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DarkSpace - Beta
1.744 - Release
- Re-enabled ship AI planet avoidance. -Pantheon
- Players can now change whether audio is lost on focus loss within the [Client] section of DarkSpace's config.ini by setting MuteOnFocusLoss=0/1. -Pantheon
1.743 - Release
- MI Structure rebalancing, phase 1. New MI Hub structure. -SnipeDragon
- New planetary unit type, Armored Units, cannot be unloaded onto ships and cannot defend your ship if boarded. Armored Units will be added for each faction and will be trainable in the Barracks. These units have a high health pool, slow health regen and are capable of attacking enemy units on a planet at range. -SnipeDragon
- Base faction AI increased two-fold. -Pantheon
- AI avoidance time doubled to encourage them to stop making terminal love to planets. -Pantheon
1.741 - Release
- Sensor, stealth and recon ICC scouts now have a new gadget: Weapon Disruptor. This gadget allows them to reduce the weapon range of one enemy at a time. - BlackYoup
- Fix navigation keys (A-D / Left-Right) that get stuck when the player alternates holding. The ship will now correctly turn following the pressed keys. - BlackYoup
- Fix Gadget positions on ICC Missile Cruiser. - Walrus of Apathy
- Mute game sounds when game window is not the focus. - Pantheon
- Lowered chatter volume. - Pantheon
- Building a structure now targets it after initiating the build. - BlackYoup
- Fixed over saturated lights on ship texutres. - Pantheon
- Tweaked DarkSpace UberShader to produce better shadows and less ambient light saturation. - Pantheon
- AI faction spawners have been reworked. Shipyards continue to create faction spawners that will spawn AI for the faction of the parent planet, but will now spawn variable amounts of AI dependant on the rank of players in the sector and what ships they're flying. - Pantheon
- AI Engineers will no-longer spawn from faction spawners, and will instead spawn one for each planet with a Colony Hub. Engineers will cease to spawn at the planet if there are no structure slots left, or the planet is locked. Additionally, blockade and strike events prevent engineers from being created. - Pantheon
- AI Engineers will build defense bases on planets again now. - Pantheon
- Fixed an issue wherein entering a wormhole whilst within a safezone would render your weapons unusable. - Pantheon
1.730 - Release
- Conform and smooth pitch and yaw camera movement. - Pantheon
- Being in orbit of an enemy planet allows you to enter the engineering screen. - Pantheon
- Boosted out of combat jump drive charge rate by 30%. - Pantheon
- Reworked AI spawn logic. - Pantheon
1.720 - Release
- Updated out of combat mechanic. 10 seconds base + 10 seconds for every ship level. - Pantheon
(Examples: Scout old: 30s, Scout new: 30s, Dread old: 30s, Dread new: 70s)
- Fixed planetary interdictors. - Pantheon
- You can only use Engineering view (F3) on faction owned planets now. - Pantheon
- MI faction rebalance. - Eledore
- Added GadgetModifierEW. This gadget can modify enhancement variables on enemy ships. - BlackYoup
- Navigation: add a map reset angle button. - BlackYoup
- Navigation: Reset camera when the reset camera angle button is pressed. - BlackYoup
- Population is now one order of magnitude more difficult to kill, control doesn't reset when population hits 0. - Pantheon
- Jump disruption aura changed to -50% charge rate. - Pantheon
- Stars now describe what sector they belong to in their name. - Pantheon
1.710 - Release
- The Platinum Star medal has been added to the game. The requirements are the same as for the other 'Star' medals. Platinum Combat, Platinum Bomber, Platinum Transport, Platinum Engineer and Platinum Support.
- Scouting badges have been added to the game, requirements are as follows:

-- Bronze Scouting: 50 Scout Prestige
-- Silver Scouting: 500 Scout Prestige
-- Gold Scouting: 1000 Scout Prestige
-- Platinum Scouting: 5000 Scout Prestige
- Multicore support is now automated for all Intel Core and AMD Ryzen systems.
- Prestige loss upon death has now been removed.
- Infantry now take damage based upon the distance from the hex they are on instead of their actual world position (somewhere above the atmosphere).
1.705 - Release
- Improved logging on enhancements.
1.704 - Release
- -Metaverse now plays 3 systems per map at a time, functionally similar to Scenario (it's still the same size, same number of planets, same number of star systems). Winning one set will progress the map to another sector. Maps will cycle every 5 days, assuming win conditions havent been met sooner than that.

- Narrowband and Focused EWAR now have hit effects on their targets. ECM will produce green rings, ECCM will produce orange ones.

