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 Author Im sorry
1st Rear Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2015
Posts: 11
From: Canada
Posted: 2015-02-13 03:39   
ok.. I been trying to post.. for some help. x.x I am sorry for ALl the repeated Posts.. I dont know what this thing is doing..

Lets try this one last time.. if this dont work. then I Dont know what to do anymore................................... :l

So.. I am not entirely.. sure.. what happened.. but... There was some strange update that kept posting to me Alpha update?.. well.. when I had to log out and log back in after the screen just randomly went ... b lack.. and the game would not respond.. I started it back up.. and now.. When I pan my view in a certain angle... everything vanishes.. except for the background art. I have taken multiple pictures that I wish to include in help with showing this strange bebavior but it has really interupted normal gameplay for me.. as I zoom out and pan ab out to place down Platforms and asess other tatics in live gameplay..

PC build:
AMD FX-57 S939 2.80ghz, 4 GIGs RAM pc3200, nVidia Gforce 7900 GTX 512 MB around 650mhz Coreclock , 9.0c Directx,

Pics in order of panning test.

Planets and stuff vanish every 180*Degrees.

@ MEmroyDataRate: 1600mhz
256Bit Interface, GDDR3. PCIEx16 1.0. With latest Drivers nVidia: 307.90

anyways.. heres my logfile from the game.

