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Forum Index » » Staff Announcements » » Exploit: Illegally Modded Ships
 Author Exploit: Illegally Modded Ships

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2005-08-10 21:24   
As of late, a new exploit has come to the attention of the staff of the DarkSpace community. Intentionally modding a ship to gain extra slots that the ship was not intended to have, or using a ship when said modding occurs is exploitation of the game system. As such, anyone caught using such ships will be dealt with severly and swiftly, as per the Rules of Conduct.

This announcement is based upon section 3.3.f of the Rules of Conduct. It states:
Current DarkSpace Exploit: Illegally Customised Ships

Description: Illegal ships are any ship that cannot be made with the current customization rules.

Why Its An Exploit: When DarkSpace is patched, changes to equipment, slot, and ship types are often done in an effort to establish a better balance of the game. Ships left over from before the patch and update can then be grossly out of balance to those left customised after the rules. Additionally, any other method of modifying a ship's gadgetry which is not intended falls under this exploit.

SPECIAL NOTE: Players found with illegal ships and that refuse to comply with staff requests to remove said ships will result in a full reset of the players ship storage without refund of credits for equipment contained therein. This is a minimum; additional measures may be taken at the staff's discretion.

If you are modding a ship and for whatever reason an extra slot is created, or a gadget duplicated, that ship has from that point onward become an illegally modded ship. You should immediately destroy the ship if this occurs. The best method of doing so is entering the nearest shipyard and then removing the ship from your storage. This will not incur any credit or resources lost on your account, so there is no harm in doing so.

If players are for some reason unable to remove the ship immediately, the proper course of action is as follows:
1. /report the situation. Announce that your ship has gained extra slots, say what ship and slots, and explain why you cannot delete the ship immediately.
2. Proceed with all possible haste to remove the ship. If you fear losing the ship from logging out, do your best to escape the situation so you may safely log out and then delete the ship upon rejoining the game.

If the staff finds a player in an illegal ship, and the player has NOT reported, they will suffer consequences to be detailed shortly.
If the staff finds a player in an illegal ship, and there is a very recent report, the staff will assist the player in removing the ship and no negative consequences will be applied.
Note that reporting and then continuing to use the illegal ship is not acceptable. The only excuse for having an illegal ship is that you're still on the way to the shipyard - but this journey should only in exceedingly rare circumstances take more than a few minutes.

- All players found in an illegal ship, excepting those to whom the bug has just struck and they have properly reported it, will have their garage wiped.

Other consquences, depending upon the situation:
- Removal of credits. This will make modding more difficult, and the exploit thusly difficult to perpetrate.
- Rollback to stats of the previous day or other time period, before the exploiting began.
- Stat reduction based upon the exploiting: cloned weapons will have Ships Damaged reduced, for example. This may also include increased Resources Lost for those exploiting shields and armor to avoid death.
- Stat category zeroing. Cloned reloads will have Repair removed, for example.
- Profile zeroing. All stats deleted.
- Bans of various duration.

Note: As this situation is clearly an exploit (New slots do not normally appear on ships, and when they do, it clearly provides an unfair advantage), ignorance is not and will never be an excuse. Retroactively, all cases found and proven will result in some action, as detailed above.

Also, given the fact that Mods cannot be patrolling and checking every ship in the game at every moment, we ask the players to help out in identifying illegal ships. If you think someone is exploiting in this manner, /report them.
Better yet, use the "Next Target" key to identify the problem. When you have the ship selected, you can press the . key, and it will cycle through the gadgets of the targetted player's ship. If you see a cluster of engines, then a bunch of weapons, then more engines (for example), this may be a sign the player is exploiting by equipping more engines. Be sure, however, that you have not started repeating gadgets.
Any help the players provide is appreciated, and reports will be investigated as we are able to do so. Thank you for your assistance.

Have fun, and play fair.

[ This Message was edited by: Shigernafy on 2005-08-10 21:32 ]
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Chief Marshal

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 1276
Posted: 2005-09-05 03:44   
In response to players using this exploit for their personal gain, I have personally:

Removed 1560 ships damaged.
Added 652,000 resources lost.
Removed 11 kills.
Removed 61 million credits.
Added 1 death.
Removed 838 ships repaired.
Removed 484 planets damaged.
Spent 16 hours checking on exploiters, documenting exploits, dealing with exploiters, and further documenting that.

What fun.

Play fair, and have fun... because its no fun for me or you if you exploit.

edit - added the stats from one more. Sept 5

[ This Message was edited by: Mithrandir on 2005-09-05 16:59 ]

  Email Mithrandir
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