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Forum Index » » Staff Announcements » » Developer Chat Log, July 20
 Author Developer Chat Log, July 20
Chief Marshal

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 1276
Posted: 2005-07-20 21:13   
18:09:09 [Admin]Faustus: "how this works..."
18:09:29 [Admin]Faustus: "you whisper your questions to one of the green guys on the right..."
* [*Mint*]Doran waves
18:09:44 [Admin]Faustus: "then they pass the questions onto me one by one.."
* Room is now moderated...
18:10:22 [Admin]Faustus: "AGAIN: Please whisper your questions to a moderator (green)... whispering directly to me, and I will ignore your questions.."
18:11:03 [Admin]Faustus: "usually... I talk a bit, before we start taking questions however..."
18:11:13 [Admin]Faustus: "this meeting will be no exception "
18:12:53 [Admin]Faustus: "ok... lets begin"
18:13:12 [Admin]Faustus: "well, as everyone already knows we released 1.483... "
18:14:03 [Admin]Faustus: "I'm really trying to guage how the lag has improved or gotten worse... "
18:14:33 [Admin]Faustus: "and the problem with determining that, is the people who are having problems are in the lobby always, and those who don't are in the game having fun.."
18:15:18 [Admin]Faustus: "so, my current plan is to get a poll in place again so people can vote.."
18:15:29 [Admin]Faustus: "so we can gauge where we are at with the lag.."
18:17:18 [Admin]Faustus: "anyway..."
18:17:47 [Admin]Faustus: "I personally, think we've made some great improvements... but I still think some things are lacking, and plan to continue to work to address lag.."
18:18:14 Maskerade {C?}: "Please Whisper questions to teh green coats"
18:18:16 [Admin]Faustus: "anyway, thats about it... any questions?"
18:18:25 [Admin]Faustus: "WHISPER them to a moderator in the room pelase.."
18:18:55 [Admin]Faustus: "[$BUMS$]Bottombum (Esari) whispered "My question is simple...right now, prestige loss is not proportionate to prestige gain. How iwll this be addressed?"""
18:20:14 [Admin]Faustus: "good question... and I don't know the answer yet... and even if I think it's not proportinal yet, personally... I think that change was made to get more people into destroyers and cruisers.. and only use the bigger ships in special cases.. "
18:20:53 [Admin]Faustus: "however, if we're not seeing that, then the issue will need to be addressed... perhaps, just removing the resources lost even... "
18:21:08 [Admin]Faustus: "and thats an idea I'm not complete opposed too..."
18:21:26 [Admin]Faustus: "in other words... I'd rather keep the game as much FUN for everyone as possible..."
18:21:48 [Admin]Faustus: ""* [CS]SentryIII {RAID} whispered "Before insurance, credits seemed to be spendable. Now it feels liek the cycle of credits is broken, where those of us who mined for a few days never have to do it again because we get our credits back. Theres no "circle of life" anymore."""
18:22:21 [Admin]Faustus: "I agree with you... and my current plan, is to stop refunding 100% of the credits back... and go down to an 50-85% return of your credits on death..."
18:23:09 [Admin]Faustus: "personally, I'd love to be able to turn back the clock and remove upgrades and modding of ships, going back to an earlier version of DS where everyone used stocked ships.."
18:23:30 [-GTN-]Demorian: "HEAR-FRICKIN-HEAR TO THAT!"
[01:23:35 21/07/05] * [-GTN-]Demorian shuts up.
18:23:47 [Admin]Faustus: "because I'm starting to get worried that we might be heading the wrong direction with the game... "
18:23:51 [$BUMS$]Darth Pandora {C?}: "seconded"
18:24:00 Maskerade {C?}: "* [Raven]Avetorian whispered "i have a question, or perhaps a suggestion, why not remove the resources lost and just increase the cost it takes to use a dread so that we still see less dreads and more cruisers like he wanted?""
[01:24:19 21/07/05] * [-GTN-]Coeus {Wheres Bito?} has entered the room...
[01:24:27 21/07/05] * [Admin]Faustus slaps Maskerade {C?} in the head...
