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Forum Index » » English (General) » » DS on Ubuntu?
 Author DS on Ubuntu?

Joined: September 19, 2022
Posts: 1
Posted: 2022-09-19 09:11   
Sorry for making this thread, but I'm really curious how do you install Dark Space on Ubuntu?

| Dark Hiigaran |
Chief Marshal

Joined: July 07, 2007
Posts: 426
From: Slovenia (Europe)
Posted: 2022-09-29 17:16   
Darkspace works with WINE.

I didn't test it on Ubuntu but I have Manjaro and I'm using Lutris (WINE under the hood) to run the GCQL and the game. No tinkering was required, everything worked out of the box and was practically plug and play from installation to running the game.

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Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 1789
Posted: 2022-10-04 18:56   
Support via WINE is pretty good nowadays. The biggest issue you'll likely have is with audio, but that's more of a WINE/distro/driver issue than DarkSpace.

1st Rear Admiral
Interstellar Cultural Confederation United

Joined: December 02, 2022
Posts: 3
From: Alberta Canada
Posted: 2022-12-04 09:35   
wine would not work on mine dident matter what i did, so i got mad and now i have windows lol
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