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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
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 Author The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-01-04 13:26   
ok ok...how about

Backslash apeared confused, he pressed the comms button..

"We're too close to Earth again, Wormhole failed" came the echoy boom on the loud speakers

BackSlash muttered to himself "I think I may need to do some extra praying to Faustus tonight"


Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2005-01-04 16:25   
what ever happened to the classical scene of a crew STARVING to death hmm?

its fairly easy.... A proton Torpedo makes the Jumpdrive go insane and hurl them into deepspace till it runs out of fuel with no hope for reaching a planet..

come on think of something with style... sheesh gravity wells are so Star Trek The Next Generationish


- Axi

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-04 16:40   
Well since I didn't want to kill her off and since she was an key part to the revealing of certain backstory facts I had to write something quick. I understand the Gravity Well thing is a bit Star Trekish but I did come up with a nice way of putting them in a tight situation. I basically explained what happend in the next chapter which i am STILL writing. I am telling you this next chapter has taken on a mind of its own LoL.

I was actually thinking of the scene in the Movie "Lost in Space" where they try to escape the gravity well of the planet that was breaking apart. I just adapted it to my needs.

Anyways I should have it done very soon... just tying up a few loose ends.

Besides, since when does a Jump Cruiser have Jump Drives?


[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* on 2005-01-04 17:01 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2005-01-04 16:50   
I know of a great way to get Linna in a tight spot....

/me thinks of a Female Fighter pilot suit that is 1 size to small


Ahum sorry about that my mind has a will of its own sometimes

[ This Message was edited by: Axianda * P90 Rules* on 2005-01-04 16:56 ]

- Axi

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-04 17:04   
Yeah I bet it does have a mind of its own!


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-04 18:12   
Finally it is done. Yes, Chapter 18 is complete. I know this will be a long read and it might not have the detail in the battles as some of my other chapters but it grew bigger than had planned. It is a good chapter and I hope you will like it. This Chapter truely turnes the page in the storyline.

I bring you Chapter 18... or "Into The Breach Once More My Friend"


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-04 18:29   
*****Chapter Eighteen*****

Rocko was in his stateroom at his terminal talking to Admiral Backslash, “Well Rocko looks like we are really going to be pulling the Tigers tail this time. We are going to be taking it to the enemy in a major way. My Tau Ceti Fleet will be making the attack on Ross 148 and when I call you to attack you are to commence Unrestricted Warfare on all UGTO assets in Barnards Star. Just remember to act like a K’Luth.” “I will do my best to copy their tactics. Too bad we don’t have some actual K’Luth ships. That would really stir the pot even better.” “Well maybe someday we will, but today you are using our ships.”

“My fleet stands ready. We plan on departing in 4 hours. We will be ready.” “I trust you will be. Just be in Barnards Star ready to go as planned and wait for the go code.” “Backslash, stop worrying, I will be there. Ok?” “I hear you friend, just remember I am counting on you.” Rocko closed the connection and got up to walk to the mirror. As he looked into the mirror he saw a man that knew what he had to do. He had to convince the UGTO he was a K’Luth. “Well Admiral, its time to earn your stripes. Time to get the job done when it is crunch time.” With that Rocko straightened his uniform and walked out the door towards the Docking Bay.

Rocko viewed the assembled ships and was extremely proud of what he saw. Thirteen well crewed ships waiting to strike a blow on the enemy. Rocko moved towards the Bunker Hill and as he entered the ship he could only think about what his friend Backslash must be doing. Most likely getting his ships ready to move out as he was. “Communications, order the fleet to move out and take up holding stations outside the base.” “Sir orders are being transmitted.” Ships started to shuffle and move themselves in a ballet of millions of tons of steel and alloys. “Admiral, all ships have confirmed the move order and are taking up holding stations outside of the Station.” “Very Good. Helm; move us out when you can. Communications, instruct the Captain Swift to engage his Wormhole Device to set up our run to the holding point.” In moments the fleet was gone and on they’re way to the holding point.

