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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » A New Way of Fighting (fiction)
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 Author A New Way of Fighting (fiction)
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2006-03-28 18:54   

Is that your subtle way of explaining MV lag?

Darkspace: Twilight

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Likkarn *Freelance*
2nd Rear Admiral

Joined: December 29, 2005
Posts: 148
From: Gresham, Oregon. USA.
Posted: 2006-03-29 05:33   
Is that a bad thing, Goth?

Im back... Again.

  Email Likkarn *Freelance*
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-29 08:59   

Heh hadnt thought about it like that lol, if it worked that way Kluth would pwn!

  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-30 00:20   
Moreeeeeeeeeeee! : D

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-30 03:09   
The story is now on hold for a undetermined time

Sorry to all who were following it, i just dont feel like writing it right now.


  Email HaVoX
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2006-03-30 11:22   
Its OK bro, it happens a lot, took me a year to write Twilight, and its taken me a month to get 3 small chapters of Week of Hell out.

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-30 11:35   
Oh i imagine i wil lbe writing again soon, i dont stay mad or blocked for long lol

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-04-12 14:20   
The End of chapter 4 "In Times of War" is now posted.

Sorry it took so long to get out I'm switching jobs right now and trying to keep up with my current contract and get the next one going is a bit much. There will be more to come, bear with me in this pain in the &*% time.


R33-8710 System
Center City
Goththugs apartment near the river district
07:30 June 27, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Goth awoke to his COM’s page sounding over and over; he struggled into consciousness gradually as he fumbled for the unit on his dresser.
“Hello,” his voice was groggy, and he sat up in bed, he paid a bit more attention when he heard ants voice on the other line.
“Goth, Ants here are you awake? You still sound asleep to me.” Ants voice sounded amused, “that lil’ blonde your running around with hasn’t got ya all wore out does she?” He asked teasingly. Goth looked around just noticing for the first time that Deja wasn’t there, he crawled out of bed.
“Hell no Ants,” he a said with a bit of put on indignation in his voice, “it takes more then that to get me down,” he noticed at note taped to the bathroom mirror as he stumbled in and flipped on the light. “I think it was that liter of scotch we had, I’m not real sure.”
Ants laughed, “Seriously, I need to talk to you about coming back to the fleet,”
“No crap!” Goth exclaimed, “How in the heck did you pull that one off?”
“Don’t go getting all excited,” Ants paused, “it isn’t as great a deal as it sounds, but its all CO will go for, and you may not want it.”
“Oh yea?” Goth answered slowly, feeling a bit like a hungry fish looking at baited hook. He paused while he read at the note; it was in Deja’s delicate script and got right to the point. Deja was at the shelter with her brothers, she wanted to him to meet them tonight at the diner they ate in the other day, at around 6:00 PM for dinner.
“Yea,” Ants replied, “I want to talk to you about it in person, are you free for lunch?’
“No problem,” Goth answered, “how about we meet outside the base and figure out where to eat from there.”
“Sounds great,” Ants returned, “see you then.” Ants hung up and Goth stood there staring at the COM in one hand and the note in the other, wondering if he was going to have an appetite at either meal today.

Andosia System
Southern Continent
UGTO Drop Squadron
01:45 June 26, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

