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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » A New Way of Fighting (fiction)
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 Author A New Way of Fighting (fiction)

Joined: July 03, 2005
Posts: 90
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: 2006-03-24 16:20   
*Jaw drops*

One word: Amazing! Okee, two words: Fricken Amazing!

I am incredibly impressed with your work, Hav. You should seriously consider that idea you were telling me about!

You know you're reading some good stuff when: You usually hate reading, but can't seem to unlock your eyes from the screen. When it gets so intense you have to light up another smoke. When you read it out loud to your kitten that is paying full attention to every word you say. (Smeagol was looking at me with this crazy-cute look. Either he will be The future DS Captain Kitten, or he was just thinking "Man, my owner is a nut!" )/send f Lol! A smart car? No BUT I am tempted to kick in a door and see if they fall a part.

How many chapters are you going to have? The way you're going you could write a full blown Book! Keep up the outstanding work. So detailed and intense. I can't wait for more!!!! <3333333

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-24 16:46   
Gah it looks well over 10 chapters as planned heh heh, loto typing

Ty for the kind words melly

  Email HaVoX

Joined: July 03, 2005
Posts: 90
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: 2006-03-24 17:01   
Wow, looks like I was multitasking O-o Typing a reply to your post and friend chatting O-o Go me!

You'll have many kind words coming from me

Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003
Posts: 1336
Posted: 2006-03-24 20:02   
Ya havent mentioned me? The scally wag of the ICC?! =P Excellent work Hav, you've got me hooked.

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2006-03-24 20:18   
Thats OK, Twilight was planned as 20, came out as 30 & a lot longer than I planned Thats how you know that you're on to something great!

Seems that our stories don't coincide so do with me as you wish =P

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}

Joined: December 13, 2004
Posts: 554
Posted: 2006-03-24 21:48   
I want to be in the story!!

Likkarn *Freelance*
2nd Rear Admiral

Joined: December 29, 2005
Posts: 148
From: Gresham, Oregon. USA.
Posted: 2006-03-25 03:51   
Hey, were all waiting for more.
Im back... Again.

  Email Likkarn *Freelance*
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-27 08:51   
More to come, i am working on it today. I took a break friday and actualy played a bit lol. I get your names from the posts when you say you want in, and dont worry crim, you have a slot, as well as Ver.

Thanks for your kind and supporting comments, it does inspire.


  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-27 15:24   
Heres the begining of chapter 4 "In Times of War" it has the look of a large chapter as this jsut scratchs the surface of what happens within it.