18:24:31 [Admin]Faustus: ":)"
18:25:05 Maskerade {C?}: ":("
18:25:20 [Admin]Faustus: "@avetoarian... basically, resourcers lost came about to prevent people from wasting the ships... "
18:25:39 [Admin]Faustus: "prior to that, we had problems with people suiciding ships into each other, etc..."
18:26:38 [Admin]Faustus: ""* [Raven]Sardaukar {C?} whispered "I ask this every time a public dev chat happens, but here goes anyways, since I seem to forget the answer each time. But not this time! Anyways. I'm unfamiliar with the current sensor system, but if they are not unlike those of pre-1.481, then is there still any hope of something like the system outlined in topic from ages ago?"""
18:27:08 [Admin]Faustus: "I don't know what sensor system your talking about... "
18:27:19 [Admin]Faustus: " [=KGB=]Fireball XL5 whispered "The whole point in gaining prestige is to be able to use larger ship. Why make it harder to use those ships?"""
18:27:54 [Admin]Faustus: "@fireball... I don't know why... and your right it does seem counter to logic... and thats probably something we should change."
18:28:12 [Admin]Faustus: "or atleast looking into changing.."
18:29:02 [Admin]Faustus: "[Raven]Screaming Chimera {I.C.C Retaliation} whispered "If we get rid off modded/upgradded ship i wouldnt mind but then i would like to see the intorduction of custom modded ships E.G. each ship type is the basic hull with diffent slots for diffrent thigns, only you can choose what to putt in them slots beefor you even leave the homegate/shipyard""
18:29:30 [Admin]Faustus: "@chimera... why get rid of them then... the modding of ships / upgrades are what have made this game so hard to keep balanced..."
18:29:44 [Admin]Faustus: "prior to ship modding, the game was VERY balanced..."
18:29:51 [Admin]Faustus: "[MODTALK] Maskerade {C?} @33385 Sent "from me - any chance of getting a ship delete confirmation?""
18:30:00 [Admin]Faustus: "@mask... sure... "
18:30:51 [Admin]Faustus: "[MODTALK] [$BUMS$]James Bum @75726 Sent "Disruptors dont stay with their targets after they are fired, is that supposed to happen?""
18:30:54 [Admin]Faustus: "@james... no"
18:31:18 [Admin]Faustus: "[CS]Trekkie_zero whispered "any way we could have an idea of when we have a ship delete confirmation how much credits we lose""
18:31:40 [Admin]Faustus: "@trekkie... you don't lose credits when you remove a ship from stoage... that was a mistake on my part."
[01:31:43 21/07/05] * [$BUMS$]Darth Pandora {C?} giggles at Maskerade {C?}...
18:31:54 [Admin]Faustus: "* [ C `]Dwarden whispered "Will be there any reward system for using Interdictor class ships (ie for successfully aborted jump player gains 1 point of experience , section similar to "scout" one)? And what about grouping feature, is it going to return?"""
18:31:55 Maskerade {C?}: "* [Raven]Banshee {C?} whispered "Could we not revert to a 1.3 era game state? For most of the older players that was the peak of the game, for the newer ones, 1.480 was the peak""
[01:32:14 21/07/05] * [*Mint*]Drafell slaps Maskerade {C?} in the head...
18:32:32 [Admin]Faustus: "@dwarden... yes, we need to put that back"
18:32:44 [Admin]Faustus: "[-KES-]Zeritu {Da Hui} Recruiting @62855 Sent "* [$BUMS$]EvilBum whispered "can u ask Big F when hes gona fix the problem with Sheilds on Destroyers cruisres and frigs and scouts with them haveing lvl 10 sheilds takeing 4 alphas before they can get Hull damage?"""
18:32:49 [Admin]Faustus: "@zeritu... thats BS... "
18:33:02 [Admin]Faustus: ""[-GTN-]Enterprise whispered "If we were to do away with modding again, would we add more ship types for each class with different loadouts to provide some variety?""
18:33:10 [Admin]Faustus: "@enterprise... yes, ofcourse..."
[01:33:21 21/07/05] * Meko has entered the room...
18:33:36 [Admin]Faustus: "tael could be putting together new ship configurations all the time..."
