Author |
whebn do people play? |
joshuacm Admiral Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: May 11, 2007 Posts: 8
| Posted: 2018-03-24 17:04  
i come back afer a long break and i see nobody?
does anyone still playing this game or ?
joshuacm Admiral Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: May 11, 2007 Posts: 8
| Posted: 2018-03-24 17:08  
nobody chatting
BlackYoup Grand Admiral
Joined: December 31, 2009 Posts: 32 From: Nantes - France
| Posted: 2018-03-24 17:35  
It depends of the timezone I guess. There is a weekly darkspace event every thursday
You can also say hi on discord, maybe there will be people around playing: [ This Message was edited by: Doran on 2018-06-13 17:56 ]
joshuacm Admiral Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: May 11, 2007 Posts: 8
| Posted: 2018-03-24 21:34  
so nobody plays or uses chat until thursday?
i always log ina nd see nobody around
joshuacm Admiral Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: May 11, 2007 Posts: 8
| Posted: 2018-03-24 21:34  
so nobody plays or uses chat until thursday?
i always log ina nd see nobody around
Eledore Massis [R33] Grand Admiral Templar Knights

Joined: May 26, 2002 Posts: 2697 From: tsohlacoLocalhost
| Posted: 2018-03-26 21:17  
Looks like your room members list is 1 pixel wide. That is why you won't see anyone in the lobby.
Illustration on how it looks 'wrong'..
Just hover over that top bar and drag-enlarge it to the right, the names should re-appear.
Me and Crim old-fasion LobbyCamp almost 24/7. So you will notice us there.
When in doubt: /room members @1 command in chat. This should return you every member of the lobby. So when in doubt you can check that anywhere (even ingame)
The active playerbase isn't that large, but with the old MV back it might indeed be hard to find anyone in the game. I would recommend just trying to chat, yes ingame. You never know they might just be a system away..
_________________ DS Discordion
Crim Fleet Admiral Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003 Posts: 1339
| Posted: 2018-03-27 00:54  
On 2018-03-26 21:17, Eledore Massis [R33] wrote:
Me and Crim old-fasion LobbyCamp almost 24/7.
No I do... oh god I've been online for 51 hours

Eledore Massis [R33] Grand Admiral Templar Knights

Joined: May 26, 2002 Posts: 2697 From: tsohlacoLocalhost
| Posted: 2018-03-30 09:50  
On 2018-03-27 00:54, Crim wrote:Quote:
On 2018-03-26 21:17, Eledore Massis [R33] wrote:
Me and Crim old-fasion LobbyCamp almost 24/7.
| No I do... oh god I've been online for 51 hours
| If it wasn't for those darn Updates, i'd have a GCQL running for hundreds of hours..
_________________ DS Discordion