Chapter 4 In Times of War

Andosia System
Southern Continent
UGTO Drop Squadron
01:45 June 26, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Captain Bailey sat in the command bunker, situated slightly left of the center of the Fire Base One surrounded by AR shuttles and rock hard marines. Top was to his right monitoring the Fire Teams bands as they retreated under fire. Helmet cams showed the running battle as the marines pulled in their lines and fell back to Fire Base One. Fox 2 had cleared the left flank of Fox 3 and was in advance retreat; their mission was to plant anti personel mines along the trail back to the Fire Base. The plan was to slow the advancing Kluth infantry long enough to call in a mortar strike from the AR shuttles and allow all the marines to return to base where they would be able to whip the Kluth with minimal casualties. Fox 1 was just arriving and digging in when Fox 2 sent out that the mines were placed. Bailey ordered spotters launched and the small drones exploded into the jungle from a nearby AR shuttles and disappeared into the jungle. Fox 3 and 4 began to withdraw.
Lieutenant Jackson hit the dirt, “Lance 1 and 2 secure the left front and flank, 3 and 4 cover the right!” he yelled into his COM link. “were gonna hold till Fox 3 gets the next jump off secure, if it’s red its dead, GOT IT!” lance commanders signaled affirmatives as 4th platoon or Fox 4 was known on this mission set up the first of several jump offs intended to leap frog the two platoons to Fox 2’s position where they would blow as many of the bugs to what ever hell they believed in before returning to base. All four lances shortly reported they were in position and ready to receive company with the marine’s famous dispassionate efficiency. Jackson keyed sent them an affirmative, and transmitted on the company freq. “Fox 4 to Fox 3, welcoming committee is waiting, bring em on, over” he like every single marine in his command, he hunkered over his assault blaster as Fox 3 sent a affirmative and waited.
Explosions, the smell of dirt, smoke and the screams of dying or wound men and Kluth filled lieutenant Powell’s ear, he had lost a total of nine men now, six to those damn burrowers, and three to the Kluth shock troopers attacking his position now. He had no idea how many Luth they had killed but was sure it was way more then they had lost, yet they still came.
The looming figure of a Kluth soldier appeared in Powell’s field of fire, a massive well over seven foot tall four armed creature, clad in chitinous battle armor. It noticed Powell and swung the large cannon it carried in all four arms half way towards the lieutenant before Powell pulled the trigger on his assault blaster and walked fire from its abdomen to it head. Great bloody chunks of armor and flesh exploded from the rents the blaster tore in the unfortunate Kluth warrior, who tottered for a moment and fell over backwards and disappeared in the underbrush.
“Give me suppressive fire!” Powell barked into his com link, “I want fire so heavy I can walk on it!” He yelled as he fired again and again, not caring if he seen a Warrior in his sights or not, he wanted the jungle so hot that they would keep their heads down while his marines made their getaway. After five minutes of sustained fire Powell barked his order out rapid fire.
“Lance 1, throw your grenades with, six minute timers, gather up the dead and wounded and move out, no ones left behind.” He received an affirmative and continued, “lance 2 and 3 continue to fire till my mark.” Lance 1’s grenades sailed over their heads as they continued to pour fire into the now burning jungle. Lance 1 was nearly two minutes down the trail when the thermite grenades went off with a deafening roar.
“MOVE OUT!” Powell roared over the com, “Lance 2, you have rear guard, fire as you retreat, Lance 3, drop grenades with ten minute timers as you run.” Powell stood and looked about him as Lance 1 retreated under Lance 2’s fire, leaving little round orbs of death behind them. As the last marine in the retreating lance disappeared into the woods Powell ordered Lance 2 to follow, he waited until he was sure all the marines were on the move and turned to leave.
A hammer blow struck him in the right shoulder, lifting him from his feet and spinning him in a backwards arc where he slammed into a tree. Lights and sparks bloomed before his eyes; he slid down the tree leaving a ragged bloody trail on the bark. It was several seconds before his stunned senses registered the Kluth warrior standing before him, the warrior nodded once at him, a kind of grim salute to a fallen, yet worthy foe, then leveled his cannon. The Luth literally exploded as blaster fire, followed by a rifle launched grenade that had imbedded itself the Luths chest cavity exploded, showering blood and gore all over Powell and the surrounding area. Struggling to breath and unable to stand due to his grievous wound Powell watched as a private approached him through the smoke and bloody haze.
“No one left behind sir,” the private said as he shouldered Powell’s limp body, causing his eyes to go wide in pain, which by chance allowed him to see the Kluth warrior with the mini rocket pod aimed at them. He slapped the marines back repeatedly. The private, either from the lieuts weak but frantic pounding or some sixth sense marines often have, turned raising his rifle.
“Aw crap,” was the last thing the private ever said, or that the lieutenant ever heard as the missiles from the mini pod blew them all over the jungle. The only redeeming factor being the stunned look on the Luth warriors face as the private’s last act of defiance was to trigger the grenade launcher mounted under his rifle and blow his killer to hell.

