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This is some introductory text to the weapons category that should be replaced as this page nears completion.


Cannon weapons are the standard choice for most military space ships, providing dummy ranged projectile volleys by firing in a precalculated arc towards the enemy, the Cannon type weapon has provided most military entities with a cheap and effective option to defend themselves with and has led to a great many variations to allow for most combat situations.

Particle Cannon

Particle Cannon

Heavy Particle Cannon

Heavy Particle Cannon

A heavy version of the Particle Cannon.

EMP Cannon

Cannon primarly used against ICC shields;doesen't do much damage to armor but interferes with a ship's internal systems once you penetrate through their armor [i.e. weapons,reactors,engines etc.]

Heavy EMP Cannon

Heavy EMP Cannon

A heavy version of the EMP Cannon.



The is the standard cannon device for most ICC ships, with a Magazine of 90 rounds and the ability to fire 5 accelerated projectiles every 3 seconds. Captains are warned the Railgun provides the same yield regardless of distance or time.

The standard Railgun costs a Captain 30 resources and can only be bought from suppliers with a technology rating of 5 or higher.

Heavy Railgun

Heavy Railgun

The Heavy Railgun is the higher powered version of the standard Railgun, features the same magazine and rate of fire but with a bigger charge yield. Captains are warned the Heavy Railgun provides the same yield regardless of distance or time.

The Heavy Railgun costs a Captain 60 resources and can only be bought from suppliers with a technology rating of 10 or higher.

Gauss Gun

This weapon uses carefully timed magnetic chambers to fire a projectile at an incredible speed and range. The damage output is smaller than the rail gun but this weapon can be used effectively if your good at keeping a distance or just holding off a fleet at your planet with an interdictor on it.

The Gauss Gun is faster than the Railgun(at least it will be in 1.672) but uses more energy.

Beam Weapons

Beam weapons fire a short-ranged beam that deals damage over time while the beam is active. Beams never miss unless the target moves out of range or leaves the firing arc of the weapon.

Standard Chemical Laser

Standard Chemical Laser

Heavy Chemical Laser

Heavy Chemical Laser

The Heavy Chemical Laser provides ships with a 5 second burst of pure energy, inflicting massive damage to ships at close range. The HCM, although can be used in point defence, Captains are warned that the HCM is not designed for this function and can result in additional power loss. The HCM has a range of 250gu.

Flux Beam

Flux Beam

Chemical Beam Laser

Chemical Beam Laser

The Chemical Beam laser provides ICC ships with a 5 second burst of pure energy, inflicting massive damage to ships at close range. The CBL also provides ICC ships with a higher powered, but slower, point defence system against larger missiles or troop drop pods or a direct attack weapon on higher class ships. Captains are warned the CBL is effective against most armour and shield types, however new Reflective armour technologies have reduced it's ability.

The CBL costs a Captain 45 resources and can only be bought from suppliers with a technology rating of 5 or higher.

Pulse Beam

Pulse Beam

The Pulse Beam provides ICC ships with a tactical point defence option without affecting power. The Pulse Beam has a low yield charge designed to destroy close non-ship targets. The Pulse Beam tracks a targets engine emissions and fires when within range. Captains are warned the Pulse Beam cannot target torpedo's, as they are propelled at launch and do not have engines. (and therefore no emissions)

The Pulse Beam costs a Captain 50 resources and can only be bought from suppliers with a technology rating of 15 or higher.



Assault Disruptors

Assault Disruptors

ELF Beams

ELF beams commonly found on kluth ships,are energy leaching lasers that take energy from the victim ship and transferrs it to the host ship for use.

Death Beam

Most devastatingly unhumanlike weapon in the metaverse, this weapon is used by MI to Raze entire planets.Scans show that life is eliminated on a planet once this weapon is used. Also can cause critical damage to any ship and instantly kill anything below a dreadnought.


Missiles are the longest ranged weapons of the metaverse. Ever since the begenning of the Cold War era we wanted the most powerful delivered explosions possible but had to limit our science as to not destroy mankind but now in wide space, rules change which means we could put just about anything in a rod with fins on it and launch it at something. Missiles come in 3 tiers 1 2 and 3.

Sabot rocket

Sabot rocket

Ion Tracking missile

Ion Tracking missile

Anti-radar missile

Anti-radar missle



Linear Drive missiles

Linear Drive missiles

Proton Cruise missiles

Proton Cruise missiles

Harpex missiles

Harpex missiles


Torpedoes are powerful, unguided projectiles that inflict plenty of damage within their blast radius. They are slow-moving and relatively inaccurate as a result.

Proton Torpedo

Proton Torpedo

Fusion Torpedo

Fusion Torpedo

The Fusion Torpedo provides a shaped fusion charge formed around a sleek armoured shell, capable of fast speeds to ensure swift and massage damage. The Fusion Torpedo mounts come with a standard capacity of 50 Torpedo's, able to launch and reload within 5 seconds providing ICC with an effective, low power Torpedo option.

Antimatter Torpedo


This torpedo, composed primarly of an anti-matter fuse, detonates when it comes into contact into any form of matter (namely ships) and begins to react with matter causing a chain reaction to occur. Causes heavy damage to small vessles and ships. Commonly found on kluth ships.

Energy Torpedo

Used primarly by the MI Legion these torpedos are comprised of highly heated energy microbes which easily take down any form of armor. Though no one else knows how to create such a destructive weapon or decode the MI's binary codes the MI are the only ones who know how to create such a weapon.

Core Weapons

Usually found on dreadnaughts and stations, core weapons are powerful, long-ranged projectile weapons that fire single highly-damaging shots.

Quantum Singularity Torpedo

Quantum Singularity Torpedo

Ion Cannon

ION Cannons use electricaly charged particles packed together which detonates at impact of it's target.Primarly used by ICC to engage stations at long range this weapon has lower damage yield than stellar incenerator but compensates by firing 2 volleys rather than one and a longer range.

Stellar Incinerator

Stellar Incinerator