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 Author A New Way of Fighting (fiction)
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-15 12:30   
This is my first attempt at Dark Space Fiction, as well as writing in general. this is the prologue of what I hope to be many more chapters to come. I used several documents as references provided by Draf here:


though they will have more impact in later works. The story begins in the post following this one.

[ This Message was edited by: HaVoX [Allied] on 2006-03-15 12:36 ]

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-15 12:30   

UGTO Central Command, Marine OP’s Center
Old Pentagon building, District of Columbia
09:30 Mar, 18 2295 Galactic Stand Time
General Carl F. Orion, Commanding

“Captain, I need you to take your boys to Hilg in Andosia, word has it the Luth are up to something there.” I started to interrupt the General, we went back a long way, when he waved me off before I got started. “I know, Hilg is a UGTO held planet, its ours, if something were going on we would know it before it got started.” He shook his balding head and rubbed eyes wearily. “Look MI seems to believe the Luth could infiltrate a very small unit of troops with out our knowledge using a sort of mini cloaking device that would cover 4 to 6 units in a custom built jump pod deployed manually from with in the pod, which would be attached to the outside of a long range scout.”
“That would mean the scout would not have to un cloak in order to deploy them.” I said thoughtfully, “this could be bad.”
The General leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, “I’m told we haven’t seen more of this due to a total lack of military usefulness owing to the limited number of troops able to be carried and the drain on life support of the host vessel.”
“Then why do it in the first place?” I asked a bit perplexed and unsure where the conversation was going.
“The bugs figured out we don’t always say what we mean and having no means of personal deception, lured scum sucking traitors to do their lying for them when we deal diplomatically,” I could hear the Generals teeth grind when he said scum sucking traitor, none of us could understand why any human would want to work with the Luth, I mean they were out to destroy us after all. “It hasn’t occurred to them, or their willing to chance it, that some of those scum may be in reality working for us.”
“What does that have to do with the price of beans on Exathra?” I asked, again unsure where he was going.
“Patience, I’m getting to that.” He said with a glare, which shut me down pretty quick; the old man was easy going right up to the point you pissed him off, and then look out. “Word from MI is that they are becoming less then trusting of their hired help, and that this is part one of a test operation to remove the need for human underlings.” He leaned across the desk griping his fist in one hand and resting his chin on it to look me straight in the eye. “We have no idea at all what were looking for on Hilg, that’s for you to find out, MI says the plants indicated that more secrecy then the Luth was thought capable was used on this drop. We need to know what they are doing, if they are even there or if this is some massive redirect to move our attention from somewhere else.” After a pause he leaned back and asked me directly. “Can you handle it?”
I answered with out pause “Sir, the 11th Marine OD Forced Recon can handle anything.” This wasn’t a boast; the 11th Orbital Drop units were the best trained units in the UGTO with the Forced Recon units being the cream of the crop.
The General rose from his desk, turned and stood at ease with his hands clasped behind his back looking at the holo map of the MetaVerse dominating the behind his desk. “It had better be Captain,” he turned to face, still standing at ease. “I have a bad feeling about this one.

[small][ This Message was edited by: HaVoX [Allied] on 2006-03-15 12:32 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: HaVoX on 2006-03-15 23:51 ]

  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-15 15:27   
Not bad better than i write lol

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-15 15:45   

Andosia System
Somewhere over UGTO Occupied Hilg
23:00 June 19, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

