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10.8 K'luth Informational Database
Also, here are links to the fiction. This describes the K'Luth in some detail. Check it out if you want to know something about them.

It's in four parts:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Society and odds and ends:
Part 4
10.8.1 Part 1: Biology
The biology of the K'Luth is a curious thing. Of all the life forms we have encountered, they are the only ones that defy easy classification. We have identified two sub-species of K'Luth. One is the Warrior Caste, and the other is the Artisan Caste. The Warrior Caste seems to be specific to personal combat duties, while the Artisan Caste is found in all roles in K'Luth society, including combat. Thusly the Artisan Caste greatly outnumbers the Warrior Caste. Due to the presence of two distinct Castes, the chimera qualities of their biology, and the religious history of the K'Luth, our scientists believe that at some point in their past they engineered themselves to their current state.

Basic design

While from outward appearance some identify them as insectoid, on closer inspection this is found to be patently false. The basic physical configuration of the K'Luth is actually remarkably similar to a human in its overall proportions and sectioning. They possess the basic head, torso, and abdomen, as well as arms and legs. They have four arms, each with four fingers. Two of these digits oppose the others, in effect giving them two "thumbs" on each hand. Their legs posses some vestige of having been grasping limbs in their past evolution, though this seems to have changed in the recent evolutionary cycle to allow them to be bi-pedal life forms with locomotion similar to humans. The design of their arms and legs lends some credence to them having evolved from tree dwelling stock at some point, though this cannot be verified without some information on their home world. In the Warrior Caste, the upper arms are specialized into being clawed melee weapons, and have no ability to manipulate objects with any skill. The Warrior Caste is also larger, and significantly more massive than the Artisan Caste.


As mentioned before, the K'Luth defy classification in our traditional terms. While they posses cartilaginous plates over some parts of their bodies, they also have a fully developed endoskeleton. This endoskeleton is roughly the same density as a human, with similar ability to bear weight and stress. This system allows them to have a slightly higher chance of sustaining less damage than a human from low technology weapons. The Warrior Caste has much more chitin on its surface, with a much higher density to it. Their endoskeleton is also denser, with reinforced joint areas. This allows it to suffer considerable amounts of damage. Modern weapons, however, even the field considerably.

Their entire surface is covered with a scaly hide, even over the cartilaginous plates. This hide varies from large, rough scales to very fine, smooth scaling, depending on the surface that is covered. The scales form many varied patterns and colors on the K'Luth, such that no two look precisely the same. Additionally, the coloration is capable of rapid shifts of remarkable degree. This seems to fulfill the need for expression to be displayed visually. The skin surface is tough, but quite sensitive to touch, particularly on the pads of the hands. The scale patterns also seem to have some barring on their social structure, identifying both the individual, and the group it belongs to.

The muscular system is fully developed, allowing for similar capacities in strength and speed to a Human. Their capacity for endurance is remarkable, allowing them to bare burdens about one and a quarter times as long as a human could. Tendon and ligament connections are similar in strength and ability to a human as well. The Warrior Caste's muscular system is denser and stronger than normal when compared to a Human or Artisan. This does, however, seem to cost them some speed in their reflexes.

While the information presented so far might indicate a reptilian creature, this is not the case. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the internal organ system of the K'Luth. The typical core temperature seems to be slightly higher than a human, at about 38 degrees. They also posses a four chambered heart, like a mammal. The digestive system is specialized primarily in metabolizing meat. This, coupled with their mandible system, indicates that they are almost exclusively predatory. While their digestive system is capable of breaking down raw materials, cooked food is assimilated more easily and efficiently. Their lungs take up more space than a humans, but have similar overall capacity. Additionally, they seem to be able to process air more efficiently if it is slightly denser than one atmosphere, with a slightly higher level of carbon dioxide. Our native atmospheric composition is not dangerous to them, and it is theorized that theirs would pose no danger to us.

The ability for the K'Luth to resist toxins and disease is remarkable. While they are susceptible to artificial compounds like any other life form, biologically derived chemicals seem to have absolutely no effect on them. Additionally, they have no history of plague in their species. Indeed, we have yet to find any record of a K’Luth that has had a cold.

Reproduction and Life Span

K'Luth are sexed beings, having both male and female. Identifying the between the two is a major challenge for non-K'Luth. There are no known outward signs that can help a non-K'Luth determine the gender of a K'Luth. Fertilization is done internally, with the female laying an egg approximately one week later. This egg takes about eight months to hatch into a young K'Luth. The egg needs to be maintained at a warm temperature, with a lot of sunlight. K'Luth take about 20 standard years to reach maturity after hatching. There is no solid evidence, even among the K'Luth, as to their natural life span. Measured scientific estimates place it at about 60-80 years. However, the average age at which a K'Luth dies is between 40-50. Many times they are much younger. This is primarily due to their culture. Warrior and Artisan Caste are both born in the same manner. However, the Warrior Caste is completely neutral in their sexual organs. Curiously, the Warrior Caste members still posses’ affectations of a gender. They also identify themselves with being male or female, even though they lack all means of reproduction. Somehow, the K'Luth are able to determine whether their offspring will be of the Warrior or Artisan caste, though they have no control over the gender.


