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Forum Index » » English (General) » » Kluth AI Spawn Balance.
 Author Kluth AI Spawn Balance.
Legatus Immolation

Joined: December 20, 2004
Posts: 384
Posted: 2018-05-27 03:38   
So I'm not one to mince much spite, however, the Kluth AI needs a serious overhaul, I don't see much point of gameplay when in EVERY system the Kluth will miraculously have AI spawn while the AI of ICC/UGTO are hardly seen outside of their main home systems if not even that at all.
Before I turned to a clan, was UGTO, bombing ICC planets with no AI resistance what so ever, Bomb Kluth and it's like oh! massive combat AI spawns!
What's the point of fighting Kluth players when they have all this AI spawning to help them? Every Kluth planet bombed, AI Swarm! Yet Kluth can bomb freely without AI intervention?
I know you don't want to turn AI off and turn DS into Bomberspace again, however when you have clusterducks of Kluth AI around with Kluth players, you wonder where the Duck your AI is.
Just asking, either Tone down the Frequency of Kluth spawns or fix their spawns or allow ICC/UGTO AI fleets to Spawn like Kluth does. Would be lovely to see AI supply ships to supply me like the Kluth AI supply ships will supply Kluth players, or have combat AI to help defend/assault like Kluth AI does.
Wishful thinking, but current state? I sometimes wonder why on earth do I bother playing any other faction than Kluth where I can get Abunance of AI spawns.
Oh well, Back to Warframe.
[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Immolation on 2018-05-27 03:40 ]

Fatal Mack Bolan(WildCards_58th)*COM*
Fatal Squadron

Joined: June 12, 2010
Posts: 184
From: home planet: Exathra
Posted: 2018-05-28 09:25   
bro, this seems like a conversation from a couple of months ago, devs did go in and changed the way the AI spawns (this was back in what,march or april of this year) and it was working fine (points to dev log), and i'm not just blowing smoke here, i was part of the discussion on discord when some of this was talked about, so i don't know what your beef is. i guess i'll have to pop in-game and find out.

peace out
1st recorded subscription activation 8-17-01 (under a different name & email)
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  Email Fatal Mack Bolan(WildCards_58th)*COM*
Chief Marshal
Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: December 18, 2010
Posts: 140
Posted: 2018-05-28 12:08   

As a Kluth player I do not see many Kluth ai either. They do not respond to distress calls as well. I think it is the game code. I have learned that to spawn ai that each faction needs to have planets in the same system. For Example: For almost a week, ROSS had the planets shared by all 3 Factions...ugto had 4 or 4, ICC had 3 and kluth had 2 I think...point is that is was a river full of all 3 Faction's ai...non stop action jump after jump, battle after battle...now that the system is just one Faction, it is a ghost town with nothing but planet trannys...The more ai the better, we should choose a system like ROSS and recreate the scenario and maintain the system as a no capping system


Fatal Mack Bolan(WildCards_58th)*COM*
Fatal Squadron

Joined: June 12, 2010
Posts: 184
From: home planet: Exathra
Posted: 2018-05-29 21:03   
like i said in my previous post, back during the 1st week of april the a.i. was changed and there didn't seem to be much to complain about.....i will ask pantheon to check it out.

peace out
1st recorded subscription activation 8-17-01 (under a different name & email)
20 years of playing this mo'-fo....amazing isn't it ?
119 on prestige list..
R.I.P. Stephen Hawking
R.I.P. sean connery
R.I.P. adam west

  Email Fatal Mack Bolan(WildCards_58th)*COM*
Fleet Admiral

Joined: March 11, 2018
Posts: 22
From: Athabasca Alberta Canada
Posted: 2018-07-29 21:32   
think of it this way, compared to icc and ugto you have not only a combat advantage, icc has planets that wont revolt, icc has magik crusers you cant see, and we luth get bombed right bak into our home planets, so no thank you our ai is perfect, compared to luth icc and ugot out number us 5 to 1. so no changes plese it would only make icc and ugto more powerfull i mean they are already powerfull enuf so stop complaining the ai is set like this for a durn good reason,

all i feel you are ding in complaining to a groupe that frankley doesnet care wht you think.
War is upon u, use what little time you have left to prepare. The master builder has returned home for that I am not guilty...

  Email C0*DeRed
The Fridge
Chief Marshal
Templar Knights

Joined: December 13, 2008
Posts: 559
From: In Your Fridge, Eating your Foods.
Posted: 2018-07-31 13:41   

[ This Message was edited by: The Fridge on 2018-07-31 13:42 ]

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