Fleet Admiral Backslash prepared his fleet for movement. He had chosen to take his Support Station, the ICCS Domination, on this little adventure. It was one of the most heavy armed versions of its kind. Admiral Backslash had it modified to his tastes. Backslash looked at the tactical display showing him his fleet. He had a large fleet at his disposal, which included 2 Assault Dreadnaughts, 3 Combat Dreadnaughts, 2 Missile Dreadnaughts, 4 Assault Cruisers, 2 Missile Cruisers, 4 Combat Destroyers, 2 Missile Destroyers and 2 Large Supply Ships. It was an impressive fleet but would it do the job?

“Communications, tell the fleet to prepare for our Wormhole. Send the Go-Code to Admiral Willis, he is waiting at his launch point.” “Yes Sir, the fleet is forming up for the Wormhole and the Go-Code has been sent.” “Very Well. Navigation, input the Wormhole coordinates and prepare for Wormhole activation, Engineering spin up the Wormhole Device and prepare to engage on my command.” “We are standing by Admiral, the Wormhole drive is at maximum saturation. We are ready for activation.” “Good. This is Admiral Backslash, standby to enter the Wormhole. Engineering, engage the Wormhole.” “Aye Sir, engaging now...”

The fleet moved in a sophisticated ballet to get into position for the Event Horizon when, as the activation timer reached zero, nothing happened. “Engineering, what happened?” “I don’t know sir! All I can say is that we have had a Wormhole Generation Failure! We are recharging the energy capacitors as we speak.” “DAMN! Send the Abort-Code to Admiral Willis, do it now.” “We cannot Sir, once the Go-Code is given, they have been instructed to go into Radio Silence.”

“Admiral, we have received the Go-Code.” “Very well, lets make the final Wormhole into the Target System. Engage Radio Silence, and engage Tactical Laser Communications. Prepare to maneuver.” “Yes Sir, all ships are reporting ready. We have engaged Tactical Laser Comms.” “Very Good. Open a channel to all ships.” “Aye Sir, channel open.” “All Ships, This is Admiral Willis. We have a large responsibility to the Republic and we must complete this mission if the Republic is to survive. We have the mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power to get the mission done. We shall not fail. Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us. Never has our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater. At home or on distant planets as we serve with pride, confident in the respect of our Republic, our crewmates and our families we will overcome and prevail. I have confidence you will all do your best. Good Luck and Godspeed to all. That is all.”

In those few moments, with all the crew listening to him, Rocko knew what had to be done was the right thing to be done. He had confidence in his crew. He knew they could do their jobs and do them well. As he sat there in his bridge chair, looking into the view screen, he could see the Wormhole Event Horizon. The ships were moving towards the Event Horizon and one by one the blinked out of existence, being transported one and a half million Gu in the blink of an eye. As his command ship, the Bunker Hill, approached the Wormhole, Rocko knew he was in the right place at the right time. He was making a difference. Just like he did over 15 years ago.

“Engineering! Get that damn Wormhole up and running. If we do not get it going right now this whole operation is going to be blown.” “I think we got it fixed Admiral, try it now sir.” “Activate the Wormhole!” And nothing happened. “Ah for the love of…” “Admiral, I don’t know what to say. Everything seems to be ok, but we are not generating the Event Horizon for some reason.” “Well you better figure out and damn quickly. I don’t like the thought of hanging Admiral Willis out in the breeze.” Backslash knew Rocko needed the support but couldn’t do anything till the Wormhole was completed. “Admiral we found the problem. The transmission line to the formation array was disconnected. We will have it fixed in 15 minutes.” “You had better or I am going to have someone’s hide.” “It will be done in 15 minutes Sir, I guarantee it.” “I will hold you to it.” How could they have missed a transmission cable? It was not like his Engineering crew to miss something like that at all. How could it have been missed? Or had it been missed on purpose. No it couldn’t have been missed on purpose, could it have?