R33-8710 System
ICC R33-8710 System Fleet Command Post
Fatal Squadron BOQ (Base Officers Quarters)
06:00 June 27, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Ants slowly rose out of a deep sleep; fuzzy memories crept into the front of his brain reminding him of an absolutely wonderful evening. He and Melly had spent the evening eating a quiet dinner with slow dancing followed by a walk in the base park along its pristine shoreline; the mood couldn’t have been more perfect. He rolled over and reached for her and was a little surprised to find empty sheets next to him till he smelled the eggs and bacon wafting in from the kitchen. Smiling to himself he got up, threw on a robe and stumbled groggily into the bathroom to brush his teeth and clean up a bit. When he emerged he was greeted by a radiant Melly cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and wearing one of his tee shirts.
“Morning lover,” Melly said pecking him on the cheek as she handed him a cup of steaming coffee. “Sleep well?”
After a swig of hot coffee Ants stretched and replied, “Heck yea, I don’t think I slept that well since the bombing.” Melly slid a plate of eggs and bacon fresh out the pan over to him.
“Hope your hungry,” she said teasingly, “I, very uncharacteristically I might add, felt like cooking today.” Ants laughed as she filled her plate and retrieved the toast from the toaster.
“I noticed, what’s the special occasion?” He asked.
“MMmmm,” she purred, “just happy is all.” She said as she ate her breakfast and looked at him out the corner of her eye.
Ants looked at her, he was happy she was so happy, but unsure why she was this time, compared to any of other nights they went out. Women were impossible to figure our sometimes. As he ate his breakfast he decided to just enjoy it while it lasted; life was too short to screw things up thinking about them to much.
Melly watched him eat amused by the momentary look of confusion on his face, it was always best to keep men guessing at what it was a woman wanted or why they were happy or mad. Things were more interesting that way.
They ate the rest of the meal in silence, teased each other a little as they put the dishes in the washer, and then settled down at the breakfast bar with the rest of the coffee that was left over.
“So what’s on your agenda today?” Melly asked speaking first.
“I need to speak with Goth,” Ants said slowly, “I think I’m going see if he’s interested in being commissioned again.” Melly looked at Ants for a moment, he obviously had mixed feelings about this. He was pissed as hell when Goth was decommissioned years ago, and had fought with CO for a week over it. It got so bad they didn’t talk socially for over year. He had felt it was a bad rap then, and still did now. Knowing Ants as she did, she sipped her coffee and put on her best ‘compassionate I’m listening,’ face and waited patiently, Ants would get it all out in his own time.
“The problem,” he said after a brief pause, “is the only way I can get him back in the Squad is with the suicide mission. I talked to CO last night on the com; he agreed to commission him again if, and only if he took the mission.” Ants stopped and looked into his coffee, “I don’t want him to feel like I brought him back to die for someone else.”
Melly mad a soothing sound, “baby, don’t beat yourself up,” she said walking around the bar she hugged him, pulling his head to her chest and stroking his hair. “Goth is a big boy, if he takes the mission it’s his own choice.” She sat down next to him and turned his barstool so he faced her. “I know, and so does Goth that you have been trying for the last couple years to get him back into the squad. If this is the only chance for him to do it he will jump at the chance, or not, either way it’s his choice.” She laughed, “Besides this is a custom made ‘Goth mission’, if any of your pilots have combination of skill and blind luck to pull it off, it’s Goth.”
Looking in her eyes Ants knew she was right; it was just that ordering people, no friends, into combat and possibly death was bad enough. When you had to bribe them into certain death or capture with the bait being commissioned again, it was almost unbearable. Ants was extremely grateful for Melly’s cool and compassionate mind at times like this, it made doing what he knew he had to do a bit easier.
Ants kissed her lightly on the lips. “I have a call to make, thanks Mel.” With that he rose and walked back to the bedroom to dress and call Goth. Melly watched him go glad that the mantle of command wasn’t one she had to wear, while at the same time grieving for him over the choices that being in command forced him to make.

Andosia System
Hilg Orbit, Over the Southern Continent
UGTO transport fleet from Sol System
Aboard USNC Agincourt Carrier, U.W.S Avenger
01:30 June 26, 2295 Galactic Standard Time
Vice Admiral Divine~Wind Commanding

“Sir,” the COM tech said, jarring Vice Admiral, Divine~Wind the acting Fleet Commander for the fleet charged with finding out what the Kluth were up to in Andosia System out of his thoughts. “We have an incoming Priority 1 transmission from CommanderHawk on line three, sir.”
“Put it on the big screen ensign,” Divine said rubbing his weary eyes, he hated reading reports. Hawks face dominated the screen; he looked grim and a bit weary.
“What have you got Hawk,” Divine asked, genuinely curious what the grunts could have found down there, and he leaned back in his command consoles acceleration couch.
“Well, I think its best if I send you a copy of the clip we have,” Hawk said as he looked down off the screen presumably to key in the transfer. “I may not have much time to talk, there are Luth ground forces here, most likely Shock troopers, so we...” Hawks transmission was cut off as alarms rang out through the bridge and Hawk disappeared with a small popping noise.
“Sir!” The COM tech called out, “incoming Gamma Level transmission!” Divine locked his attention on the big screen when he heard his aide Captain Nelson speaking.
“Admiral, we just received encrypted orders to attain full battle readiness.” She paused as she looked to him, “shall I sound general quarters?”
“Yes, Captain,” he answered just as the big screen was filled with Grand Admiral Starfist’s visage. The general quarter’s claxon began sounding as Starfist began his system wide address to the fleet, it was short and sweet.
“To all fleet officers and noncoms, we have just been the victim of a terrorist bombing at our fleet headquarters on Andosia Prime. I have ordered the fleets in system to battle readiness, be prepared for anything. Monitor all channels military and civilian and await further orders. That is all.” Starfist looked lived, and had a stunned look about him that Divine had never seen before, it made him a bit nervous.
“COM, I want all bands monitored for anything out of the ordinary,” he ordered as he turned to his tactical officer. “I want the fleet at one hundred percent readiness in ten minutes, report status in said amount if time.” Divine sat back and looked at the now blank big screen. “Captain Nelson,” he said, “would you be so good as to play that clip from Hawk, and then get him back online.” As Nelson complied with the first part of the order and the clip ran, Divine felt a cold chill at what he watching.

