone to zone are implemented... no more getting stuck in gates.. "
19:09:38 [Admin]Faustus: "plus zone transfers will be seemless to the client... meaning you won't get any pause or flyby screen when you move from one zone to another.. "
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "When`s it gonna go Beta? =D"
19:10:20 [Admin]Faustus: "anyway... in other words, today was a good day on the programming front... "
19:11:17 [Admin]Faustus: "OK... lets get started, as usual, please whisper any questions to one of the admins or mods in the room, anyone except me.... then we'll answer questions in an organized fashion..."
19:12:03 [Admin]Faustus: "@chromix... yes, in fact the client won't ever change connections when in the metaverse now... "
19:12:23 [Admin]Faustus: "[SA]pakhos whispered "Question: are we going to be able to use camera system in new version?""
19:12:33 [Admin]Faustus: "(again, please don't whisper to me... )"
19:13:03 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "* [-IMO-]Eleda {C?} whispered "what is the estimated ETA till we can start playing around with the uni server looking for bugs in BETA ""
19:13:05 [Admin]Faustus: "@pakhos... yes, you can be in one star system, and use a remote camera for a planet on the other side of the metaverse to watch the action around the planet.."
19:13:49 [Admin]sunshine: "[-[A]-]Captain Tinkles whispered "can you ask him if there will be gates anymore?""
19:13:56 [Admin]Faustus: "@eleda... right now, I estimate a couple more days for getting this compiled and somewhat tested before going into beta for public testing... prolly early next week, but as always this can change."
19:14:10 [-[A]-]|2eason: "* [-DD-]NightDragon whispered "What about snyc problems will that be teh same?""
19:15:02 [Admin]Faustus: "@tinkles... yes there still will be gates... in fact, I need to update the AI to use gates.. since starport transports may be transporting goods from one star system to another.. they currently would jump directly to the other star system... plus I would need to make the AI stop and refuel the ship if necessary to get to the destination."
19:15:43 [Admin]Faustus: "@nightdragon... sync problem? can you be more specific?"
* Sent [MODTALK]: "good we need to fix the AI for the Crystal Entities so they stop hitting planets"
* [MODTALK] [-GTN-]Lith Ragond {C?} @21085 Sent "but we LOVE that "
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "Actually, they aren`t that bad...I saw one make a four passes at Le before it finally crashed the other night"
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "got it down to 45 pop from 60"
19:16:46 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [- 9th -]Baali [FL] whispered "will this also take care of the Dictor lag problem? or is that going to be addressed later?" "
19:17:12 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [HWL]Pentara whispered "Right now when you play on, lets say the FA server, if your Nav screen has just updated and shows you a teammate being attacked by the enemy (thus showing the enemy), you need to select the teammate and goto camera mode for 3 seconds to see the other 4 enemies attacking him. Only then will navmode show you those enemies as well. So for any jump into action, you need to check camera mode first since nav isnt uptodate till then. Will your patch fix or improve this "
19:17:27 [Admin]Faustus: "@baali... that will get addressed later I suspect.."
19:17:29 [-[A]-]|2eason: "* [-DD-]NightDragon whispered "i mena like ship jumping around and the problem with on your screen you are at x spot but to the server your ahead of where you are""
19:17:41 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "* [-IMO-]Eleda {C?} whispered "How will you expand the MV. Will you put the new systems in-between the current systems and make the current systems father apart, or will you be adding the new systems to the edge of the MV?""
19:18:04 [Admin]sunshine: "Captain Tinkles whispered "how many system will be in the MV after the update""
19:18:24 [Admin]Faustus: "too many questiosn "
* [MODTALK] [-[A]-]|2eason @14362 Sent "Hold up guys, Nightdragon had to rephrase his question..."
19:19:24 [Admin]Faustus: "@pentara... this patch will not change that issue much.. since for your benefit, we try to filter as much info as possible so you don't lag out due to too much data being sent to your client... "
19:19:48 [Admin]Faustus: "@nightdragon.... I'll look into that problem some more.."
