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 Author strange bugs?
1st Rear Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2015
Posts: 11
From: Canada
Posted: 2015-02-16 03:10   
ok.. i need to list a few things that i have noticed different going in the game.

1. SYs.. have a hard time trying to dock ships.. they count down the docktimer but nothing happens.. i can sit there and span CTRL+U like i got a habbit. .. Sometimes re-logging helps.. sometimes it dont..

2. Certain platforms from the UTGO are invicible?.. a plat hours ago was unable to be destroyed despite countless hits of strong firepower.. from cruiser fire to dread fires... IT took FIVE People to kill this one Platform..

3. ... I been MIRV bombing for 5 mins on PIrate INFs Just one stack of 9 Pirate Advance INFY (some hardened some not) Are unkillable despite health going to 0%... and they wont die.. despite countless angles and distences (Within given arming and max dist. Ranges): to no avail.. they wont die...

Am I missing something.... ?

[ This Message was edited by: Brickstin on 2015-02-16 03:11 ]

Chief Marshal
Non Omnis Moriar

Joined: November 25, 2008
Posts: 162
Posted: 2015-02-16 04:25   
I have had same thing sometimes i only need to orbit again other times i have to relog because the sy was down but f3 hadnt updated that info to me.

Not being able to destroy a plat for me was normally dsync relog and not even in wepons range of it, but if many players have same problem maybe its something else liek the ghost ships we used to see alot of.

Any time u bomb a big stack of inf it will bug just drop one inf on defend to move bugged inf and should be able to bomb it again no problem, i often see people bomb bugged stacks over and over again then jst bombing the planet to bits becuase they think there is no other way.

  Email Steveyk
Chief Marshal

Joined: May 24, 2010
Posts: 237
Posted: 2015-02-16 12:25   
On 2015-02-16 03:10, Brickstin wrote:
1. SYs.. have a hard time trying to dock ships.. they count down the docktimer but nothing happens.. i can sit there and span CTRL+U like i got a habbit. .. Sometimes re-logging helps.. sometimes it dont..

This can happen for a few reasons reasons:

You might be in combat without the timer for it displaying. (being in combat disallows docking)

You might have tried to dock with a shipyard that was destroyed, disabled, or rotated out of range in the time period when you were trying to dock.

It could be a desync error, in which case relogging should fix the issue.

On 2015-02-16 03:10, Brickstin wrote:
2. Certain platforms from the UTGO are invicible?.. a plat hours ago was unable to be destroyed despite countless hits of strong firepower.. from cruiser fire to dread fires... IT took FIVE People to kill this one Platform..

I'm fairly sure this is a desync issue. Your client thinks the platform is somewhere it is not, so when everyone shoots it they 'miss' serverside and cause no damage. This can happen with ships too.

On 2015-02-16 03:10, Brickstin wrote:
3. ... I been MIRV bombing for 5 mins on PIrate INFs Just one stack of 9 Pirate Advance INFY (some hardened some not) Are unkillable despite health going to 0%... and they wont die.. despite countless angles and distences (Within given arming and max dist. Ranges): to no avail.. they wont die...

This is a known bug. As Stevey said, just drop a unit of infantry on the planet to make them move. Pick your infantry up and bomb the repositioned enemy infantry. It should work just fine.

Some more bugs and tips for your perusal.





I be rebuilding your planets!

Chief Marshal

Joined: March 23, 2010
Posts: 1187
Posted: 2015-02-19 07:49   
On 2015-02-16 03:10, Brickstin wrote:
1. SYs.. have a hard time trying to dock ships.. they count down the docktimer but nothing happens.. i can sit there and span CTRL+U like i got a habbit. .. Sometimes re-logging helps.. sometimes it dont..

  1. Press Esc and re-enter the game, move your ship a bit.
  2. Re-orbit the planet again during the time your docking time counts.
  3. Repeat step 1 and 2 when necessary.

That has worked for me most of the time I could not use the shipyard.

Bigsnake Mayonaise

Joined: February 17, 2015
Posts: 1
Posted: 2015-02-19 09:57   
when iI punch myself it hurts my face

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 24, 2011
Posts: 778
From: Fluttershy
Posted: 2015-02-22 00:08   
I have a feeling this issue is some kind of... "division by zero" effect

I mean, I had issues like this when I made a game and forgot to add a way to handle a case when the camera would angle at 0 degrees. With a game like this, though, it's more likely to happen because it's clamped to that point rather than free floating.

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