K'Luth possess excellent senses of touch, similar in sensitivity to a Human. Their sense of taste and smell are also very similar to ours as well. Hearing in the K'Luth seems to be less sensitive than in Humans, with a particular slacking off in the upper frequency ranges.

Eyesight is unique. Artisan eyesight is excellent at less than 5 meters. Indeed, it far surpasses Human eyesight at up-close work, allowing them to see things that would be microscopic to a Human. Also, they can see in a broader spectrum of colors than a human, with a great deal more precision in determining between colors. Their eyesight drops in ability after about 100 meters, giving them almost myopic sight acuity.

The Warrior Caste, conversely, has remarkable eyesight at range, and can see far beyond Humans with accuracy and detail. They also have excellent low-light vision, letting them see in very dark environments. They have little ability to see beyond the most basic of colors, and their sight ability at close range is poor. This lack of color actually lets them discern camouflage patterns much easier than a Human can, so don't be fooled into thinking you can easily hide from them.


The K'Luth skull is a reinforced case. Rather like a Human skull, it houses the single most important organ in the K’Luth body. The K'Luth mind is a fascinating construct. It has two major halves, like a human. Also, it has reasoning lobes in the fore with motor located at the lower rear near the brain stem. However, it also has two additional lobes. These are located to the lower rear of the brain, one on each side of the head.

The mental capacity of an Artisan is the equal to a Human in every way. They are capable of at least the same level of abstract reasoning, creative thinking, analytical thought, and predictive conjugation. Do not be fooled into thinking that these are unintelligent beasts. The Warrior Caste seems to have a reduced capacity for thought. While they are not stupid by any means, they seem to posses the mental maturity of a 10-year-old human. An aggressive, violent 10 year old. This actually lends them to be instinctively dependent on the Artisan Caste for leadership. It is because of this that we think that this reduced capacity in the Warrior Caste may actually be intentional.


This was the most difficult of all to unravel. While we were able to determine how the K'Luth project visual signals by adjusting their skin patterns and colors, we couldn't decipher their spoken language. It seemed to be nothing more than a series of grunts and roars, with no construction or pattern to it. The Deconstruction Department actually provided the key to understanding how the K'Luth communicate, while trying to unravel the mysteries of some of the K'Luth technology.

The K'Luth, it seems, are psionicly active. Later interviews with K'Luth prisoners have verified this theory, and given us a great deal of information on how this functions.

Let us separate some of the fact from the fiction on how the communication works. Firstly, think of this like a radio. In order to receive psionic communication, you must also be able to send it. The two come hand in hand, and cannot be separated. Secondly, you always transmit your signal. It cannot be turned off. Whatever thoughts are formed in your head are transmitted. Thirdly, this is not a narrow beam transmission. Everyone in the area who is psionicly active is receiving your transmissions, as well as transmitting their own. Finally, only formed thoughts are discernible, emotion is like static. Emotion is not formed and directed, and so is a small chaotic burst of signal. Formed thoughts are stronger than the static from emotions, and so can be picked out with relative ease. Like hearing a human voice over the background sound of a busy street. The range on this communication seems to be around 300 meters. At that range it is a concerted effort for a K'Luth to understand a thought that is "shouted". This form of communication is instantaneous to all who can hear it.

K'Luth are taught at a young age how to discern thoughts from static and how to form them themselves. Fortunately for us, they cannot "read minds", "see the future", or even hear a humans thoughts or emotions. We know that the two lower rear lobes of their brains are what allow them to manifest their abilities. These specialized areas work continually at filtering and prioritizing the thoughts of the K'Luth nearby. If a Human were capable of this form of communication, it would probably damage their brains in short order. There is one curiosity here. According to the K'Luth, they aren’t the only things that transmit in this way. They also claim that stars put off static the same as emotions. Some among them even claim that they can hear thoughts from the stars themselves. It is because of this that we feel that insanity is not a plague on Humanity alone.

Some members of the Artisan Caste claim to be able to "feel" the DNA structure of other life forms with their powers. They also claim to be able to manipulate it using these powers. This has been neither confirmed, nor discounted. However, if their ascertains are correct, this process takes many hours of intense effort on the shaper's part.
10.8.2 Part 2: Religion and Ancient History
The K'Luth are a deeply religious species, even unto this day. In order to understand their outlook on themselves and the Universe, you must understand how they picture their origins.


