Username | JackSwift |
User ID | 59109 |
Registration Date | October 30, 2002 | Last Login | February 28, 2019 |
Occupation | Selling cheese to deprived children... |
Location | Where the Sun dont Shine (Seattle-ish) |
Fleet | S.W |
Prestige | 0 |
Rank | Cadet |
|  |
Games Played | 3,100 |
Time Played | 39 days, 4 hours, 17 min, 27 sec. |
Kills | 521 |
Killed | 236 |
Bonus Prestige | 13,418.57 |
Ships Damaged | 11,607.94 |
Ships Captured | 2 |
Planets Damaged | 3,434.22 |
Planets Captured | 758.38 |
Friendly Fire | 872.02 |
Repair | 6,303.40 |
Construction | 5,643.89 |
Kamikaze | 115.82 |
Self Destructs | 10 |
Jumps | 10,266 |
Planet Collisions | 69 |
Scout | 210.07 |
Resources Lost | 350,028.19 |
Credits | 123,880 |
Resources | 0 |