Doran Chief Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003 Posts: 4032 From: The Gideon Unit
| Posted: 2006-09-17 17:57  
3:40:50 [Admin]Mithrandir: "yeah. Unless the room is /moderated, you're free to participate as much as you'd like."
13:40:52 [-I-]Drafell: "so... the recent pirat eevent"
13:41:06 YIIMM: "Hms, that wasn't a random finding event, there were clues"
13:41:08 [-I-]Drafell: "thoughts, feedback. suggestiosn on what to change in future?"
13:41:18 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "kinda the purpose of a Staff meeting held publicly"
13:41:34 [-GTN-]Doran: "not make the clues so flipping obscure..."
13:41:44 [ICARUS]Hms.Invisibility: "yeh thought admin had made an error in letting minors lik us in"
13:41:45 [-I-]Drafell: "yiimm would have probably beaten everyone to finding both"
13:42:01 [VCA]Kanman *FM*: "i would think in the future AT LEAST make the station stationary. people kept checking the same places over and over, because with the stations in motion they COULD be there now"
13:42:05 YIIMM: "I'm glad you think so, but I'd disagree "
13:42:25 [-I-]Drafell: "you were so close by the time you had to go"
13:43:08 [VCA]Kanman *FM*: "and also, the co-ordinate point system was useless as the same zone locations occurred several times anywhere you chose to look"
13:43:16 [-I-]Drafell: "welll"
13:43:21 [-I-]Drafell: "I can explain that"
13:43:43 [-I-]Drafell: "in each profile was the co-ords, and distance from the star mentionsi n thatprofile"
13:43:45 YIIMM: "If you're wondering on how to introduce the mir, perhaps you could consider what would be fitting of their behaviour"
13:44:12 [-I-]Drafell: "the r148 clue in tortugea was the direction from lalande for the first one"
13:44:21 YIIMM: "I tried doing that with procyon, couldn't find a spot "
13:44:42 [-I-]Drafell: "yeah the spot in procyon was right on the edge of a zone"
13:44:50 [-I-]Drafell: "and that station went gaga"
13:44:54 [Admin]Mithrandir: "hold on, we're talking about the recent Pirate Station event. We'll shift gears in a minute."
13:45:26 [VCA]Kanman *FM*: "i had an idea for the Mir, since they were supposed to be all space-based and have no planets... why not have the Mir station (when there is one) have a dictor field AND a SY built in, and it could treat its stations like spawn points"
13:45:27 [-COD-]Zohnar: "pirate station i spent a good part of my life looking for the secound and i never found it"
13:45:37 [-COD-]Bulldozzer [Freekie Deekie]: "I enjoyed the Pirate station event and found it fun and enjoyable, kudos to teh makers.."
13:46:04 YIIMM: "Yes, thanks to the staff for organising these events"
13:46:07 [-KES-]Buzzcoxs {ArmyofOne}: "it was to easy to find thow"
13:46:08 [RIMU]Ship-Of-Fools: "I have wondered the about the pirate station even, I suspect that I could not get a ship large enough to take on a station, unless it was very damaged, was this the case?"
13:46:25 [-I-]Drafell: "no"
13:46:31 [-I-]Drafell: "a scout could have soloed them"
13:46:38 [-I-]Drafell: "the statiosn were not modded"
13:46:43 [-I-]Drafell: "and had no engines"
13:46:48 [Admin]Mithrandir: "actually Ship-of-Fools, if you keep your distance and dodge the ship's shots, you could do well in any ship. It'd take longer, but it would have been possible."
13:46:50 [-I-]Drafell: "so moved at about 1gu sec"
13:46:56 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "A Command Dread killed one"
13:46:58 [-I-]Drafell: "was the only way to slow them down enough"
13:47:17 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "NOT the greatest Combat ship UGTO possess"
13:47:19 [-I-]Drafell: "zohnar, we are limited in what we can add"
13:47:28 [-BUM-]BLACKHAWK(England): "erm GJ peeps keep it up"
13:47:36 [FS]Reek Havoc: "so when is 484 being released?"
