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Forum Index » » Developer Announcements » » Development news - 29/12/06
 Author Development news - 29/12/06
Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2006-12-28 21:23   
I have updated the MI History with Chapter 3.7.

I know there is demand for me to write this up with a little more alacrity, but this is more of a make-do and twiddle-my-thumbs project while waiting for the Resourcer to be fixed.

I have also started on implementing the Finnish(Suomi) translation to the DarkSpace manual. I must thank DarkSoldier for doing the major translation work and warner_lowcharge for proofreading. I am mostly relegated to formatting and actually posting it.

There have also been some other updates on the release side. The MI, Pirate and 'Renegade' factions now each have their own colour, as can be seen on the MV Map. These are by no means the final colours that will be used by those factions. The 'Renegades' in particular are not an actual faction as they lack any form of organization, instead this title is meant to be representative of hostile independents.

Last of all... we still have no solid timescale as to when we can expect a working beta. We were tentatively hoping for something by this date, but there are apparently still some issues to be resolved.

Hopefully things will be looking up soon, and not in Two Weeks™ .

- Draf.

[ This Message was edited by: Drafell on 2006-12-28 21:29 ]
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

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Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2006-12-28 21:55   
As an addendum to the above post:

If you haven't already heard, there are a few major planned changes to how DarkSpace will work in future versions.

The Uniserver (seamless universe)c concept is a good idea in principle, and it has met a certain level of success in it's implementation, but unfortunately it has gone just about as far as it can given certain technological limitations. (Primarily a lack of money to buy a supercomputer that can host it reliably).

It has been decided that DarkSpace will revert to an older server model, where each system is based on it's own server and those servers being linked by jump gates. This will be hybridized with the zoning technology that allows the single large scale maps that are used in the 1.483 seamless Metaverse.

The expected model is that we will have maybe 2-3 systems per server that form a 'cluster', and each of these server 'clusters' being linked by a jump gate, although we are still awaiting confirmation as to whether this will be the final scenario.

You may be wondering what actual impact this will have on the game play experience from your point of view. The truth is very little, given other changes that have already been made.
Worm holes are now restricted to in-system use. This is in part to prevent certain levels of abuse that were occurring due to these devices, and also the bring back a little more of the strategy element. With the removal of instantaneous metaverse wide travel, there is little actual need for the universe itself to be seamless. Front line battles will also be more prominent.
Fleets will not be able to make deep strikes into enemy territory without making sure they have the available support for such an operation before hand.

It will be sad to wave goodbye to the seamless universe, but it's necessary in order to give the best possible game play experience.

- Draf.
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

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Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2006-12-29 10:48   
Interesting, and all good news. Just one minor comment - what if one of the servers goes down? would parts of the universe be unaccesable?

universe - (JGs) > server1(broken) -(JGs) >server2(not broken)

would server 2 be unreachable? or will their always be two ways into a system?

Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2006-12-29 15:11   
This server model was used in the MV pre-1.481, and it worked actually rather well, so there is little risk of it being something new and unstable.

Glad to know WH's are gettin' the nerf, I look foreward to the older kind of gameplay. Now just get rid of shipyards.


Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2006-12-29 17:58   
Re: Fattierob: If a server is down, then the systems hosted by that server will be inaccessible. However, if your faction has an operational shipyard on the other side of the downed server, you will be able to span any 'logged' ships normally, so hopefully this will not become a major issue.
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

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Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2006-12-29 18:31   
Hopefuly no /connect.

Else we'll have another Goth Fiasco on our hands..

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Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2006-12-30 13:29   

On 2006-12-29 15:11, Enterprise wrote:
This server model was used in the MV pre-1.481, and it worked actually rather well, so there is little risk of it being something new and unstable.

Yeah, I remember that - I was here in .480 don't you forget. (like anybody cares).

I'm just saying the same thing happened before - don't you remember having all your troops rallied to go invade......and then the server wasn't up temporally? XD

then again, those were completely different times.......

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