19:20:26 [Admin]Faustus: "@eleda... most of the new systems will prolly be used to expand space... but I'm not opposed to trying to move the home systems of each faction a bit further apart.."
19:21:04 [Admin]Faustus: "next q.."
19:21:07 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [- 9th -]Baali [FL] whispered "Will the new transport system, ie trading between systems, allow us to intercept and kill the transport to deny resources?""
19:21:58 [Admin]Faustus: "@hitman23.. yes, and those res are going to be alot more important... since the shipyards will need the res to make hulls... if you don't have the res, you won't be able to get some of the bigger ships (i.e. dreads, stations).."
19:22:12 [Admin]Faustus: "ops.. that was for baali.. "
19:22:21 [Admin]Patrowsky: " [HWL]Pentara whispered "With the even further increase in MV size, and the abilitiy and probable need of now viewing systems far from your location in nav mode, will you be changing the scroll speed of the MN in nav mode? (Right now, it takes forever to move the MV around. (Perhaps implement a toggle key for sensitivity?)""
19:23:20 [Admin]Faustus: "@pentara.. the nav screen is going to get an overhaul for sure ... firstly, so it doesn't try to render every planet in every system when your zoomed out.. plus we need info for trade routes, etc implemented as well.."
19:23:24 [Admin]Patrowsky: "brb"
19:23:26 [Admin]sunshine: "[-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?}: will there still be an orders system or will it be scrapped as no-one uses it for anything but tranny farming???" "
19:23:34 [Admin]Faustus: "so scroll speeds will be addressed as well.."
19:19:14 [Admin]Tael: "Considering a whole new Order/mission system"
19:24:14 [Admin]Faustus: "@louis... the order system is going to be removed from nav, and replaced with the mission system ... creating missions will be the way to order ships around in the next patch.."
19:24:27 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "* [-IMO-]Eleda {C?} whispered "are you planning to make resources more usefull/needed on the MV for things other than shipyards.Once a planet has passed the buildup phase it rarely needs many.""
19:24:38 [Admin]Faustus: "and you won't be able to give AI transports orders anymore "
19:20:02 [Admin]Tael: "In the new economy models you will need constant resources for building/structure and unit upkeep"
* [MODTALK] [-[A]-]|2eason @14362 Sent "* [*TS*]Serondal {DC?} whispered Is the patch youre putting into effect next week the BIG patch or just part of it? Will it has all the new models for fighters and shipyards or only the new server/client connection stuff?"
* [MODTALK] [-[A]-]|2eason @14362 Sent "* [{BSS}]sono {C?} @42533 Sent will the US take care of moving ojbects and beacons wehn they cross zone borders, and is it now easier for you to implement new features then it was before?"* [MODTALK] [-[A]-]|2eason @14362 Sent "Brb"
19:26:07 [Admin]Faustus: "@eleda... I think shipyards are going to be using ALOT of resources the way I'm planning to do it... hulls are going to be very expensive.. .... so resources will be in constant demand, part of beta testing is to make sure resources are not so abundant that everyone can get ships all the time.."
19:26:27 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [- 9th -]Baali [FL] whispered "will transports be able to be captured to steal the resources? Boarded, or disabled?""
19:26:49 [Admin]Faustus: "in other words... getting a dread is going to require you to have multiple trade routes bringing res to the planet with the shipyard.."
* [|CD|]SkyLander has entered the room...
19:27:36 [Admin]Faustus: "@baali... yes, if you attack enemy transports... they will jettison their cargo when they take so much hull damage... plus, I'm going to make it so they will actually attempt to run away from you."
19:27:38 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [KG]nuvan whispered "so if we cant give AI transports orders anymore, will we be giving them missions? or will they automatically determine what the planet needs, and where to get it?""
19:28:00 [MUTED] Sopwith Camel [Lord Protector {C?}]: "."
19:28:17 [Admin]Faustus: "@nuvan... transports will perform their duties based on the trade routes that are created for the planet that owns the star port.."