13:47:41 [-I-]Drafell: "we are stuck with trying to use the current stuff in inventive ways"
13:47:49 [-GTN-]Doran: "2 Weeks™"
13:47:51 [RIMU]Ship-Of-Fools: "two weeks™"
13:47:53 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "two weeks ™:"
13:47:54 YIIMM: "I've just watched a drama on Blackbeard, so I'm in a piratey mood"
13:47:54 [-COD-]Zohnar: "well what i am saying is make more events and make them easyer"
13:47:56 [RIMU]Ship-Of-Fools: "lmao"
13:48:05 [-I-]Drafell: "havoc, you have as much idea as we do, sadly"
13:48:07 [-COD-]Zohnar: "i spent a good 57 hours looking for both stations"
13:48:10 [VCA]Kanman *FM*: "yeah, how about a statis report on 484... hows it going... is the beta getting any further developed... etc"
13:48:10 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Events are basically things we can do to add some content and excitement to the game without changing the game code. We can't patch the game or add things outside the normal confines of the game. So we go with events and work with what we've got."
13:48:15 [S.W]Crim [Nu-B]: "We need a gaifen killing event. Hundreds of hundreds of gaifens.."
13:48:25 [RIMU]Ship-Of-Fools: "can we talk about th pirate invasion?"
13:48:46 [-COD-]Zohnar: "yes i also say they should bring back the entitys"
13:48:48 YIIMM: "Zohnar, it wasn't about random searching"
13:48:56 [-I-]Drafell: "sure you can ask about the invasion"
13:48:56 [-BUM-]BLACKHAWK(England): "i have no life that why im here"
13:49:02 [-I-]Drafell: "but we wont tell you much"
13:49:02 [-COD-]Zohnar: "i was never randomly searching"
13:49:07 [RIMU]Ship-Of-Fools: "what time is it? on the 19th?"
13:49:09 [-I-]Drafell: "other than the ship WONT be uberised"
13:49:14 [FS]Reek Havoc: "I think the big thing is for all the new players is that you cannot feasibly rank up without bombing or supping... and it takes the fun out of playing for new players... hence we have no retention"
13:49:14 [-I-]Drafell: "ships*"
13:49:17 YIIMM: "on TLIAPD"
13:49:33 [FS]Reek Havoc: "so something that is pres related in a good way would be great to me and other IMO"
13:49:59 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Tuesday is Talk Like a Pirate Day, so I figured we should get some pirate involvement in the game."
13:50:02 [FS]Reek Havoc: "obviously in this version bombing is the fastest way to rank up"
* [ICARUS]Hms.Invisibility suggests an event where maybe we have a time limit on saving something like a resue mision for each clan or faction?
13:50:08 [-BUM-]BLACKHAWK(England): "why has faustus stop posting things to let us know improvement and upgrades on Beta"
13:50:09 [RIMU]Ship-Of-Fools: "I have the same problem Reek, seems much harder to gain than lose, even with supping"
13:50:26 [-I-]Drafell: "because there have been no improvements or upgrades"
13:50:31 [-I-]Drafell: "cant post about what isnt happening"
13:50:37 [-COD-]Zohnar: "what about bringing Entities back into game"
13:50:46 [Admin]Mithrandir: "The ships will be, for the most part, standard stock Pirate ships, upgraded to level-whatever, of course, but Pirate ships are mostly frigates, so its not going to be an unstoppable force by any means."
13:50:47 [-COD-]Zohnar: "i have never seen one"
13:51:02 YIIMM: "Perhaps for the Mir, they could extend an invitiation to talk to mato or an ICC governer, and both those sides could act as escorts "
13:51:25 [VCA]Kanman *FM*: "Will the pirates be AI or admin/mod controlled?"
13:51:47 [-GTN-]Doran: "@invisibility, nothing like that in the works"
13:51:48 [S.W]Crim [Nu-B]: "Admin/Mod controlled, I'd think.."