It was more then Bull could take, marines were dying, his marines, and here he was stuck back in the command bunker, safe. He witnessed the little green delta shapes that indicated Powel and PFC Tygart wink out and knew they were dead and that Fox 3 was in trouble.
“Sir,” he said turning to address the Captain, “requesting permission to take Fox 1 and assist the withdrawal sir!” he barked with his deep marine baritone. Bailey looked at Bull, he knew on one hand the troops may be needed here when the Fire Teams made it back. On the other hand he also knew that he had the AR shuttles and losing the respect of a non com like Top was akin to losing him to the enemy, they just weren’t worth a damn after that.
“Alright, Top,” Bailey said nodding, “bring em in alive.”
“Sir, yes Sir!” Bull barked again, he turned and ducked under the low protective roof to the bunker and started bawling orders, and marines jumped, they had a rescue to effect.
Fox 4 watched as the first elements of Fox 3 crossed the far firing line, they were hard pressed and firing as the retreated. Explosions rocked the jungle and rained soil down on the concealed marines and filled the jungle with the smell of blood and cordite.
“Stand ready marines!” Lt. Jackson ordered his men as he adjusted the sight on his assault blaster, using the retreating Fox 3 as range finders. “The enemy may be to close behind them to use grenade launchers, so its hero time boys and girls.” The Lance Corporals in charge double clicked their COM’s in affirmatives and passed the commands down the line. No fancy fireworks, just a good old fashioned barrel shoot and victory goes to ones with the best aim and biggest balls. Large Kluth shapes loomed in the jungle few mere steps behind the last elements of the retreating marines.
“Get down!” Jackson roared as one of the marines was blown into by the advancing Kluth Shock Troopers, the marines were still to close for grenades. The incoming marine’s instinctively bit the dirt, never questioning the order, Jackson roared at the top of his lungs, “FIRE!”
Fox 4 opened up, the roar of their weapons fire sounded as if the heavens had split and brought the wrath of god down on the hapless Kluth. Rifles kicked, tracers tracked deadly paths through the jungle, driving a deadly hail of charged steel, the Kluth advance wavered as they quailed and shrank back under the withering fire. Kluth Shock Troopers fell in droves as Fox 4 pounded their ranks while Fox 3 low crawled for their lines, under the lethal barrage from both sides. A corporal on Jackson’s left took a blast from energy cannon; his head exploded showering Jackson with bits of cooked flesh and brains. He wiped his goggles with his sleeve to clear his vision, he looked up and down his lines, his marines were dishing it out to the Kluth, but they were taking a beating as well, far to many unmoving marines were a testament to the fury of the battle. Jackson ratcheted his auto grenade launcher on the bottom of his rifle into the armed mode and shouted as the last of Fox 3 crossed their line.
“Lima 1 and Lima 3 go grenades and fire at will!” He rolled and rocked back onto his heels to brace the weapon, sighted on the nearest group of advancing Kluth and began to rip off rounds. The grenade launchers hurled ping pong ball sized grenades at a rate of about one every five seconds, each rifle carried a thirty round tube stock magazine, and the effect was devastating. The Kluth went to ground under the killer barrage and returned fire lightly. Jackson was about to order his marines to fall back to the jump point being set up by Fox 3, when huge gouts of dirt and pieces of marines flew through the air up and down his line.
“Burrowers,” Jackson shouted, “what happened to our Sonics!” he demanded, “fall back, fall back!” Jackson shout, cursed as his NCOs kicked his marines back into the jungle. Just as they cleared the area a massive line of explosions ripped through the floor of the jungle again, softwood trees fell in all directions and the Kluth were obscured by the fallout.
“They got took out sir,” a Lance corporal returned on the platoon freq. “we have two units up,” the corporals tone was not reassuring, two units were not near enough to cover all the marines.
