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 Author 483 Q&A...

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2004-10-28 15:37   
[broken record mode]
Yes, we have plans to revamp the stations. Have for months.

How about criticisms after you see the new stations?
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 28, 2003
Posts: 276
From: New Jersey
Posted: 2004-10-28 15:39   
Shig want are these intrpied class ships?

  Email Lawman   Goto the website of Lawman
Tiffy Rando
Grand Admiral

Joined: January 19, 2003
Posts: 354
From: Austin, Texas
Posted: 2004-10-28 20:02   
I think that was supposed to be a joke... yah know... Intrepid class, voyager from star trek... cause it can land... yeah, I saw someone post the movie in the lobby....
Flagship: MCC-717: C.S.S Antaeus

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-28 23:04   
Humor lost on some...

Darkspace: Twilight

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Astral Viper

Joined: February 27, 2003
Posts: 343
Posted: 2004-10-28 23:15   
poor lost souls only need to be guided to the light that is star trek

GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.

From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings

  Email Astral Viper
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
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From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-10-29 01:50   
Sorry Shing.. was in retirement when the call came out the Stations where getting a revamp... sorry to drag our the broken record...

Not to try to bring out anothe broken record BUT what plans are there for fighters... been gone awhile and just need a jumpstart... only need one answer and will shut up about it (dreams about what it would be like to have a Battlestar Galactica type carrier in the game)

I mean a pure Carrier.... lots of Pulse Beams for PD and a few Beams for fending off Destroyers and lighter craft... maybe a PCM or two for a little counter-ship firepower..... OR if you saw the movie ... Wing Commander .... The Tiger Claw is what I beleive is the ideal ICC Carrier..... Fighters, Bombers, a couple of what would be PCM tubes and a few side mounted missles.. with sheilds!! But I digress.... But as I see what is going on.. all is good in DS Land...


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Grand Admiral

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 1956
From: Vancouver
Posted: 2004-10-29 04:18   
rocko, wing commander; exillent movie. i agree a carrier resembling the tiger claw to be very appealing.

*thaughts of ICC making a fighter planet, making it rebel and then pusling the fighters to get prestige come to mind*

thoughts of recently made Fleet Admirals being reduced to *deck droid

*Think the little thing from the death star..... oh ya, minus 20k pres

  Email Meko
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-29 09:00   
Mmmm... a true carrier Daddy like... escape pods would be nice, so you can only launch one wave of fighters at once, but a short time after a ship is destroyed, another fighter opens up as the pilot is rescued...

Mmmm... Tiger Claw... *drool*

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Grand Admiral

Joined: August 16, 2002
Posts: 327
From: Quebec, Canada
Posted: 2004-10-29 13:53   
I have 2 questions...

One about the cloak mechanics, the other about the new Arcs.

First off, the cloak...

Consider this scenario...

Kluth ship jumps in cloaked with all modules fully charged but the JD.
Kluth ship come withing firing range, alpha-strike. ( hence de-cloaking while firing )
While recharging the weapons, can you re-cloak?
Also, if the energy reserves have reached zero and you're going full speed and the weapons and modules haven't recharged yet, do you stay uncloaked until the modules are all recharged?
Or is there a "reasonable treshold"?
Like in Star Trek when the klingons uncloak, fire, stay uncloaked a few seconds for a retaliation while the energy is redirected to the weapons before being redirected back to the cloak, then recloak to recharge weapons for the next pass?

I guess what I'm asking is a real world example of how it will actually work with every exceptions taken into account ( disabled modules, engines etc etc etc... ).

Second, I noticed that there are new arcs, some are interesting but a crucial one is missing, the "broadside arc" ( left AND right only ). Are there plans to implement such an arc as well adding a LOT to the strategic/tactical factor?
Mostly Retired.


Joined: September 14, 2001
Posts: 4604
From: Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-10-29 14:04   

On 2004-10-29 13:53, Diabo|ik wrote:
I have 2 questions...

One about the cloak mechanics, the other about the new Arcs.

First off, the cloak...

Consider this scenario...

Kluth ship jumps in cloaked with all modules fully charged but the JD.
Kluth ship come withing firing range, alpha-strike. ( hence de-cloaking while firing )
While recharging the weapons, can you re-cloak?
Also, if the energy reserves have reached zero and you're going full speed and the weapons and modules haven't recharged yet, do you stay uncloaked until the modules are all recharged?
Or is there a "reasonable treshold"?
Like in Star Trek when the klingons uncloak, fire, stay uncloaked a few seconds for a retaliation while the energy is redirected to the weapons before being redirected back to the cloak, then recloak to recharge weapons for the next pass?

I guess what I'm asking is a real world example of how it will actually work with every exceptions taken into account ( disabled modules, engines etc etc etc... ).

Well, remember that we are rebalancing all parts of the game simulation. This includes energy generation, consumption, and reserves.

The cloaking device requires energy maintanence to remain on. If you run out of power, then it shuts off automatically, discharging, and requiring it to recycle before you can use it again.