13:51:58 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "Perhaps both Kanman"
13:52:06 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "not known atm"
13:52:18 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Pirates are normally for the most part NPCs, but we'll be shepherding them, so to speak."
13:52:32 [-BUM-]BLACKHAWK(England): "AI seams to screw up when a dictor comes example when i was battleing the mir AI dreads"
13:52:42 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Pirate and Mir factions aren't open to public use, and won't be for the forseeable future."
13:53:07 [-GTN-]Doran: "@zohnar, the thing with having random ai spawns running around the mv, aside from the increased cpu usage, is that the player base like to complain about lag, and seems to think that having ai running around causes lag"
13:53:31 [FS]Reek Havoc: "Mithrandir, could we possibly get a scenario server time limit increase in the near future? and with scenario servers have it so the only maps are GOOD sy maps?"
13:53:46 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Entities aren't going to be making a normal comback anytime soon; that is, there won't be bands roving around or spawning automatically."
13:53:50 [VCA]Kanman *FM*: "well, doran, DO the AIs cause lag?"
13:54:05 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "no"
13:54:08 [Admin]Mithrandir: "That said, there may be entities in the MV from time to time, but they will only be there for events or special occaisions."
13:54:20 [-GTN-]Doran: "you're asking me? i oh so rarely have lag issues"
13:55:04 [Admin]Mithrandir: "AI do increase server CPU load, so if things are intense in a zone already, it can make things worse. In general, though, they don't add enough work to anything to create any noticeable lag."
13:55:35 [-COD-]Zohnar: "i am woundering why cant the expand the CPU of the game like other online games"
13:55:40 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Scenario changes.. I'd have to figure out how the maps are setup, but its theoretically feasable to change the timers. Don't take that as a promise, though."
13:55:53 [-I-]Drafell: "not enough money to buy servers"
13:56:03 [S.W]Crim [Nu-B]: "Mods cant spawn NPCs.. Josef may be able too, but he's some kinda special dude.."
13:56:44 [FS]Reek Havoc: "Mithrandir, I think we would all apprciate it, since we merely cap out the maps we hate... what would be even cooler at the cost of development cycles would be to have a vote function on the scneario server maps to discaard maps players want"
13:56:49 [Admin]Mithrandir: "The other thing is that we want to encourage MV use, as its the main content area for Darkspace. Thus, its not really a high priority to make Admiral and scenario servers more self-sustaining."
13:57:55 [VCA]Kanman *FM*: "so, i can assume that there is no word at all about how the beta is coming? not a 'we fixed this' or 'are having trouble with that'? nothing?"
13:58:03 [FS]Reek Havoc: "Mithrandir, but with the pres loss and new players not being able to rank up setting admiral timers longer would make it so that new players could practice with ships if they had the rank before being blown up by vets in the mv"
13:58:52 [Admin]Mithrandir: "There is no issue with bombing. The game supports what's happening in the MV, and we have no plans to change that outside of the patch. Profiles will not be touched, per longstanding Palestar policy."
14:00:09 [FS]Reek Havoc: "I'd really still like to know what the server flags do and have an explaination of them.. since there is no documentation on this anywhere"
14:00:14 YIIMM: "Shig, would it be possible to reduce pres loss for 484. As I understand it it was increased to avoid careless use of ships and stop crash bombing"
[MODERATOR] [Admin]Mithrandir: "Ok, I'm going to moderate the room, and go back to the style of old. If you have a question you'd like addressed, whisper it to DORAN, who will pass it on to us. We'll then discuss it a bit. Not every question will get addressed, but don't spam Doran, please."
14:00:43 [-COD-]Zohnar: "there needs to be a fourms search so ppl can find stuff easyer"
* Room is now moderated...
14:00:51 [-GTN-]Doran: "reek for the most part they dont need to be changed"
14:01:19 [-I-]Drafell: "Forum search puts far too much load o nthe webserver"
14:01:32 [-GTN-]Doran: "zohnar, there is a forum for mapping/server hosting"
14:01:30 [Admin]Mithrandir: "If you have a comment on the current discussion topic, you can say it and it will be visible to the staff. If its a good insight or somesuch, we'll paste it on for the rest of the room to read."
