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Forum Index » » Staff Announcements » » [ATTN] Regarding Illegally Modified Ships
 Author [ATTN] Regarding Illegally Modified Ships
Mersenne Twister
Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 11, 2003
Posts: 1161
From: Sector C Test Labs and Contol Facilities
Posted: 2008-07-12 14:08   
There seems to be some misconceptions as to what exactly constitutes an "illegal" ship.

As per RoC section 3.3.f Illegally Customized Ships:

Description: Illegal ships are any ship that cannot be made with the current customization rules.

... Additionally, any other method of modifying a ship's gadgetry which is not intended falls under this exploit.

This snippet of chat log is from the MV earlier today, accompanied by a very poorly formatted /report. The names have been removed to reduce the possibility of further ridicule of the parties involved (but you know who you are).


Player A: "/yell F12 your bugged ship dude"
Player B: "/yell sure"
Player A: "/yell extra armor and weapons"
Player A: "/yell when your ship cant be scanned your running an illeagal ship"
Player B: "/yell how i supposed to know if it can be or no"
Player A: "/yell dont worry ill report you"
Player B: "/yell what illegal shi?"
Player B: "/yell i have no knowledge about anything like thos"
Player B: "/yell understood, u are no fun!"

Player B had a completely legitimate ship, and was not, in any way, violating any rule.

Understand this: You can see some devices on enemy ships, if you're close enough, but not all of them. This does not mean (and should not be assumed) that they have an illegal ship in any way, shape or form.

Illegally modified ships tend to make themselves in more obvious ways, such as being significantly faster than a ship of the same class, having much thicker armor/shield rings than normal, having unusually bright weapons such as beams/cannons/torpedoes, or making very large clouds of fighters/missiles/bombs.

On the same topic, Scouts and other small ships with armor or shield percentages larger than 100% are also not necessarily illegal, that happens to be an unintended side-effect of a feature, and the device not properly compensating for the change in hit points.

If, for any reason, you feel that So-and-So has a fishy ship (and I'm not talking about the Guppy) and you feel the need to /report them:

  1. Be sure its illegal. Just because you can't see all the devices on it DOES NOT mean its illegal.
  2. Be able to back up your claims. Screen shots are always good, video's even better, even if its just a 30second clip from the demo version of FRAPS.
  3. When you do report, be descriptive. * Player A reports "Player B" just isn't good enough.

[ This Message was edited by: Mersenne Twister on 2008-07-12 14:10 ]

I wouldn't screw with it if I were you. The doctor already holds you in poor favor. Messing with this might really fry his shorts.

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