Millions of Gu away from the fight, a lone ship floated in the darkness of space. It was damaged and adrift but still in one piece. “Navigation, where are we?” Captain Yamazaka pulled herself off the floor as the lights flickered. “Captain, I cannot get any data from the Nav Computer, it is currently off-line.” “Well at least we are alive. Lets get a damage control report and see what’s broken.” “Captain, this is Engineering, I have bad news.” “Chief what is it?” “The Wormhole Device is fried, toast, totally burned out. The only way we are ever going to make one again is to get a new one. Auxiliary Power is online and working but we only have partial Main Power. We are working to restore Main Power.” “Very Good Chief, keep at it. Let’s get damage control parties working to try to get this hunk of junk as fixed as we can.” “Aye Sir, right away.”

Linna knew they were in big trouble. All through out the ship damage control teams where repairing equipment to get the ship running again. She had to get this hunk of junk running again. “Captain, I can now give you one half impulse but that’s it for now. We are still trying to restore Main Power.” “Right now I will take whatever you can give me. Navigation, what about that computer!” “We have been able to repair and reboot the main computer. It seems we are deep in K’Luth held territory.” “How did that happen?” “Because of the unstable nature of the Wormhole, and the fact the Nav Computer was damaged in our prior engagement, the Nav Computer used the course we were on and not the coordinates we had input to determine where the Wormhole went.” “Now isn’t that just great. Helm, plot us a course back to ICC controlled space and try to bypass as much of the enemy active areas as you can.” “Aye Captain, course plotted and laid in.” “Ok, move us out at best possible speed.”

“Helm! Hard right turn! Release All Batteries!” Damn, Rocko thought, there wasn’t supposed to be so many ships here! And with a blink of an eye another Torpedo Cruiser was turned into so much junk. “Helm, move us out to a area we can hide in. Have the fleet form up and follow. Someone tell me where those five Cruisers come from?” From the Tactical Station, “It would seem we had the unfortunate mishap of having our Wormhole open up into a Resupply Point. They seemed to have been waiting on a Supply Ship. We were very lucky we were at General Quarters and we caught them with their pants down.” “Well we have to be more careful next time. Tactical, where is the nearest enemy ships?” “We have a moderate sized group of ships on station at Isemene. It consists of a Battle Dreadnaught, two Battle Cruisers, a Missile Cruiser, an Assault Destroyer and three Gunboat Destroyers. There are other formations but this one is the closest one.” “Very Well, have the fleet form up into attack formation. Have the fleet load the PCM-12’s. Lets move into range and prepare to fire on my command.”

Fleet Admiral Backslash was very impatient as he walked back and forth across the Command Bridge. “Admiral, engineering is reporting they have fixed the Wormhole Device and are ready.” “I certainly hope so. Navigation, enter the coordinates for the Wormhole. Communications, tell the fleet we are going to attempt another Wormhole and standby to enter it quickly. Engineering, engage the Wormhole.” All eyes where on the view screen, waiting to see what would happen, when there was an explosion of colors on the view screen that turned into a beautiful Wormhole. “All Ships! This is Admiral Backslash, move into the Event Horizon and take up combat formation. Standby for close order combat.” Backslash knew he had to move quickly if he was going to take some of the heat off Rocko.

Rocko sat intently looking into the Aegis Tactical Display, looking at all information on ship formations, positions, and weapon ranges. He watched as the fleet closed to within weapons range of the large dreadnaught. “Standby to engage the Dreadnaught at maximum range. Ready, Steady, FIRE!” “Missiles Away Sir, launching the second wave. Second Wave of Missiles is Away!” “Very Well, All ships Fire at Will from range. All hands standby for Close Quarter Combat, if they get too close we will have to kill them quickly to prevent them from communicating to their bosses whom were are.”

Onboard the Battle Dreadnaught Onslaught, the night midshipman at the sensor controls suddenly called out to the Duty Watch Officer. “SIR! We have multiple, high speed, inbound contacts! Classify as probable Missiles.” The Duty Watch Officer jumped up suddenly as if he had been shocked. “What? Where are they coming from? “Unknown Sir, missiles have been confirmed as PCM class.” “Combat Alert! Activate all Point Defense Systems! Polarize the Armor plating. Helm, all ahead full and unmask all batteries!” All around the bridge, the crew was watching their scopes or the view screen, watching and willing the missiles to be destroyed, but it was not to be. “All Hands! Brace for shock!” Just as the Captain rushed in and asked what was going on the first missile that made it through impacted on the right rear of the ships hull. The high order detonation caused the ship to not only roll to the left but also accelerated its turn to the right, causing crews throughout the ship to be tossed into bulkheads or to the decks, injuring personnel all over.