14:01:52 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Please don't just talk madly though, or it'll be just as spammy."
14:01:32 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-COD-]Zohnar whispered "my only real Q is if they have any plains to get the fourms search up and running""
14:03:04 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Honestly, Reek, I don't know what the server flags are. You're right, its not documented. Our servers are set to Server=2, client=0, mod=4, whatever that means."
14:03:53 [Admin]Mithrandir: "There's no plans for a server search until/unless we upgrade the forum software. In current form, its too unoptimized to work well; it tends to lagout the database, which then lags chat and can delay processing of server data. Generally, this is bad news, so forum search is disabled indefinitely."
14:05:14 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [VCA]Kanman *FM* whispered "if there is a way for us to host our own games, then could some of us 'loan' our CPUs in a way that lets them contribute to hosting the MV, and helps cut down on lag? (I know little of networking and not sure if this is possible or feasible.)""
14:05:56 [-I-]Drafell: "the code does support it...."
14:05:57 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Its a lovely idea, but I think distributed processing has just as many problems as distributed networking - there'd be even more traffic to pass around, and clearly we're not perfect in that regard already"
14:06:15 [-I-]Drafell: "but what shig said."
14:06:44 [Admin]Mithrandir: "There might be some way to get it to work, but as I'm not a programmer, I don't know how that'd be. And it seems like it'd be a difficult issue, keeping them all sync'd and whatnot."
14:06:48 [-I-]Drafell: "MV is bad enough under the current coding, that owudl be magnified a lot under any widely distributed network"
14:07:37 [Admin]Mithrandir: "And there's a good point from Enterprise - it could comprimise security in that there's a potential for modifying network traffic or otherwise screwing things up/cheating/whatever"
14:08:58 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [ICARUS]Twisted GothThug {C?} whispered "Can the admins make the Home systems offlimits for the time being until 484 as i understand they did this in 482 because the bombing was so bad"
14:09:43 [-GTN-]Doran: "having home systems off limits back then is news to me"
14:09:44 [-I-]Drafell: "It was never done in .482"
14:09:58 [-I-]Drafell: "Only during a reset"
14:09:58 [Admin]Mithrandir: "There was never any setting of any systems as off-limits to attacks except for about 4 hours now and then when a faction had NO planets for more than a day. Its never been a general policy, though, and I seriously doubt it'll happen now."
14:10:27 [Admin]Mithrandir: "That is, I have no plans to create such a policy, and things would have to be pretty bad for it to be seriously considered - as in, the majority of the MV wiped completely at all times."
14:10:40 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Short answer: No"
14:11:26 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-BUM-]BLACKHAWK(England) whispered "can we get the word "Whore" classed as a swear word cos it is offencive to women and had made fatal padma leave and i think i should not be alowed enyway""
14:12:05 [-I-]Drafell: "thats a tricksie one..."
14:13:03 [Admin]Mithrandir: "We've discussed this before, not too long ago. Whore is not universally offensive; its been judged that it has uses which are not by default offensive. It does have an offensive meaning, certainly, but if its not used in such a manner, the staff decided that it was allowable."
14:13:26 [-I-]Drafell: "its much like calling someone an ass"
14:13:40 [-I-]Drafell: "If you call someone an ass, we will jump on you for it, as that an insult"
14:13:54 [-I-]Drafell: "but otherwise you can use the word, providing its not overused"
14:14:17 [-I-]Drafell: "If i was to directly call a player a 'whore' that woudl be agaisnt the RoC"
14:14:50 [Admin]Mithrandir: "The big problem is that yes, it may be offensive to someone, but we are not responsive to a small minority. If you decided History was offensive (for having 'his' in it), for example, we are not about to change all our policies because of the offense of one person. Yes, it sound insensitive, and isn't nice for that one person, but we try to avoid policy based upon minority opinion."
