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 Author 483 Q&A...

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2004-10-26 19:17   
Questions from Fatal Avernus *LT* are in italics; answers are regular text.

Will Kluth be able to fire while cloaked?
No. In order for cloaking to be absolute, the abilities of Kluth must be restricted. Thus, they can basically only move and use EW (EC(C)M). Otherwise, they're doing nothing.

Will each faction be able to use the others build modules still?
No. Foreign tech will be gained through captured territory.

Any restrictions to the organic/psi weapons in relation to ICC and UGTO?
Kluth weapons generally are available to the Kluth only. Exceptions are Torps and Mines. Otherwise, we've expanded the number of weapons to include a version of each type for each faction (in most cases), so that less trading is necessary and we can better control the balance between factions. Thus, Bio Bombs are Kluth-only, but the Humans now have a bomb which affects population.

Will fighters be a fixed number per ship?
For the most part, yes. When the Fighter Plan is fully realized (not immediately), they will no longer be refillable via supply ships due to their increased strength and use. Players will have to re-outfit them from planets when they run out. Also, the gadget only allows for Control over a certain number of fighters at a time, so orbiting a planet, launching figthers and purchasing more will not allow you to have an infinite number of fighters out in the field.

Will fighters be deployable to guard your ship and will they have more hps?
Yes, one of the planned modes for Fighters is Escorting, in which they would guard your ship. Keep in mind, though, that Fighters will not be getting a full workover this patch; their day in the spotlight is coming a bit after.
As for hit points, they will no longer be susceptible to immediate death via point defense and will have a range of hit points, making them (hopefully) much more useful and versatile.

Will item decay be reduced in starports?
We haven't talked about this, as Decay was thrown in rather abruptly as one method of trying to reduce the amount of objects in the MV. We will probably try to address this at some point, to find a more proper balance for decay and useful mod stockpiling.

How exactly will bombing work with no PCM and Bio Bombs not being able to penetrate shields. Will Mirvs have no minimum range?
MiRVs and all bombs will have a minimum range, just like now. I think I answered this above in my bomb question: Each faction will get a bomb of each variety, so they can whichever type suits the situation. Though Bombs don't penetrate shields now, but bombing still works, so I'm unsure what you meant..

Since when are railguns usefull?
Well the goal is to give a use to each and every weapon, so that they not only have a role, but fit a niche within the game. Thus, they've been reworked so that they will be useful.

That cover it?
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-10-26 19:30   
Very Very Nice and good work Gid, This will help me out with my planed revamp of the ships. I know my ship revamp WILL NOT BE OFFACIAL. Untill the new beta is out and looked at. But my ideal it to turn the UGTO into a more offence based faction, The ICC into a more defence based faction and the K'luth into a more hit and run steath based faction.


Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2004-10-26 19:34   
Uhh... We have a revamp of ships. Is there a reason you're doing one as well?
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy

Joined: May 06, 2004
Posts: 745
From: Florida
Posted: 2004-10-26 19:56   
Linnas ships are too good for us. Her frigs could spank TC's easy
Move like water.

Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: August 09, 2003
Posts: 836
From: Your local future farm.
Posted: 2004-10-26 20:10   
I remember those souped-up railguns back in the Beta long before 1.481 was released. Those were awesome.

  Goto the website of Grimith
Vice Admiral

Joined: September 12, 2004
Posts: 81
Posted: 2004-10-26 20:15   
I think the ship that launches the fighters should be able to repair them by recalling them. Once docked the fighters should repair/rearm. However if one or several fighters are lost they should only be replacable from a planet perhaps with a SY or by a station.


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2004-10-26 20:20   
I think that's the plan, though I'm kinda making that up off the top of my head.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Vice Admiral

Joined: September 12, 2004
Posts: 81
Posted: 2004-10-26 20:28   
Sounds good to me


Joined: February 07, 2003
Posts: 860
Posted: 2004-10-26 20:29   
Will ships be able to land on planets?