Kluth Space
A sector of space never been seen by humans
Kiel’ EiTo S’NakoTo Ei Y’tomak’Atar (Leader of the tribes of Y’tomak’Atar)
Colony Science Station
Ki’SoDak EiTo Jo’SoDak (Knower of the Unknown)
The TaRiak’s Private Council Chambers

Switchblade and Darkscorpion were escorted into the TaRiak’s Private Council Chambers by two of his personal guard and a minor official. The hallway leading to the chambers was long and empty of the normal traffic one would expect from a capital ship such as this one. That was in itself was odd and made Switch a bit nervous, the emotions he sensed from Dark told him he felt the same way. None of which was truly uncommon to be feeling when one was being brought into the presence of ones clan leader, who is a member of the descended and amounted to a nearly divine status in the Kluth hierarchy. Switch sent Dark a reassuring thought as they approached the great iris, which was open and flanked by heavily armed guards.
As they entered the council chambers, Switch and Dark both automatically located and filed away the locations of all the guards in the room, which there were surprisingly few of, although the ones there were armed to the teeth. They approached the great U shaped table at which TaRiak sat in the center of the curve, he was twice the size of any normal Kluth and regal in bearing, they bowed their heads to the floor.
“We appear as summoned Great Kiel’ EiTo S’NakoTo Ei Y’tomak’Atar,” Switch began. “We humbly wish to serve your will Kiel’.” They remained with their foreheads on the floor, waiting the TaRiak’s wishes. A Few moments went by and the TaRiak began to speak.
“Arise, noble Switch,” the TaRiak’s voice was like no other Kluth’s, save perhaps that of the other descended. “You as well Darkscorpion, whose brilliance and knowledge reaches even to here.” With the formal greeting over Switch and Dark rose and stood respectfully waiting the TaRiak’s pleasure.
“I am sure you are wondering why I have summoned you two here,” the TaRiak began. “I will get to the point quickly.” He paused and gave Switch and Dark a penetrating look, the both of them staggered, the force of his mind settling on theirs was like a blow. They knew what ever they said or thought he would know the truth of it.
“I have decided that the great plan is flawed, the council of descended are fools who are leading the Kluth down a path that will lead to certain destruction.” He again paused, his mid probing the pair standing before him alert for any sign of disobedience. “We have moved foreword with the plan so ably designed by Darkscorpion, so that we might subjugate the humans not to join our fight against the Kraddax, but rather the council. Tell me my loyal warriors what do you think of my plans.”
No matter how much Switch and Dark wanted to tell the TaRiak that they were fine with betraying the Council and Kluth on the whole, they couldn’t. When asked a direct question as they were, they had to answer truthfully.
“You are out of you flaming mind,” Switchblade answered, followed by Dark, “Most defiantly insane,” he agreed simply.
The TaRiak slammed his pincers on the table, actually causing the chitin on the table to crack. “It is you who are mad!” the TaRiak raged, “defy at your own risk!”
Switch and Dark had formed a plan earlier that required Switch to bait TaRiak into combat rather then having them executed outright, so far it looked like it was working.
“No,” Switch shouted both aloud and psionicly, “you are not only mad, but a traitor to the people!” Switch postured, throwing his four arms wide and pushing out his chest, “Fight me, that all may see the holiness of my cause in your death!”
TaRiak leapt across the table, his movements so fast Switch barely registered them and not in near enough time to keep from being struck by the enraged Kiel’. TaRiak landed in front of Switch and back handed him across the chest with one of his pincers, launching him across the room. Switch smashed backwards into the wall near the iris with a wet crunching sound, where he slumped limply to the floor. He gasped for breath, pain shot through him as broken ribs pierced his lungs and a bloody froth came to his lips. “Damn,” he thought numbly, “that hurt.” The pain he felt in his chest was nothing to the pain that suddenly shot through his body out of nowhere. Bones snapped from one end of his body to the other as spasms rocked his flesh, a agonized cry broke form his lips.
The startled TaRiak stepped back from where he was preparing to finish off broken Switch. The fallen warrior had let out a pain filled scream and began convulsing on the floor; a second such scream caused TaRiak to spin about where Darkscorpion was similarly assaulted. Unsure how to proceed he looked to his science advisor.