The talon jumped into Andosia well over 8000gu from Hilg, It was modified for max ECM coverage. xTx, or the nearest human translation of his true Kluthan name, was taking no chances. As soon as he dropped into normal space he activated his cloaking device and waited till it was fully up before disengaging his ECM, with a little luck the no one would ever see him coming. This was UGTO space and heavily patrolled by the GTN, CSA and CEC, all of whom were adversaries of no mean skill. Not really used to the small talon, like he was the cruisers he was mostly seen piloting, he checked over his ships status, it all looked good. With a mental command he sent the ships NavCom coordinates and a route towards Hilg that seemed to have least chance of detection from the patrols. As the NavCom took over and the increased gravity of acceleration pressed him back into the pilots cocoon he went over the status of his cargo and passively scanned Hilg for a location that fit his orders, feeling that nothing could keep him from succeeding in his mission.
The Tribal leader of Dar S’Obek, or as the humans have labeled their tribe The Shadow Pirates, SwitchBlade received orders from the Clan leader of the Y’tomak’Atar branch of the Kluth to which the Pirates belonged. These orders were of the highest importance, and xTx was proud to have been selected by SwitchBlade to carry out the mission. All xTx knew about the orders, besides having the honor of receiving them from Switch himself, was that he was to drop the “Cargo” undetected and safely over a remote unpopulated portion of Hilg, and that HaVoX was doing the same somewhere in ICC space. xTx had hours to scan the planet as his ship slowly moved toward a orbit over Hilg, he was taking his time, to much speed may give his ship away due to emissions or special distortions not to mention the energy drain such a prolonged flight in cloak would generate. Roughly half way there he found a good location in the southern hemisphere. There was a lot of jungle, there with very few signs of it ever having been pioneered, why bother when there were much more tractable pieces of land to colonize. And you never knew who would hold the planet from one day to the next, or if your colonies would be wiped from the face of the planet or not. Yes, xTx thought, this is the perfect place, after several hours of slowly moving into orbit, and using compressed air to stealth fully position his ship, he was ready. xTx, went over all the ships systems, status’s and external data to insure that all was ready, then he keyed the relay connected to the strange pod attached to the bottom of his talon. Nothing happened, he was just beginning to worry when power levels spiked, and a ripple like the rings from dropping a pebble in a pond went through his cloak. He froze, checked all systems again, but everything seemed fine, there was then a clicking noise and his ship bobbed as the pod detached its self, xTx rolled the talon slightly to get a better look but seen nothing, he checked his scanner, which clearly showed a green blip drifting into a entry trajectory for the location he had selected, it was cloaked.
Alarms went off in the cockpit of the talon, telling him that aggressive active ECCM was being used to scan the space in which he was currently occupying and xTx thought that perhaps it was a good time to leave, mentally entering the coordinates of his destination and watching the scanners closely he began to slowly move out of Hilgs orbit keeping a close eye on not only the small green blip, but the various UGTO vessels which were patrolling a little more aggressively now that they were on alert. xTx chuckled to himself, they would never see the cloaked infantry pod, and they certainly were never going to see him. He was going home.

[ This Message was edited by: HaVoX on 2006-03-15 23:52 ]

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-15 15:46   
Andosia System
GTN Hilg Optical Observation Center
03:41 June 20, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Alarms went off at the Hilg Optical Observation Center, the facilities only purpose is to monitor with thousands of satellites, the various visible and invisible wave lengths of light around Hilg, in hopes of finding Kluth cloaked ships as well as ECM spoofed ICC ships avoiding Hilgs various sensor arrays. Satellites observe thousands of miles of space, recording six consecutive thirty second blocks on memory in the centers huge data bases, the seventh recording replacing the first in the six block count in each sector. In doing this the GTN techs hope to be able to detect a cloaked Kluth vessel, to date an actively cloaked vessel is unable to be detected. But on occasion an anomaly will occur that allows the Kluth vessels to be seen for a split second, it could be due to striking a piece of space debris or other type of matter, a power surge, anything. When something out of the ordinary happens, the crap hits the fan, today it was really flying.
Techs pulled up displays, referenced data inputs satellite nomenclature and pulled files, on the big screen a seemingly empty piece of space for a split second seemed to hold a ghostly shape of a Kluth Scout class ship, and then it was gone.
“Replay that slow and hold on the ship, now!” Master Chief Anderson, lead tech for the center shouted. “I hope I didn’t see what I thought I seen.” The block was backed up and played at quarter speed; ever so slowly the ship came into view, a ghostly outline with little detail, but defiantly a Kluth scout ship. “We go us one boy’s!” Anderson bawled, “activate all ECCM on 3 second sweeps and ramp our active radar to 150%!”
“But Chief!” the sensor tech questioned, only to be cut off by a loud “DO IT!” The Master Chief turned to his right,
“Who’s commanding the fly boys up there these days?” he asked com tech. The com tech referenced his console and answered.
“That would be GTN Fleet Admiral Starfist, Chief, he has control of this sector for this quarter, and he’s currently aboard the N.S.S Reliant.” The com tech began to uplink with the Reliant and looked to the Chief.
‘Open up a uplink and get the Reliant on the horn.” Anderson directed, “copy the block, as well as a still of that ship and prep them for dispatch.”
“Uplink is open chief!” the com tech reported, “Reliant is online.” A burst of static filled the room, followed by several beeps and whistles of encryption devices authenticating and verifying automatic security protocols, then a woman’s voice.
“Com SFC Louise Helyer, her how can we help you Master Chief?”
The Master Chief looked to the Data Engineer, who nodded, and began.
“I’m sending you some data, this is level 2K event, and I think you will want to get the Admiral in on this. Stand by to receive.”