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2004-10-26 20:34   
Only the Intrepid-class ships.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-10-26 21:18   

On 2004-10-26 19:34, Shigernafy wrote:
Uhh... We have a revamp of ships. Is there a reason you're doing one as well?

Gid had asked me to redo the supply ships into a non-combat and combat supplys ships. I'm going to do my OWN ships for the factions and suggest them to the players of darkspace. Whats the mater Shigernafy afraid of some compatition? But anyway a player adding suggestions for the game is nice as it lets some of the players ideas out and and use it within the game.

Note: If the comment in her offends someone, It was NOT ment to and I'm sorry in advanced.

Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}

Joined: September 14, 2001
Posts: 4604
From: Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-10-26 22:36   

On 2004-10-26 21:18, Linna Yamazaka 1st RA {Absolut} wrote:

Gid had asked me to redo the supply ships into a non-combat and combat supplys ships. I'm going to do my OWN ships for the factions and suggest them to the players of darkspace. Whats the mater Shigernafy afraid of some compatition? But anyway a player adding suggestions for the game is nice as it lets some of the players ideas out and and use it within the game.

Note: If the comment in her offends someone, It was NOT ment to and I'm sorry in advanced.

Actually, I didn't ask you to revamp anything.

You were/are all hot to trot on doing some ships. Rather than have you run willy nilly all over the place, giving ideas with no real basis or theme (as I am tend to do without direction), I decided to give you some direction and purpose, as well as describe in open chat some of the basics of the upcoming changes (like different defense sizes being present, etc). Since you havn't seen the actual changes, you cannot be expected to really KNOW what is going to change, in detail, so right now we are not accepting ship layout submissions from anyone with a serious eye. They are interesting to look at, but arn't being taken too seriously at this moment.

We will take your ideas, as well as ALL PLAYER ideas into account in beta. We feel that the players, many times, come up with very good directions that we didn't think of, and so want to take player ideas into concideration.

It should be known that it is highly unlikely that we will take any player's suggestions verbatum. This is because we are not going to publish all the specifications for everything in the game. Knowing the exact ammount of HP on a shield, or damage from a railgun, turns DS into a number crunching game. Because of this, we cannot expect player submissions to take into account all the details of the game, since you won't know them. Therefore, expect that any ideas we do use, will be modified, sometimes so extensivly that they are no longer recognizable as the original ideas.

Side note: Shig is filling out some of the ships in the K'Luth fleet, as they are under-shipped. As a dev, his designs understandably have very high priority. Also, Shig knows a lot more than he lets on, the same as any dev, including me. Don't let him get away with "I don't know".

[ This Message was edited by: Gideon on 2004-10-26 22:37 ]
...and lo, He looked upon His creation, and said, "Fo shizzle."

  Email Gideon
Astral Viper

Joined: February 27, 2003
Posts: 343
Posted: 2004-10-26 23:15   
Gideon just sold you out big time Shig

/me gives gideon a high five.

GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.

From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings

  Email Astral Viper
Astral Viper

Joined: February 27, 2003
Posts: 343
Posted: 2004-10-26 23:16   
Gideon just sold you out big time Shig

/me gives gideon a high five.

GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.

From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings

  Email Astral Viper
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-10-26 23:17   
I must be wording things Wrong then as I may have been giving the wrong impressing. But I was saying that you have told me to desing the supply ships. And I will thank You for allowing be to take part in that. I've been trying to say that there ideas and ideas ONLY.

AND IF you will also notice that with my ships desings UNLIKE others, i tryed to make them NON UBER in design. If some appair that way there was a weakness that you were not seeing. As for the revamp of the ships for all fations that i'm going to undertake. IS something I"M doing on my own, I know that my ship ideas well 99.9% Will not go intot he new ships. BUT some of the ideas that are shown may show the Dev team the way some players wish the ships to go.

I hope i have not Stepped on any toes, and If so I'm sorry and hope for your forgivness.

Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
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