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Raven Warriors
Joined: March 03, 2004 Posts: 2673
| Posted: 2004-10-26 23:27  
You mean to tell me that you will be able to land ships on planets? That sounds great!
Archon Grand Admiral
Joined: October 14, 2003 Posts: 331 From: Queensland, Australia
| Posted: 2004-10-27 00:59  
Nice Work
~Insanity Is Only The Beginning~
Fatal Rocko Willis Fleet Admiral Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003 Posts: 1336 From: Kentucky
| Posted: 2004-10-27 02:01  
Well hot darn... good work to all! I just got done eating chow while reading the whole big plot outlay (for lack of a better word) much to the chargin of my local Intel Weenie for burning up or should I say killing too many trees (took 16 peices of paper to print out two forum pages.. lol) Anyways back to the show...
#1 - I like the idea of the revamp in general. I like the ideas about the Kluth. Me thinks they are turning into a race/faction akin to the Klingons and Romulans in regards to the fact that they now cannot fire weapons without being decloaked... now I know this will really light a fire under some if not all Kluth pilots but think of this.... you are some little Destroyer or Cruiser just minding your own business when a couple Dreadnaughts pop out of nowhere and zing.... your turned into ash and they just fade away.. that is classic Klingon/Romulan Tactics.. though I believe there was no intention to be exactly like that but dang... imo the Kluthies where just born for that tactic... I mean.... hit.. hide again... manuever for a weak spot.. uncloak.. pop.. hide again... dang they are gonna be a tough crowd to beat BUT at least they will be closer to what I think they should be.
I like the idea about being able to give fighters specific orders... like defend, attack (outright) or maybe harass a target.. I would like to see diffent types of fighters.. This is just a an idea as is all the things I say but it does sound a bit interesting...
Three types of fighters..
Light Fighters = Somewhat akin to the fighters we have now.. light, nimble and with only one weapon.... faction oriented of coarse...
Heavy Fighters = A little more HP and not as fast as the Lights but packing a bigger punch... ie maybe packing 2 AR or IT missles... they would have to return to reload the missles but would still have the stock gun/cannon as a light... you could use a timer for the reload/repair of the fighter.
Assualt Fighters = A heavier and slower version of a Heavy.. even more HP but the least nimble.. packs a nasty punch ... maybe a PCM or two or like 4 AR or IT's.... (though I like the PCM idea since PCM's are no longer bombs but basically Anti-Ship Missles aka the Harpoon Missle as IT's to AMRAAMS and AR's to Sidewinders... best analogy I can think of)
I would like to see the Stations to be the all powerful ship they should be.. not meaning they have like 20 weapons on them but a station should truely be the wizard of multi-tasking.... and be a pain in the arse to drop out of the sky.... people should look and say "omg.. there is a station there.. now what do we do.... "
I love the idea's you, the Devs, have put out.... though I doubt that I will get to see this version before the next one comes out.... so I will basically keep spreading the news (amongst every soldier, sailor, airman or marine i run into) about how great Darkspace is and read and post in the forums as much as I can as the ADP types scream and have temper tantrums for all the bandwidth I am always using LOL.
Rocko Willis

Wolfi Admiral
Joined: March 15, 2003 Posts: 14 From: UK, South West
| Posted: 2004-10-27 05:32  
is there going to be med, heavy build to speed up building ???? maybe added to bigger ships and such because of heavy supply and light supply i dont c much difrence exept its harder to kill and maybe more wepons supply ships maybe add heavy reload that whould speed up supply maybe just a idea
[ This Message was edited by: wolfi on 2004-10-27 05:42 ]
Shigernafy Admiral
Joined: May 29, 2001 Posts: 5726 From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
| Posted: 2004-10-27 05:40  
There are no plans for gadgets which make building faster. At this point, most of the attention is going towards gadgets/weapons and ships: making them in balance, and providing well rounded teams. We're leaving any revisions of planetary management for a future patch. We do have some plans for it, but its a few patches away and thus hasn't received intense scrutiny from the Dev Team as of yet.
In other words: Not at this time.
_________________ * [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"
BackSlash Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003 Posts: 11183 From: Bristol, England
| Posted: 2004-10-27 05:56  
You Dev's have done so much to DarkSpace without any REAL thanks.
You guys have been with DarkSpace since its day of birth, maybe not in Dev for, but you've certainly been here for a long time over a lot of people . You understand the game more than most of us do, and keep making the game better for all of us (- the lag, I mean 1.481 was amazing except for the lag). You're part of the backbone that makes DarkSpace what it is, and no matter how many holes or problems the body has had, you have always repaired it and faught to make DarkSpace glorious.
So well done to Dev's future and past for making DarkSpace what it is today.
*gives the Dev's a round of aplause*
[ This Message was edited by: BackSlash {=FI=} {Absolut} on 2004-10-27 06:01 ]