[ This Message was edited by: HaVoX on 2006-03-15 23:54 ]

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003
Posts: 1336
Posted: 2006-03-15 15:52   

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2006-03-15 17:04   
Haven't gotten to read everything just yet, but noticed something right off the bat about your dates...

April 10, 2218 at 13:00:00 SST (Sol Standard Time), the United Galactic Trade Organization is officially formed. Its initial charter is to provide “a common defense for the interests of Humanity across the Galaxy”. The ruling council is made up of representatives of Mars, Luna, and the GCC. Provisions are made for the inclusion of other members in the future. This council would be called the Senate. All military assets of each member are unified and put under the direct command of the UGTO. Additionally, a provision is made that “in times of war there will be voted into being an individual who would hold the title of Grand Chancellor.” This individual is to coordinate and direct all military activities from a central voice, allowing for fast and decisive decisions to be made.

Thats from the official backstory. You can find the whole history of DS from present day up through 2268 here.

The common conclusion that the end of the official history marks the beginning of DS itself. I myself find that current day DS would fall in around the 2290s or so.

[Edit]Now that I've read it I bow to a fellow fanfic writer Extremely well done! Keep up the good work!

PS: GTN ships have the prefix N.S.S. - all other UGTO ships (as far as I know) have the prefix U.W.S. - ICC ships are known by C.S.S. (I have a special prefix I use in my stories, N.C.X.) and K'Luth... I dunno, check out The Universe Today's thread, Know your Enemy.

Again, bravo!

[ This Message was edited by: Coeus [R33] [Not Jay] on 2006-03-15 17:16 ]

Darkspace: Twilight

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_x$witchBladex_ [1.480 Fanboy]
Grand Admiral

Joined: February 26, 2003
Posts: 849
From: Upstate New York
Posted: 2006-03-15 21:23   

One of the few fanfics I am actually liking....keep it up .

I wonder what the SwitchBlade fellow is gonna be doing


* [=TB=]Enterprise @39933 sent to Clan: "Thats a lie Switch, you'd never let anyone else drink rum if it were right there. You'd slip teh roofies in and start drinking it yourself and not even realize it."

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-15 23:40   
oops on the date, thanks, the docs i used didnt go that far. this will be extreamly useful.

[ This Message was edited by: HaVoX on 2006-03-15 23:44 ]

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-15 23:50   

who knows, with that switch guy lol

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-15 23:55   
@coeus I have edited it on the dates and ship designators

again thanks

  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-16 00:46   
Nice, Keep it going, and this time add me or someone else into the mix

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-16 01:55   
you will be in the ICC mix soon to come, I should mix the ICC and UGTO portions together, im working on one more UGTO mix then will work in the ICC side.