14:15:05 [-I-]Drafell: "So... there isnt really a need for banning the word, as the offensive uses are already covered i nthe RoC anyway"
14:15:30 [Admin]Mithrandir: "If you read Demorian's post in this thread, second to last, he sums up the system pretty well."
14:16:12 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Basically, if a word has a significant non-offensive meaning, its allowed in that usage, even if it is offensive in other meanings (provided those uses are avoided)."
14:16:29 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [VCA]Kanman *FM* whispered "have they put any more thought into how they will arrange the JGs and adjust WH range in 484? i remember there being talk of a discontinuous JG network and making WHs barely reach across a system.""
14:17:30 [Admin]Mithrandir: "I don't know how the MV's going to look in future versions. Reason used to be the designer of the MV, but he's left and it hasn't been looked at seriously since."
14:17:53 [Admin]Mithrandir: "as for WH's, there is news of their changes in the Development Log, though obviously those are subject to change."
14:18:11 [-GTN-]Doran: "sounds like a good thing for a community contest when that time rolls around"
14:18:46 [Admin]Mithrandir: "yeah, potentially. That's not a bad idea. I think we had some discussion on that subject in the beta forums a while back, but we haven't done any serious work on redesigns since."
14:19:05 [Admin]Mithrandir: "But honestly I'm not very active in development, so its hard to say. Its more a question for Tael or Faustus, neither of which are here. Sorry."
14:19:16 [-GTN-]Doran: "sythe wants to know what's required of the lead mapper position"
14:19:33 [-I-]Drafell: "You need to be Tael or Faustus, pretty much"
14:20:10 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Large bribes?"
14:20:41 [-I-]Drafell: "MV design contest seems a good idea for the future though, possibly."
14:21:01 [-GTN-]Doran: "nothing any time soon however."
14:21:08 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Perhaps we can resurrect the discussion on the beta forums about the MV map. I know we talked about some ideas there, though it will probably need to be looked at again in light of WH changes."
14:21:18 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-=WKA=-]Bresch1990 [AB] whispered "are u allowed to use EDs when they are as bugged as they are?""
14:21:33 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "yes"
14:21:41 [-GTN-]Doran: "short answer, yes"
14:21:49 [-I-]Drafell: "The ED and PD are NOT illegal."
14:22:00 [-I-]Drafell: "But, the playerwill will hound you into the earth for using them."
14:22:15 [-I-]Drafell: "players*"
14:22:28 [Admin]Mithrandir: "We discourage lameness, such as modding PDs and EDs with cannons, as that was their intent. That said, its not illegal."
14:22:33 [*TS*]Axianda: "basicly theyr in the game, just like the current bombs ppl will HATE you for using them but ROC wise we cannot do anything unless illegal mods are in place."
14:22:37 [-I-]Drafell: "So generally, we advise you dont use them, unless you want everyone not to like you, even you allies"
14:23:13 [Admin]Mithrandir: "as that was NOT their intent, I meant to say. Sorry"
14:23:16 [-I-]Drafell: "If you are happy with everyone hating you, go ahead."
14:23:55 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "They are also not truely "Bugged".......They layout design conception is Flawed. Which is a Prime example of why 484 is and will take so long to avoid another ED/PD/Mirv problem.....hopefully"
14:24:57 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [VCA]Kanman *FM* whispered "is there any realistic guess as to when the beta will be approaching release? I mean, just based on past experience, are we staring down the barrel of 2-4 months or 1-2 years? Just a rough vague guess is all i ask.""
14:25:14 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Honestly, I have no idea."
14:25:35 [-I-]Drafell: "Two Weeks™ = infinity is the realistic guess"
14:25:37 [Admin]Mithrandir: "I don't know Faustus' life enough to know when he has time to devote to DS and how much time."
14:25:52 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "But when the time DOES come PLEASE Beta test it extenstively"
14:26:19 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-=WKA=-]Guyton whispered "will the systems removed from the mv return any time soon?""
