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 Author I may be removing ship modding...
I am Batman

Joined: September 17, 2004
Posts: 17
Posted: 2005-07-21 22:08   
I find modding very fun. I think everyone likes the personal touch, not for exploits. Simplify the weapon systems. The small, medium, heavy idea is wonderful. There only needs to be a couple options for each class. Each weapon should have a role. I also read a post that i liked a whole lot about a class value. Have only the classes scout, frigate, dessie, etc. Each weapon and device has a value. The total can't go over the class value, but you also have a limit on what class of weapon you can mount.

I don't see how modding a ship for maximum firepower is an exploit. Those kinds of ships run out of energy fast and are left stranded.

Please no matter how limited it may be, keep a little bit of modding. There is strategy in ship configuration I promise.

[ This Message was edited by: jphy123 on 2005-07-21 22:11 ]

Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 16, 2003
Posts: 156
From: Bland County
Posted: 2005-07-21 22:09   
i like it!!!!
Your in Trouble Now....

  Email Bigwolfe
Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 21, 2002
Posts: 638
From: Canada
Posted: 2005-07-21 22:21   
I flew stock ALOT

all I ever did was drop a reactor into a kluth dessie and away I went. So stock plus reactor - ECCM on a race the eccm countered everythign about their tech and tactics never made sense to me.

I have no persoanl gain here, but I do hate zerg games and that's what we'll be reverting to. If we are going to revert to stock type ships that ship layouts better make sense.

It is a major problem, at one point ship layouts are made for a reason but the game gets updated and we find the ship layout outdated, then another update and teh ship layout is counter to everything that is needed.

I don't need a cruiser with 400 ELF and psi cannons but I would like a logical layout.

Your not saying anything new... and if it's working so damn good, where are all the subscribers

Sadly the current playerbase had alot to do with that. People were frustrated with the problems we had while switching over. Also, in retrospect, the free trial may have been poorly timed. As much as we wanted new players to come and try it out, we invited everyone back before we were truely ready - ie wrinkles ironed out. So what happened is alot of veterans returned to find massive lag problems and even more whining about it in the lobby.

Sure people know the hiccups happen but when you are new and come into the lobby that is calling down the game and having a massive whinefest, you aren't going to stick around.
- Maskerade

Max Kepler
Fleet Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: March 08, 2002
Posts: 589
From: ICS Victory
Posted: 2005-07-21 22:28   
I'd just like to make a little monologue on why the old, non-modding universe was fun. It's true, modding adds its own element of fun, but it really _does_ slow down gameplay, I think.

When you went out into the battle field and to the front line, you were usually chatting with your buddies, "What's the situation out there?" or taking a look at it yourself on your navigation screen. Now, when someone responded with "Five Assault Dreads, and 3 Combat Dreads", you knew exactly what you were up against and what you should take to combat that threat. You knew how to fly against the enemy, what tactics generally worked, and so forth. You knew whether missiles were a good idea or bad, and whether larger or smaller ships were needed.

Combat was an art. You switched into various modes when you began approaching enemy vessels. You knew what you were fighting against. And, when you died, you hopped into another ship that best fit the situation, and sped as fast as you could back to the battle.

When you lost a ship, you really didn't care so much. Yes, you lost prestige for the death, but you probably gained that much or more in your attack.

Now, when modding became feasible and popular, things began to change. The ships with the "better" slots became superior to those with "inferior" slots. Some types of ship just phased out of existence (ICC Combat Dread, for example). People spent forever building their super dreadnought instead of fighting desperately for the planets you were supposed to desperately fight for. People who took stock ships were usually actually mocked for taking them ("A stock ship? Wow. We've got a noob here.").

When you went into battle, you had no idea what to suspect. Was a mine ship? Was it a torpedo boat? Was it loaded with missiles? Was it more of a general-purpose ship? You could never tell until you actually engaged the ship.

Combat was a precarious thing, for the most part.

Done with fun-ness. Now realism. And when we are talking about realism, the sides balance somewhat equally.

It is certainly realistic that certain types of ships would be made so as to mass produce them. Modifying ships beyond a few specifications would be a rare thing. And you certainly wouldn't take that time away from the time that that ship could be on the front lines, defending planets.

However, it is also realistic that you would place priority on keeping ships alive. Modded ships brought this point out, because you might get your Fleet mates to escort you out of an interdictor field because your modded ship was heavily damaged and needed repairs. You don't throw ship crews and ships away so lightly, as is usually the case with stock ships.