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "Ooh! Idea! Have resources in cargo increase ship mass, so that they move slower with a full hold =)"
19:28:41 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [- 9th -]Baali [FL] whispered "and on the platform/shipyard issue, will the Kluths be able to cloak?Or possible mount ECM or the like to make them a more difficult target?""
19:29:11 [Admin]TheBumble: "back and ready"
* [PB]Big John @51044 reports "stuck again - using /c"
19:29:40 [Admin]Faustus: "@baali... subject to testing.. but k'luth platforms will most likely not be cloaked... or they will cloak automatically only when enemy units are near.."
19:29:50 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [HWL]Pentara whispered "Have you put any concrete thought into the Kluth cloak. Specifically, although Kluth are detectable when they shoot, they remain totally invisible."
19:29:52 [Admin]sunshine: "[-[A]-]Captain Tinkles whispered "will fractions ever be able to allie together?""
19:30:01 [Admin]Faustus: "if I put a cloaking device on them... "
* Sent [MODTALK]: "AJ we have already ruled out mass considerations at this time..."
19:30:57 [Admin]Faustus: "@tinkles... thats part of the big change to the server backend... is to allow pacts/treaties... it's not implemented, because it needs to be designed first, but the new system can implement that feature much easier than the old system.."
19:31:13 [HWL]Hitman23: "[SA]pakhos whispered "are you going to put more drone bay on stations?""
19:31:48 [Admin]Faustus: "@pakhos... that would be a balance issue planned for 1.482.... but sounds like a good ideal to me ... "
19:31:55 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [- 9th -]Baali [FL] whispered "will the transports see an increase in cargo size?right now its kinda pitiful""
19:32:09 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [HWL]Pentara whispered "Oh oh. This ones really important... Faustus, have you considered the issue that if ships spawn at shipyards around a planet now, it leaves open the possibility of spawn camping? (ex: mining aronud the shipyard to instantly kill anyone coming into the game At the same time, you cannot make shipyards a gate zone since then no one can attack the planet/destroy the shipyard right?""
19:32:12 [Admin]Faustus: "FYI... I'm thinking about allowing multi-crew ships as well, what does everyone think about that?"
19:27:22 [Admin]Tael: "@tinkles some of this is outlined in the political writeup reviews we are looking at"
19:32:30 [Admin]Patrowsky: "what does that mean?"
19:32:40 [Admin]sunshine: "so, several people are using the same ship?"
19:32:42 [~L~]PizzaTheHut: "that would be cool "
19:32:45 [Admin]sunshine: "i navigate"
19:32:47 [Admin]Faustus: "@Pentara .... you will spawn in a random direction/position around the planet, so they can't camp a single spot.."
19:32:50 [Admin]sunshine: "pat is targeting?"
19:32:50 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "Awesome! =D"
19:32:57 [Admin]Faustus: "@sunshine.. yes... "
19:33:03 [Admin]sunshine: "w00000t"
19:33:03 [HWL]Hitman23: "* Sopwith Camel [Lord Protector {C?}] whispered "When the patch is released, is there going to be an increase of marketing for this game to increase number of players?""
19:33:19 [Admin]TheBumble: "* [{BSS}]Magna Ultima {C?} @50872 Sent "In MV, Will only the sprites for YOUR CURRENT system appear, or will all sprites be listed? Im talking about the object list.?"
19:33:52 [Admin]Faustus: "multi-crew... multple players controlling the same ship, one guy flying the ship, the other firing weapons, another handling engineering (energy system forthcoming).."
19:34:33 [Admin]Faustus: "@Magna .... we will show contacts nearest to the center point of your navigation screen... or current target... "
19:34:36 [Admin]Patrowsky: "SyKO - {DS Asia Mod} whispered "lol tell him that would be awsome ""
19:34:37 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "That sounds w00t to me =D"
19:34:54 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "* [-IMO-]Eleda {C?} whispered "is the kluth ability to shoot and remain cloaked and untargitable in areas of high ecm intended or was it an oversight when you designed the new system. If it is will you be correcting it in the 1.482 patch?""
