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tweak planet recovery speed? |
BLADERUNNER2019 Chief Marshal Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: December 18, 2010 Posts: 140
| Posted: 2019-12-07 07:50  
Hi Gents,
I am back. I am launching an assault on ugto. I capped the planet normal...but, holy moly the planet recovery is slllloooowwww, too slow....please look into this, I have been waiting way too long for tech and workers. Also, building structures takes too long.
Cheers Blade! [ This Message was edited by: BLADERUNNER2019 on 2019-12-07 07:54 ]
*Flash* Chief Marshal
Joined: April 19, 2009 Posts: 291 From: Semi retired after 1.67 !
| Posted: 2019-12-07 21:58  
The game needs a bit to speed up. Atm is very slow and people get bored to fast and quit. Mainly the jd charge should be reduced a bit more and charge faster. The way it used to be was great. Secondly planet cappind takes way to long,besides this if someone is trying to capture a planet all by himself, he cant coz of all the AI and guess what is he doind? He quit! So, we must find a way to make the game a bit more faster so people could enjoy and have a great experience playing it!
In space , no one can hear you scream!
Pantheon Marshal Palestar

Joined: May 29, 2001 Posts: 1789
| Posted: 2019-12-09 18:09  
What exactly needs boosting? Population? Tech?
In regards to JD speed, it's never been faster:
Boosted out of combat jump drive charge rate by 30%. - Pantheon

*Flash* Chief Marshal
Joined: April 19, 2009 Posts: 291 From: Semi retired after 1.67 !
| Posted: 2019-12-09 19:12  
Even in combat jd should be boosted 30%. Why not? the game would be faster and players could get alot more faster in combat and then the game would be more interested. Players are looking for more combat and thats what they should get.
My personal opinion is that the range we had for qst and Ic and Si was great i mean for ugto was 1050 and icc 1200 and torps faster to reach the target. Damn that made the game more interesting and more strategically.You guys tried so hard to get off the stations and dreads that players stopped playing. Every players is trying to reach the rank to use a station. SO what if theres 10 stations and 2 dreads and nobody is playing with small ships. Afterall thats why i played it to rank and use a better ship. But as i said its just what i think. Thank you! [ This Message was edited by: *Flash* on 2019-12-09 19:15 ]
In space , no one can hear you scream!
Pantheon Marshal Palestar

Joined: May 29, 2001 Posts: 1789
| Posted: 2019-12-12 22:59  
Faster JD recharge also means people are able to escape much easier - hence the out of combat boost only.

Renovamen Chief Marshal *Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: November 15, 2012 Posts: 21
| Posted: 2019-12-18 23:23  
The current JD recharge mechanics are nowhere near as fun as the older days of Darkspace. That's what players want in a game, the funness to be there to keep you playing. In my 20's I stayed up way past my bed time everynight for years because of this game and still probably would if the fun hadn't been sucked dry, no offence.
Players escaping faster wouldn't be as much a problem as you think, 75% of the good old day battles were within planetary dictor range and if you worked well as a team the enemy escaping was never an issue.
Just my two cents...
Pantheon Marshal Palestar

Joined: May 29, 2001 Posts: 1789
| Posted: 2019-12-19 19:48  
I'm not quite sure what time period you're referencing, but the JD recovery time is faster than ever before for most ships...?

*Flash* Chief Marshal
Joined: April 19, 2009 Posts: 291 From: Semi retired after 1.67 !
| Posted: 2019-12-21 17:28  
Cut the timmer for JD and let it only to spawn a new ship and make torps faster with the long range that it used to be for all 3 factions.
In space , no one can hear you scream!
Pand0rum (Dragoon) Marshal
Joined: May 06, 2007 Posts: 51 From: Arizona
| Posted: 2019-12-27 17:38  
I see more of a need to revamp JD overall from seeing one side wanting to revert and the other saying that it is faster than it ever has been.
_________________ I play every faction