We don't need to talk about balance, since it goes to the non-modding hands down. Things are much easier to balance when you have a set of ships, instead of a spectrum.

So then, this would be my recommendation -- make Resources exceedingly rare. Make people spend time jumping through systems to be able to get to the line. Make it so that ships are _valued_. If you knew there weren't enough resources nearby to get back to the front line for some time, you wouldn't throw your ship away so easily. And it would be strategic to survive.

Maybe you could accomplish this by having the resources on a planet reset to 0 after it is taken over. After all, when you're taken over, you really don't want to give people resources to fuel their war effort. I don't know.

That's my little assessment on the situation.

  Email Max Kepler   Goto the website of Max Kepler
Jim Starluck
Templar Knights

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 2232
From: Cincinnati, OH
Posted: 2005-07-21 22:53   

On 2005-07-21 21:39, Faustus wrote:

Look, it's REALLY simple... modding and upgrading, take such a large amount of time an effort (earning the credits, finding the parts, etc...) ... so once you've got a modded ship, you'll do anything and everything to keep from getting destroyed. This is what detracts from the core of this game which is combat.

Correct me if I am wrong here...but is not the point of combat to destroy the enemy without being destroyed yourself? Back in 1.480, I could mod up a Combat Dessie in less than 10 minutes, and I still went to great lengths to keep it alive. Hell, I did that with just about ANY ship.

I used to hear a lot of good ideas around here in the way of ship customization--custom icons on ship hulls, naming ships, and (obviously) modified armaments. And I would have LOVED a game in which I could build myself a totally customized ship.

Look I want players to have ownership in the game... but I'm realizing that the ownership should be in anything else except your ship... ownership in planets, ownership in platforms, your prestige and rank...

Because, once you give the player ownership in something that can be destroyed, they try their best to protect it.... because once that ship is lost or destroyed, guess what I've got a pissed off subscriber / player.. he / she is going to go off and bad mouth the game, get mad, unsubscribe, etc...

I agree that the current system is flawed, but that does not mean you should scrap it entirely. I have been saying since the beginning of 1.483 Beta that the modding system needed tweaking. Apparently nobody listened, because we're seeing the EXACT problems that I described: Any ship can mount any type of component. Destroyers can mount Dreadnought armor, guns and reactors.

The system needs fixing, and simplification, but just removing it entirely would VASTL decrease the appeal of the game.

Here is my proposal.

It says in the Dev Log that devices can be set to scale with ship size--i.e. a Dreadnought and a Destroyer can use the same armor, but the Dread gets a much greater bonus than the Dessie. Apply the same thing to weapons.

Get rid of the level system; it's screwy anyway. Let there just be one Railgun, one Fusion Torpedo, one IT Missile, one Psi Cannon--and then have them increase or decrease in power depending on the ship mounting them.

Scouts get rapid-firing, lower-ranged and lower-damage weapons. Dreads get slow-firing, long-range heavy-damage weapons. Everything between scales accordingly.

Simplify the slot system as well. We don't need five kinds of Launcher slots--just tweak the various weapons that go in there to be adept at certain tasks. AR Missiles could have lower damage, higher ammo and faster fire rate--best used against small, agile ships, like Frigates and Destroyers. IT Missiles could be best suited against Cruisers, and PCMs would be ideal for Dread-to-Dread work. Best of all, you can build in counters to small ships using heavy-ship weapons: PCMs and IT Missiles would have very low ammo counts for the smaller ships; so only the bigger capital ships would be able to use them effectively.

You could probably get it down to three slot types: Turret (for Railguns, Psi Cannons, Gauss Guns, etc.), Launchers (Missiles and Torpedoes) and Beams (Heavy Beams would be unusable on smaller ships due to their massive power requirements).

The system CAN work...so long as there is some steady, limiting factor involved: in this case, the number of Auxilliary Power Generators a ship has. Like weapons, they should probably scale with ship size, but every ship should have an exact pre-set number of them, which determines how many weapons it can effectively employ. A stock ship should have enough power to operate in combat with its default weapons, and those default weapons should be sufficient to engage another stock ship of its intended target.

I have one final suggestion, that will go a VERY long way to avoiding players screaming because their custom-built ships got destroyed.

When a player has modified a ship and placed it in their storage, allow them to also save the design of the ship. That way, if the one they modded gets blown up, they can go to a Shipyard and select that design like they would a default ship, and BAM! They've got a ship identical to the one they lost, with zero time wasted on modding. That alone will cut down on whining by orders of magnitude.