“What is this,” he demanded, “some kind of disease?” he glared at his advisors, “Answer me!”
“We do not believe so Kiel’,” the frightened advisors answered, “it would affect us as well, more likely they have taken poison to cheat you of their rightful deaths.” They nodded amongst themselves, happy with the answer. TaRiak had began to speak when the sound of bones popping was heard echoing in the chambers, followed by a great sigh of breath being drawn in powerful lungs. TaRiak turned quickly when he heard switch’s voice.
“TaRiak,” he said apparently unharmed and pointing at the surprised leader, “we are not finished.” TaRiak pushed aside his surprise, Switch had grown to near twice his original size, and his voice was filled with righteous anger and strength. It was TaRiak, who was of the descended, not this insignificant upstart standing before him.
“Come then,” TaRiak gestured, “come and die.”
Switch and TaRiak collided together with enough force to jar the teeth in room’s occupant’s mouths. The guards watched in amazement, it truly was a battle of juggernaughts; the sheer ferocity of the battle stunned everyone present. Dark followed the battle, the blows, blocks and moves coming and going to fast for the unaltered Kluth in the room to keep track of.
Switch and TaRiak were both bloody and bruised, they stuck each other repeatedly, and blows both landed and blocked, sent gouts of blood spraying in all directions, bathing the spectators in its gore. Switch though a seasoned warrior, was still new to his recently enhanced strength and agility, was at first taking the worst of the fight, but as he grew accustomed to his new ability’s his greater skills slowly came into play. TaRiak, on the other hand who had always defeated warriors of greater skill than he due to his greater physical ability, found himself on the defensive lacking the skills of warrior such as he faced now. Switch, sensing TaRiak’s growing fear, became ever more confidant, and more and more devastating blows landed, forcing the TaRiak to one knee.
The guards became nervous, and one of them raised his weapon, intent on helping his leader. Dark reacted swiftly with out hesitation, moving faster then the guards could track, and he disabled the guards who were originally in the room as well as the ones from outside the iris who had come in at the beginning of the battle. With a few well placed blows the guards were soon out of the conflict, he then turned a meaningful look upon the advisors who promptly sat down. He then turned his full attention back to the fight, where Switch was now in full control of the battle.
Switch landed a crushing blow upon TaRiak’s upraised pincer arm, while his two lower manipulator arms held the TaRiak’s lower arms immobile. TaRiak’s other pincer arm dangled uselessly by his side where Switch had broken it earlier, the blow he just received rendering his last pincer arm inoperable as well. With two broken arms and unable to defend himself, TaRiak sent a mental shout for help, to late to be helped by his defeated guards, but still enough to raise the alarm on the station. Enraged beyond rational thought Switch brought both his combat arms down in a double blow which shattered the TaRiak skull, ending not only his call for help but his life as well.
Switch staggered back, the enormity of the situation still not hitting him, flushed with the elation of victory and still aggressive he nearly struck Dark when he took his arms. “Kiel’” Dark said urgently, “we must flee; our conditions will not last long.” Switch turned, rational thought slowly seeping into his mind once more and forcing the Kluth blood rage from his body.
“What?” he stammered, “What do your mean?”
“We are not of the descended,” Dark said pulling on him, “we cannot long live in this state, so I engineered the process to reverse itself to a level we can maintain.” Switch allowed himself to be lead from the council chambers as Dark spoke. “In a few hours we will be exhausted after we revert, we must be away by then.”
“Let’s get to my piercer,” Switch said, no longer needing to be lead, “I think your right, we better not be here when they get over the fact that TaRiak is dead.” They both ran out the chambers, everyone they passed in the halls seemed to be in a dazed state, due to the backlash of their Kiel’s death, No one opposed them as they reached the hanger. Once there, the stations crew seemed to be coming out of their daze, Switch and Dark boarded the Piercer quickly. By the time Switch’s crew had the piercer fired up, and they were leaving the reach of the stations close range weapons, the station had awoken with a vengeance and the children of TaRiak were screaming for blood. Attack vessels began boiling out of the hive like angry bee’s.

