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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » Darkspace - Twilight (Now with Alternate Ending!)
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 Author Darkspace - Twilight (Now with Alternate Ending!)
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-28 04:07   
Turning me on will NOT accomplish this any faster

Besides - all I have to do is picture Tarne's, Lin's, or Stary's name in place of yours ya ugly mug

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Grand Admiral

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 1956
From: Vancouver
Posted: 2004-11-28 06:22   
or Banshees right

and yes i would think that... bet then again i realize u got the woman to keep ya busy as well

  Email Meko
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-28 22:20   
Not anymore...

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Vice Admiral

Joined: September 16, 2003
Posts: 450
Posted: 2004-11-28 23:50   
/me hugs coeus...


Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: October 30, 2002
Posts: 1806
From: Where the Sun dont Shine (Seattle-ish)
Posted: 2004-11-29 00:09   
I had a cameo appearance. Cool.
(too lazy to rehost that old sig)

\"Errare Human Est.\"

  Email JackSwift

Joined: May 06, 2004
Posts: 745
From: Florida
Posted: 2004-11-29 00:22   
Move like water.

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-29 00:40   
Don't hug me
Wasn't working, so I broke it off so she wouldn't get hurt (more) in the long run.

College > free time.

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-11-29 05:13   
Sorry to hear about that bro... The military cost me my girl... she could deal with being a Navy wife... its basically the same thing....

US Navy BS + Deployments x Long Work Hours = Little Free Time


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Vice Admiral

Joined: September 16, 2003
Posts: 450
Posted: 2004-11-29 05:54   
/me withdraws hug...

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-29 17:20   
Thank you - that was the wierdest hug I've had in a while... lol

Yeah rocko - I got some friends that had the military relationships... not gonna say nothing though

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Astral Viper

Joined: February 27, 2003
Posts: 343
Posted: 2004-12-21 23:59   
still waiting for more chapters bum

GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.

From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings

  Email Astral Viper
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-01-01 22:11   
You will all be pleased to know that I have begun working on the last few chapters! I am planning on releasing them all at once to close out the story, so it may take a bit.

Just some upcoming teasers...

The fight for the future of the galaxy goes beyond Sol.

"Is that Lobster a friend or dinner?"

The Marines couldn't be happier, hand to hand combat was all too rare as of late.

"Could you please try NOT to collide with friendly ships!"

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-01-15 20:56   
OMG! OMG OMG OMG! After god knows how many months of writers block (which is still firmly in place btw =) I HAVE A CHAPTER! The stuffs hitting the fan

Without further delay - Chapter 18, with special guest star Josef!

MS Word Doc

Chapter 18

“Sir, the ICC attacks have begun to weaken. We are gaining more ground on them now, its only a matter of ti-” The weapons officer found himself cut off by the comms officer.

“Admiral! The Havoc, sir…” Wyke stood up and stared straight ahead as the impossible happened. One of the strongest ships in the lines began drifting helplessly and breaking apart after a little destroyer had simply disappeared into it. Without losing a beat, Wyke sat back down.

“See if you can get some ships to tractor the hull of the Havoc in front of us so we can use whats left of her to absorb some enemy fire – continue the forward push!” Wyke had no choice. He knew that they would not be able to hold the planet, but perhaps they could do enough damage to the ICC fleet that they would make the ICC think twice before sending more ships after the UGTO. Damn these rebels! It would not end like this.

“Sir, wormhole opening to our aft.” The nav officer said.

“Show me.” Wyke said, and one of the monitors above his head displayed the ships that were behind the Depthcharge and the space beyond them. The bright shimmering flash that signaled the formation of a singularity was almost directly behind the ship. It was so close that one of the smaller engineering ships that was trailing in an attempt to stay alive had to make a drastic move to avoid getting caught in the wormhole’s gravity well. Wyke couldn’t do anything – whatever came through there would chew the fleet up to the point where no one could recover.

“I repeat this is Fleet Admiral Clint from Virus Station calling the Depthcharge. Stand by for reinforcements.” Wyke couldn’t believe his ears. The rumors of UGTO forces in hiding were true apparently! Too bad they couldn’t have coordinated this better, or Wyke’s fleet might not have sustained the heavy losses that it had. That’s alright though – with the dozen ships that came through the wormhole ahead of the massive domed station they would be able to take and hold the planet for some time. They just had to get to it now.

“Your timing couldn’t be better, Admiral. You are most welcome here!” Wyke said. He then uplinked his computers to the ones on Virus Station so Clint would have the most up to date information on the entire battle.

”Sir.” The nav officer said. Wyke was getting tired of his updates, they weren’t good for the old Admiral’s heart. “There are several more wormholes forming.” He said.

“Very good! Commend the station commanders and inform them to hook into the computers on Virus Stat-“ the nav officer cut him off.

“No sir, they are forming behind the ICC lines, and ICC ships and stations are coming out.”

Wyke stood once more from his seat, his heart began to strain again – he would have to get that looked at if he lived through the day. He walked to the window and watched as the number of ICC ships that could be seen increased, and massive space stations now became visable. So it all comes down to this, ehh? If it was a fight the ICC wanted, then a fight they would get.