I suppose, a ship could jump in, fire, and move out slowly while cloaking. Of course, I expect it would be coming under fire during this (otherwise, it wouldn't need to cloak, would it?). Anyways, K'Luth are a bit weak in the port/starboard arcs, and are fragile in the aft arc. Because of this, they really need thier maneuverability and speed (they have a natural advantage in this area, if they care to push thier throttle high enough) in order to avoid being smished.

So, in your example, I guess a ship could jump in, fire, cloak, break off slowly, while taking it up the tailpipe. I suppose the persuing ship could manual target, and pound the fleeting K'luth ship (remember, large sized weapons, like the Large P Cannon, do major damage, and can hit a ship out to about 2K gu). The K'Luth player might be able to avoid, or might get trounced by the other players...but now we're down to player skill, and that is something we really cannot measure with spreadsheets.


Second, I noticed that there are new arcs, some are interesting but a crucial one is missing, the "broadside arc" ( left AND right only ). Are there plans to implement such an arc as well adding a LOT to the strategic/tactical factor?

There is no such arc, ever in the history of weapon mounting, to the best of my knowledge. I suppose such an arc could exist, as it could be a port/dorsal/starboard, or port/ventral/starboard, but both ventral and dorsal firing areas are totally irrelevant in DS, since the game exists on a 2D plane right now. This would be port and starboard only, which is a very illogical way to mount a weapon.

Therefore, that kind of arc would not really add much to the game, and so there is no compelling reason to include it.

[ This Message was edited by: Gideon on 2004-10-29 14:08 ]
...and lo, He looked upon His creation, and said, "Fo shizzle."

  Email Gideon
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-10-29 16:03   

On 2004-10-29 14:04, Gideon wrote:

On 2004-10-29 13:53, Diabo|ik wrote:

Second, I noticed that there are new arcs, some are interesting but a crucial one is missing, the "broadside arc" ( left AND right only ). Are there plans to implement such an arc as well adding a LOT to the strategic/tactical factor?

There is no such arc, ever in the history of weapon mounting, to the best of my knowledge. I suppose such an arc could exist, as it could be a port/dorsal/starboard, or port/ventral/starboard, but both ventral and dorsal firing areas are totally irrelevant in DS, since the game exists on a 2D plane right now. This would be port and starboard only, which is a very illogical way to mount a weapon.

Therefore, that kind of arc would not really add much to the game, and so there is no compelling reason to include it.

[ This Message was edited by: Gideon on 2004-10-29 14:08 ]

Gideon There are ship ingame that have port and starboard weapon arc, the minlayer if i reamber right had port, starboard sides.

Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Grand Admiral

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 1956
From: Vancouver
Posted: 2004-10-30 00:46   
linna hes talking about the new ships not the current ones.

  Email Meko
Tiffy Rando
Grand Admiral

Joined: January 19, 2003
Posts: 354
From: Austin, Texas
Posted: 2004-10-30 02:02   

On 2004-10-28 09:27, TF-72 {Absolut} wrote:
My God... the truth finally comes out!

I'm excited about the changes to the destroyer and dreadnought class ships, and cannot wait to see how the human Escort Destroyer class comes into play in terms of fleet tactics .

But I'm curious, since I read that Shig is going to be working on filling out the K'luth ships, will the K'luth getting a similar class of destroyer?

However, since fighters and point defense have never been an emphasis for the K'luth maybe it would be better to have some sort of EW boat, since the K'luth in their present form are extremely lacking in that department. This could be second life for the stinger, since it has always had the best power generation of any K'luth ship, except for the hive.

How will fighters be handled for the K'luth, since the few K'luth ships that actually have fighters are only minimally equipped? Perhaps one of the K'luth cruisers could include a few fighter bays. I'd actually reccomend the Parasite for this, since it has always been a sort of inpromptu all-in-one
style ship, and it was going to be phased out anyway.

Erm no one ever answere my question, I'm sorta wondering here... I mean what good is having the best intercepter fighter if you can only use them in minute quantities...?

[ This Message was edited by: TF-72 {Absolut} on 2004-10-30 02:03 ]
Flagship: MCC-717: C.S.S Antaeus


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2004-10-30 02:23   
Two things:

Linna - there is no "port/starboard" slot.. no slot which can fire to the sides but not front and back. It just makes no sense. There are port slots, and starboard slots, but they're seperate.

Kluth - Yes, Kluth are a bit weak on fighters, but we don't want to just make kluth versions of human ships; each faction should, optimally, have their own feel. Not to say they won't get a fighter ship; there's been no decision yet. Just don't expect a kluth version of the carrier dread, is all I'm saying.
Part of that feel is a lack of PD, which will remain.
As far as EW, it was weak in the past because of the effects it had on the cloak. With there now being no effect, there's no reason not to reintroduce some EW on ships, and I think there is more planned than currently exists. As far as specific recommendations for ships... ships of the same class all more or less have the same basic layout: same jump drive, cloaking, base armoring (some do have more, depending), and energy levels. Thus, there are no longer destroyers which are vastly superior in energy production. All the destroyers have the same basic energy production.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-10-30 02:59   
Thats what i was saying Your thinking of a Port, fore, Starboard. I said Port/Starboard. Meaning port AND starboard. Sorry about the confusion on that. The ICC minlayer has 2 port, and 2 starbort guns.

Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
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