14:26:32 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "I wish"
14:26:39 [-GTN-]Doran: "cyg, nicea, etc"
14:26:36 [-I-]Drafell: "Possibly in the future Mv, but not under the current version"
14:26:38 [Admin]Mithrandir: "does the MV need its systems removed? What do you mean?"
14:26:48 [Admin]Mithrandir: "oh, read that wrong"
14:27:18 [Admin]Mithrandir: "No, not until patches. We have the maps saved in code so there's always a chance, but there aren't any plans for it that I know of."
14:27:27 [Admin]Mithrandir: "But as discussed earlier, we do need to work on changing the MV."
14:27:37 [Admin]Mithrandir: "That said, I hated nicea."
14:27:47 [-I-]Drafell: "I dont miss that system"
14:28:06 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "I loved it but then I'm addicted to lag"
14:28:08 [-I-]Drafell: "build potential was a dream, but lag potential was horrific"
14:28:37 [-GTN-]Doran: "killing 2 birds with one stone here, "
14:28:39 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [Raven]Polaris {Bankai!} whispered "Question. Why can't you do several small patches over a shorter period of time, rather than one huge one in Two Weeks™? More frequent patches would keep morale up, as it would be a sign of progress Plus, things like the bomb blast damage radius, if it was fixed by a small patch early on, could've saved a lot of hassle and whatnot.""
14:29:16 [Admin]Mithrandir: "You're preaching to the chior. Now you just need to slap some sense into Faustus."
14:29:51 [-I-]Drafell: "It make ssense to get the curernt version stable before going on to the next"
14:30:03 [-I-]Drafell: "but... Faustus already went of to the next"
14:30:42 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Trust me, the staff as much as the players would love smaller, incremental patches, especially those focused on fixing bugs. But... we're not developing"
14:30:32 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-COD-]Juliana Soul whispered "When will new ships be brought in?""
14:30:46 [-I-]Drafell: "there are a few new ships i nthe next version"
14:31:11 [-I-]Drafell: "I think the kluth are getting another dreadnought class"
14:31:17 [Admin]Mithrandir: "When we have models and time, basically. Tael does new models now and then, such as the ol' guppy, but our staff is rather small."
14:31:37 [-I-]Drafell: "Begins with a K "
14:31:42 [-I-]Drafell: "forgotten the name though"
14:32:03 [-GTN-]Doran: "goth wants to know if these future new ships are classified."
14:32:17 [-GTN-]Doran: "yes they are"
14:32:16 [-I-]Drafell: "oh yes, the Kluth Krill"
14:33:15 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Well, not like we have a lot of classified stuff, but I suppose they are, in the sense that we didn't create them and thus have no right to share them. Once Tael does, the cat's out of the bag, but until then.."
14:33:43 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-BUM-]BLACKHAWK(England) whispered "as bombing is going to be harder will the building give u more prez and if its a biger planet will there be more strutures than 32 u can put on the planet""
14:34:25 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "same 32 I believe"
14:34:29 [-I-]Drafell: "Bmobing will give less pres, due to being harder"
14:34:39 [-GTN-]Doran: "structure limit will stay the same"
14:34:48 [-I-]Drafell: "the problem right now is that it is way too easy"
14:34:56 [-GTN-]Doran: "and bombing's only going to be harder compared to the way it is now"
14:35:27 [Admin]Mithrandir: "hey, talk to Tael about names.. "
14:36:23 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-COD-]Zohnar whispered "will there be anything new to the game that will help new ppl or even old to gain press""
14:36:51 [-GTN-]Doran: "the command/influence stats are still pending"
14:36:44 [-I-]Drafell: "Well... no directly gaining prestige...."
14:37:02 [-GTN-]Doran: "no word on those.."
14:36:57 [Admin]Mithrandir: "We'll hide a Treasure Chest of Admirality, which when you find it will immediately make you Grand Admiral.."
14:36:57 [-I-]Drafell: "but a few changes in beta will help"
14:37:05 [Admin]Mithrandir: "actually no, we won't."