* Sent [MODTALK]: "oh the multicrew concept was something i was saving for ds2 lol"
19:35:29 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [{BSS}]sono {C?} @42533 Sent "will the US take care of moving objects and beacons when switching zones, and is it now easier for you to implement new features like, for example, classed cargo?""
19:36:34 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "* [-DD-]NightDragon whispered "with the mluticrew as long as you dont make it a requirement then im all for it""
19:36:40 [Admin]Faustus: "another FYI about the new UniverseServer system... it allows for sub-zones, meaning when we implement ground combat... you may be able to actually fly your ship down onto the surface of a planet and blast infantry troops fighting it out on the ground... this is just something, I've put into the current design for the future features.."
19:37:03 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [KG]nuvan whispered "are there going to be certain requirements for a planet before it can have a station? or will any planet be able to have one? it would add a very interesting strategic element to the game if only 3 or 4 planets per system could have a shipyard...""
19:37:41 [Admin]Faustus: "@sono... the US makes ALOT of things much easier to do... since, the universe is more or less a single universe now.. and servers can very easily talk and share objects with each other.."
19:38:47 [Admin]Faustus: "@nuvan ... shipyards are going to have very high worker and power requirments.. meaning, its going to be hard to put a shipyard on every moon in a system.. unless you are willing to forgo defense bases and shields for all those planets.."
19:39:03 [Admin]sunshine: "Captain Tinkles whispered "will there ever be strickley cargo ships that can hold up to 50 or so cargo but no troops?""
19:39:07 [Admin]TheBumble: "* [{BSS}]Magna Ultima {C?} @50872 Sent "I beleive this was mentiond before, but Where is the proposition of ammo in your cargo bay going?""
19:39:21 [MUTED] [HWL]Pentara: "Alright Faustus, just want to give you 1 scenario. A tiny moon sized (death star) planet with a shipyard. 4 EADs surrounding it and an interdictor not too far. ... Oh, and as for the multi-crew idea. Sounds good, maybe on the bigger ships. Can definately see it working wel on a station for example with 3 people even if you add some more 180 degree weapons."
19:39:40 [Admin]Faustus: "@Eleda ... thats by design... the cloaking device is something that gives a k'luth ship 0 emissions.. more ECM just makes it harder to target anything."
19:40:29 [Admin]TheBumble: "* [-GTN-]Azure {C?} whispered "landing your ships hmmm does that include dreads aswell? you might aswell just fly you station into the planet to kill the inf then:P""
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "Problem with that, Faust...with ICC and UGTO ships you can visually target within 150-200 gu...with K`luth you can`t see them AT ALL, even when they Alpha-strike"
19:40:34 [Admin]Faustus: "@Tinkles ... no plans for that yet... but it seems logical that infantry require more space, than some metals..."
19:40:39 [Admin]TheBumble: "* [-GTN-]Azure {C?} whispered "ok ok sensible question, if we can fly our ships down onto the surface of a planet to bomb inf, does that includ building aswell? and will the planet defensive react to ships near its surface?""
19:42:13 [Admin]Faustus: "@Azure ... that feature is way off in the future... prolly for DS2.... because the scale of the entire universe will need to be increased... planets will have to be realisitic sizes in game... and yes, I would allow dreads to go down to the surface... using anti-gravity pumps or something like in star wars.."
19:42:30 [Admin]Faustus: "attacking structures that way might be very possible.."
19:42:37 [Admin]sunshine: "[*TS*]Serondal {DC?} whispered "Will this next update be the Patch where in all the shipyard and new models for fighters, and everything else is put into place? If not, is it just for putting up the US and nothing else?""