02/13/15 03:30:41 | DBGH | TRACE | WorldClient::onConnect() - Connected to vm3.palestar.com:9055, Interface :0
02/13/15 03:30:41 | STAT | UDPServer | UDP Receive thread is starting...
02/13/15 03:30:41 | WARN | WorldClient | WARNING: Message 0x01 from server took 117 ms
02/13/15 03:30:41 | STAT | WorldClient | CLIENT_RECV_VERSION, version = 1705, clientId = 613
02/13/15 03:30:41 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D created!
02/13/15 03:30:42 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::enumerateTextures, 9 valid texture formats found!
02/13/15 03:30:42 | DBGH | TRACE | MaxAnisotropy : 16
02/13/15 03:30:42 | DBGH | TRACE | Pixel Shader : 3.0
02/13/15 03:30:42 | DBGH | TRACE | Vertex Shader : 3.0
02/13/15 03:30:42 | DBGH | TRACE | Shader 'Shaders/Default.fx' loaded.
02/13/15 03:30:45 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:30:45 | DBGH | TRACE | WorldClient::metaUpdateDemon() begin
02/13/15 03:30:45 | DBGH | TRACE | MetaClient::open, connecting to primary server...
02/13/15 03:30:45 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_RECV_SERVER_STATUS, status.name = Hydra
02/13/15 03:30:45 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_INIT, worldContext.size() = 232458
02/13/15 03:30:47 | STAT | WorldTimer | Setting tick to 1296359
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_SET_PROFILE, profile.alias = Brickstin, profile.userId = 243223
02/13/15 03:30:47 | WARN | WorldClient | WARNING: Message 0x06 from server took 59 ms
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_SET_FOCUS_AREA
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_SET_TEAM, nTeamId = 2
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_SET_FOCUS
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_SET_TARGET
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_SET_SELF, nSelf = 2595914934415346922
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_RECV_STORAGE
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CLIENT_LOGIN, login = Yes
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Queenie Transport, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 628
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Avalon, Class = NounPlanet, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1301
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Isquasam, Class = NounPlanet, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1305
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = BD+43 Gate - 2, Class = NounJumpGate, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 37
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Ghixty, Class = NounPlanet, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 73
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Queenie, Class = NounPlanet, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1325
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = [*RSM*]Ryvious, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1530
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = UGTO Recon Platform, Class = ShipPlatform, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 387
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Draegon, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 519
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Isquasam Transport, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 583
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Positive Thinking XLIV, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 470
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Avalon Transport, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 628
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Jackal', Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1219
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = The Cruel Captain LV, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = ICS Ishtar I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1007
02/13/15 03:30:47 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Brickstin, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 482
02/13/15 03:30:47 | WARN | WorldClient | WARNING: Message 0x80 from server took 2033 ms
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | ERRO | ImageCodecDXT | Direct Draw Error (0x8876086c): D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
02/13/15 03:30:48 | DBGH | TRACE | Shader 'Shaders/PS_BrightPass.fx' loaded.
02/13/15 03:30:48 | DBGH | TRACE | Shader 'Shaders/PS_HorzBlur.fx' loaded.
02/13/15 03:30:48 | DBGH | TRACE | Shader 'Shaders/PS_VertBlur.fx' loaded.
02/13/15 03:30:48 | DBGH | TRACE | Shader 'Shaders/PS_Combine.fx' loaded.
02/13/15 03:30:48 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = 1600 Resources, Class = CargoResource, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 51
02/13/15 03:30:48 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:30:49 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:30:54 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Instant Plundering - Just Add Pirates! LVII, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:30:57 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = The End of 1000 Years LX, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1312
02/13/15 03:31:05 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = The End of 1000 Years LX, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:31:07 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:31:09 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:31:14 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Tar'e XVII, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:31:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Jackal', Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1219
02/13/15 03:31:27 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Salavaged Nightmare LXI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1311
02/13/15 03:31:27 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Salavaged Nightmare LXI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:31:28 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = UGTO Defense Platform, Class = ShipPlatform, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 782
02/13/15 03:31:29 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:31:29 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Final Fortune XLV, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:31:31 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:31:36 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Zur'qa XVIII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 485
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:31:37 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:31:38 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:31:44 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:31:46 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Wreckage on the White Shores LIX, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:31:57 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Round Two XLVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1354
02/13/15 03:31:58 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:32:10 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Round Two XLVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 527
02/13/15 03:32:11 | WARN | WorldClient | WARNING: Message 0x94 from server took 68 ms
02/13/15 03:32:11 | WARN | WorldClient | WARNING: Message 0x94 from server took 52 ms
02/13/15 03:32:13 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Wallet Cleanser LVIII, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:32:14 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:32:22 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:32:28 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Wallet Cleanser VII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 2354
02/13/15 03:32:28 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Wallet Cleanser VII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 900
02/13/15 03:32:36 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = UGTO Defense Platform, Class = ShipPlatform, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 782
02/13/15 03:32:40 | WARN | WorldClient | WARNING: Message 0x94 from server took 711 ms
02/13/15 03:32:43 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:32:57 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:32:58 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Red Illusion LV, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1375
02/13/15 03:32:58 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Red Illusion LV, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 544
02/13/15 03:33:09 | WARN | WorldClient | WARNING: Message 0x94 from server took 65 ms
02/13/15 03:33:13 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | ERROR: Effect postRender() returned false!
02/13/15 03:33:25 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:33:27 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Signifying Nothing VII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 2203
02/13/15 03:33:27 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Signifying Nothing VII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 812
02/13/15 03:33:41 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = The End of 1000 Years LX, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:33:43 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = UGTO Defense Platform, Class = ShipPlatform, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 782
02/13/15 03:33:51 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Qar'th XVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 485
02/13/15 03:34:09 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:34:13 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:34:17 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Qar'th XVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 485
02/13/15 03:34:19 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:34:32 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:34:57 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = ICS Reindeer I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1767
02/13/15 03:35:14 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = wolski05, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:35:33 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:35:43 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Raiding Party, Class = NounUnit, Parent = ICS Ishtar I, Bytes = 52
02/13/15 03:36:02 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = wolski05, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 2252
02/13/15 03:36:02 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = wolski05, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 869
02/13/15 03:36:10 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Qar'th XVI, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:36:12 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:36:12 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:36:12 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:36:12 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:36:17 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Wallet Cleanser VII, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:36:47 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Raiding Party, Class = NounUnit
02/13/15 03:36:49 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = ICS Disillusion I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 437
02/13/15 03:37:05 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:37:08 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Demaret Transport, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.79,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.79,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1448
02/13/15 03:37:17 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = ICS Disillusion I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 437
02/13/15 03:37:20 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:37:32 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = ICS Demanding Supply I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1385
02/13/15 03:37:41 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Metal Fighter XLIV, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:37:43 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Irrat'tek XXVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 557
02/13/15 03:37:44 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = wolski05, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:37:57 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Cavalier Afterlife XLVII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1365
02/13/15 03:37:57 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Cavalier Afterlife XLVII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 527
02/13/15 03:38:01 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = ICS Coup de Jarnac II, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 608
02/13/15 03:38:08 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = ICS Hornet I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 648
02/13/15 03:38:11 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Create Corrupt Consume XLIX, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:38:13 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:38:14 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:38:28 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Escapade LXII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1301
02/13/15 03:38:29 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = ICS Disillusion I, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:38:30 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:38:31 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = ICS Reindeer I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 702
02/13/15 03:38:34 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Incredible Speed XLIII, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:38:35 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Escapade LXII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:38:39 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:38:43 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:38:49 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = The End of 1000 Years LX, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 542
02/13/15 03:38:49 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:38:58 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Dim Dream XLVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1075
02/13/15 03:38:58 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Dim Dream XLVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 422
02/13/15 03:38:59 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:39:08 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:39:08 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:39:10 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = ICS Demanding Supply I, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:39:17 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = wolski05, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 2612
02/13/15 03:39:17 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = wolski05, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1085
02/13/15 03:39:20 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = The Gigantic Plunderer XXXIII, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:39:20 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Plunder\'s Paradise XLI, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:39:28 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Privateer's Thunder LVIII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1166
02/13/15 03:39:28 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Privateer's Thunder LVIII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 461
02/13/15 03:39:36 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Wecamp Transport, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1447
02/13/15 03:39:37 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Positive Thinking XLIV, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:39:38 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:39:39 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:39:50 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Zur'qa XVIII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 485
02/13/15 03:39:57 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = I Hate XVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1692
02/13/15 03:40:06 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = I Hate XVI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 704
02/13/15 03:40:14 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Irrat'tek XXVI, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDI, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 173
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDIV, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 174
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDV, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 173
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 174
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDIII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 175
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDVIII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 176
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDVI, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 174
02/13/15 03:40:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDVII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 175
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXIV, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 175
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXV, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 174
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXVI, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 175
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDIX, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 174
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDX, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 173
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXI, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 174
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXIII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 176
02/13/15 03:40:23 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 175
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXVII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 176
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXXIII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 177
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXXIV, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 176
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXX, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 174
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXXI, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 175
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXXII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 176
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXVIII, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 177
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXIX, Class = NounFighter, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 175
02/13/15 03:40:24 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = F-29 MMMMMMMCDXVI, Class = NounFighter
02/13/15 03:40:52 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:40:52 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:40:58 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:40:58 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:41:09 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = ICS Hornet I, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 648
02/13/15 03:41:14 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Darkest Before Death XLV, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:41:16 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:41:16 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:41:17 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = The Cruel Captain LV, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:41:18 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Wreckage on the White Shores LIX, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:41:19 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 1
02/13/15 03:41:19 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D::allocateDVB, vertexType = 2
02/13/15 03:41:22 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_ADD_NOUN, Noun = Cavalier Afterlife LIII, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 1427
02/13/15 03:41:23 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:41:31 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Salavaged Nightmare LXI, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:41:36 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:41:40 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:41:44 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Dim Dream XLVI, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:41:46 | DBGH | WorldClient | CONTEXT_UPDATE_NOUN, Noun = Wreckage on the White Shores LIX, Class = NounShip, Parent = -55719.78,-20000.00,-70306.18,55719.80,20000.00,70306.18, Bytes = 495
02/13/15 03:41:49 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DESYNC_NOUN
02/13/15 03:41:54 | DBGH | TRACE | CONTEXT_DEL_NOUN, Noun = Draegon, Class = NounShip
02/13/15 03:41:59 | DBGH | TRACE | WorldClient::metaUpdateDemon() end
02/13/15 03:41:59 | ERRO | UserStorage | Failed to open user storage for read/write.
02/13/15 03:41:59 | STAT | UDPServer | UDP Receive thread is stopping...
02/13/15 03:42:01 | DBGH | TRACE | DisplayDeviceD3D destroyed!