The Kluth roared and poured through the clearing smoke, Jackson knew they weren’t going to make it to Fox 2s trap much less the next jump point. His marines, forced out of their defensive position by the subsurface missiles were exposed with a weak front line and no flanks to speak of to concentrated enemy fire.
“Fall back.” Jackson ordered he knew it was useless, his marines could either stay under the slim to no cover or they could fall back in full view of the enemy, hell of a choice and they were dead either way.
“Belay that order!” Bulls’ voice cut through the noise and confusion like a knife, “I want unscreened marines to fall back within the sonic range of Fox 1, 2 and 3 evenly. Fox 1 engage left flank Fox 2 engage right flank Fox 3 reinforce Fox 4 and hold that middle.” Bull paused in his orders as the Lt walked up.
“Damn glad to see ya Top,” the Lt said with a relived smile, fatigue clear on his face, “We’ll hold the line.”
“Yes sir you will,” Top answered, “and we will grind em up,” he added grimly. The Kluth emerged from the smoke to find not one human Fire Team, but four rather pissed off Fire Teams, even if two of them numbered slightly less than a full team. Their reception was horrifying; assault blasters ripped the unsuspecting Kluth to ribbons. Grenades blew divots up and down their lines, the marines laying fire down with practiced ease, Top was a hard SOB and the Kluth lines faltered. First a few of the Luth Shock Troopers fell back, then they tried to form an organized retreat, as soon as Top saw the Kluth troops give the first inch he pressed for a mile.
“Hit em hard! Ya mangy bunch of ship rats!” Bull shouted, leaping to his feet as he snapped a new clip in his blaster. “HOOAHH” he shouted cutting loose with the fresh clip dropping anything in his field of fire.
“HOOAAH!” his marines shouted as they leapt from their positions and charged. Kluth Shock Troopers died by the dozens, the organized retreat suddenly became a full rout. The marines hailed steel, energy and grenades into the backs of the retreating aliens, no quarter was asked for and none was given. The marines pressed their advantage for about a klick or so when the remaining Kluth turned, dug in and returned fire. Bodies on both sides danced to the terrible cords of battle as blaster fire, energy beams and missiles tore troops on both sides to pieces, staining the living with their blood and visions that would never leave them. Top was bellowing at his troops, ordering them into fire points that allowed them to kill the Luth more effectively while taking less hits themselves when he and all his marines were floored by a huge roaring sound and an enormous back pressure. Top stared upwards, he and his marines momentarily stunned as a rocket launched from the center of the Kluth formation. The back blast of the retreating missile killing all but a handful of the Luth troopers instantly, the remaining Luth troopers opened fire on the distracted marines.
“Kill em all!” Top shouted he and his marines didn’t stay distracted long. With no cover left by the now out of sight rocket the Luth were sitting ducks and rapidly dispatched.
“Fox 1, secure the area, Fox 2 I want a perimeter sweep” Top ordered, then barked. “Fox 3 and 4, form on me, and let’s check the kill zone.” With the marines moving rapidly to comply with his orders, he and his supporting teams entered the smoking burnt out area left by the rockets launch. Top slowly approached the center of the site, the occasional pop of blaster fire could be heard as the marines finished of the wounded or any Kluth found hiding in the jungle. He stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes fell on the body nearest the launch site, it was human, charred beyond recognition and held a small black device melted to his hands.
“I’ll be damned,” Top said aloud.
“What did you say Top?” Jackson asked walking up and stopping when he saw the body.
“Nothing Sir,” Top said, “We better warn the captain about that rocket.” He paused and knelt to get a closer look at the charred human, “and this to, we may have some traitors out there.”