19:37:50 [Admin]Tael: "well actually i could see upto destroyers landing, we'd need a size limit on what could land"
19:43:27 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* SyKO - {DS Asia Mod} whispered "Pat can u ask if there will ever be surface defence structures.. like bunkers to help inf hold out longer"
19:43:41 [Admin]Faustus: "@Serondal ... the next update will include all that... what will go into beta next week (hopefully) will just be the new server backend for testing... that backend is needed to get working all the new features, specically shipyards need it... "
19:38:56 [Admin]Tael: "Bunkers are already planned for"
19:44:05 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [-GTN-]Azure {C?} whispered "will spawming trannies come from shipyards aswell (using resources of cause)? or will they continue to magically appear from gates ?""
19:44:13 [Admin]Faustus: "@SyKO ... yes, next update, you'll be able to order infantry to fortify.... making them more resistant to bombing..."
19:44:26 [Admin]sunshine: "Mehrunes Dagon {C?} whispered "Are there going to be any changes to the repair system? It doesnt make sense that a dreadnought repairs components at the same rate (and the same number of them) as a scout.""
* [MODTALK] [Admin]Patrowsky @60602 Sent "small break for F"
19:44:48 [Admin]Faustus: "plus.. I do want to make a bunker structure you can build... or fort, when infatry is placed on this structure they get even more protection from orbital bombs.."
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "He DOES need to breathe, after all =P"
19:45:15 [Admin]Faustus: "@Dagon ... good point, I'll look into that issue..."
* [MODTALK] [~L~]PizzaTheHut @19852 Sent "nahhhh"
* [MUTED] [-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?} has entered the room...
* [MUTED] Mehrunes Dagon {C?} dances.
19:40:47 [Admin]Tael: "@Faustus i can work the repair times into the new shield armor system, again based off of hull class"
19:45:42 [Admin]sunshine: "[-[A]-]Captain Tinkles whispered "can you give us any hints to what the next next patch new ship will be?""
19:45:43 [MUTED] [{BSS}]sono {C?}: "if anything the dread should do it faster.. more personel"
* [MODTALK] [Admin]TheBumble @43801 Sent "me blowing fresh air to faustus "
19:45:52 [Admin]Faustus: "* [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} whispered "Does `Fortify` also increase infantrys defence towards enemy infantry?""
19:45:57 [Admin]Faustus: "@banshee... YES"
19:46:25 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [IGN]DeathScythe {C?} whispered "we have now foot people(inf) ar there any updates in this like tanks ect ?""
19:46:27 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [HWL]Pentara whispered "Are mines still on your list of things to fix/tweak? Or are you totally happy with how they are right now? ... ... ... Also, any plans for planetary based offense structures? (Like HHMount, 60 degree PCannons) 8p"
19:46:45 [Admin]Faustus: "@Tinkles ... the k'luth need more ship configurations ..."
19:46:59 [Admin]Patrowsky: "the mines ..we will lok at all devices in tha balance patch right after 1.481"
19:42:23 [Admin]Tael: "@Pentara - Selvarian and I have worked up a new way to do the mines, we are still doing up the proposal to send to F, but there is a fix for them planed"
19:47:20 [Admin]Faustus: "@Pentara ... no, I'm not happy, we need to implement a mine "Field" object.. so we can consolidate multiple mines into a single object to save CPU and bandwidth.."
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "/me begins applauding [Admin]Tael and [Admin]Selvarian"
19:48:08 [Admin]Faustus: "@DeathScythe .... this coming upate, yes, I will most likely add new types of ground units such as armor, artillery.. "
19:48:10 [Admin]TheBumble: "i think, pentara got it now "
19:43:21 [Admin]Tael: "The concept we have is like F states, a "Field" so the more mines you lay in a "Region" the larger the field size, the fields size and mine count reflect your chance of hitting a mine in that region"
19:48:19 [Admin]Faustus: "and mobile infantry.."
19:48:24 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* SyKO - {DS Asia Mod} whispered "Small question, could something be implemented so when someone calls for a distress (attact or supply) it can give a location. eg. SyKO is being attack at Earth!""
19:48:43 [Admin]Patrowsky: "syko..u have a chat too...to type the planet doesnt need much time "
19:48:55 [Admin]Faustus: "@SyKO ... good ideal... another one for the ideal list.."