[small][ This Message was edited by: HaVoX (afk, writing, read the story!) on 2006-03-28 00:37 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: HaVoX (afk, writing, read the story!) on 2006-03-28 03:11 ]

  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-27 15:59   

  Email GothThug {C?}
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2006-03-27 17:35   

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-28 01:41   
More More More!

  Email GothThug {C?}
Likkarn *Freelance*
2nd Rear Admiral

Joined: December 29, 2005
Posts: 148
From: Gresham, Oregon. USA.
Posted: 2006-03-28 07:00   
This is insane. This is one of the best storys ive read in a long time. Its better than some published works. Rock on.
Im back... Again.

  Email Likkarn *Freelance*
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-28 15:24   
heres the next edtion of chapter 4 enjoy!

Sol System
Earth Orbit
GTN Transport
08:00 June 27, 2295 Galactic Standard Time
Grand Admiral Starfist, GTN Commander, Operation Hammer Fall

The worm hole to Sol opens with an enormous flash, its light fluctuating wildly as it struggled to hold the unstable energy fields that keep the tunnel through space and time in place. With a second flash a transport shuttle suddenly appears out of the blinding light, light-years from its point of origin it slows momentarily as it gets it bearings then begins a calculated decent toward Earth. The worm hole begins flashing erratically, gaining a violent fury before it at last explodes in a brilliant burst of harmless light. Leaving nothing behind it but shimmering motes of light, slowly dimming as they scattered into the void. Grand Admiral Starfist had arrived, he home at last.
Starfist peered out the port into the dark space beyond, his thoughts were on the battles sure to come he was sure of one thing and one thing only, the ICC had to pay for the unprovoked attack at Ando. The Earth started fill his view from the port as the shuttle banked into the planet on its approach, his thoughts drifted towards the planet below him, he hadn’t be back to the planet of his birth in years. Ever since he had joined the Fleet Academy all those years ago the frontier and the long line of vessels under his feet had been his home. Seeing the planet again brought back memories of family and friends, some still alive, some lost to either old age or the wars that had raged bringing bombs and death from the stars. Looking at the planet he couldn’t help but be amazed and admire the skill of the engineers who specialized in teraforming and planet restoration, in a few short years a planet under their skilled hands was pristine once again.
The shuttle began to buck and roll as it entered the planets atmosphere; the view ports were darkening as blinding plumes of fire spread from the shuttle and wreathed the plummeting ship in a hellish glow. There were several rapid fire explosions as the shuttle fought through the thin air which filled in the space behind the speeding shuttle as it broke the sound barrier repeatedly. The violent rocking and shaking stopped suddenly and the only noise was the muted roar of the shuttles massive engines, Star looked out the window as the shuttle dipped and banked yet again. Moments later Star was easily able to see the UGTO Central Command based in the region once known as the District of Columbia the old capitol of the United States of America. Which still existed as all the nations do today just not as autonomous governments, it was Earth now one planetary government united with many others like it to form the UGTO. The Old Pentagon Building was where the heart of the Central Command started, all the Fleets now housed Command Offices there, and it had long ago grown to encompass the entirety of the District of Columbia.
The shuttle entered the landing bay at the top of the old pentagons, new one hundred and seventy five story admin building, repelars flaring and bringing it to a gentle stop. Fleet Admiral Demorian’s aide 2nd Rear Admiral Alison Grey waited patiently behind the heavy protective glass of the landing bays observations and waiting area for the Grand Admiral to disembark, she was used to waiting on brass. The shuttles bay door rose up like a bird’s wing and Starfist stepped out, his aides bringing his luggage behind him as he strode purposefully towards the bay doors. Alison couldn’t help but notice he had changed a great deal over the years since they were in high school together; time seemed to have been rough on him. He was thirty years old now, three years her senior, and the youngest Grand Admiral in GTN. He was still not what one would call a handsome man, but was not in the least bit unattractive; he had a manner about him in a gruff, almost uncivilized way that had always appealed to her. His hair had grayed a bit around his temples which rather then take away form his looks, added to them, and his eyes had piercing quality to them she could see from the OB deck he hadn’t had before. Spacer’s eyes, she thought as she walked from the OB deck to the security sector to wait on him, from years of staring into void. She sighed, and wondered if he would remember her,
“This is going to be harder then I thought.” She said quietly to herself as she waited just beyond the security doors.
Starfist walked slowly through the security corridor, as he did it scanned him for, weapons, disease, unauthorized electronics, retinal identity and vitals which were then compared to the information on file for him before admitting him to the facility. Depending on the level of security breach, if anything were detected or did not match within the parameters allowed by the AI computer in charge of the scan he could be detained and or terminated and ejected. Once through the scan he emerged into the lobby area and took in his surroundings, it was busy as to be expected, his eyes eventually fell on a attractive woman in a with a 2nd Rear Admirals boards on her shoulders approaching him. He had a nagging feeling that he should know the woman, which was confirmed as she saluted him and he read the name, Alison Grey, straight from his home town. He returned the salute and stood looking at her.
“Alison,” he said asking with a smile, “how many years has it been?”
She answered with a smile of her own, “twelve I believe, I was a freshman in high school when you left for the Academy.”
“Amazing,” he answered, “I see you went to the academy as well, congratulations.” He paused, and apologized “I don’t mean to be rude, but I have a very busy day, can I offer you a lift somewhere, we can talk about old times on the way.”
Alison laughed lightly, “I’m here to offer you a ride Admiral,” she said as she handed him a small silver case with a thumb lock on it. “I’m Admiral Demorian’s chief aide, I was instructed to deliver your sealed orders and take you to your quarters.” She paused and gestured towards the elevator, “if you would like we can get started and I will explain the rest on the way.”
“Absolutely,” Star replied, he indicated that his aides were to follow them and turned his attention back to her. “Lead the way,” he said and followed her through the lobby. He had been married to the fleet for so long he was a bit amazed that as they walked, he couldn’t help but notice the way her hips swayed or the way her uniform fit her so very well. It made him a bit nervous and he had to wonder where the most danger would come from, her or the ICC.