Place a limit on the number of designs they can store, just like how many components or actual ships they can place in their storage. If they want to change something, let them "update" that ship design. Heck, you could probably let them design a ship entirely within the storage screen if you wanted. Just so long as they only have to do it once.
If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger space battleship and try again.

  Email Jim Starluck
I am Batman

Joined: September 17, 2004
Posts: 17
Posted: 2005-07-21 23:03   
We have been debating in chat a little. I had an idea (big surprise right). The big deal is balance. What makes a ship unbalanced? uber weapons? armor strength? Right now we fire away for hours at a ship with lvl10 armor and obliterate lvl0. The levels need to go. The weapon types are good, just please post their specs so we know what they do. Lower ship damage values. I can't imagine a real space battle where it takes 30 alphas to kill a ship. How about makinga balance out of energy drain. A full alpha from a dreadnaught should kill a frigate, but the frigate should be able to out manuever torps so it won't die with 1 full alpha. The dread however shouldn't have enough energy to sustain more than a few full alphas like that. If you raised energy consumptions people would be less inclined to make those uber dreads that people complain about. Just my 2 cents on how to modify the current system.

A lot of people seem to like the system now and think it is a lot of fun, only the balance is slightly off and the lag issues. I think both can be resolved without major changes. Remember, this is what the game has developed into. If the balance is tweaked slightly and the lag fixed, everyone will be happy. It won't be perfect in everyone's mind, but we will be happy. No need for major change. I'm only talking about ships and modding, not planets, prestige, etc.

[ This Message was edited by: jphy123 on 2005-07-21 23:08 ]

Max Kepler
Fleet Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: March 08, 2002
Posts: 589
From: ICS Victory
Posted: 2005-07-21 23:06   
Okay, I really like Jim's suggestion if you want to keep the modding system alive. Would probably be a good compromise. You might want to add a bit of a resource/credit cost to creating/updating a new design. Not only for realism's sake, but also for... uhh... I don't know. Just seems like a good idea =P

I'd still be plenty happy with only stocks, though. Just to make that clear.

  Email Max Kepler   Goto the website of Max Kepler
Raven Warriors

Joined: October 08, 2002
Posts: 1656
Posted: 2005-07-21 23:16   
Here's a half-baked idea thought up in a few minutes and completely open to adjustment: What if

everyplayer could modify ships, but the more you modded a ship, the less prestige you gained usuing it.


Every player can have a modified ship that they earn half/no prestige with, a for-fun ship.

It just strikes me that as long as we have modding, there will be a populace-decided best ship with a best configuration. That generates the mentality of "If I'm not flying this ship with this configuration then I'm dead" and thus combat suffers stagnation. Perhaps modding could still exist in a very limited form such as everything but Armor, Cannons and Torpedos, and maybe engines. Stock ships would still be varied to suit different cannon and torpedo mounts, but things like ECM and ECCM, interceptor fighters and their cousins, those things could still be modified.

Russian Roulette with Muskets
Grand Admiral

Joined: September 04, 2002
Posts: 393
Posted: 2005-07-21 23:53   

On 2005-07-21 21:51, Faustus wrote:

On 2005-07-21 21:49, BackSlash *Jack* wrote:
Players like custimization. They wont feel so protective if the res loss isnt so high. Modding WORKED in 1.480, 1 and 2. There were TINY problems with slots, like flux, which have now been fixed, aswell as elf.

If you take away levels from 1.483, its near perfect. It just needs a bit of work to get on track. I dont believe removing modding is the best solution.

Your not saying anything new... and if it's working so damn good, where are all the subscribers

Look, if you have to spend an hour modding / upgrading your ship.. then your not going to be very happy about it getting destroyed.

Jeeze, thats why we have so many ship configurations already.. so we'll have a ship for every possible role, but is balanced against other factions simular ships.

Methinks, the only reason people want modding is so they can find exploits...

[ This Message was edited by: Faustus on 2005-07-21 21:53 ]

Why does it takes so long to upgrade a ship?
Because someone thought it is FUN to have items with up to 11 (or more) minutes build times. (HAH! and i assure you it wasnt ME...)

Because someone thought "bah, why give em instant buy if we can annoy them with build times?".

Simply changing the "build items" issue into "simply buy it from a list" will get rid of the "spend hours modding" problem.