Rather than post commentary on it, we will simply give you a boiled down version of their Religion. The whole religious text that they follow, the Helyu Y'Rath'Atar, would occupy about 3000 scandoc pages. There are obvious inconsistencies here, and we are working to clear them up. However, since this is a religious document, things will probably not get any clearer with time.

Before all there was Keja and Atar. Atar and Keja were in the beginning, and Atar made upon Keja all manor of sleeping beasts. It birthed from Keja the great and the small, the quick and the slow, all of the sky and the sea and the land. And all returned to Keja after they ended their sleeping. This was the way for countless eons, and it was good. However, there came a time that Atar started to fade. As Atar faded, it sent upon Keja a great Light. This Light reached the land of Pel, before it was known by any. Into this land, it fell upon a beginning. Atar was of mighty power in this Light, and it reached into this beginning, deep into the formling therein. This formling Heard Atar, and Awoke. And that is how Rath came to be Known by herself and Awoke.

Rath was of the birthers, back when none but the birthers could make beginnings. She was more than a birther, she was Awake. She led her sleeping people, conquering the sleepers nearby, and the land of Pel became known. For two and a half days she ruled, and then Atar started to leave her. As Atar was departing, he sent a light that told her of the Ascension. "Among all, you are Awake. You Know yourself. I have sent into you my Light, and you have Heard it. My light will fade soon. I will leave, and be here no longer. Take from your people that which lets them sleep, and become More than you are. You may Ascend, and go beyond all. Do not, and you will Die. The choice is yours." Now Rath was afraid. No other had been Awake before her, no other had Died. But Rath was also crafty. And so, into the mind of Rath, a plan formed.

On the last day, of the last year, of the last age, Rath left her sleeping people for the surface. And there she stood upright, and looked at the fading form of Atar. And she reached out, and Touched Atar, pouring herself into him. And they became One. Atar was strengthened, his light renewed. It burst forth, bathing Keja with warmth. And a Light flew forth, reaching into the land of Pel, into the sleeping people there. And they Awoke, by this miracle. And into their Awakened minds, in was spoken "Behold! I am Y'Rath'Atar! The one among you who was Rath knew my will. She knew to be Ascended and alone was to be in the darkest of despair. She has given herself, so that I may be reborn anew, and become Y'Rath'Atar. For this, you have been Awakened." The Awakened people rejoiced at hearing this, and immediately went about discovering what it was to no longer be sleeping. "I give to you command over all you find." said Y'Rath'Atar, "Find all and learn all, and you will Ascend one day yourselves."

So, that is their creation myth, take it for what you will. We are working to figure it out ourselves. Also, we have some of the later religious history.

And so they came about, the eight leaders. On the day of the departing, each pledged to one another "Let us go out, and find what we are to know. Let us master our own knowledge, and not cross one another's paths again. And when others ask us, let us tell them and help them know what we have found and find what they should know." Each following their own path away from each other, went out into Keja. Each remembered what they were told, "Find what you are to know, and master it for all." Each did, in time, Ascending to how we know them now. They are each the master of what they Know, and all knowledge flows from them. True to their pledge, you must ask them, and they will help you find what you must know. Also true to their pledge, they did not find what the other knew, and so cannot tell you what the other knows.

Jemah went west and became a great tribe. And he mastered all there is to know of the seas. Irrat went north and became a great tribe. And she mastered the knowledge of warfare. Ezza went east and became a great tribe. And he mastered all the knowledge of commerce. Kerrid went south and became a great tribe. And she mastered the knowledge of ruler ship. Var went west and became a great tribe. And he mastered the knowledge of way finding. Ulan went north and became a great tribe. And she mastered the knowledge of hunting. Gendith went east and became a great tribe. And he mastered the knowledge of combat. Tomak went south and did not become a great tribe. And he was lost.

And in the great deserts of the south Tomak was lost. For many days and many nights he was lost. And every day he asked Y'Rath'Atar "What am I to know?" And each day Y'Rath'Atar answered "Know that none yet know." So on the fourth day, Tomak fell in the desert. He did not stir from that spot, and lay silent, except for him saying "What am I to know?" Then Keja took mercy on him, and showed to Tomak how to find water. And Tomak drank. Then she showed to Tomak how to find food, and he ate. For two years she led him thus, searching in the deserts for his survival. And after two years Y'Rath'Atar said to him "You now know of that which others do not. You have found that which is unknown." And Tomak mastered finding that which must be found and knowing that which must become known. And from the deserts he went further south, and became a great tribe.

The rest of this text details the discovery processes for each of the eight leaders, in reverse of the order that they were first listed. Each tribe has a sort of "house god" that personifies all that the clan stands for and what the clan is specialized in. I hope this sheds some like on these beings.