One after another the missiles struck the huge ship, rocking the ship from bow to stern as huge chunks of armor floated away into space. “Damage Report!” “Jump Drive is off line, Main Power is off line, Starboard Armor Plating is totally depleted. We have massive hull breaches on decks A, D, F and G. We have several fires onboard. Fires are in the cargo bay, communications room, engineering, and main computer room. Damage Control parties are moving to repair the damage. We are dead in the water, Sir.” “Very Well, but I will tell one thing, I have never seen a PCM with that much damage. Damage Report on the other ships!” “Unable to tell sir, sensors are also offline.” “Well can you tell me what does work around here?”

Rocko was very busy, as he fought for his very life. “Helm! Come about to course 227 fire all beams at that Missile Cruiser!” They had almost destroyed the Dreadnaught and had eliminated one of the Battle Cruisers and two of the Gunboat Destroyers when they shot the PCM’s, but the enemy ships that had survived had followed the trajectories back to their point of origin. Rocko had made a stupid mistake by not changing his position after the long-range attack allowing the enemy to jump within 1,000 Gu of his ships. As his ship was coming to bear Rocko could see the Captain Axianda in the Hellhound chasing down the other Battle Cruiser, he was firing his Anti-Matter Torpedoes and as they closed the Battle Cruiser made a hard turn to port to evade them. That was a dumb move since Axianda was smart enough to expect it as he remote detonated the torpedoes close aboard, ripping shreds of armor and exposing its flanks to further fire from the Frigates as they bobbed and weaved in and out of the fight.

Rocko knew they couldn’t stay in this fight for too long, when a sudden blast rocked the ship. “What hit us?” “Nothing did Sir. That blast came from one of our ships close by.” Rocko looked at the view screen and saw that the Zephyr had half the nose of the ship missing. “JACK! What in gods name hit you?” “Nothing sir! One of your new fangled PCM-12’s detonated in the launch tube just as we fired it. Don’t know why it did it but it did happened. We are hurt bad but still underway. Sorry Rocko, but we aren’t much of an asset right now. The Mercy is coming over to assist in repairs and we will get back into the fight as soon as we can.” “No worries just get that thing fixed.”

“Admiral! We have missiles inbound to us.” “Helm, hard to port!” but it was not needed just as they thought the missiles would impact the Sensor Frigate Hawk, commanded by Arkarian Belando and the Supply Ship Artic flew past shooting the missiles down and saving the ship from a painful hit. “Thank you Ensign Belando for saving my butt, but watch yourself out there that thing isn’t a scout ship.” “That is true Sir but I cannot have the Admiral that gave me this new ship getting killed on my first mission with him. This thing doesn’t exactly move like my old Scout but it surly does have more weapons to fire with! I am having a blast!” “Well don’t get too cocky kid!” “I won’t sir, I promise.” One by one the enemy ships died to superior fire. Darksoul had been busy as well since two remaining Destroyers had tried to jump him. He had made short work of them shredding and crumpling their ships like so much tin foil. As the last ship died Rocko called to his commanders, “All ships form on me. We are going to move around and close in on the other Planetary Group and see what we can find.”

On the ICCS Concordia, deep in enemy held space, a Captain and her crew tried desperately to fix their ship. “I am telling you Linna, I can give you only ¾ impulse, any more and the engines will burn themselves out completely. We need a shipyard to fix this thing. We also cannot get the rear shields to activate. The shield emitters are totally trashed. They are a total lost.” “Well then we going to have to keep any enemy ships off our butts aren’t we?” “Well if we get jumped we may not have the opportunity to do that.” “You worry about fixing the ship and leave the tactics to me, shall we?” “Captain, we have a small ship approaching, it is a frigate class ship. It is a Pirate Ship I believe.” “Is it showing any hostile intent? Raising shields or charging weapons?” “Negative Captain, just closing on our position. Captain we are receiving a hail form the pirate ship.” “Very well, put it on screen.” “Hailing the ICC ship, this is the Cumberland. Do you copy?” The message repeated again before Captain Yamazaka decided to answer the call.