Kluth Space
A sector of space never been seen by humans
Switch and Dark Flee TaRiak’s Children

“How’s it coming?” Switchblade sent to Darkscorpion who was laboring in the engineering room to modify the interdictor device of Switch’s piercer. Things were certainly getting hot fast, elements of the fleet escorting the massive Colony Station were begging to peel off from the rest of the fleet in pursuit. If Dark didn’t get he interdictor altered to block Kluth jump drives, while allowing them to jump they were in trouble. Switches tactical officer sent him a rapid report, interrupting his thoughts.
“Kiel’” the officer sent, “two large flights of larvae have launched from the Colony as well as several salvos of missiles, the mandibles and siphons have locked us for a firing solution as well.” He paused, “if we do not jump soon I do not think even our ICC pulse beams will allow us to survive the onslaught.”
“Thank you Jark,’” Switch sent back, “duly noted.” Switch knew he was right, there were nearly a hundred Kluth vessels acquiring firing solutions on his ship, if he didn’t get out of missile range fast they were toast.
“Navigator,” Switch ordered, “attain the fastest coordinates that place us out of missile range of the fleet, we will worry about long range jump solutions later.” He paused then added, “If there is one.”
“Yes Kiel,’” the navigator responded, “it will not put us outside their range to track us though.” The navigator bent over his console and started crunching numbers and running solutions to enable a jump without impacting anything or becoming lost in jump space.
“I understand,” Switch answered, he then added. “Hold the jump until either the cruisers jump us or the fighters and missiles enter extreme point defense range. Then jump, hopefully it will be the cruisers first and Dark will have us an interdictor by then.”
“Yes sir,” the navigator replied as he finalized his solution he reported, “all is ready for jump Kiel’ sounding jump stations.” With that the alarms alerting the crew to get into the protection of their acceleration cocoons, sounded and crew not already secure scrambled to get in their berths.
“Kiel’” Dark sent, “I need more time to make the alteration, but I think I have it solved.” Bright flashes began to appear around the piercer as three scales, two claws and piercer appeared out of jump space.
“Time just ran out Dark,” Switch sent to him, then addressed the crew, “Battle stations! He shouted. “We have multiple targets surrounding us, concentrate fire on the piercer; we need to take it out or were through!”
“We have Incoming torpedoes! They are off our starboard and aft!” The TO yelled, “Missiles and fighters are coming in ETA three minutes.”
Switch, slammed the piercer foreword, then into hard bank to the portside, AM torpedoes screamed past them in the place they had just so recently vacated. Remotely detonated the torpedoes resulting explosions rocked the piercer hard. Antimatter fire super heated the piercer’s hull causing chitinous armor ran like wax down the ships starboard side. System alarms went off loudly and Switch knew they couldn’t take many more hits like that.
“Bridge,” Switch sent, “prepare to merge.” Merger was risky action only taken in the direst of circumstances; it allowed the pilot to merge minds with the bridge crew, becoming a true HiveMind temporarily. The risk was if in that state to long the merged minds would no longer be able to separate, confining the members of the bond to live within 1000 meters of each other and share all thoughts, feeling and sensory input forever. To the credit of Switch’s crew they didn’t hesitate to achieve the mental state needed for Switch to assume control. His mind merged with the others and their world expanded, they seen through multiple eyes, knew what each other needed instantly and calmed each others fears effortlessly. Switch being the controlling personality in the merger now had his ship under his control in a way he never knew was possible. Weapons, navigation, tactical, piloting all were instantaneous, as if he had his own hands on the all controls at once. Torpedoes impacted the ship jarring Switch back to the battle raging around him, he winced his portside armor had taken a serious hit, it was down to 38% of it plates remaining but already healing. Switch banked his ship and began fighting back in earnest, targeting the enemy piercer and charging his AM torps, it was all or nothing.