Ancient History

According to what we have found, the K'Luth place their origin point on the world of Keja, orbiting the star Y'Rath'Atar. Specifically in a land on this planet called Pel. From this point, they spread rather rapidly over the surface of their planet. Almost immediately, however, they also started fighting among each other. Each wanted dominance over all that was available, and that included the other K'Luth. Warfare is an ancient tradition with these people, as is personal combat of all kinds. Early in this period, members of like minded groups banded together and formed tribes. Each tribe was named after the "house god" that started it. Over time, it seems that these tribes have become more and more specialized in what they do.

The most important thing that the K'Luth developed in this period is the process they call "shaping". Somehow, they are able, without tools, to manipulate life forms on a DNA level. This seems to be a skill that only certain of them develop over time. With this, they have created everything that they use, from common tools, to housing, to advanced technology. This ability was used so heavily, that it is estimated that they only took approximately 10,000 years from the event they call the Awakening to their first space travel. Contrast this to the estimated 15,000 years it took humans to get that far. We have confirmed that this process is fairly crude. However, they have used it to develop tools that allow them to manipulate DNA in a very sophisticated manor.

Throughout this period warfare has been a common and constant occurrence. I have not been uncommon for the power base to shift 8 times or more in a decade during this period. Only late in this time did they have any form of stable central government. Our thought is that the invention and usage of space travel is what started this solidifying of power. Our investigations have led us to believe that they started questing hungrily for new biological life forms that they could examine. Seems that they believe that the finding and manipulating of these new life forms will speed them towards their goal of "Ascension". While they have been exploring their home system for the last 500 years, they have only discovered faster than light technology in the last 80 years.

This pretty much takes us up to modern history.
10.8.3 Part 3: Technology
***The following set of memos was liberated from UGTO Fleet Intelligence archives, and posted on the SysNet nodes for public viewing. While the OIS was able to find and purge the listings no more than 21.437 minutes after posting, the damage had been done. These are now some of the hottest docs to posses, and will also get you executed if you are found with them. Read at your own risk. Share with your friends.***

***Viva la Revolution!***

From: Captain Jeremy Karland, Office: Fleet Intelligence, Bureau: Deconstruction
To: Admiral Nagura Sakatori, Office: Fleet Technologies, Bureau: Games
Subject: Analysis of captured K'Luth vessel and attached technologies.
Encode: 7E32; Add9323kdui
Decode: Yysoy936gw

Hello Admiral Sakatori, head of Games department ***And overall FREAKY person!***;

First, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to work on this project. The ability to analyze and deconstruct alien technology is an unprecedented event. My team and I have spent over 8000 man-hours to bring you this information. Additionally, you will be pleased to know that the loss of equipment was below the expected quotas. This is including the dead researchers from tests 117s and 118e.

***You label the loss of Human life as a loss of EQUIPMENT?!? You cold hearted slime...***

Overall analysis:

The overall construction of a K'Luth vessel is a curious thing. The entire vessel, and every component that makes it up, seem to be cybernetic organisms. Each component seems to function in a symbiotic relationship with every other component on board to form a whole. K'Luth cybernetics shows a much higher level of mechanical/biological integration. So much so, that at certain points it becomes difficult to discern where the machine and the organism are different. I would like to draw your attention to Dr. Wisebaum's analysis of the construction process for K'Luth ships and equipment.

***Included later, for your reading pleasure.***

Power systems:

While their vessels are partly biological, they use very similar power production methods as us. We have noticed one interesting anomaly here, however. Most of their systems seem to be lacking key components. For instance, the communications equipment that they carry seems to be lacking any second stage power systems or signal generation equipment. While I would normally presume that they sabotaged key components of their equipment, we have seen no evidence of that. No locations where equipment is missing, no evidence of tampering, nothing. I must therefore assume that we either have incomplete equipment to deconstruct, or that we don't understand the process by which much of their technology functions.

***Blah, blah, blah...***

Support systems:

While we have had a lot of luck analyzing their support systems, I regret to report that we are unable to fully understand two of their key systems. First is the system we have dubbed the "Automated Hull Repair" system, or AHR for short. Rather than a single component, this seems to be a comprehensive series of components distributed throughout the entire vessel. The bio-mechanical systems on board a K'Luth vessel seem to register damage much the same way that a living being does. When this damage is created, an automated immune system is activated. This system releases programmed bio-mechanical nanites that flood to the damage location and begin to rebuild the vessel on the molecular level. This process is remarkably efficient, and displays a regenerative speed beyond any repair systems we currently posses. It seems that this repair system can even reconstruct individual components on board the vessel in parallel, though the extent of component damage that can be repaired seems to be in question, still. Somehow the AHR stores a complete schematic of the entire vessel at its optimum functioning levels. We hope to find a way to access this information, as it would prove invaluable to any boarding parties we may dispatch in the future. We assume that the AHR system needs a cache of raw materials that are consumed by the nanites in order to repair the ship and it's systems, but thus far we have been unable to locate it.
***Rumor is that UGTO fleet development is experimenting with something like this on a dreadnought.***