14:37:10 [-I-]Drafell: "First big change is scouts have much lower armor"
14:37:20 [-I-]Drafell: "So combat pres will be far easier"
14:37:34 [-I-]Drafell: "aand that will mean more supply pres too"
14:37:46 [-I-]Drafell: "the other change is the new upgrade system"
14:37:56 [Admin]Mithrandir: "There's no direct changes geared towards pres gain per se, but changes in balance and whatnot will affect the speed of gain and loss and whatnot.. so yes and no. If that makes sense.."
14:37:56 [-I-]Drafell: "which is far more intuitive than the current one"
14:38:04 [-GTN-]Doran: "and with armor/shield values fixed, you're a bit more likely to get hull damage on your enemies too"
14:38:03 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "Faster Modding!"
14:38:07 [Admin]Mithrandir: "maybe I should just let Drafell talk .. "
14:38:14 [-I-]Drafell: "will be easier for new players to learn"
14:38:19 [-I-]Drafell: "lol sorry"
14:39:03 [Admin]Mithrandir: "combat pres isn't broken exactly, just armor levels are so much higher than before, and pres gain is based upon hull damage that gain seems abnormally slow. But that should be adjusted or addressed."
14:39:14 [Admin]Mithrandir: "in response to 15:38:20 [MUTED] [-Merc-]Rhiawhyn: "will the combat pres be fixed???""
14:40:18 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [Raven]Enterprise whispered "I was just about to ask...since armor/and shield values were increased so much during 1.483, are they going to be reduced to at least near lower level to make combat less "OMG ARMOR ALMOST DOWN MUST LEAVE"?""
14:40:34 [-I-]Drafell: "We have already answerd that"
14:40:53 [-I-]Drafell: "scouts will have equivalent to lvl 4 max in beta, i think"
14:40:58 [-I-]Drafell: "maybe even lvl 1"
14:41:50 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Yeah, armor is going down a bit, I think. But we are aware of such concerns and I'm sure we'll do something to return combat prestige to its former level of .. attainability? Importance? Something."
14:42:29 [-I-]Drafell: "22:41:31 [MUTED] [Raven]Enterprise: "Not what I meant, I mean the overall level of hitpoints, regardless of level.""
14:42:44 [-I-]Drafell: "no need when we can cap the armor level on a ship hull"
14:42:29 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-Merc-]Cobra 1-1 =SSC= whispered "Any chance of the interceptor system actually working.Was told a special interface was supposed to work with it.If you cant get that working is it possible to jsut set fighters to defend a area around a targeted ship when launched instead of attacking a ship.""
14:43:31 [-I-]Drafell: "I think Mith woudl have more idea on that"
14:45:13 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Actually I don't. You can post in the beta forums though, since that's where it'll be looked at by the devs."
14:45:33 [-I-]Drafell: "Really, the only one who can answer the last one is Faustus."
14:46:30 [Admin]Mithrandir: "On a side note, we've had this question a lot lately, so I suppose I can say it here: There aren't any current plans for getting new moderators. When there are plans, though, we'll post something for applications, typically at least two weeks prior to a vote, often as much as a month in advance."
14:46:42 [Admin]Mithrandir: "So don't worry about missing out; it'll be public knowledge, whenever it may happen."
14:46:17 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-COD-]Zohnar whispered "will there be anychange in the amount of press needed to gain rank and will there be more ranks added""
14:46:24 [-GTN-]Doran: "no and no"
14:47:07 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "I'd say no to that too Zohnar"
14:47:23 [Admin]Mithrandir: "There may be ranks added in the future, but there are no current plans for it... especially since we have no content for those above Grand Admiral, so it wouldn't really mean much."
14:47:25 [-GTN-]Doran: "had a couple ask this one:"
14:47:28 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [Raven]Polaris {Bankai!} whispered "The question of all time...WILL the midshipmen get the engineer back?""
14:47:43 [Admin]Mithrandir: "but, pres between ranks will likely never change."
