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Forum Index » » Staff Announcements » » Policy: "Rape" as Gaming Slang
 Author Policy: "Rape" as Gaming Slang
Fleet Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 06, 2001
Posts: 3406
From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Posted: 2006-03-07 22:18   
Many gamers and gaming communities have clashed over the past few years over increasing use of the word "rape" in their chat rooms, servers, and forums.

Thanks to its multiple meanings and interpretations, some voice deep offense to its very utterance and take their fight to the forums, while others steadfastly, and somewhat beligerantly, defend its usage of it in what they consider "harmless" ways. These are the two typical sides of the issue.

In response, more than a year ago, the exact date of which is unknown due to the records being lost, the staff adopted a policy of forbidding the word in its entirity due to its potentially offensive nature.

As many of you are aware, this zero-tolerance policy has been the cause of a few rather heated debates and flame wars over the past few weeks. During this period, it became apparent that the policy's nature as an absolute enforcement of a word that is contextually used... was problematic. Therefore, this was the first matter discussed at last Sunday's meeting.

Our decision was to repeal the absolute ban on the usage of the word "rape", and we agreed that the word is henceforth to be moderated based on the way in which it is used.


The only words that we consider forbidding outright are words that can be considered vulgar or offensive slang. Typically, a dictionary is a wonderful help toward indicating which words are vulgar/offensive slang and which are not. Our decision required the establishment of two different types of forbidden words:

- Vulgar/Offensive Slang (Swearing): The obvious cases, words that are defined as vulgar and are generally taken as such.
- Forbidden Borderline Slang: Words that are not extreme vulgarities, but are slightly vulgar or have a widely vulgar connotation. An example of this category is "G**damn", which was also discussed in the meeting and is now categorized as forbidden.***

"Rape", by definition, is not vulgar, nor is it slang. Rather, it is a word that denotes, in one specific meaning, the violation of a human body by another for forced gratification.

It is, by all means, understandable that some would be uncomfortable with the use of the word rape based on their personal experiences or their individual sensitivities. It is the opinion of the staff, however, that outright prohibition of the word's use is acting on the potential for someone to be offended rather than actual offense being taken. We sympathize for these individuals.

However, a rule against using the word at all is not something we can rightfully set into stone.

The fact is that the word's usage varies situation to situation, and it is our job as moderators to decide when to act and when not to. Because "rape" is not vulgar by definition and is only offensive by context, there is no justification for having a rule set against it as if it were absolutely vulgar. It is not.

Had this rule remained in place, it would have set a precedent for other non-vulgar words to be taken badly by other groups of people, and we would have to ban a word that wasn't necessarily bad at all based on said precedent. It was an upset to the fairness and balance of the community, and hence was repealed.

In announcing this decision, we firmly remind the playerbase that any repeated, malicious usage of the word directed toward someone with declared sensitivity to its use, or any usage of the word within its literal meaning rather than a means of implying destruction, will be frowned upon, if not acted upon.

We would also like to say that by making this decision, we side with no particular group of people and do not intend to spite anyone. We ask that all players on either side of the issue respect the sensitivity of the issue by refraining from flaming/praising this decision.

My words may be considered the opinion of the staff as a whole, as some of the above wordings were taken from other staff members, and all statements were agreed upon by the 13 staff members present.

The decision to make this announcement was mine alone, as I felt a personal obligation to clarify our policy shift after defending the rule in the last major thread on the issue.


***Note: G**damn was banned by popular vote, like the rape decision, based on the semi-vulgar context of the word "damn" and the widespread societal association of vulgarity with the addition of "God" to the front.

[ This Message was edited by: Demorian on 2006-03-07 22:20 ]

Mersenne Twister
Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 11, 2003
Posts: 1161
From: Sector C Test Labs and Contol Facilities
Posted: 2011-01-06 19:29   
because a certain someone seems to forget, and a general reminder to everyone else.

I wouldn't screw with it if I were you. The doctor already holds you in poor favor. Messing with this might really fry his shorts.

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