- Torpedo AoE radius adjusted:
-- Scouts get a much bigger AoE
-- Frigates get a somewhat bigger AoE
-- Destroyers get a little bigger AoE
-- Cruisers get the same AoE (sucks to be them)
-- Dreadnoughts get a little smaller AoE
-- Stations get a much smaller AoE

-- These will be a mod option for each faction's bomb slot. They're as slow as mines, unguided and have a very long cooldown, but each shot does the same damage as a Core Torpedo and they fire in a salvo of 4. They also have a crazy-huge AoE.
-- Intended for use against stationary targets and fixed fortifications (*coughplatspamcough*), so Bomber ships aren't just there to sweep up the planet after the party's over.
- Resources lost is now scaled based on faction balance. If one faction has 10 players and the other faction has 5, then the smaller faction will gain Resources lost at half the rate.
- Fixed issue with Aura's getting reset when moving through gates or using a ship yard.
- Updated rendering engine to allow for playing back one shot ship damage effects.
- Interdictor changes:
* Are now position at the center of the planet, rather than the structure.
* Scale with the planet radius. If the planet you stick it on has a radius of 200 gu, then the interdictor range will be upped to 1200 gu.
* Sprite effect is now locked to the correct axis and scales according to the radius.
- Running Electronic Warfare devices now earns you Scouting points, which lets you earn presstige!
- ECM earns points when affecting friendly ships (not your own, though)
- ECCM earns points when affecting enemy ships
- Works on Recon Fighters too!
- Tweaked missile intercept code to allow them to function as intended.
- Implement sound priority system so we can prioritize sound effects and make it so no sound effects are lost. Additionally, implemented system to prevent multiple sounds of the same type from playing all at once.
- Added 48000Khz audio support. Set default to 44100Khz now as is the default Windows standard.

Changed default number of audio voices from 16 to 64. Choices in setup are now 32, 64, or 128. Voices are clamped to be between 32 and 128 now.
- New background art courtesy of Ferrin @115436
1.703 - Release
- Cloak changes:
The cloaking device now has an entirely new method of operation:
- The cloaking device only consumes energy during the act of going from completely visible to completely invisible. Once the ship is fully-cloaked, it stops draining energy entirely.
- The total amount of energy it takes to cloak is proportional to the ship's signature and its maximum energy capacity:
-- At or below 0.0 signature it costs no energy to cloak.
-- Every 1.0 signature above that increases energy cost by 2% of the ship's maximum energy capacity.
-- At 50 signature, it costs 100% of maximum energy capacity to cloak.
-- If your ship does not have enough energy to meet the projected cost of cloaking, YOU CANNOT ACTIVATE THE DEVICE. It will remain unavailable until you have enough energy or your signature drops low enough.
-- If the ship had enough energy when it started to cloak, but then that changes partway through--like, say, thanks to someone turning on ECCM--the cloak will stall and the ship will remain visible until it can again get sufficient energy or lower its signature. The ship CAN continue firing its weapons in this situation, but since that raises signature it might not be that great an idea.
- Once the cloak is active, it has a finite limit to how long it can remain active. Smaller ships can only stay cloaked for a short time; bigger ships can remain cloaked longer.
- The cloak also has a substantial cooldown that begins after the ship has finished decloaking; again, shorter for small ships, longer for big ones. At the moment the cooldown is set to be about 2/3rds as long as the duration, so if you can keep recloaking as soon as it's available you'll be invisible more than 50% of the time.
-- The cloak does not drain energy during its cooldown.

Torpedo changes:
- Rebalanced primary torpedo weapons (Fusion, Proton and Antimatter) to do more damage in a single attack but have a longer cooldown. Same overall DPS.
- Adjusted profile of torpedo damage. Each projectile starts off inflicting pure area damage. As the ship gets bigger the area grows larger but the amount of area damage remains the same; instead, the torpedo begins to inflict damage directly to its target on top of the area damage. End result: larger ships catching you in the AoE of their torpedoes will be much less damaging.
-- SABOT Rockets still inflict purely direct damage, no AoE at all. Modest reduction in DPS, though.
- Fixed miscalculated damage on ELF Torps (were inflicting 3x more damage than intended).

Missile changes:
- Rebalanced missiles... AGAIN.
-- Skirmish missiles are now short-ranged and fire 3 missiles in a volley, but have a very long cooldown. High salvo damage, low DPS.
-- Strike missiles are now long-ranged. They still fire only one missile at a time, but have a shorter cooldown than Skirmish and will inflict superior DPS over the long run.