19:49:22 [Admin]Faustus: "@SyKO ... dont' forget, when anyone receives the distress, they only need to press the H key to target you.."
19:49:33 [~L~]PizzaTheHut: "ummm hit h.."
19:49:46 [Admin]sunshine: " [-IMO-]seneca @68903 Sent "are there any plans to look into badges requirement for ships, because it seems impossible to get gold combat as a Captian for example""
19:49:58 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "If lots of people are spamming in a short period of time, your distress can get lost in the clutter"
19:50:09 [Admin]Patrowsky: " [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} whispered "With the current infantry bug, with friendly infantry not fighting back, will this be fixed with totally new code, or will the old code of allowing them to heal on friendly ships (which let them duke it out) be re0implemented?""
19:50:23 [Admin]Faustus: "@seneca ... yes, I plan to look into that soon.."
19:50:28 [Admin]Patrowsky: "banshee...that is allreasdy fixed in next patch...troops will fighht first the cripple ur systems"
19:50:44 [HWL]Hitman23: "* [IGN]DeathScythe {C?} whispered "i hear that ship capturing comes back whit the new patch what happen if you cap a enney ship do it end up in your garage ?""
19:50:47 [Admin]Faustus: "@Banshee ... it will be fixed in the next patch... same code"
* [MODTALK] [~L~]PizzaTheHut @19852 Sent "should be badge/rank requirements for devices too "
19:50:52 [MUTED] [HWL]Pentara: "I agree. There shouldn't be more than 2 supply requests every 15-30 seconds."
19:51:12 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [HWL]Pentara whispered "Currently all infantry (skill) show the same off/def values. Are you planning on making these values reflect the ACTUAL strength of the inf? Any plans to remove redundant ships? (Like ICC, 3 engineering ships with minute differences. Could easily be just light and heavy, removing middle) ........ @Tael, sounds good about the mines. I remember writing about that exact idea 6 months ago in the forums (I love mining) ""
19:46:38 [Admin]Tael: "We are planning to limit the ammount of messages you can send in a one minute period of time, so no more flooding attacks"
19:51:46 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} whispered "Just wondering how it would be done, to me it seems a bit strange that these massive warships dont have medical bays in which marines can be healed :-/""
19:51:50 [Admin]Faustus: "@DeathScythe ... I have no clue what to do right now about that... I'd rather not, otherwise we'll end up with ICC flying k'luth ships, and visa versa... we'll see.. "
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "@ship capturing - And thats a bad thing? =P"
19:52:38 [Admin]Faustus: "@Pentara ... they should I suppose... their exp does affect their strengths... it does need to be displayed in the info.."
19:52:53 [Admin]sunshine: "[-[A]-]Captain Tinkles whispered "so the icc of uggies wont get any more ships?" "
* [MODTALK] [Admin]TheBumble @43801 Sent "me rememers the old ship-capture-times "
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "I wanna cap a Battle Dread just so I can mount seven Psi Cannons and Active Shields on it ^_^"
19:54:04 [Admin]Faustus: "@Banshee ... that was done to prevent someone taking an entire planet with 1 elite inf... by grabbing the infantry right before it dies, healing it, then dropping it back on the planet."
19:54:14 [Admin]Patrowsky: " [SA]pakhos whispered "if 2 tranports jump on a station and drop inf on station? So station must go back and pick more troops.Bewcause of that are you going to make the stations a little faster?""
19:54:17 [MUTED] Incredible Storm: "I am wondering about some balancing for dreads, they seem not to last long enough. They are twice as big, half as fast, but they have roughly the same armor and maybe 20 percent more weaponry than a cruiser"
19:55:06 [Admin]Faustus: "@Incredible ... in 1.482 we plan to address that issue with new classes of armor/shields for the higher classed ships.."
19:55:52 [Admin]Patrowsky: "Pakhos..no need to make them faster...u have a team which can help u"
19:55:54 [-[A]-]AgentFritz: "* [~Z~]MoBioS whispered "Currently, the Kluth have 3 classes of supply ship, will the human factions also be able to have a 3rd class of supply ship?""