Astral Viper Cadet
Joined: February 27, 2003 Posts: 343
| Posted: 2004-10-27 07:43  
to reply to rocko on the subject of my beloved fighters. As long as plans havent changed since last i heard there will be 3 types of fighters
Assault fighters for attacking other ships
Interceptor fighters for attacking other fighters and missles ( and can be used and pd in general)
and last but not lest Bombers For lobbing bombs
GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.
From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings
Fever Admiral
Joined: March 26, 2004 Posts: 17 From: Breda/The Netherlands
| Posted: 2004-10-27 08:58  
One more question...There will be much changes in game that much that it will be not easy to learn them all fast, will changes be inplemented in manual so we can see them back whithout reading this forum?
Gideon Cadet
Joined: September 14, 2001 Posts: 4604 From: Oregon, USA
| Posted: 2004-10-27 10:19  
On 2004-10-27 08:58, Fever {VA} wrote:
One more question...There will be much changes in game that much that it will be not easy to learn them all fast, will changes be inplemented in manual so we can see them back whithout reading this forum?
My current task is organizing information for the Manual team, so that they can keep the Manual as the central comprehensive location for information on the game.
Likely, the manual will be updated when we go to live (though if the manual managers want to update it with beta information, that's thier right). This is because the data we enter beta with will likely be tweaked and adjusted based on player feedback and ideas.
[ This Message was edited by: Gideon on 2004-10-27 10:46 ]
_________________ ...and lo, He looked upon His creation, and said, "Fo shizzle."
Fatal Command (CO) Chief Marshal Fatal Squadron

Joined: November 27, 2002 Posts: 1159 From: Back in Texas and noticing some ppl are like canoes.....they need to be paddled.
| Posted: 2004-10-27 13:33  
one final question....
will fighters kills count towards lost/gained pres in anyway?
I mean a carrier dread launching constantly at a fleet and all get killed....does the launching ship lose pres for the fighter losses?or does the defending ship gain pres for killing said fighters?or both?
Coeus {NCX-Charger} Admiral, I can't read, Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004 Posts: 3635 From: South Philly
| Posted: 2004-10-27 14:19  
That would be very nice - a deterrent for the uglies from launching fighters constantly... do this and we might not need to limit the total fighters
Darkspace: Twilight
Tiffy Rando Grand Admiral
Joined: January 19, 2003 Posts: 354 From: Austin, Texas
| Posted: 2004-10-28 09:27  
My God... the truth finally comes out!
I'm excited about the changes to the destroyer and dreadnought class ships, and cannot wait to see how the human Escort Destroyer class comes into play in terms of fleet tactics .
But I'm curious, since I read that Shig is going to be working on filling out the K'luth ships, will the K'luth getting a similar class of destroyer?
However, since fighters and point defense have never been an emphasis for the K'luth maybe it would be better to have some sort of EW boat, since the K'luth in their present form are extremely lacking in that department. This could be second life for the stinger, since it has always had the best power genereation of any K'luth ship, except for the hive.
On that note, maybe there should be some form of power generation ship for the K'luth with a reverse ELF beam that would siphon energy INTO other ships rather than AWAY from them.
Or perhaps this could be the shift function of the regular ELF beam. The same way that shift reverses the direction of your tractor beam.
How will fighters be handled for the K'luth, since the few K'luth ships that actually have fighters are only minimally equipped? Perhaps one of the K'luth cruisers could include a few fighter bays. I'd actually reccomend the Parasite for this, since it has always been a sort of inpromptu all-in-one
style ship, and it was going to be phased out anyway.
[ This Message was edited by: TF-72 {Absolut} on 2004-10-28 10:09 ]
_________________ Flagship: MCC-717: C.S.S Antaeus
BackSlash Marshal Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003 Posts: 11183 From: Bristol, England
| Posted: 2004-10-28 09:56  
On 2004-10-27 13:33, Fatal Command *CO*(recruiting) wrote:
one final question....
will fighters kills count towards lost/gained pres in anyway?
I mean a carrier dread launching constantly at a fleet and all get killed....does the launching ship lose pres for the fighter losses?or does the defending ship gain pres for killing said fighters?or both?
*thaughts of ICC making a fighter planet, making it rebel and then pusling the fighters to get prestige come to mind*

Sovereign Fleet Admiral
Joined: September 14, 2003 Posts: 260
| Posted: 2004-10-28 10:26  
I think Gid already said fighters aren't going to be affected by pulsing.
Question: Qill Heavy Beams also recieve an accuracy penalty? Like the beams may miss by a few degrees but will track back on as the cycle continues. It just seems kind of wierd that massive damage weapons like CL2K will have pin-point accuracy. Also, will we no longer be able to construct pure torpedo/beam ships, because earlier I might have read something about all weapons going under an either Weapon Light, Medium, or Heavy.
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral} Vice Admiral Raven Warriors
Joined: May 03, 2003 Posts: 415 From: killer
| Posted: 2004-10-28 14:06  
On 2004-10-27 02:01, Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* wrote:
I would like to see the Stations to be the all powerful ship they should be.. not meaning they have like 20 weapons on them but a station should truely be the wizard of multi-tasking.... and be a pain in the arse to drop out of the sky.... people should look and say "omg.. there is a station there.. now what do we do.... "
Stations USED to be regarded with awe. Whenever one of them showed up, IT OLNY decided the fate of so many battles in the past. There were the strongest ship in turn or armor. They repaiered other ships with ease. AND rained death upon those that got to close to it, Or close jumped to. This i know as i was contanlty close jumped by stations and blown into space dust. But i was also at max stand off range pounding them with rail guns and missles.
I would like the stations to become ONCE more a powerfuly ship able to withstand at MAX three or four dreads attacking it at once. BUT YET not have the firepower to take out more than one of the dreads in CLOSE combat. But some may be thinking I want the station to be a uber ship. NO that is not what I want. The current stations are by far WEAK in there current configiration. And without a jump drive they can not close jump a dessie or crusier to kill it. AND a fleet of dessies can easly WAY TOO EASLY take a station down. I would like the stion to be able to survie, and defend itself. As with have the ability to repair itself AND other ships. They are after all caleed SUPPORT STATIONS, Not Assualt stations.
Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.