The second system that we have had trouble with is the Cloaking Device. This device is much more centralized than the AHR, but we cannot seem to get it to function separate from the originating vessel. We suspect that this device is constructed integrally with the vessel, and is attuned to specific power and form harmonics present within the original ship. What we do know is that it appears to function by way of selective space warping. While their sensor systems are still and enigma, we can assume that the Cloaking Device does not impede their functioning.
***Gee, ya THINK?!?***

For crew support, we noted one very interesting anomaly. The K'Luth actually grow their food on board their ships. They transport with them and entire mini-eco system. While most of the eco system was dead by they time we got to it, it does seem to culminate with the support of a strange little creature. As we know the K'Luth are primarily carnivores, it stands to reason that these little beasts are what the crew's meals consist of. ***YUMMY!*** I have routed all available samples and relevant documents to Bio-Analysis for review.

Control Systems:

Many of their interface systems utilize recognizable control panels and stations, thought their chairs are fairly uncomfortable. Of greatest interest here, however, is the command interfaces and computer systems. By computer system, I use the loosest of terms. Their computer systems seem to be very distributed, and highly biological in nature. Additionally, they seem to be very underpowered to control and monitor a vessel of the complexity of a starship. Our theory is that the K'Luth use some of the processing power of the command crew to augment the computer systems onboard their ship. This is in fitting with the configuration we have discovered for their control systems. The bridge, and any major control station, seems to consist of a number of pods arranged on the walls. These pods are large enough for one Human or K'Luth occupant. It is our theory that once inside, the K'Luth becomes mentally integrated with the ship. In essence, they become one with their ships, allowing unprecedented control and response times, particularly in their fighters. We are currently unable to test this theory, as the control systems seem calibrated somehow to K'Luth biology, and we don't want to risk any of our K'Luth prisoners seizing control of an enemy ship under analysis.

***Ha, wouldn't THAT be a security coup! I would love to see Nagura's face when THAT report arrives!***

--Document addendum, Auth: Kirkland A32434DDer23t544--

The oddities:

Recently, we have been able to salvage three very interesting components from some combat wreckage. A fourth device has had it's description moved here, as while it was present on the vessel you had us analyze, it shares the same enigmas as these other three devices. The devices I am referring are the Anti-Matter Torpedoes, Anti-Matter Jump Drives, Anti-Matter Engines, and Anti-Matter Mines. As you can already tell, these all share the common theme of Anti-Matter. The enigma is in their construction and the knowledge the K'Luth have of their functioning. Firstly, unlike every other piece of K'Luth technology, these are entirely mechanical in nature. While it interfaces with the biomechanical systems the same as any other system, it contains no biological components itself. Secondly, and most important, is the complete lack of understanding the K'Luth have of anti-matter. In several interviews ***torture sessions*** some of our guests ***prisoners of war*** have been rather forthcoming ***broken completely*** on this issue. It seems that while they can build install and repair these devices, they do not understand the physics behind them. This has lead us to two possible conclusions. One, that they have received this technology from an allied source that is unknown to us, or two, that they have reverse engineered these devices from an unknown source that is hostile to them. ***I'm not sure which of the two is worse...*** Because of the entirely mechanical nature of these components, I am optimistic that we should be able to develop our own version with relatively little difficulty. <

In closing:

This is the end of the narrative section of my report. I hope the above information, along with the attached technical schematics, proves an aid to you in your important work in Games.

Captain Jeremy Karland, Office: Fleet Intelligence, Bureau: Deconstruction

!Warning! Attached file(s) not found. Data corruption possible. Please report error to ComHead on duty, and ask originator to resend.

***So, that will give you an idea as to what our people are facing in the deep, dark, void of space. Very interesting, though somewhat long winded, to say the least. Next up we have some information on how these things get put together. This is an abridged version, as much of the techno-babble wouldn't be relevant to readers anyways. However, if you want the extended information, it can be found at !Warning! Link corrupt. Destination location not found. Please report error to destination manager.. Have fun!***

From: Dr. Elion Wisebaum, Office: Industrial Analysis, Bureau: Sabotage
To: Admiral Nagura Sakatori, Office: Fleet Technologies, Bureau: Games
Subject: Breakdown of specifics involved with K'Luth industry.
Encode: 6E30; MiZ5117powq
Decode: sERhg4612

...and as you can see, the recursive flux system is aligned properly for this kind of viewing. What we discovered, coupled with intensive data deconstruction and first had account analysis, is quite surprising. Take, for instance, the construction of their heavy war material. This construction seems to be a dual endeavor, involving two separate, but interlinked sciences. The first is known as the Shapers, who, through a not wholly understood process, literally shape and mold the basic DNA structure of a life form that is being grown for the structure of the device they are creating. The second science is a process of engineering that involves the construction of mechanical systems on a molecular scale using biomechanical nano technology. These two construction processes occur simultaneously, resulting in a hull that perfectly blends the mechanical and biological schools. This process seems to be very efficient, as you can see by...