“Cumberland this is the ICCS Concordia, Captain Yamazaka speaking. How may we help you?” “I think it is more to the opposite in how may we help you? Our sensors picked you up when you exited your Wormhole and we have been monitoring your ship ever since. We have noticed you are severely damaged and we are offering our assistance.” Offering his assistance? A pirate? This couldn’t really be happening, could it? “We would appreciate any help you could offer.” “I can offer you a shipyard to repair your ship at. If you will follow me I will escort you to our planet.” “Your planet? How in the world did a pirate get a planet?” “Well for starters we are not pirates, and second of all we have a planet, though it is not the most well known one. I assure you there is nothing to worry about.” “Well you let me decide what there is to worry about but I accept your offer of hospitality. Lead on. Concordia, out. Tactical, if he so much as flinches in a wrong way shoot him.”

Rocko looked into the holo-tank but could explain what he was seeing. “Ok Tactical, where did all the other ships go that you said where here?” “The Battle Dreadnaught limped off somewhere. We believe she might have headed to the jumpgate to the next system but I would have expected her to remain close to the planets to repair. The others are just not here. We are reading massive amounts of jump signatures so I would believe they have left.” “Well I know we didn’t just scare them off. Keep an eye out; they are probably still lurking around somewhere waiting for us to come out. Have all ships make repairs and have the Supply Ships rearm them. I also want someone to tell me why a PCM-12 detonated in a launch tube.

Backslash looked at the Tactical Display at his command console. The display was clear. “Where are all the ships they said would be here? I see only small pockets of minor military traffic.” “Sir, I think because of the delay we might have left Admiral Willis with the bulk of the enemy fleet.” “Well we better do something to attract their attention. All fleet units, head towards Ross 2 and turn on all Active Sensors, lets make our presence known. That is their Shipyard planet. If they think it is threatened they will come out and defend it.” “Aye Sir, course laid in a we are making the approach.” Backslash could feel the deck plates tremble as the huge Station got underway and turned towards Ross 2. It was amazing even to him how something so big could move under its own power.

“Admiral, we are reading multiple Jump Drive signatures… 4, no 7, no 14 ships jumping into close proximity!” “Well I thought that would get their attention. All Ships, prepare for combat. We have serious company coming and I want to be ready to give them a proper ICC Republic welcome.” As the two sides closed in on each other you could cut the tension with a knife Backslash thought. “Incoming missiles Admiral!” “All beams set to Point Defense. Switch out the torpedoes for IT missiles! If they want to shoot missiles so be it, I can shoot them all day with the best of them.” “The escorts are running inference for the missiles!” Backslash knew the escort ships wouldn’t last long by themselves that way. Time to show them what your made of Backie. “All Ships! Close on me and form a skirmish line, we are going to close on the enemy.”

“Are these ICC captains insane? They are closing in on us? Don’t they know we have them out gunned even with their puny Station to support them? Continue firing on the poor hapless souls. We shall kill them as we close. All ships, ¼ impulse.” Back on Backslash’s Station, the ICCS Domination, he saw the same thing the enemy did. “Sir we are taking damage. At this slow rate of approach we are sitting ducks. We must let the other ships accelerate to Attack Speed.” “And as soon as we do that they will jump right under the Station and attack us where we are most vulnerable. No we shall advance as we are, have all ships continue firing.” “Admiral, the ICC ships continue to close with us.” Very Well, continue on course.” “Admiral. We are picking up a Wormhole behind us sir!” “Is it ours?” “No, we have multiple incoming ICC ships!”

“Rocko you are a sight for sore eyes, we have lost several of our escorts and I believe we may have bitten off a bit more than we can chew.” “Not to worry, I think you will like what I have for them, watch and learn how we do business Backie.” Admiral Backslash watched as multiple PCM’s raced towards their targets, impacting with such a force as to severely cripple many of the enemy ships. “All Ships! Close to weapons range and engage at will! Destroy every ship and let none escape! Hunt them down if you have to!” Now started what was very much the largest ballet of death that had been seen in many a year in either the UGTO or the ICC. Ships floated and turned in every which way, moving to fire while trying to dodge fire. The UGTO ships tried to defend themselves but they couldn’t get away and those that did try found themselves unable to run because of the Interdictor ship Endeavor for she had them firmly locked in her grasp.