“Full ahead flank. Lets see what they’re made of.” Wyke walked back to his seat, and crossed his leg and folded his hands in front of his face – and stared forward past the steeples his index fingers formed. “And may whatever god everyone believes in have mercy on their souls.”


“This is Luna Outpost to Fighter 27318, you are cleared to launch.” Josef couldn’t believe his lousy luck. Why the hell did HE have to go check this out – this was something that the computer could do! Its that damned Gideon – its her fault! Her entire damned family’s fault! That was just as well, he couldn’t stand it on that colony another minute. Too many overweight people that tried to make themselves feel better by looking at ¼ of their Earth weight on the scales. Josef sighed. Well, there wasn’t anything to be done about it now, so he might as well make the best of the trip.

“Fighter 27318 responding, I am on course and 30 seconds from destination. Awaiting further instructions?” Josef said into the comm. channel. After they ordered him to manually scan the area, they said to fire random shots across the entire area to try and find any cloaked ships. That was impossible, Earth had the most active sensor grid in the entire galaxy – no ships could come any further than the Asteroid belt without being detected by the field. “Roger Luna Outpost, commencing visual sweep of the sec-“ Josef never got to finish his report as his tiny little fighter slammed into the side of the Del Monte, creating a huge gap in the unprotected hull.


“My lord!” an aide said. Without waiting to hear what he had to say, Hawk killed him and called the bridge.

“We sent an ai- I see my lord. It appears that the humans were somehow alerted to our presence but could not detect us. They sent out thousands of single-man fighters to sweep the area, one of the pests impacted a side of the ship in between the plates of the protective armor. We now have a hole in the ship’s hull and are visible to their scanners.” Hawk roared with rage. They were not prepared, and the human fleets were a short distance away.

“Begin bombardment of the planet immediately! Contact Raganock of the Soul Eater and tell him to prepare an emergency conduit to the second human faction’s homeworld! We must not fail!” Hawk growled, pulled his blade from the corpse and started towards the bridge. He would fulfill his destiny!


“Admiral, we have a problem.” Nub turned around. He had delegated the assault of the UGTO position to Hirad while focusing his own energies on getting his fleet back up to operational status. “We have several contacts that just appeared around Earth. They have begun systematically destroying the planetary defenses on both Earth and Luna, the planet will be completely defenseless inside of five minutes. The defense weapons seem to have no effect on the enemy ships.” The comms officer said. He sped all that information out so fast that he had to take a breath.

Nub wasted no time on a decision. “This is what Coeus and Bito warned us about. Inform Admiral Hirad to divert all of his ships to Earth to stop these enemies. Abandon Neptune, it is of little consequence.” With that, Nub’s battered fleet reloaded and wormholed towards the human homeworld, they had to prevent an atrocity that would end all atrocities.


“How long?” Delafelde asked.

“Not long now sir.” Delafelde grunted as his helm officer manipulated his panel. The ship was on full combat status – there were reports coming in that were sketchy at best. From what he could piece together the ICC fleet, which at this point vastly outnumbered the poor UGTO survivors, had completely withdrawn from the battle and used a wormhole to get to Earth. Even the jump-capable ships shot through the wormhole, which meant that every second counted.

“Close enough to form a wormhole to Earth?” Delafelde glanced over at Coeus, who was standing by the helm operator. It hadn’t been long before he became accustomed to how the new holo-panels worked.

“Not yet Sono, another three minutes before we reach max range.” Coeus said. He looked back at Delafelde, and shook his head. He didn’t think they would make it in time.


Jameson picked himself up from the deck plate. The Charger had held up well, her hull was pockmarked, shields were all but non-existent, ablative armor was completely eroded, and they were quickly running out of ammunition. They had taken to using their lasers as the primary weapon, except when the opportunity to strike the hull of an enemy directly presented itself. “Report!” he demanded.

“Sir, I think the reports that the Eternal gave were on a different ship – we don’t seem to be making a single dent in these ships. They have some sort of shielding that surpasses our own, we can’t penetrate it!” Jameson grunted as he sat down in the captain’s chair. Something was broken, no time to figure out what though.

“Back us off to 300gu, continue firing!” Jameson was all out of ideas. They were losing too many ships, and from the looks of one of the enemy dreads they were going to make a run on Earth. “At least they’re not cloaked this time.”

“Sir.” The comm. officer spun around and faced the captain. “I think that’s it. The Eternal said that the enemy ship was cloaked, and they couldn’t penetrate the cloak no matter what, but they seemed to be able to inflict massive damage on them.”

“Get me Admiral NubMarine on the line, NOW!” Jameson barked. The ship was starting to buckle from the strain. He shook his head softly, then said to himself. “Come on baby hold together, just a little while longer.”

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2005-01-15 22:31   

Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: December 07, 2002
Posts: 522
From: Straight Outta Boston!
Posted: 2005-01-16 07:58   
Twilight Lives!

[S.W] Grand Admiral Strategery
ICC Master Battle Strategist (ret.)
Proud Commander of the C.S.S. Ticonderoga

  Email Strategery
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