Armor changes:
- K'Luth Chitin Armor HP reduced from a base of 40,500 hp to 36,000 hp. Regen and per-level hp adjusted accordingly.
- K'Luth Dusk Armor signature strength doubled from -0.15 sig per level to -0.3 sig per level.
- UGTO Stealth Armor HP increased from a base of 22,500 hp to 30,000 hp. Regen and per-level hp adjusted accordingly.

Other changes:
- Valence Autocannon effects toned down. Their projectile is less stretchy and their impact effect has fewer particles. Should lead to less framerate impact when using them.
- Fixed some ICC Transports starting off with 4 infantry in their cargo when newly-spawned instead of the usual 2; all transports now spawn with 2 infantry.
1.702 - Release
- Added email field to bug reports and fixed issue with client log getting cleared before the bug report is sent.
- Fixed issue with unique ID generation on mufti-core systems creating conflicting ID's that was resulting in client crashes.
- New weapon! The Valence Autocannon is now a mod option for Railguns and Gauss Guns. Extremely rapid-fire and short-ranged, with higher energy use than its counterparts. Only ICC cannon with falloff over range. Inflicts Energy damage instead of Kinetic, unlike most cannons.
- New defense! Ghost Shields will reduce your signature while active. Amount of signature reduction increases with ship level and percentage of shield strength. Lower HP and regen than any other shield, though.
- Pulse Shield charge rate reduced from 12 to 4. Drains less energy, but now has a cooldown of 90 seconds. Use it wisely!
- Improved Ion Cannon effects! Now with a bright blue trail and a larger, more visible projectile!
- Ship layout changes:
-- M-194X Rapid Assault Destroyer: Changed from Beam/Torpedo/Missile to Beam/Torpedo/Cannon, using the new Valence Autocannons on stock layout
-- M-230L Light Cruiser: Cannons re-arranged for stronger broadside firepower
-- M-240Y Auxiliary Cruiser: Converted from a PD ship to a Minelayer
-- M-228C/E Escort Carrier, aka the "Guppy": Converted from a Tier 2 Escort/Carrier to Tier 1 Carrier, gets double-shield layout
-- M-232S Stealth Cruiser: Converted from a Tier 1 EWAR Cruiser to Tier 2 EWAR/Missile Cruiser
-- M-241B/N Jump Cruiser: Changed from Command/Missile to Command/Bomber, with three Planet Siege Missiles on stock layout
-- M-239A/L-M Strike Cruiser: Changed from Beam/Cannon/Missile to Torp/Cannon/EWAR and finally gets its Ion Cannons back!
-- M-500A Line Station: Ion Cannons replaced with Variance Torpedoes to make the station less supreme at long range.

- New weapon! The Telekinetic Torpedo is now a mod option for AM and ELF Torps. Longer-ranged and lower-damage, it inflicts Kinetic damage instead of Energy.
- New defense! Dusk Armor will reduce your signature while active. Amount of signature reduction increases with ship level and percentage of armor strength. Lower HP and regen than any other armor, though.
- Ship layout changes:
-- Nest: Stellar Incinerators replaced with Neutronium Torpedoes to make the station less supreme at long range.

- New weapons! EMP Missiles and Heavy EMP Missiles are now mod options for Peregrine/Sparrow missiles and Raptor/Phoenix missiles, respectively. These mid-range, mid-damage missiles inflict EMP/Kinetic damage on impact.
- New defense! Stealth Armor will reduce your signature while active. Amount of signature reduction increases with ship level and percentage of armor strength. Lower HP and regen than any other armor, though.
- Improved effects! All Flux weapons now have lightning arcs on projectile and impact effects, increasing their awesome levels by 150%!
-- Made with lightning!
- Flux Wave damage now scales with level; much more powerful on larger ships
- Ship layout changes:
-- ST-73 Interceptor Cruiser: Cannons re-arranged for stronger forward firepower
-- ST-162 Battle Station: Heavy Positron Cannons replaced with Quantum Singularity Torpedoes to make the station less supreme at long range.

Global Changes
- Wormhole Drives now have a uniform 5-minute cooldown for all ships, activation hotkey changed from B to Y to avoid conflict with Bombs
- Signature-increasing defenses (Chitin & Reflective Armor, Active, Auxiliary, Reactive and Skirmish Shields) now properly scale their signature amount with their HP %
- Missiles have had their velocity trends reversed. Lower-level missiles are slower and higher-level missiles are faster, instead of vice-versa. Should finally fix missile accuracy issues!
- Station-launched missile minimum range increased from 700 gu to 1000 gu
- Transports now count for double when capturing a planet

Released November 17, 2013

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