18:34:04 [Admin]Faustus: """* [Raven]Banshee {C?} whispered "Could we not revert to a 1.3 era game state? For most of the older players that was the peak of the game, for the newer ones, 1.480 was the peak""""
18:34:15 [Admin]Faustus: "@banshee... no, too many other bugs have been fixed since then.."
18:34:41 [Admin]Faustus: "[-GTN-]Coeus {Wheres Bito?} @90255 Sent "sorry bubba... but me & another battle cruiser spent like 5 minutes pounding on an ICC combat dessy with lvl10 actives (we were both fully modded & upgraded, lvl6s all around) and never touched his hull & barely scratched his armor.""
18:35:07 [Admin]Faustus: "@coeus... I'll go check, but those lines in the armor indicators around the ship show how strong the shields/armor are.."
18:35:25 [Admin]Faustus: "but perhaps, taelron got the math backwards.."
18:35:39 [*Mint*]Doran: "* [$BUMS$]Bottombum (Esari) whispered "Faust - Any chance that planet defenses will be improved, so it actually requires a fleet to capture each planet, and make the battles all the more exciting? (Maybe implement the idea of TEAM-based prestige gain...capture a planet and get 5000 prestige, divided over your whole capturing team)?""
18:36:17 [Admin]Faustus: "whisper your questions to MODERATORS only... MODS, please wait for me to answer one question before giving me another..!!"
18:36:18 [*Mint*]Drafell: "Planet Defense are already improved a lot in last update. you need to rebuild them for it to take effect"
18:36:39 [*Mint*]Drafell: "The current Def bases are using old ocnfigurations."
18:37:21 [Admin]Faustus: "ok, mods give me a question.."
18:37:43 [Admin]Faustus: "* [-GTN-]Enterprise whispered "On the subject of planets, are they going to be more proportionate to ships soon? I bet alot of newbies seeing a station wonder how come its larger than Luna. (not to mention, hitting a small moon and wondering how the moon survived)"""
18:37:59 [Admin]Faustus: "@enterprise... I would love them to be... the FUN factor comes first however.."
18:38:12 [Admin]Faustus: "which is really why they are their current sizes.."
18:38:37 [Admin]Faustus: "* [-GTN-]BackSlash *Jack* @74393 Sent "F, any news on the development of the FreeBSD server?"
18:39:06 [Admin]Faustus: "@backslash... well, it's been on hold for the past week or two... I expect to get started back to work on the unix port this weekend.."
18:39:24 [Admin]Faustus: "[ C `]Dwarden whispered "Actually one single ship even small can cause blockage of SY planet in short time, will be this adressed (by ship class, mass , ammout of ships, time in area, etc)?""
18:39:58 [Admin]Faustus: "@dwarden... yes, I already plan to make some changes to blockades to require atleast a dread or cruiser to blockade a planet.."
18:40:25 [Admin]Faustus: "* [$BUMS$]Bummer {Deschain} whispered "(Q for F) It's obvious that the recent trial has become a huge hit with bringing in fresh new talent into the universes of DarkSpace. With that in mind, what do the developers have in the works to attract even more players?"
18:41:34 [Admin]Faustus: "@bummer... first order of buisness is to get the CPU usage as low as possible on the current MV... we may even be removing a few more systems... once thats done, space platforms are my primary goal for the next version.."
18:42:24 [Admin]Faustus: "[$BUMS$]James Bum @75726 Sent "wiil the actual MV map be redisign or that is the final version?""
18:42:33 [Admin]Faustus: "@james... no, I plan to tweak it some more.."
18:42:52 [Admin]Faustus: ""[$BUMS$]Bottombum (Esari) whispered "Will beacons be addressed at some future patch?"
18:43:08 [Admin]Faustus: "@bottomobum... yes, they will be addressed ASAP... perhaps even tonight."
18:43:21 [Admin]Faustus: "* [CS]Trekkie_zero whispered "could we add something that penalizes the faction with the most players so that the faction with the least in MV stand a chance, or when a faction like this week the ICC was stuck fighting both the UGTO and the Kluth on the opposite sides of their home system"
18:44:06 [Admin]Faustus: "@trekkie... GREAT ideal... I've been racking my brain to figure out a way to keep the MV balanced... any suggestions anyone has, please post on the forums.."