Bring back groups will help noobs (get pres, badges) and vets (get supporting ships to counter things your dread/station/whatever cant take care off).

Fix the eccm ping, fix tone down beacons a bit (sao kluth defining ability is not negatet that easily) without ruining it at the same time (aka putting beacons to ships that get wiped out instantly even with splash damage).

Newest isse is kluth supply armor: give em more armor, theyl die anyway just the way ugto/icc supps die. are they supposed to tank a dread? no they arent...

dont give up o nthe current system jsut because it has some flaws.
Dont try to fix it by turnig everything upside down again.

Remember when the biggest problem were cl2k#s on kluth ships? Remember the solution? the cl2k problem has been fixed but the patch brought a new problem: flux.

Now, finally you came up with a system that actualy works and all you can think of is ditching it because of some flaws (Time sinks, you have been warned about the JATS issue a few times when the first one statet something about longer item build times and stuff like that.)

A fast paced action game and modding to your hearts content are not excluding each other.

I i wantet to play another starfleet command, id play starfleet command.
(yes, DS and SFC have many things in common).
It had stock ships, bot none of em were like: YAY, thats what i like!

If i wantet to play EVE (JATS, Just Another Tme Sink) id play eve.

I want to play DS, and (at least for me) DS stands for Action gameplay with the option to tailor a ship to my current liking.

Well, but thats only my opinion.


Jim's scaling the items based on ship type instead of level sounds like what is needed to fix the mod system. That "save ship setup" suggestion is just plain awesome, i got to repeat it forever till its in.

[ This Message was edited by: PutEADRearTorpsToFrontPlease on 2005-07-22 00:03 ]
- In firepower we trust. - I'm not buying this! -we ran out of firepower.

Grand Admiral

Joined: August 16, 2002
Posts: 327
From: Quebec, Canada
Posted: 2005-07-21 23:56   

On 2005-07-21 21:51, Faustus wrote:

On 2005-07-21 21:49, BackSlash *Jack* wrote:
Players like custimization. They wont feel so protective if the res loss isnt so high. Modding WORKED in 1.480, 1 and 2. There were TINY problems with slots, like flux, which have now been fixed, aswell as elf.

If you take away levels from 1.483, its near perfect. It just needs a bit of work to get on track. I dont believe removing modding is the best solution.

Your not saying anything new... and if it's working so damn good, where are all the subscribers

Look, if you have to spend an hour modding / upgrading your ship.. then your not going to be very happy about it getting destroyed.

Jeeze, thats why we have so many ship configurations already.. so we'll have a ship for every possible role, but is balanced against other factions simular ships.

Methinks, the only reason people want modding is so they can find exploits...

[ This Message was edited by: Faustus on 2005-07-21 21:53 ]

Ok, being someone who ALWAYS protected his ship at almost all costs, I SHOULD fit in this profile if it wasn't for one tiny detail. I love one playstyle in this game particularly over any other, the torpedo dance, I do love using beams too and it just happens to be at the core of most peoples concern... Right now you can "choose" which flavors suit your playstyle best. I hate cannons, even the sabots, I love dodging and flanking and outmaneuveur the enemy, torpedoes are best suited for this flying style which I favors over any other in this game. It isn't the end all be all of all styles, but it's my fav, everybody got one, and when they mod, they strive to achieve the best balance to fit their style, some like cannons, some prefer beams, others are missile/fighter freaks. If your remove this ability to at least choose to SOME extent our weapons, more people are gonna get pissed off cause they don't like the flying styles of the stock ships and since they can't mod any of them to at least make them "compatible" to their playing style, and you know there are many, they won't rest. And to resume what I was saying earlier, I try to perfect my playstyle as much as possible so it benefits my team ( I never heard anyone complaint about my protective behavior towards my ship after I had obliterated my share of the enemy fleet only to come back for more 2 minutes later after a quick resupply ).

Yeah, you can argue that with a profile like this, I'm only trying to protect something, but what I'm really trying to protect lies beneath all the dust, the sparkles and the profile, it's about gameplay and funfactor. Modding allows for more people to enjoy the same game, balance will always be an issue ( even with stock ships, you know the complains will still come, in droves, or in drops, they will ), but, you came near perfection for balance many times... as it was shown throughout this thread in other DS players posts.