14:48:10 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Well, as I'm not Faustus I can't guarantee anything, but I don't see it happening, Polaris."
14:48:27 [-I-]Drafell: "I would like to see midshipmen get some kind of building reapir engineer, but i really dont think it will happen."
14:48:33 [Admin]Mithrandir: "We did a pretty thorough reworking of ships and ranks, and I don't see it changing much."
14:49:34 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "You may recall that the subject of Rank requirements and ships (Supply and engy included) was posted and pretty much approved by players in 483 Beta forums"
14:50:36 [=CSA=]Feralwulf: "conventional wisdom at the time being "Keep the n00bs out of Engineers""
14:49:12 [-GTN-]Doran: "juliana soul wants to know about any new/more features for fleets"
14:50:51 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Well, as with all things, we have dreams and grand plans of increasing the meaningfulness of fleets, but I don't know what's actually going to make it into code."
14:50:54 [-I-]Drafell: "features for fleets.. hmm"
14:51:07 [Admin]Mithrandir: "I doubt you'll notice anything in the "wow, cool" department for a while."
14:51:09 [-I-]Drafell: "the only thing possibly on the horizon is the return of grouping, ocntrolled by fleets"
14:51:18 [-I-]Drafell: "but so far as anyone knows, its jsut an idea"
14:51:25 [Admin]Mithrandir: "ah, good call Dfraf"
14:51:26 [-I-]Drafell: "no solid work done on it"
14:51:28 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Draf, rather"
14:51:51 [-GTN-]Doran: "14:51:29 [MUTED] [Raven]Enterprise: "Halleluah. I miss grouping.""
14:51:55 [-GTN-]Doran: "so do we all"
14:52:21 [-I-]Drafell: "Well... on the subject of high councils..."
14:52:34 [-I-]Drafell: "Each faction has it's 'fiction' based council"
14:52:49 [-I-]Drafell: "you will see fleets have been created for these"
14:52:57 [-I-]Drafell: "if you look on the fleet list"
14:53:23 [-I-]Drafell: "these will be the real term faction leadership.. but related to events"
14:54:23 [-I-]Drafell: "nothing stopping the players of a faction creating thier own sub council and politics"
14:54:00 [-I-]Drafell: "22:41:31 [MUTED] [Raven]Enterprise: "Not what I meant, I mean the overall level of hitpoints, regardless of level.""
14:54:08 [-I-]Drafell: "im refering to this link btw for anyone interested"
14:54:22 [Admin]Mithrandir: "are you really?"
14:54:29 [Admin]Mithrandir: "how's that clipboard of yours working, Draf?"
14:54:45 [-I-]Drafell: "its not"
14:54:55 [-I-]Drafell: ""
* [=CSA=]Feralwulf hides [-I-]Drafell clipboard behind [Admin]Mithrandir
14:55:27 [-I-]Drafell: "sorry about that."
14:55:57 [-I-]Drafell: "To be honest, anyhting official is outside our current scope. and woudl have to wait for the real diplomacy system, if ever"
14:56:16 [-I-]Drafell: "which would be version 7.984 or something... in all likelyhood"
14:58:30 [-GTN-]Doran: "* [-COD-]Zohnar whispered "will the mission veiwer be brought back just that it does not record so much takeing up the space that had it tacken off last time""
14:58:40 [-GTN-]Doran: "^^ last question then well wrap this up"
14:59:04 [Admin]Mithrandir: "I doubt the mission viewer is at the top of any priority lists, given our resources and plans."
14:59:37 [-GTN-]Doran: "fraps. or some other video recorder"
14:59:39 [-GTN-]Doran: "try google"
14:59:51 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Anyway, I have to run.."
* Room is no longer moderated...
* [Admin]Mithrandir set the room to unmoderated...
15:00:04 [-I-]Drafell: "bye bye Mith"
15:00:13 [Admin]Mithrandir: "Thanks for coming, everyone."
[ This Message was edited by: Doran on 2006-09-17 18:09 ]