As the last UGTO ship died a horrible death Backslash knew they would come looking for them. “Rocko it is time to leave, especially since this little operation didn’t go off as planed. Have all your ships go back to base. We are going to return to Tau Ceti. I have to return to repair and replace the ships I have lost. I am impressed with those new Anti-Matter PCM’s you have. I wish I could put them on my Station.” “Well Backslash, maybe someday they will make a version you can. Till then you will have to deal with chucking IT’s at them. I have to go. I have damaged ships and wounded personnel and my Supply Ships are empty.” “Very Well, travel safely my friend, and thanks for pulling my butt out of the fire.” “No worries Backslash, I know you would do it for me too if you could.” And with all said and done the fleets went their separate ways into the darkness.

“I want to know how a Pirate, sorry, Civilian, got to be in possession of a Frigate combat classed ship.” Captain Yamazaka was talking to the man on her view screen as they traveled to the planet this man said could fix their ship. “It is a rather long story Captain, but I think that at the speeds we are traveling at I could share a bit of it with you.” “Well that would be great. I would like to ask one thing first if I might?” “Go ahead Captain.” “What exactly is your name?” “My apologies, my name is Captain Marcus Darksoul.” “That’s odd, I know a Coeus Darksoul. Are you related?” “Yes I am Captain, he is my son.”

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-04 18:42   
Sorry all, I just realized how really long this Chapter was. I will try, in the future, to keep them about half the size this one is. I guess I was too tired to realize what I was doing LOL.

Hope you enjoy it anyways.


[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* on 2005-01-04 18:58 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-01-05 03:49   
nononon I liked, all appart from the "Backie" bit , and /me needs to do some pwning aswell, at least I killed a missile though. Me and Axianda are keeping tabs on who kills most in the story .

But I loved it, keep it coming please, make them longer if needs be, loved it, loved it, LOVED IT!

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-01-05 23:06   

Oh man bro, that is GREAT!

Yeah, one of the things that I've found is that sometimes you have to sacrafice detail of events for detail of plot Plus, you can always go back & elaborate before the final version is released... hehe.

Excellent job amigo - making me proud *tear*

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-06 13:44   
I am glad you guys liked. I agree it is sometimes very hard to balance the factors of Action Detail and Plot Detail. I am trying to do the best I can.

Ok Backslash... Sorry it took so long to get you into the game but at first you were more like the big brother type friend. I then noticed you have to be included to move the storyline up a bit. Who knows maybe I will give old Backslash a love intrest? And I promise... No more "Backie" or "Backy"

OK Coeus... I though you might like that little story twist. I will be trying to flesh a bit more back story.

I will be taking a day off to get a bit of rest.



And 'I' control whom gets the most kills! lol

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-01-06 13:48   
I dont mind "Backy" just "BackIE" doesnt look right lol

Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2005-01-07 07:17   
WOOHOO its proven, im smart

great story but what on earth are ya working on now?
Darksoul returns?

- Axi

Galactic Navy

Joined: November 21, 2001
Posts: 1130
From: Bandcamp
Posted: 2005-01-07 08:23   
aight rocko next chapter /drools

  Email kenetiks   Goto the website of kenetiks
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-08 06:46   
Sorry folks for not getting the next chapter out. I have been busy the last couple of days and haven't had the ability to get access to the laptop. I keep my story on it. I have been doing the outline for the next two chapters though.

I will say the next two chapters are entitled:

Chapter 19 - "Linna's Descovery"

Chapter 20 - "Sins Of The Father"

This should keep you a bit intersted. I am continuing on with this story and opening new sub-plots. I already basically know how it is going to end but the getting there is the adventure I am currently writing.

I am not sure how many Chapters it will take to get there but I can garuntee (misspelled on purpose) the end is nothing like you could imagine.


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
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