[ This Message was edited by: Brickstin on 2015-02-13 03:42 ]

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2015-02-13 10:22   
i sort of suspect your GPU. i vaguely recall something like this with old hardware, but only at high view angles, at or very close to 90°

Chief Marshal

Joined: June 22, 2013
Posts: 92
Posted: 2015-02-13 10:24   
whoa thats a hell of a post.

i have also had this happen. if i move camera to exact top overhead view, all everything disapears only leaving the surround armor and shield rings.. Its just a harmless glitch you gotta work around until it becomes next in line to be fixed.

Chief Marshal

Joined: May 24, 2010
Posts: 237
Posted: 2015-02-13 11:04   
Happens to me all the time. I just got used to it.
I be rebuilding your planets!

1st Rear Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2015
Posts: 11
From: Canada
Posted: 2015-02-13 21:45   
On 2015-02-13 10:24, Jhomes wrote:
whoa thats a hell of a post.

i have also had this happen. if i move camera to exact top overhead view, all everything disapears only leaving the surround armor and shield rings.. Its just a harmless glitch you gotta work around until it becomes next in line to be fixed.

Well wait a moment... This only just started happening to me recently. just yesterday.. but your saying this has been around for a while? Why is it happening to me now all of a sudden? shouldn't this be happening to everyone?

