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Reitteration of the Official Policy on Alliegences |
Tael 2nd Rear Admiral Palestar

Joined: July 03, 2002 Posts: 3697 From: San Francisco Bay Area
| Posted: 2005-01-12 01:13  
Unfortunately we are again forced to address the issue of "Alliegences"...
The RoC states the following about Allegiances...
3.3(d) Allegiance
Description: Members of different teams/factions cooperating for mutual prestige gain (IE, build/bomb runs, attack/repair runs, capture/capture runs). KEEP IN MIND THAT AN ALLEGIANCE OF 2 SIDES TO ATTACK A 3RD IS PERFECTLY LEGAL!
Why Its an Exploit: Obviously, opposing teams are not meant to cooperate to gain prestige during war time.
So we have made allowances so that members of two sides can temporarily align to attack a third. But nowhere-in does it state all members of either team must acknowledge or abide by the allegiance between other partys... In otherwords, you may not force other players on your faction to adhere to the alliance. The simple rule, if its red, its dead, applies. Thus regardless of any player alliances made, should a player wish to fire on a "red" iconed ship, ie, any faction other than his own, they are permitted to do so and are playing within the rules and spirit of the game.
Same faction players are not permitted to force, coerce, threaten, or take action against someone acting contrary to any alliances.
Now, since we seam to have to address this in detail because simple logic fails to escape some people... If you move your ship over an enemy to try and protect them and another ship on your team attempts to fire on the enemy you have an alliance with, if their weapons hit you, its YOUR fault and is chaulked up to accidental friendly fire. YOU purposely moved yourself into the line of fire, so the fault is YOURS, not theirs... If you purposely return fire on them then you are in violation of the RoC for:
3.3(a) Backstabbing/Sabotage/Spying/Griefing
Description: A member of a team intentionally firing on teammates, bombing/scrapping planet resources, and/or giving intelligence to the enemy to the detriment of the team.
Why Its an Exploit: In DarkSpace, team damage is always considered on. Thus, the ability for a player to attack his teammates for no other reason than to disrupt play (or to play saboteur) cannot be easily addressed. In addition, the game design does not provide for the elements of spying or sabotage.
Elaboration: People who do this solely to disrupt the game are the foremost targets of this rule. In other games, this is often called griefing, or is caused by grief players.
3.1.10(a) Taking vendettas and revenge on Players outside of the context of the game ("out-of-game") is prohibited.
If conflicts and rivalry cannot be kept in the context of the game, then the participants in question are taking the rivalry too seriously and may be given some unscheduled "vacation time" to cool down.
Yup, just look at 3.3(a), its just glaring at you, how daft do you have to be to missunderstand it... "intentionally firing on teammates"... They are shooting the enemy, you got in the way - Not intentional... You targetted them and fired - intentional and RoC violation.
And a little something that can apply here since some may try and call this to their defense:
3.1.10(b) DarkSpace is not, by definition, a Role-Playing game, but it contains some of the elements of one.
Many participants take on a persona while they are playing and may do or say things that they may not otherwise do in real life. While it is not necessary for any participant to exhibit, or respond in kind to, this behavior, participants should at least recognize it for what it is and refrain from taking any perceived offense out-of-game. If a participant does not wish to partake in the Role-Playing atmosphere with others, a simple statement to that effect made to the other Role-Playing participants should suffice to have them cease and desist with respect to the requesting participant.
3.1.10(e) Role-Playing behavior cannot be used as an excuse to break any other rule in the Game.
It is generally considered very bad etiquette to attempt to gain an out-of-play advantage via breaking a game rule and covering it up with an excuse like "I was just Role-Playing; my persona/character would do that, so why can't I?".
So whats all that say? Well it says this is not a Role Playing Game... So while you and other players are role playing an alliance, you can not force other players to "role play" along with you... Furthermore, just because you have a "role play" alliance, does not permit you to act contrary to the RoC and violate the aforementioned rules. So "alliance" or not, "Role Playing" or not, you do not have any excuse to openly violate the rules and fire on a friendly or attempt to force someone to abide by any alliance.
And since some people don't to use common sense, I shall further break it down and state, telling another faction where a same faction unit is or is heading is categorized under Spying, Grieffing, and Sabotaging... Thus against the rules.
So what are we doing about it, well we are telling you to use common sense and follow the rules. And if you break them, you will be the one punished...
If you fire on a friendly for trying to shoot an enemy you are covering, YOU will be kicked, and possibly have your stats adjusted... Killed stat raised, Kills lowered, Ships damage lowered, and Resources Lost greatly increased.
If you spy for the opposing faction and tell them where a friendly is, you will and the people that use the knowledge you give will be kicked and summarily reviewed for further punishment.
Whats happening to the guy that fired on the red ship? Nothing... If he is not actively targetting you, but trying to hit the enemy and YOU get in the way, he is playing the game as he should. If there is any issues, any FF or Resources lost he incures may be reduced and added to your score for cheating and unsportsman like conduct in the game.
So, you act against your own faction in any way, you will be punished, period.
Demorian Fleet Admiral Galactic Navy

Joined: October 06, 2001 Posts: 3406 From: Charlotte, North Carolina
| Posted: 2005-01-12 11:57  
Tael, I find this the appropriate time to tell you that I love you.
Drafell Grand Admiral Mythica
Joined: May 30, 2003 Posts: 2449 From: United Kingdom
| Posted: 2005-01-12 12:10  
Just a suggestion for those participating in Alliances:
Add a tag to the end of your name to identify that you are participating in an Alliance. For example a previously recommended format has been to add [Ally Your Faction/Allied Faction] to the end of your name. This enables anyone you are cooperating with to quickly identify whether are not you are 'friendly'.
For UGTO use the letter 'U'
For ICC use the letter 'I'
For K'luth use the letter 'K'
So for example if I am UGTO and allied with ICC I would use the name Drafell Moraxi[Ally U/i]. For an alliance between K'luth as home faction and UGTO as allied faction I would use the name Drafell Moraxi[Ally K/U].
This in no means guarantees you against fire from someone 'cooperating' in the same alliance but it does enable participants to be able to identify a whther or not someone is a likely threat.
_________________ It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired
BackSlash Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003 Posts: 11183 From: Bristol, England
| Posted: 2010-07-05 12:06  
I'd like to remind players that the above post goes for 'agreements' as well as alliegences. It is NOT ok to force a player to play the way you or others want. Threatening players with friendly fire or team killing will result in punative measures being taken.

Mersenne Twister Fleet Admiral
Joined: May 11, 2003 Posts: 1161 From: Sector C Test Labs and Contol Facilities
| Posted: 2010-07-05 16:35  
bumping this topic because some of you chuckleheads (and you know who you are), need a reminder.
you wanna hold a truce with someone on another team? fine. we dont give a care. but you DO NOT, CAN NOT, WILL NOT attempt to make other players hold to that truce as well.
shoot a teammate who's not playing by your 'rules', and you'll be the one on the business end of the mod stick, and the same goes for other forms of griefing, like trying to get other players to ignore the 'offending' player. [ This Message was edited by: Mersenne Twister on 2010-07-05 16:37 ]
I wouldn't screw with it if I were you. The doctor already holds you in poor favor. Messing with this might really fry his shorts.
BackSlash Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003 Posts: 11183 From: Bristol, England
| Posted: 2011-03-20 12:29  
Bump for those of you who need to read this.