...meaning that while there is next to no waste material, it actually takes the K'Luth considerably longer to construct a ship than it does us. This same construction technique seems to be applied to all of their industry, as you can see by the molecular analysis of this chair, which shows...

...While many of the components for a more complicated system are constructed off site, when they are brought to the construction area for final integration the same bio-mechanical nanites that were mentioned earlier fuse these components into the host system. This allows for a completed structure that is totally integrated with itself. Now, if I may draw your attention to resource data analysis number...

***Trust me people, you are not being spared any riveting conversation here. I have it on good authority that Admiral Sakatori fell asleep TWICE while reading this report!***

***Last up, we have a very special person's analysis. Winner of the Human Rights Violations Award for three years running! Let's welcome the one and only Dr. Lesly Carmine!***

From: Dr. Lesly Carmine
To: Admiral Nagura ***Man, she gets a lot of mail.***Sakatori, Office: Fleet Technologies, Bureau: Games
Subject: Analysis of K'Luth technological interface.
Encode: 8E31; rWU2057jDov
Decode: aS545dDd

Admiral Sakatori;

I must first apologize for the lack of sophisticated data in this analysis. Perhaps if I was able to do my experiments in a proper laboratory, rather than in secret in this hellhole of a prison, I might have more to give you. Though the food here isn't all that bad. ***Rot there, you sick witch.***

Regardless, whomever you had doing your pre analysis of this component interface was a complete idiot. There aren't any pieces missing from the devices you sent at all. What was missing was components in the subjects you were using for your trials. Humans cannot manipulate these devices. I did find, however, that using some K'Luth volunteers ***Yeah, volunteers my eye.*** we were able to get several of the devices working.

It seems, on further analysis, that the majority of K'Luth technology functions off of amplifying psionic abilities that the K'Luth already posses. Their sensor devices seem to work as a sort of ESP booster, their weapons amplify psycho-kinesis abilities that are latent in the K'Luth mind, and their communications devices seem to amplify the power of the telepathic broadcasts that K'Luth use to communicate with.

As my extensive studies of human anatomy ***Live autopsies...*** have indicated, Humans lack the cranial structures to manifest any psionic abilities. Most interesting is the communications that they use. It seems that the telepathic transmissions that they use travel at an infinite speed. Either that, or they are so fast that I cannot measure them. Once again, a full laboratory would be helpful.

I have been working on a device that I believe Humans could use to generate energy in the waveforms that the K'Luth use for psionics. While my test subjects have not been injured physically, many of them seem to have suffered a sort of neurological breakdown. Still, those are the sacrifices that are made for science. ***Yeah, well, let's sacrifice you next...*** If you would be so kind as to send more volunteers ***Convenient prisoners of war.*** with your next shipment of material supplies, I could continue this work. Once again, I must remind you that a full laboratory would yield much more satisfactory results. ***I know! Let's give her a lab, on the Sun!***

Dr. Lesly Carmine MD PHD Xenobiology, Theoretical Physics, Genetics ***And evil, weird, witch.***

***So, gentle (and not so gentle) readers, there you have it. Spread the truth. Knowledge is power. Power to the people. Don't trust the government's lies. - HaZeRipper***
10.8.4 Part 4: Society
K'Luth society is an interesting thing. The most startling thing about it is that it is not terribly different than Human society. They have dreams and fears, they love, hate, feel joy, and feel pain. Most curious is the fact that they are deeply religious in belief. This alone has disrupted some of our theories about what makes an advanced society, as it was assumed that as a species gains more and more scientific knowledge, they drift farther away from their religious beliefs. On the contrary, the K'Luth have historically always had a strong belief system.

As a species starts to recognize it's own intelligence, it seeks to identify what differentiates itself from the lower animals. The K'Luth are no different. They feel that an event they refer to as the "Awakening", which they believe is the point that their species gained its telepathic abilities. Over time the K'Luth realized that they were the only species on their world with these abilities. It is by this that they judge the intelligence of a life form. Humans are the first species that they have encountered with intelligence outside of their own. As you might imagine, it came to quite a shock to them that we don't posses a single bit of the mental abilities that they identify with intelligence. It should be noted that there are references to another species known as the Kraddax. This species is as of yet unknown to us. There seems to be some confusion as to what the Kraddax are. The closest thing the K'Luth have been able to give us a reference point to is the expert systems AI computers that are present in most colonial hubs and research facilities. Of interesting note is the research that the K'Luth have done into human history. They claim that the references of our texts to "magic" and other mystical phenomenon are actually references to psionic abilities that have manifested themselves in the past. They also claim that we have, for whatever reason, embarked on an ages long campaign to eliminate this trait from our species. Our scientists firmly denounce this theory in light of the lack of the specialized nerve clusters in modern and ancient Humans that the K'Luth use for their abilities.