18:44:38 [Admin]Faustus: "I would say, the best way... is to limit the total number of dreads, cruisers, etc... for each faction in the MV ... so it stays balanced."
18:45:20 [Admin]Faustus: "$BUMS$]Bottombum (Esari) whispered "Can you describe the intended purpose and use of space platforms including whether it can be piloted or not?"
18:45:57 [Admin]Faustus: "@bottom... they will be like planetary structures, except you won't need a planet... you will need to resupply them often, or they go away in the MV... but, you can basically make deep-space bases with them.."
18:47:01 [Admin]Faustus: " [-GTN-]Xin {C?} whispered "ehhh, wouldn't limitting the ammount of cruisers per side cause some realism to be lost in the game? And also bring back fleetless people hopping from faction to faction?"
18:47:27 [Admin]Faustus: "@xin... some other suggestions are being considered, such as changing the ratio of prestige gain for the larger factions.."
18:47:42 [Admin]Faustus: "so the smaller factions gain rank/prestige faster..."
18:47:54 [Admin]Faustus: "[-KES-]Zeritu {Da Hui} Recruiting @62855 Sent "* [$BUMS$]EvilBum whispered "can u ask big f if he could tweak the Cloak where its faster to uncloak then it is to Cloak whats the point of surprise when a dessie can escape once he sees the Drednought"
18:48:24 [Admin]Faustus: "@zeritu... it IS faster to uncloak than to cloak, at least thats how I wrote the code.."
18:48:52 [Admin]Faustus: "CS]SentryIII {RAID} whispered "How about a damage modifier instead of limiting ships. AFTER balance has been addressed of course."
18:49:26 [Admin]Faustus: "@sentry... again, I love to hear everyones ideals... we do need to get the MV balanced... I would say thats one of the biggest design flaws with the game to date.."
[01:49:32 21/07/05] * [-GTN-]BackSlash *Jack* has entered the room...
18:49:48 [Admin]Faustus: "I've always wanted to have an AI faction, that would only attack the strongest faction in-game.."
18:50:35 [Admin]Faustus: "James Bum @75726 Sent "deathcat whispered "well the icc get beter small class ships we dont have eny thing that can go hed to hed?"""
18:51:09 [Admin]Faustus: "@deathcat... ICC is a defensive faction.... so its really hard to qantify that..."
18:51:21 [$BUMS$]James Bum: "* MrSparkle whispered "question: any plans for new planet structures like infantry shelters etc?""
18:52:30 [Admin]Faustus: "nothing better than trekkies question? "
18:52:43 [Admin]Faustus: "* MrSparkle whispered "question: any plans for new planet structures like infantry shelters etc?"
18:52:52 [Admin]Faustus: "@mrsparkle... nothing yet "
18:53:03 [Admin]Faustus: "[CS]Trekkie_zero{recruiting} whispered "Could we have a buffer zone in the map btwn ICC and UGTO as pirates and btwn the kluth and the rest mir..."
18:53:16 [Admin]Faustus: "@trekkie... thats hard to do... "
18:53:33 [Admin]Faustus: " [-GTN-]Xin {C?} @79196 Sent "you don't necessarily have to ask this unless you don't know but...was the QST lowered in power from the first time of it's Alpha release to now?"
18:53:37 [Admin]Faustus: "@xin... no idea"
18:53:47 [Admin]Faustus: "[-KES-]Zeritu {Da Hui} Recruiting @62855 Sent "Any plans on making the Domes upgradable?"
18:53:56 [Admin]Faustus: "@zeritu.. yeah, we can do that.."
18:54:17 [Admin]Faustus: "Dwarden asks: Actually when SY is scrapped, disabled, destroyed or non functional and You have ship there .... it get's blocked until Your faction loose that planet or someone fix planet / rebuild SY ... will be possible add e.g. 1 hour timeout to allow then "spawn" ship at faction home gate/system ?"
18:54:45 [Admin]Faustus: "@dwarden... yes, ship should already be spawnable at another location if the SY is lost.."
18:54:50 [Admin]Faustus: "if not, then it's a bug.."