19:51:48 [Admin]Tael: "The new shields and armor proposal use the cruisers as the basis, then mod from that. so a dread sees about a 50% marked improvement per arc, and the station another 50% over the dread."
19:56:46 [Admin]Faustus: "getting a drink... AFK for a sec"
19:57:07 [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?}: "* [*TS*]Axianda *2RA* whispered "I have seen some posts about the idea of fitting weapons on HVY weapons slots * goes for beams-> HVY beams to *" "
19:57:19 [MUTED] [-GTN-]Banshee {C?}: "sorry...couldnt resist :-/"
19:57:20 [Admin]Patrowsky: " [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} whispered "Assualt Dreads, Elite Assualt Dreads, Assualt Cruisers and Torpedo Cruisers, supposedly the Elite ships of the game, being as this fact stands, why are they so readily avaliable? probably a stupid question, but shouldnt they be much harder to obtain? Gold Combat and Captain/Admiral, Really isnt high enough, your supposed to earn them, yet too many people have them and havent got a clue how to fly them, kind of removes the feeling of accomplishment for those"
19:57:38 [MUTED] weden: "no wonder main room is empty....."
19:52:55 [Admin]Tael: "@Axianda, not at this time, though we are debating a possible new customization system... "
19:53:23 [Admin]Tael: "@Banshee with the ship yards and the new resource requirements they will be very hard to get"
19:58:17 [Admin]Patrowsky: "banshee..thats a point ..well...we can look at it inthe balance patch...there we will also (maybe) change some reqs"
19:58:29 [MUTED] Incredible Storm: "I completely agree, it is two easy to get dreads, too many newbs flying them"
19:53:43 [Admin]Tael: "* [SA]SabelTooth[TECL] whispered "Any ideas for making a timer that says the time before capping a planet?""
19:58:49 [MUTED] Incredible Storm: "Perhaps too easy to get rank even"
19:58:50 [Admin]Faustus: "K.. I'm back"
19:54:06 [Admin]Tael: "@Sabel the dev team is looking at expanding the log out time based on hull size, so bigger ship, longer delay"
19:59:03 [~L~]PizzaTheHut: "I think Banshee means that they should be harder to earn"
19:59:14 [~L~]PizzaTheHut: "not harder to build"
19:59:35 [~L~]PizzaTheHut: "* [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} whispered "Precisely""
19:59:51 [Admin]Patrowsky: "* [-GTN-]Azure {C?} whispered "i think, that you shouldnt be able to unload inf when the ship has shield, im using the idea from star teck:P but then again I dont know if ship beam inf onto the target or it just throws the inf to the target""
* [MODTALK] [-[A]-]|2eason @14362 Sent "Tael, He wasnt talking about ships logging out, he was talking about when a planet will capture"
20:00:06 [HWL]Hitman23: "i think sabel meant for capping a planet, not logging out of the game"
20:00:23 [MUTED] [-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?}: "yah"
* Sent [MODTALK]: "oops misread that with another whisper i got"
20:00:34 [- 9th -]Armand: "[*TS*]Lunatiq {C?} whispered "Have they talked at all about an in-game mute, vs. just a lobby mute?""
20:00:54 [Admin]Faustus: "anyway... I guess for the last 5 min of this chat.. lets unmoderate the room? "
* You set the room to unmoderated...
20:01:05 [~L~]PizzaTheHut: "* [IGN]DeathScythe {C?} whispered "i have this idea i see many dread and command dreads but what if you add a ship in this case a flagship take over the role of the command dread and give the flagship the weapon layout from a station""
* Room is no longer moderated...