What this is all about is the fun we get from playing the game, yes I sometimes pissed people off by my fighting style but it proved to be efficient at what it was meant to, to destroy as many ships as possible as fast as possible while minimizing friendly losses. I love team games, always did, I love being in a clan and helping fellow clanmates, I love helping other faction members in trouble and scaring away the assaillors, I love playing DS the way I "almost" want it to be ( almost is good, never give it all to someone... I don't want DS to come back to torp space, or beam space or missile space for the oldies ). I just want to have fun, the last few builds had a very good fun factor potential if not for a few flaws ( cl2ks and AC in 1480, flux after that and recently the AD mistake ). But all in all, who can clearly state that they don't enjoy every moment of modding, and even tho they'd lose all their garage in one nite, they WILL come back the next day, fill it up again only to get it emptied again, over and over, I once enjoyed it, I still enjoy it, I will always enjoy it...

BTW, I think I never really took the time to thank you and everyone at Palestar for the fun you've provided me over the years in the comfort of my own home, Thank you very much.
Mostly Retired.

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-07-22 00:43   
Too much to really respond to, but this line caught my eye...

You could never tell until you actually engaged the ship.

I forget who it was that said this (Sun Tzu possibly?) or even how close to (or more likely far from) accurate this is, but one of my favorite quotes regarding combat tactics & strategy is this...

A general has control over a select few things: his troops, his camps, his supplies on hand, his supplies that supposedly were on the way, the terrain he chooses to set camp, and when to execute the plan he has made, but once the execution of that plan has begin, all things come to randomness and the flows and ebbs of battle - for he cannot control the things that matter most, his enemy, the location the battle takes him, and the deaths of his men.

While yes, this is just a game, it simulates a galactic war and I feel that games like this should focus on gameplay primarily, but still stay true to the atmosphere of the times secondarily - meaning we SHOULDN'T know what to expect, we SHOULDN'T know what we are up against - thats just the way war is. And, I might add, thats what makes some games worth playing - the uncertainty of whats around the next corner (Doom 3 anyone?).

Yeah, just my thoughts on that matter.

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2005-07-22 00:46   
I believe that Jim found the best solution to balence to date. So good in fact, its my new staple.

He's absolutely right, do away with levels. Have weapons automatically adjust to the ship that carries them. Obviously, each ship would give a specific modifier for every weapon, that way specializes ships (such as a torp cruiser) would have more powerful torpedos than any other ship of that class, but if you chose to put something else in those slots, they would be equal or less than their cousins.

In fact, I far more support his idea than removal of modding...just a very limited, small slot system if you wanted a different style of play, but not to the point it ubers ships out more than its intended.

Additionally, the save design idea is pure unfiltered genious I would spare no hesitation in saying that would make this game even more fast paced.


Faustus, the main reason people go on all costs o save their ship, are actually two reasons. One, its because of the time involved to modifiy ships. This is easily sorted by the design idea above, and Drafs/Jacks idea on insta-get weapons/armor/components.

And two becauase the prestige loss is too high, I have worked up my own version of how we should lose prestige for losing our ships.

I agree completely to remove res lost, however, I did suggest a different way to allieviate this, while keeping prestige loss.

Copy and pasted from my other thread :

  • Scout : 6 [+5 for SD]

  • Frigate : 16 [+10 for SD]

  • Destroyer : 24 [+15 for SD]

  • Cruiser : 40 [+20 for SD]

  • Dreadnought : 64 [+35 for SD]

  • Assault Dreadnought : 104 [+55 for SD]

  • Station : 168 [+90 for SD]

  • Transport : 8. [+6 for SD]

  • Engineer : 8. [+6 for SD]

  • Supply : 16. [+12 for SD]

Its design is simple, smaller ships would face very little loss if they died (thus, keeping the game more newb oritented) while the higher you go, the more you lost changes drastically. I also seperated normal Dreadnoughts from Assault, due to that Assault will likely be reworked to be somewhat more useful and powerful.

However with the SD modifier...

My proposal, is that when a ship SDs, they sacrifice more prestige based on ship class for the benefit of double the damage dealt, with no prestige gain from doing so. The intention of this is simply to disrupt an enemy from achieving their goal with enough of a bang.



Grand Admiral

Joined: November 10, 2002
Posts: 381
Posted: 2005-07-22 00:56   
I confess I could not read the entire topic, and hats off to you Faustus if you actually did.

I love modding, but the system as it is now seems broken. Mech Warrior, a game I am sure you are all familiar with, got modding right. So did SFC III, a game which superficially resmebles some basic aspects of DS.