Andosia System
Hilg Orbit, Over the Southern Continent
UGTO transport fleet from Sol System
Aboard USNC Agincourt Carrier, U.W.S Avenger
02:30 June 26, 2295 Galactic Standard Time
Vice Admiral Divine~Wind Commanding

Alarm klaxons sounded throughout the carrier, Divine who had just finished talking to Hawk a short while earlier was trying to get a bite to eat when the earsplitting alarms went off.
“Sir,” Capt. Nelson called out over his COM link sewn into his uniforms wrist. “We are tracking a missile launch from the surface of Hilg near the vicinity of the drop team.”
“Alert the fleet and arm our point defense,” Divine answered just a little pissed, what were those idiots doing down there. “Do we have a solution on its probable target yet?” he asked as he dumped his meal in the servo refuse unit and headed towards the bridge. “Who’s it going to hit?”
“Affirmative sir,” Nelson answered, and then added. “its not on a intercept course for any of the fleets vessels, in fact when it breaks atmosphere it will be out of range for any of our ships beam weapons.”
“Interesting,’ Divine returned, “I’ll be bridge side shortly.” Divine ignored Nelsons affirmatives and stabbed the buttons on the ships lift to the bridge deck level impatiently. He entered the lift and was nearly half way to bridge level when Hawks voice came across his COM link.
“Go ahead Hawk,” Divine answered his query, “what in the hell is going on down there.” He demanded.
“The Luth fired off some kind of missile right when the marines were about to tag and bag em.” Hawk answered, “The launch killed damn near all the Luth on the ground,” he paused before continuing. “That not the weird part Divine, it seems there was a human with them; he launched the missile looks like he stood under it on purpose.”
“You mean he killed himself?” Divine asked incredulously.
“Looks that way to me, I don’t know for sure,” Hawk shot back, and then added. “Were bringing what’s left of it back, see if there’s enough uncooked DNA to match it to a name.”
“Good plan, I’ll have the medical officer notified,” Divine said, “good work down there Hawk, keep me posted.”
“Roger, Hawk out.” Hawk said as Divine stepped onto the bridge.
“Status!” he ordered as he moved to his command console while watching the video of the missile being tracked on the tactical screen dominating the far wall.
“How long till Hilgs Defense Bases get a lock on that thing?” he asked aloud.
“It will clear the minimum range of the Def Bases in less then a minute sir,” his tactical officer answered just as a change came over the missile.
The missile ejected it lower engine section needed to reach orbit as well as the nose cone. There was a flash of light as a torpedo shaped object flew out of the middle stage left drifting in space.
“What the hell is that?” Divine demanded rising up in his seat, hands gripping the arms rest of his accelerator couch.
“It appears to be a torpedo sir,” the tactical officer answered, he started to continue when the navigations officer interrupted him.
“Sir!” he shouted, his voice squeaking with excitement. “I am picking up navigational signals from the device,” he turned to face Divine. “Its plotting jump solution, I’m sure of it.” With that small jets expelled tiny puffs of air orienting the torpedo on an unknown point in space.
“Track that damn thing!” Divine shouted, “I want to know where it goes”
“Yes sir,” the NAV officer replied, as if on cue the torpedo disappeared in a flash of lights as its miniature AMJ drive threw it into jump space.
“Navigation?” Divine questioned, looking at his NAV officer expectantly, “anything?” After a few moments of tense silence, Divine was ready to speak again when the NAV officer piped up.
“Got it sir,” he crowed, “its not a exact set of coordinates, the torp was hard to track due to its size.” The Officers hand flew over the NAVCOMPs keyboard and a set of charts blossomed into view on the tactical screen. “It appears to have jumped towards Delta Provonis Sir. It could have gone as far as Procyon A given its size I’d imagine, an engine that small would…” Divine cut him off.
“Save the science lecture for the report,” he snapped. “I want to know why you think it went to DP.”
“Well sir,” the NAV officer began nervously, “It didn’t have time to plot a solution that far away.” he paused then said “It may reorient once in DP then it could go anywhere.”
Divine sat thoughtfully for a few moments deciding, and then spoke out loud in a commanding voice.
“Nelson, get Hawks team and those Marines back on board the Avenger, Notify the fleet to form on us and prepare to receive coordinates for a synchronized jump.” He didn’t wait for her answer but instead turned to the NAV and TAC officers.
“Navigation, I want a long jump solution for DP immediately, configure for a fleet maneuver and transmit it to the fleet.” He turned to the TAC officer, “I want the fleet brought to full battle readiness and a full report to my console in five minutes.” He paused and looked around the bridge, “Understood?” a chorus of yes sirs swept the bridge as his staff officers hastened to complete all the tasks needed to move a fleet of its size on a long jump, only Nelson asked the one question on everyone’s mind.
“Sir,” she asked waiting for him to acknowledge her.
“Yes nelson,” he answered simply.
“As your adjutant I feel I am required to ask you if you are aware that DP is Kluth held space.” She stated and stood waiting as Divine turned to look her straight in the eyes before he answered.
“Yes Captain,” he answered evenly and confidently, “I am aware of that.”
“Very good sir,” she answered, and then returned to her duties in preparing the fleet for jump space.


  Email HaVoX

Raven Warriors

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 2673
Posted: 2006-04-12 16:01   
Comment = good. + Random critisism for no reason = -1. Good writing = +1. Story = win...error. please reboot

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2006-04-12 17:31   
Now I know why people kept saying "MORE MORE!"

Hehe GJ bro

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-04-12 17:52   
omg, Nice havox and welcome back to the land of writing

  Email GothThug {C?}
Sanity Assassins

Joined: September 14, 2004
Posts: 237
From: London England
Posted: 2006-04-13 03:10   
i seem to have died a hero thats the way to go
nice one havox

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-04-13 09:09   
Oh no your not dead scorp, just busted up a bit

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-04-17 11:23   
I have received permmision to attempt to publish my book im working on in this thread. I am going over the previous chapters to make the reading easier for somone who in unfamilar with DS as well as correct mistakes. I am going to be asigning names to the players i have in the story with thier screen names being thier pilot call signs.

exp: John Doe Aka xTx

If you do not wish yor character in the story please let me know in this post. If you do feel free to post your name here and i will try to work them in.

All deaths in the story are not personal and just part of the tale.


  Email HaVoX
Durlan Katz
Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 29, 2005
Posts: 150
Posted: 2006-04-17 14:02   
i haven't actually read the story yet, good thing i didn't. would have been like reading the raw version for a book; almost like the finished one but you need to read the finished one too=P(wait a sec, that's exactly what it is)

i'll be waiting for it to be published
The past tempts us, the present confuses us, the future frightens us.

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