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Revision as of 20:35, 29 December 2011

Engineer ships built planetary infrastructure as well as platforms.


ST-11 Engineering Ship

Role: Light Engineering

Weapons: 6 chemical beam lasers

Rank Requirement: Midshipman

Badges required: None

ST-12 Advanced Engineering Ship

Role: Rapid Engineering

Weapons: 2 chemical beam lasers

Rank Requirement: 1st Lieutenant

Badges required: Bronze Engineer


ME-110 Engineering Ship

Role: Light Engineering

Weapons: 6 chemical beam lasers

Rank Requirement: Ensign

Badges required: None

ME-115 Engineering Ship

Role: Rapid Engineering

Weapons: 2 chemical beam lasers

Rank Requirement: 2nd Lieutenant

Badges required: Bronze Engineering

ME-117 Engineering Ship

Role: Engineer / Resupply

Weapons: 2 chemical beam lasers

Rank Requirement: 1st Lieutenant

Badges required: Bronze Engineering


Drone Engineer

Role: Engineer

Weapons: 6 disruptors

Rank Requirement: Midshipman

Badges required: None

Advanced Drone Engineer

Role: Engineer

Weapons: 2 disruptors

Rank Requirement: Lieutenant Commander

Badges required: Bronze Engineering and Bronze Transport.



Role: Engineer


[Cut to the UGTO Engineer sitting in space around a planet with Wilco's 'Someone Else's Song' playing on the speakers]

Engineer: "Hey look buddy, I'm an Engineer, that means I solve problems."

[A Railgun round flies near the Engineer, he ignores it]

Engineer: "Not problems like 'What is Lobbyghost?', because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy."

[Two Missiles fly towards the engineer, close to the Engineer's fore. The missiles explode before hitting the ship]

Engineer: "I solve practical problems."

[The Engineer ship finishes up a weapon platform next to him. The drones return to the ship as the weapon platform spins towards an unseen enemy. An explosion occurs. [The Engineer starts to build something on the planet. The Prestige counter clicks up from 209-241]

Engineer: "Fr'instance..."

[The camera shows an ICC Frigate in the background trying to sneak up on the Engineer]

Engineer: "...How am I going to stop some big mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind?"

[The weapon platform notices and kills the Frigate . The Prestige counter clicks up to 278]

Engineer: "The answer..."

[A sensor platform next opens fire and kills a k'luth scout with the help of a weapon platform. The ship explodes and the Prestige counter clicks up to 313]

Engineer: "...use a gun. And if that don't work.... [The planet fires a volley of anti-ship weaponry past the Engineer] ...use more gun."

[A large explosion is seen. The Prestige counter clicks up to 354 as a piece of debris drifts towards the Engineer]

Engineer: "Like this heavy caliber, Spinal-Reinforced little 'ol number designed by me..."

[The Engineer tractors the debris, which is shot out at by a weapon platform]

Engineer: "...Built by me..."

[The weaon platform shoots yet another attacker. The Prestige Counter clicks up to 401.]

Engineer: "...and you'd best hope...not pointed at you."

[The camera zooms out from the Engineer as his Weapon Platforms continue to devastate the attackers. It is revealed that the Engineer is sitting around Exathra with an ICC Fleet assaulting him]