IF modding were removed, I think a few more variants of each class would need to be introduced. To me the allure of ship modding is that one may personalize a ship to suit ones style of fighting. I always wanted DS to move towards greater modding fleibility, a view that apparently I share only with myself. Would be great if one could add an extra engine at the cost of some weapons, or vice versa. Let the players modding choices be his doom!!

But I agree to that the game used to be a hell of a lot more fun. I am very early done playing because it just isnt fun like it used to be. To me, the game is about theplayers, and if more people will play because modding is gone, then I am all for it.


Captain Sternn
Grand Admiral

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 225
Posted: 2005-07-22 01:21   

On 2005-07-21 15:39, Carns wrote:

The next big issue is... you say unmodded stock ships. We fear your implementation of said stock ships. Since 1.481, when I joined, I have wondered what drunken Soviet designer in a Siberian gulag crapped out the incredible abortions called combat vessels in this far future conflict. Nearly every design seemed to be an impossible effort to cram the cruddiest possible version of the crudiest equipment in a bizarro world configuration with absolute intent that better should be built in a factory and modded in for every slot. Now, if, before modding, actual useable designs could be bought from the shipyard, that is a different story... but I have never seen them. While Tael has climbed the cross and announced the creation of the plan of the methodical and mathatically balanced hulls, I feel that perhaps a simpler way is available.

Despite claims to the contrary and a few oddballs of playstyle, after all the modding of a hull is complete, the loadouts are remarkably similar, from a newbie to an FA, there is usually a long range mod and a short range mod of each vessel and very little deviation. Thus, instead of Tael having to design and create all three factions alone, why not simply inquire us, the playerbase. Given a base hull capacity, I am certain a number of players would be delighted to assist in equipment selection and placement of arcs. I can assure you, ECCM and rear firing weapons would be minimal

As for the levels, that is where it gets very scary. The concept of levels is not so bad... it is the current implementation on stock ships that leaves one scratching his head. The biggest level scare is that larger ships have higher levels. Larger ships have more slots. Larger ships have more defensive absorbsion.

How many times I have cursed that drunken ship designer....

I like ship modding...I like games that allow me to design ships...I like to design...

I think alot of people like to modify ships...it's kinda like realife in that respect, there are those that beieve a car is to get from point A to point B.

Then there are those that like to modify things..to make it more than what it was...in effect, make it better.

I like to modify ships, not to find exploits as Faustus alluded too, but in order to make a ship fill a particular role.

I find joy in coming up with particually dangerous loadouts... I just think the current implementation needs to be addressed.

I agree with removing buying items from starport and removing building items at planets.

It just clogs up the game...makes sense do it.

Have ship mods either done at or on a screen after ship selection and before spawn..favorite Mods could be saved and keyed for instant delivery.AS long as you had enough mod points...and no I don't mean the ones you get from being extra nice to the MODS.

how about rewarding good ship Captains, I know I know we do already with ranks etc...but how about reward within ranks.

Based on a point system that calculates how well you did prestige wise with your last ship OF THAT PARTICULAR HULL.Ships damaged prestige used for combat ships..planets damaged prestige for bombers...ships repaired prestige for sups..etc. We keep track of these stats already although they serve little purpose after the badges have been aquired.

Did well? you get to do certain mods.Did poorly? sorry you cant outfit the ship the same way you did last time.

It would act as a much faster version of realife inquiry following the destruction of a captains ship.If someone reaches a certain negative aspect to any particular score related to a certain ship hull....maybe they arent qualified to fly that ship anymore....and might have to do exceptionally well in the next lower hull of the same type.I don't know just a thougt anyway.

It would address people abusing certain ships to make the goal of the day.

It would make people accountable for their actions.

Ideally I would like a game that allows all things moddable..based on a hull size number and a value attached to certain items.

With certain drawbacks to having an exess of one item to the extreme...such as lower speed/acceration with too much armor etc.

I doubt DS could be THAT game, just what I would like.


Chief Marshal

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 1276
Posted: 2005-07-22 01:22   
I stopped reading after Jim's topic... because I no longer needed to.

Jim, I like it. I like you. Lets get married.

Wait, no, wrong train of thought.

I like it. I think I've suggested remarkably similar systems, though it may all be in my head; only my shrink can say. Its a great system, regardless. And the thing about saving designs, my friend, is pure, unadulterated, absolute BRILLIANCE!

Do it, do it now.

  Email Mithrandir
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