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-16 02:40   
Andosia System
Near Hilg
UGTO transport fleet from Sol System
Aboard USNC Agincourt Carrier, U.W.S Avenger
14:00 June 24, 2295 Galactic Standard Time
Vice Admiral Divine~Wind Commanding

As the fleet exited the worm hole from Sol, Vice Admiral Divine~Wind couldn’t help wonder what the tranys he was escorting carried. He had been contacted by UNSC Strategic Fleet Command a couple days ago and asked to take a fleet of tranys and escort them via worm hole to the Andosia System and ultimately Hilg. To this end he was given a fleet consisting of the Avenger, to be his capital ship, four torpedo cruisers, two missile cruisers, six picket destroyers, two long range corvettes and two heavy supply’s. All this was rather a large fleet to be escorting six transports in secure systems, but then again he wasn’t paid to ask questions, but to get the job done and that was what he aimed to do. As soon as he cleared the worm holes energy field and his scanners and com were up he was surprised to find the system in a high state of alert. Aggressive scanners, ECCM and radar alerts lit up his sensor techs consoles alerting them to the fact that they were being painted from all the planets within range as well as several anti-sensor scouts operating in his general area. Hell it looked like they had the entire system irradiated with scanners; GTN must have over half their operating here.
“Alert Andosia Primes central command to our presence, current coordinates send the security response, our destination and request a flight plan please Nelson.” The Vice Admiral commanded his aid, “not like they don’t know right the where we are with all that out there.” He said waving his arm towards the tactical display dominating the far wall covered with green blips denoting GTN ships scattered heavily through out Ando.
“Yes sir!” Captain Nelson replied snapping to attention, she turned and crossed to the com station. “Sir, there is a dispatch from Fleet Admiral Starfist, aboard the N.S.S Reliant for you, it’s a encrypted coded transmission level 8 security, for your eyes only.” She turned and looked at the VA, “shall I send it to your personal com sir?” Divine turned and looked at Nelson, “level 8? Yes very good have it sent to my com Nelson” He stepped up the platform that raised his command console above the rest of the bridge giving him a panoramic view of all the stations, keyed in his security clearance, donned the headset required for level 8 clearances and opened the file.


Sent: 14:03 June 24, 2295 Galactic Standard Time
GTN Andosia Fleet Command
Fleet Admiral Starfist System Commander
To: Vice Admiral Divine~Wind

11:35 June 24, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Divine, there’s no telling when I will be able to talk with you personally, a Kluth long range scout was spotted over Hilg, for some reason its cloak failed for less then a second and was spotted by the OOC. Normally this would not cause the stir its causing now, but coupled with a report from MI and a micro entry flare seen in the atmosphere over the southern hemisphere of Hilg has made us very suspicious. We think the Luth are up to something here in Ando, and I intend to find out what.
Enclosed in this transmission are to encoded packets, one is your orders, and orders to be passed to Capt. Bailey of the 11th ODM. See that he gets them, in a nutshell, I don’t know what he’s doing here, but I do know your are on a independent command and GTN is ordered to support you in anyway we can.
I understand that you came with substantial fleet, under the circumstances, I am unsure it will be enough in the event of a coordinated attack. Therefore I am dispatching a Battle Dread and an interdictor to you, they will fall under your command and I expect you to take good care of them. Admiral Shigernafy has been briefed as well as Fleet Admiral Ospolos on loan from CSA, as all of our dictors are currently assigned, they will meet you in Hilg space on your arrival.
UNSC high command has the fullest confidence in your ability to handle this operation and has conveyed that confidence to the council, I may be old school, but I dislike having junior officers over ranking ones. To this end the council has authorized you to hold the rank of Acting Fleet Commander of this operation till its completion.

I know you will not let us down, good luck.
Andosia System Commander.



Divine~Wind sat back and rubbed his eyes, ‘what the heck did I get myself into, all this to baby sit a bunch of ground pounders?’ leaning forward he keyed open his orders and got wide. “I’ll be damned.”
“Sir?” Captain Nelson asked.
“Nothing Captain, do we have that flight plan yet?”
“Yes, sir they are locked and awaiting your order.” The Captain replied.
“Very good, bring us to orange alert and proceed as planed. Also make ready the com, and security codes for the addition of a battle dread and interdictor to our fleet”
“Yes sir.” Captain Nelson responded as she moved to carry out her orders.
“And Captain.” Divine said turning to face the starboard view ports.
“Yes sir?” she asked turning.
“Have Captain Bailey meet me in my office in one hour please, have a bottle of my better scotch on had as well.”
“Yes sir.”
Divine~Wind turned and looked out a view port gazing into empty space and couldn’t help but wonder what the days to come would bring.


  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-16 03:00   

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