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Torpedos were some of the earliest space-borne weapons avaliable, and continuw to play a huge role in modern warfare. Basically Missiles without propulsion, relying on initial speed and inertia to take them to their targets. This makes torpedos strictly close-in weapons, although they do massive damage to compensate. All torpedos need a dedicated laucher to operate. Each Faction has it's own Torpedo technology they use exclusively.

Torpedos can be remotely detonated in game by pressing Shift+Weapon group assignment

Fusion Tropedo

The direct technological descendent of the torpedo used aboard the ill-fated Guardian, the ship that saved Earth from Ragnarock, this torpedo is the most well grounded and dependable of the warring factions. The torpedo itself is an active nuclear fusion reaction suspended in in a decaying maganetic field, controlled by a small command module. The reaction is started at lauch by the injection of deuterium from an onboard cache. While the modern iteration gives much more stability and control than it's ancestor, it still has a limited range and the slightly archaic technology means the tropedo is the least damaging.

  • Faction: ICC
  • Maximum Range: 400 ~ 360
  • Ammo: 60 - (Gadget Level *2)
  • Damage: ???
  • Blast Range: 11 + (Level * 1) Gu
  • Blast damage: ???
  • Recharge Time: 3.5 ~ 6.3 seconds
  • Energy Drain: 0.12/s

Proton Torpedo

The Proton Torpedo is the weapon of choice for UGTO commanders. Of the torpedos, the "P Torp" as it is often called has medium range and average damage. Proton Torpedos are a standard nuclear device, detonated by a feeder explosion, bombarding the volatile core with protons. The resultant detonation is highly damaging.

Faction: UGTO Maximum Range: 370 ~ 320 Ammo: 50 - (Level * 2) Damage: ??? Blast Range: 13 + (Level * 1) Gu Blast damage: ??? Recharge Time: 3.7 ~ 7 seconds Energy Drain: 0.14/s

Anti-Matter Torpedo

The most damaging Torpedo, but with the shortest range, K'luth artisans have created a true terror with this weapon. A lauched Magnetic containment canister, the Anti-matter is kept from interacting with real matter until it hits another object or it is remotely detonated. Once the torpedo hits a ship, the victim's vessel is torn apart by the massive Anitmatter-matter reaction, as well as bombarded by extra Anti-matter, inflicting more damage upon the hapless Spacecraft.

Faction: K'luth Maximum Range: 330 ~ 265 Gu Ammo: 40 - (Level * 2) Damage: ??? Blast Range: 15 gu + (Level * 1) Gu Blast damage: ??? Recharge Time: 4 ~ 7.5 seconds Energy Drain: 0.16/s