18:55:15 [Admin]Mithrandir: "ah ha... this is why the lobby is so empty.. "
[01:55:26 21/07/05] * [-GTN-]Demorian mercilessly beats [Admin]Mithrandir with a wet pool noodle.
18:55:59 [Admin]Faustus: " [Raven]Avetorian whispered "Any eta on missions being re-implemented but this time the missions wont be too easy for everyone and you will get more specific missions such as "bomb this planet" "repair this guy" "kill this fleet" to keep people busy in the MV, and when the MIR come in, have quests to go and fight them or something?"
18:56:21 [Admin]Faustus: "@aventorian... that will be in the next version.."
18:56:26 [Admin]Faustus: "1.484.."
[01:56:36 21/07/05] * Maskerade {C?} slaps [Raven]Banshee {C?} in the head...
18:56:54 [Admin]Faustus: "alright.."
18:57:21 [Admin]Faustus: "[-GTN-]Xin {C?} whispered "I hear a lot of talk about ICC being the 'defensive faction'. But, as much time has passed (both IRL and in the game's story) wouldn't the ICC feel the need to step up in their offense? In most games that I see, the defensive 'faction' compensates for their offensive shortcomings with guerrilla tactics and/or distraction. lots of technical ways of diverting offensive attention. yet, the ICC don't have cloak....they don't have the strongest Mines."""
18:57:26 [Admin]Faustus: "@xin... some excellent points"
18:57:45 [Admin]Faustus: "and previously, the ICC had the best mines... the Nuke mines.."
18:58:05 [Admin]Faustus: "if they don't now, then I will certainlly address that issue.."
18:58:19 [Admin]Faustus: "* [$BUMS$]Bummer {Deschain} whispered "hehe. Would there be a possibility in modifying certain choice nebulas where the gases contained therein would be corrosive to certain ships (damage-over-time, toxic cloud based nebulas)"""
18:58:35 [Admin]Faustus: "@bummer.. yes, thats been in the works for a while... other stuff was always more important "
18:58:48 [Admin]Faustus: "alright... time to end this meeting."
18:58:53 [Admin]Faustus: "so one more question..."
18:59:20 [Admin]Faustus: "[*Mint*]Drafell @77651 Sent "Question from me: Can you calrify the situation on whether there is an pretige gain from shield/armor damage, and if this could be implemented as a way of offsetting the increased loss from resources.""
18:59:31 [Admin]Faustus: "@drafell... no, you gain no prestige from shield/armor damage.."
18:59:54 [Admin]Faustus: "and like I said, I'm seriously considering the removal of resources lost.."
[02:00:02 21/07/05] * Room is no longer moderated...
[02:00:09 21/07/05] * [Raven]Banshee {C?} gasps for air
19:00:09 [Admin]Faustus: "THANKS FOR COMING EVERYONE.."
[02:00:09 21/07/05] * [CS]SentryIII {RAID} cries
19:00:09 [Raven]Screaming Chimera {I.C.C Retaliation}: "http://www.darkspace.net/index.htm?module=forums.php&page=/viewtopic.php?topic=35364&forum=113&0"
19:00:12 [$BUMS$]EvilBum: "I WUV YOU MITHRANDIR!"
[02:00:18 21/07/05] * [-GTN-]Enterprise would like to see the removal of resources lost...
19:00:19 [-GTN-]BackSlash *Jack*: "omg"
19:00:20 [$BUMS$]Bottombum (Esari): "Good point with the removal of lost resources Faust!"
19:00:25 [CS]SentryIII {RAID}: "dont dooo thatt!"
19:00:28 [Raven]Avetorian: "i still think if you remove the resources loss it would be a good idea to have something to compensate for"
19:00:28 [-GTN-]Enterprise: "Hangon...what about Kamikaze?"
19:00:29 [Raven]Screaming Chimera {I.C.C Retaliation}: "love you guys!"
19:00:29 [-GTN-]BackSlash *Jack*: "no ship damage gained for armour + shield damage?"


  Email Mithrandir
Chief Marshal

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 1276
Posted: 2005-07-20 21:28   
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[ This Message was edited by: Mithrandir on 2005-07-20 21:28 ]

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