1st Rear Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2015
Posts: 11
From: Canada
Posted: 2015-02-13 21:46   
On 2015-02-13 10:22, Doran wrote:
i sort of suspect your GPU. i vaguely recall something like this with old hardware, but only at high view angles, at or very close to 90°

Just curious would my graphics card have anything to do with this then? TWo others below just said they get the same problem.

Funny thing is.. This only just started happening yesterday.. which is why I have problems playing now. It didn't do it before.. So its soo weird.

Forger of Destiny
Chief Marshal
We Kick Arse

Joined: October 10, 2009
Posts: 826
Posted: 2015-02-13 23:19   
On 2015-02-13 21:46, Brickstin wrote:
On 2015-02-13 10:22, Doran wrote:
i sort of suspect your GPU. i vaguely recall something like this with old hardware, but only at high view angles, at or very close to 90°

Just curious would my graphics card have anything to do with this then? TWo others below just said they get the same problem.

Funny thing is.. This only just started happening yesterday.. which is why I have problems playing now. It didn't do it before.. So its soo weird.

Many people have this minor problem, its not just you and those two.
And it's not easy to notice something like this, in your first month at that, when it happens for only 1 horizontal angle out of 360.

Just pan your camera to be less vertical, and your field of view will be larger too.
Forging legends and lives outside till naught remains inside.

1st Rear Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2015
Posts: 11
From: Canada
Posted: 2015-02-14 07:45   
On 2015-02-13 23:19, Forger of Destiny wrote:
On 2015-02-13 21:46, Brickstin wrote:
On 2015-02-13 10:22, Doran wrote:
i sort of suspect your GPU. i vaguely recall something like this with old hardware, but only at high view angles, at or very close to 90°

Just curious would my graphics card have anything to do with this then? TWo others below just said they get the same problem.

Funny thing is.. This only just started happening yesterday.. which is why I have problems playing now. It didn't do it before.. So its soo weird.

Many people have this minor problem, its not just you and those two.
And it's not easy to notice something like this, in your first month at that, when it happens for only 1 horizontal angle out of 360.

Just pan your camera to be less vertical, and your field of view will be larger too.

it is more then just one degree.. and it does it twice every 180*Degrees.. so it happens twice in the total 360.. Anyone would have noticed this.. soo easily when they are laying down platforms.. I just found a comfortable angel to lay down platforms the very first day I was told how to build one by one of the players here.

And because i was always on the go and on constant move and building back and forth and focusing on the planet and checking out enemies.

This just in.. while i was typing this.. i talked about it inside the game. someone told me it is possibly a jump gate bug.. but I think its the sector i'm on.. i went to a different sector in the multi sector map.

I don't know how to explain it.. but I guess they are called sectors.. Like within each sector there is a jump gate or two.. and going through those jump gates takes you to the other sector its connected to by another jump gate.

Thing is.. this issue did not happen until after a game reset.. we controlled all the planets in ICC and we won.. everything reset.. and had to rebuild the sectors all over again trying to claim .. i'm in a certain sector.. there is no names for the sectors. I noticed it does this strange glitch when i am in the one sector that has the gate BD + 43 gate - 3 & 4 .. .. and planets Ghext Evast, Avalon. etc.

But it doesn't do it in other sectors.. so its only in this one sector.. which is very weird.. I believe it is only localized in that one map selection in the cycle of man maps with their sectors which i found says three total sectors per map? .. so ya..

I seriously thought this was not video issue but i was getting scared.. i was this close to using another PC.. but then this guys told me about it.. the.. Gate trick did not fix it.. after Tachye Jump Driving back to the sector that made that glitch happen.. once getting into the sector.. it started doing it again.. so it is localized.

[ This Message was edited by: Brickstin on 2015-02-14 07:52 ]

then someone said it was in the dev logs.. I tried finding something that talked about what he was talking about.. one them mentioned about the issue happening with others and that there was a work around until the Devs can permanently fix this. .. But that person just had to leave. and I never got to finish talking to the player Reek Havoc.. ..

Im guessing this link here ---> http://darkspace.net/index.htm?module=log.php <---

was the dev logs they talked about, but I don't see anything about it saying "In this one sector with these gates and some of its planets as a example.. on Map.. ## causes this weird camera angle glitch."" Blah blah blah..

So ya nothing there.. Unless im not looking in the right spot.... IDk how in the world to stop this.......... if there isnt then there isnt.. but.. two of them said there was a way to bypass the bug.. so idk :l

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2015-02-15 16:07   
had a bug note on this some 5 years back, was fixed at the time. have reopened it.

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