19:56:14 [Admin]Tael: "done"
20:01:12 [MUTED] [-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?}: "YAY"
20:01:17 [-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?}: "YAY"
20:01:19 [-GTN-]Azure {C?}: "*sigh*"
20:01:19 SyKO - {DS Asia Mod}: "ahh i can talk "
20:01:19 [HWL]Pentara: "Currently it takes an insande amount of time to repair all systems on human ships. Kluth have extreme advantage thanx to auto-repair. Since the primary purpose of the auto-repair is to fix HULL (being a hull component after all), any plans to balance the system repair issue out? ... ... ... Any plans for same faction battles?"
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "And the reign of chaos has come at last..."
20:01:27 [{BSS}]ArmyHaunt*LT*{C?_FR}: "already finish... "
* [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} breathes the unrestricted air
20:01:31 [Admin]TheBumble: "hide - the room is oppen"
20:01:37 [VIP]Hussaro {C?}: "I WANNA SIIING"
20:01:38 [-[A]-]Captain Tinkles: "fautus can I post this log in the forums?"
20:01:40 [Admin]Faustus: "CHAOS.. "
* [MODTALK] [~L~]PizzaTheHut @19852 Sent "/ignore everyone"
20:01:46 [Admin]Patrowsky: "sing when u wnat huss"
20:01:48 [-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?}: "lol"
20:01:48 [~Z~]MoBioS: "Currently, the Kluth have 3 classes of supply ship, will the human factions also be able to have a 3rd class of supply ship?"
20:01:48 [Admin]Faustus: "@tinkles.. yes"
* [{BSS}]ArmyHaunt*LT*{C?_FR} waves to [Admin]Faustus...
20:01:51 [{BSS}]little_chaoz(Affe Force)*LT*: "o_O"
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "lmao"
19:56:57 [Admin]Tael: "@Pentara one concept was to enable ships crews, then you can allot more power or crew to damage control for faster repair time"
20:02:04 [KG]nuvan: "will this new system of building ships eliminate the resources lost stat?"
* [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} runs into wall object people and Admins in a seemingly random pattern of destruction
* [- 9th -]Armand smiles at [-GTN-]Banshee {C?}...
* [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} gives [- 9th -]Armand a great big hug...
20:02:22 SyKO - {DS Asia Mod}: "lol@thebumble.. haha hide "
20:02:24 [VIP]Hussaro {C?}: "AND i want to thank faustus for all the great things he has done and is planning to do in the future... a little aplause for this great man please"
* [MODTALK] [-[A]-]AgentFritz @7629 Sent "can I burn them..?"
20:02:30 [Admin]Faustus: "@pentara... tael is right... I'm planning to add a "Crew" number to ships sometime soon "
* [VIP]Hussaro {C?} begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
* [-[A]-]Captain Tinkles opens a cage of angry ferrets and they tear [Admin]TheBumble from limb to limb and run back in the cage and eat his/her remains.
* [-GTN-]Azure {C?} pokes [Admin]Faustus in the eye with a sharp, hot magnesium needle...
* [-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?} waves to everyone in -GDI- and -DFI-.
* [{BSS}]ArmyHaunt*LT*{C?_FR} begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
* [-GTN-]Azure {C?} begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
* [-[A]-]Captain Tinkles High five to [Admin]Faustus ...
* [-GDI-]louis_gc[TECL]{C?} begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
* [Admin]Patrowsky begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
20:02:47 [-GTN-]Azure {C?}: "opps"
20:02:47 [{BSS}]little_chaoz(Affe Force)*LT*: "uh o, no more SDs for me then =/"
20:02:48 [Admin]TheBumble: ";)"
* [SA]SabelTooth[TECL] shows deep respect for [Admin]Faustus
20:02:52 [-GTN-]Banshee {C?}: "ROFL Admins getting ganged up on "
* [KG]nuvan begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
* [-GTN-]Banshee {C?} begins applauding [Admin]Faustus...
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "Five bucks says he forgot completely and is still coding his brains out =P"
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "Five bucks says he forgot completely and is still coding his brains out =P"
* [MODTALK] [TK]Admiral Jimmy {C?} @17308 Sent "Five bucks says he forgot completely and is still coding his brains out =P"