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All of this is just copypasta for now. I'll add in spelling edits, organization, and credits later.

TIP #1 Use at least one CAPITAL letter in your name!!! -Scorched Soul

Having a capital letter at the beginning of your name is one thing, but HaViNg A nAmE lIkE tHiS just screams "lamer" and many people won't take you seriously. Hell, I know I wouldn't -Talien

  1. 1 dont take things to seriously in the game
  2. 2 in the beginning you will probably die a lot, just keep trying, we all been there
  3. 3 Doran da man!
  4. 4 if you rlly having difficulty with something u can always ask, just not always someone will answer, simply for the reason they are to tired to type all the text for the answer. try rephrasing ur question so that a simple yes or no will suffice

- -domedi-

if you fight an equal fight, your doing it wrong -Zero28

One thing i was told as a young padawan was that if you are in orbit always point away from the planet so for example if luth suddenly appear you can Ejump out the way -*Abbot*

Always keep moving. The only time you shouldn't be moving is if: -You're in orbit of a planet deep into safe space. -You're a space station. -You're a dread in close proximity to a space station and/or other dreads. Any other time, keep moving, at a decent speed if possible. It allows you to move and dodge incoming fire, and put distance between you and whoever decides to jump you or decloak near you. -Whiterin

stay aware and always be prepared to ejump if a kluth uncloaks on your tail or your targeted by an incomming attacker. -Brutality

  • Do your best to keep the enemy you are fighting between your self and the enemies you don't want to be fighting. The best kind of damage is when you get your enemies team mates shooting his rump when you are plowing through the front. -Scorched Soul

when k'luth are around(even when you're next to a stat)....keep moving! you don't have to move at full speed. just move around a bit and don't sit still. -Mylith

When in the heat of battle and your taking damage, jump early! Even if you think you can survive jsut a bit longer, dont risk it, just jump out. You see, there is a slight delay till your computer is updated with damage on your ship. So,, you could be dead and not know it yet! Many players die mid jump because of this. - -ExisT

Because of how the auto aiming system works in darkspace, always have a changing velocity when in combat. Even the smallest wiggles can throw off shots at longer ranges. -SpaceAdmiral

  1. 1 never take another player serious, 90% of the time they are joking, drunk, or just plain lying:P
  1. 2 some players expect a certain submissive attitude or they do not talk to you, ignore those people or laugh at them in their face
  1. 3 If you are getting really good at something then a random player PM you "stop it or you get nerfed" for god sakes stop it!
  1. 4 most people in lobby are afk so they wont respond. dont take is as an insult when its all quiet
  1. 5 whenever you see someone rage in chat or ingame yell, laugh at them, a simple "lol" will suffice
  1. 6 if you want ppl to put you on their ignore list, simply send many PM (personal message, command = /send name message) to that person. if you dont want ppl to ignore you, try NOT sending many many PM to ppl
  1. 7 Doran da man, make sure you inform other people in game of this fact as many times as you can - -domedi-


Use the buddy system

Buddy system= for every one of them make sure there are 2 of you (whenever possible)

When moving up through ship classes and you want to make kills you should go with an exponential model

to kill 1 dread you should bring

-1 ugto/icc station or 2 Kluth stations -2 dreads -4 cruisers -8 destroyers -16 frigates(this one would be really funny)

Unless your Kluth then you want to double all these numbers :p -Scorched Soul

Here're a couple of tips.

Never go through a gate or into an uncertain battle until your JD is fully or nearly charged up. I've lost count of how many times I've survived unfavorable odds because of this.

Your JD is your get out of jail free card. Always keep it handy.

When plotting a jump, don't just worry about red and white lines. Survey your jump path for enemy planetary dictors too. You don't wanna drop out of jump in hostile territory with 5 enemy ships on you and no JD. Or be late to a battle. -Kenny_Naboo _________________ always try answer /sends and /t's if they're not spam(in which case, /report them).

even if it's noob010 messaging you "wud u liek to joyn mah nu fleetz? itz calld epicawesomefleetzor!' say 'no thanks, not interested atm.'. or say yes. w/e. just don't say nothing.

EDIT: Oh, also, be very careful when flying a new ship class for the first time. Jump out when you're losing, don't wait. Try to keep a full JD at all times. - Mylith