1 Introduction |
Welcome to the DarkSpace Fiction Page. Within it is everything and anything that has been publicly released for the DarkSpace Community. Reference sheets may be found here. In addition, be aware of the [OOC] and [IC] tags (Also be aware of Author's notes, they are automatically OOC in an IC environment). OOC Means Out of character, IC means In Character.
All Titles are done in OOC format, Beside the title would be the [OOC] or [IC] tag that determines whether the contents are IC or OOC. This is so everybody better understands the contents of this section of the DarkSpace Website.
All of this is 100% authentic DarkSpace Fiction, and feel free to use any of the materials for your fan-fiction. Only long-term fiction is posted here, all short-term fiction is posted to the Universe Today Forum.
Enjoy the contents of the fiction section and have fun.
Current List of Fiction:
History Galactica, Part 3 by Gideon (edited and revised by Drafell)
History Galactica, Part 4 by Drafell
Technical Database: ICC Fighters by Tael
Technical Database: UGTO Fighters by Tael
Technical Database: K'luth Fighters by Tael
Technical Database: ICC Platforms by Tael
Technical Database: UGTO Platforms by Tael
Technical Database: K'luth Platforms by Tael
Species Information - K'luth by Gideon
Reference Article 1: Ship Operations and Officers by Gideon
The Sirius Incident by Coleen
UGTO Agincourt Carrier by Gideon
History of the ST Class Dreadnought by Soothsayer |