K'Luth are born with no knowledge of how to survive. Indeed, when they hatch they are as helpless as a human baby. Rather than being cared for by parents, they are left as an egg in the care of a communal infant care system. Immediately from birth, they are educated in the principles of their society. If these principles were to be summed up in one word, that word would be "conflict". Young who are unable to remove themselves from their shells before they starve to death are deemed too weak to survive. Their communal education system imprints on the K'Luth a strong social loyalty. Despite what we have observed from the outside, and what the media has told us, the K'Luth posses a society at least as fractured as our own. Young K'Luth are divided into groups based on their markings. These groups are affiliated with a group within K'Luth society, known as a Tribe. Within K'Luth society there are a handful of major Tribes. Each major Tribe has several smaller Tribes associated with it.

In ancient times, each Tribe specialized in one field of expertise. However, this didn't last too long. After the K'Luth became the major threat to K'Luth, different Tribes recognized the need to maintain a military force. Additionally, they all recognized the need for innovation and scientific inquiry. Over the course of approximately 8,000 years, the K'Luth have fought wars among each other. There has never been a point in K'Luth history where their species has not been struggling against something, be it the elements or other tribes. However, even though each Tribe now has several similar concerns, each also associates itself with a particular discipline, and seeks to excel beyond all others in that field. The K'Luth government has seen fit to allow this to continue. Their theory is that the constant conflict between Tribes for dominance in certain areas leads to overall excellence for the species. Individual Tribes generally pick symbology that they feel represents things that that particular Tribe idealizes. The large red symbol we identify the K'Luth with is a Tser'Ak. This creature is a top predator from their home world. A sort of large, arboreal, insectoid lion. From what we have uncovered, it is very fast, very stealthy, and can attack with incredible ferocity. It is also very territorial. Make no mistake, when presented with an outside threat the K'Luth unify quickly and seamlessly. It is almost as if their constant infighting is to keep them in fighting trim for combat with eventual foes. Indeed, combat is only second to religion as a theme in K'Luth life.

As with Humans, young K'Luth get into scrapes and fights. However, rather than being taught to control these urges, the K'Luth embrace them. They learn very early on how to engage in melee combat, utilizing speed, intelligence, and strength in proportion to the levels the individual K'Luth is given. No handicaps are given in these fights. If one K'Luth is stronger than another, then the weaker K'Luth is expected to use attributes that it posses in greater quantities to even the field. If the weaker K'Luth has no attributes that are superior, then it will lose, plain and simple. This philosophy is the premise for how they settle all arguments. Due to the nature of K'Luth psionics, if debates were to occur over disagreements, then their whole society would lock up in endless arguments. Rather, when there is a divergence of opinion, and those who represent the opinions believe strongly in them enough to not back down, a combat ensues. Each major Tribe has, over the course of it's history, developed it's own styles and techniques of melee combat. Contrary to popular belief, there are rules that accompany these "arguments". Combatants agree ahead of time what the point of victory is. One proposes a starting point, usually "Until one yields", then the other either accepts or raises the stakes by one level. If one does not feel that the fight is worth the stakes, they may either yield the whole argument, or accept the stakes as is. Rarely do the stakes reach the level of "To the death", but it is not unheard of if both believe in the subject matter enough. Even more rarely, the development of a "draw" has occurred. Generally speaking, these only happen when those in disagreement cannot settle their argument due to distance, or some other limiting factor. Usually, draws remain in place until the restriction on the representing parties is removed. Melee combat is one of the highest arts in K'Luth society. So ingrained is it in their culture, that you cannot find a K'Luth without a melee weapon of some sort. These weapons vary greatly in application, from daggers all the way up to pole arms. Each is unique to the individual, and is as much a symbol of station and wealth as it is a functional weapon. Even their clothing has been influenced by the K'Luth fixation on combat. Most of their clothing resembles some kind of body armour, and usually functions in this regard to some degree. An interesting note here is that the K'Luth lack any weapon such as a pistol. This isn't from a barrier in technology, but rather a philosophical decision. They generally feel that if you need a ranged weapon, then one with auto fire capabilities would be better suited to the task than a single fire pistol limited by short range. If an enemy is close enough that a sub-machinegun sized weapon is not an effective tool, then they are in melee range and hand to hand weapons are the best for that. It is because of this that many of their ranged weapons incorporate melee capacity in them.