Dark swung himself out of the acceleration cocoon, this was unacceptable, and with an enemy piercer in play it was even more important to get the interdictor repaired. He would take the chance of an unsecured jump, when and if Switch destroyed the enemy’s interdictor. With a look of grim determination Dark donned his engineering apparatus and began working once again.
With his already heightened abilities, plus the merger of minds with his crew, switch found that his ability to react to the threats around him was limited only by the ability of his ship to perform. He forced the engines to maximum, did a barrel roll through a flight of torpedoes screaming at him and fired his Psi cannons with a never before seen precision. Enemy Psi fire walked up the bow of his ship; he rolled out of it, and fired his cannons again and again. Each and every shot he fired impacted in exactly the same place as the last ripping into the enemy’s armor. Unmindful of the massive G forces he was sustaining or the drugs being pumped into his system to counter them, Switch dove in for the kill. Psi cannons fired as he poured fire into the bow of the enemy piercer, he watched as hull appeared through the raggedly damage chitin, he unloaded his AM torps into rent. Mindful of the claws on his tail who were nearing disruptor range, he laughed as they launched their torpedoes at him, they seemed woefully slow. Dropping his engine power completely, Switch activated his emergency steering thrusters, his piercer banged to portside violently jarring everyone’s bodies cruelly. The torps that were locked onto his six were unable to track his turn fast enough and both claws AM’s slammed into the other piercers bow. Switch slammed the ship foreword at the same time he activated the steering jets again, forcing the ship into a violent whipping role that was nearly impossible to track. The claws, split up turning hard to narrowly avoid the exploding piercers rapidly expanding fireballs destructive range, and watched in helpless fury as the Switch’s piercer deftly avoid both the fireball and them.
Dark, braced between a support beam and the interdictors energy shunt, had just finalized the last adjustment to the interdictor, he was just about to tell Switch the good news when the ship lurched once to the portside, hard dislodging him from his up to now safe perch. He scrambled franticly to get to his acceleration cocoon fighting the punishing G forces which with out his engineering apparatus and his newly gained temporary endurance, would have surly killed him by now. Just as he was pulling himself up into the safety of the cocoon the ship lurched violently to the portside again, and he was pulled off balance by an incredibly powerful surging foreword roll. Dark was thrown left to right, up and down as he was slammed repeatedly around the cramped confines of the engineering compartment. He eventually impacted with the blast door at the end of the room, stopping his wild ride after nearly one hundred yards of punishing, bone crushing blows. Darkscorpions last conscious effort was send a weak mental cry to Switch, that the interdictor was ready, then he knew nothing more.


  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-28 15:49   
wow, thats like watching the Enterprise Getting beaten up by a Borg Sphere

  Email GothThug {C?}
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