K'Luth thought is completely open; they cannot disguise an opinion they hold. This lends itself to many of these arguments, and K'Luth diplomacy is said to be quite the exercise. Of particular interest to Humanity is the fact of this system of open ideas. It seems that because of this structure to K'Luth communications, the concept of a secret is foreign to them. Indeed, even though something may be written down to be kept secret, whomever wrote what was written knows of what they wrote. Thusly, that concept will be transmitted to any K'Luth nearby whenever they think of what they have written. Because of this, the K’Luth have never developed the art and science of espionage. Make no mistake, they understand and practice the art of surprise and stealth, but the concept of secrecy is beyond them. They don't even posses a word for a secret, instead having to invent one after dealing with Humans. This word roughly translates into "quiet knowledge". Do not mistake the K'Luth for some stupid or unimaginative species. They know full well the weakness they posses when it comes to espionage. They also realize that they cannot understand this concept in the foreseeable future. However, they also realize that Humans are masters at espionage, and that we have a weakness when it comes to personal gain. Utilizing this, they have constructed an intelligence organization that is completely run and operated by Humans, who have sold their loyalty to the K'Luth for money, power, or some other kind of reward. Rumors indicate that the K'Luth are using their vast knowledge of bioengineering as a bargaining tool.

The K'Luth posses a vast knowledge of biology, and a grasp of chemistry beyond ours as well. Many of the concepts that they have knowledge of don't even translate into terms that Humans can understand. Theory is that they have used this knowledge to engineer their species to its current state. The K'Luth believe that they are the epitome of the K'Luth form. They look on artificial augmentation, like cybernetics, as a corruption of the whole. However, should a K'Luth lose a limb or other major organ, their technology is such that they can regrow the organ or limb from the original body, creating a perfect replacement. While indications are that they cannot engineer anything that is not from their home world, we do know that they are working feverishly to unlock the genetic intricacies of life from Earth. K'Luth sciences are not as comprehensive as ours in the realms of physics and computers. Interestingly enough, while they can build jump drives with remarkable proficiency; they actually don't know the science behind its function. The K'Luth have developed jump drive technology approximately 80 Sol years ago, as an accident during an unrelated experiment in power generation. The 420 years of their interstellar space flight before this time seems to be filled with the use of very advanced cryo-stasis units and slower than light drives. They pushed themselves into deep space before the development of faster than light drives due to some kind of insatiable thirst for knowledge. The path of the scientist is one of the most revered roles in K'Luth society, second only to Priest.

K'Luth religion dictates that they are children of their star. That all life flows from the stars, and that, through the gathering of knowledge they shall discover a way to "Ascend" to some state of being beyond what they are now. What this "Ascension" may be is unknown to us at this time. Regardless, they associate all life they encounter with the star that originated it. The K’Luth word for Humanity translates roughly as "Children of Sol". As a side note, the translation of the word for Kraddax comes roughly out to "Devourers of The Children". Priests are thought of very highly in K'Luth society, and even claim to be able to "Hear the star's speech". While we don't fully understand what this means, they are able to predict stellar events with uncanny accuracy.

The highest place in K'Luth society would have to be the Tribe leaders. There is no set way of deciding how a clan is run. Each has it's own process, from a series of declared monarchial leaders, to a democratic system who's voting process is active, to say the least. Each clan generally picks a representative to participate in the ruling of the whole of the K'Luth species. These representative aren't necessarily members of the ruling caste in a particular Tribe, but are usually held in high regard nonetheless. Below this is the general populace. They posses social strata within each Tribe generally determined by economic position, much like Humans. Artisans represent both the general populace and the Tribal rulers. The Warrior caste is generally kept separate from regular society and does not participate in the ruling process. They seem to have no problem with this, and we attribute their complacency to a pre-engineered condition. When not engaging in combat duties, the members of the Warrior caste seem to enjoy in participating in heavy labor. Arguments between Artisans and Warriors are not unheard of, and the same rules apply for combat that would apply for a combat between similar caste members. Personal relationships between Artisans and Warriors don't go beyond the acquaintance stage.

Personal relationships between individuals of the same caste do form, however. The K'Luth have friends, enemies, and even loved ones. K'Luth society does not encourage monogamous relationships, and they have to institutions like marriage to represent them. Despite this, K'Luth have been known to form monogamous pairings on their own. There does not seem to be any social stigmata incurred by this. Due to the K'Luth process of "discussion", even they don't know their lifespan. It is estimated to be similar to a human, but no K'Luth is known to have survived to die of old age.

Contrary to the media, the K'Luth do not eat Humans. They seem to have the same social aversion to eating another sentient life form as Humanity. Additionally, life from Earth, including Humans, does not provide the proper nutrients for K'Luth nourishment.

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