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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
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 Author The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2004-12-29 08:17   

On 2004-12-24 14:30, Coeus Darksoul wrote:



Stupid me killer you!

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-29 10:11   
I am sorry for any delays in writing but unfortunatly I have had Internet connection problems since the last time I wrote... But for now it is holding up. If anyone would like to have me include a little backstory for your character let me know (Sorry Coeus... yours is already written so to speak but is subject to change). You can email me at rocko@wk.net

I will try to asnwer you as soon as I can.

Now on to Chapter 14 or... "An Unwitting Accomplice"



[ This Message was edited by: Rocko Willis on 2006-07-05 00:08 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-29 10:18   
*****Chapter Fourteen*****

In the System Command Center on Af, a K’Luth Admiral held his tongue as he was spoken to… “You tell me the ICC conducted this raid yet there is evidence of UGTO ships all over the place including a UGTO Stations Wormhole Device. You tell me you have seen a ship called the ICCS Charger in the middle of them but yet you have not one body to prove they where ICC. I grant you there was Sensor Scout and Supply Ships debris in the area of Wolf 1 but that doesn’t make a whole invasion fleet. How do you expect me to explain this to the Head of the Warrior Caste? How did some unknown ICC fleet of Cruisers and Frigates kill 4 K’Luth ships, which included a Mandible Dreadnaught? The Council Of Five will either behead me or send me off to watch over the Casteless doing mining operations god knows where. What do you think I should do about this situation?”

The Admiral pondered this for what seemed like an eternity. He knew he had to choose his answers carefully. “High Commander, I know what I saw, I know the Charger. I know it like I know my own family.” That drew a look of doubt. “I know these where ICC Ships, the Sensor logs show the ID’s of them. The system knows what ships these are and when they…” “I know what the Sensors do. I know they can tell one ship from another but we checked the ICC database that has been provided to us. None of those ships where in the database. I, along with our Intelligence Officer, have checked the location of all known ICC ships against the database. All ICC ships where accounted for. How can you explain where these came from?” “I cannot High Commander, I do not know where they came from other than they were ICC ships.”

The High Commander thought about what his Admiral had said, “Was there a possibility the ships where pirates? It could explain why the ships where not in the ICC database.” “High Commander, I have fought against pirates and these ships neither moved or fought like pirates, they were much better equipped and commanded by someone with combat experience. They had a type of PCM I have never seen before, it was much more powerful than anything I have encountered. High Commander, this has to be brought before the Council.” “Yes it does Admiral.” The Admiral grinned with pleasure till his commander said “And you shall be the one to deliver it.” That made the Admiral worry. He now wondered if he should have just said nothing.

Admiral Willis was eating dinner as the Bridge Watch Officer called, “Sir we are approaching Fleet Admiral Backslash’s Headquarters On Farstay.” Ah, back in Tau Ceti, at least there was some solace there. He was in a somewhat safe System, far from the K’Luth and not to far but far enough away from the Ugglies. “Very Well. Make for standard orbit at Farstay. Inform the Admiral we have arrived and that I will meet him at his office as soon as I can.” Rocko had to give Backslash his After Action Report, fix what could be fixed with new parts and load up on foodstuffs from the Depot. He also had to find out what his next mission would be and try to find replacements for the ships that were lost and that’s if he could find someone to find willing to let loose of their precious ships.

In the UGTO Command Staff Headquarters, the senior Admirals were contemplating some recently gathered information. Grand Admiral Ruff looked around at his fellow officers and spoke with surprise at what had been handed to him but hours ago. “I have just finished reading the reports of the battle which was reported by our long range scouts out in the Wolf 359 System. It seems a fleet of unknown ships attacked a K’Luth planet. It was Wolf 1 to be exact. It seems all but the population centers where destroyed. Would someone please tell me what is going on out there?” “It would appear, based on our current Intelligence, that a fleet of 12 ships attacked Wolf 1. Wolf 1 is an outlying world in that System that was being used as an early warning planet for the main body of planets of Wolf 359. The K’Luth seemed to have lost 4 ships though we are not exactly sure what classes they were.” The Intelligence Officer was telling Ruff nothing he already didn’t know but allowed him to continue, but tried to keep him to what they did know. “Son, try to tell me something that is not in the briefing.”

“Yes Sir, It seems as far as we can learn from the intercepted reports is this was an ICC fleet. They are being reported as a fleet of cruisers.” “You are going to tell me a fleet of cruisers just up and popped into a Star System that happens to be controlled by a large fleet and they not only kill a planet but 4 capital ships? Do you think I am stupid?” The look on Ruff’s face was one of bewilderment. “Not at all Sir, I am just reporting what had been intercepted from the K’Luth transmissions to their homeworld. They are also reporting there was debris from UGTO ships, including a UGTO Wormhole Device.” “What? How in blue blazes did that get out there? We didn’t have any ships out there did we?”

“No Sir, we had no ships present in the area where the event occurred except for the Sensor Scout that recorded the intercepted transmissions. We also checked into the know locations of ICC ships. It seems that all of the ships types that were claimed to be there are accounted for in ICC space.” Ruff turned to his Operations Officer. “Captain, do you think the ICC have the ships to pull this off? I mean the logistics to do this?” “I doubt it very much. To do something like this would cost us a lot of material support and since the ICC has much less materials than us to do this I would find it highly improbable they did it.” Ruff didn’t know what to make of this. It didn’t add up at all. There were too many pieces of this puzzle missing and he didn’t like having to make sense out of something with so little information. “I have to take this to the CEO’s. They are going to want more answers and I suggest to you all that you get them very quickly.” Grand Admiral Ruff was not a happy man. This would be the second time he went to them with thin information, and this had to stop.

In the Council Chamber of the Ruling Caste’s there sat a lone K’Luth Admiral. Seated before him were the current rulers of the Science, Worker, Supply and Political Caste’s with the Leader of the Warrior Caste sitting in the middle of the raised dais they were on. “Admiral, give us your report of the actions the Humans have brought upon you. I hope you have the information we need to hear.” “Assembled Council members, I bring news of a dastardly attack brought on the K’Luth Hegemony by the Humans. They attacked the K’Luth world of Wolf 1. They used their PCM’s to destroy the planet but curiously left all the habitats intact. There were minimal deaths amongst the subdued population until the Mandible that was defending the planet impacted the surface. We are rebuilding the planet as we speak. I believe they were ICC ships.” “I have read the report the Sector Commander has sent out. I have read you think a old, dead ICC ship, the ICCS Charger was amongst them?” Now he had to be careful so as to not be thought a fool.

“Yes my Lordship, it was the ship in question for this I have no doubt. I have seen the Sensor Logs.” “Yes Admiral, we have seen these ‘Sensor Logs’ but we still cannot figure out how these ships came to be? According to all the information you gave us it would seem you fought a fleet of destroyed ships. Each and every one of the ships that you claimed to have seen, are ships that have been confirmed as being destroyed. And, if memory serves me correctly, you personally destroyed this ICCS Charger yourself?” “Yes your Lordship, that is what I believed to have happened so many years ago but yet here is her signature in the Sensor Logs.” “What of the UGTO debris which was found in the system as well?” “I am not sure about that. We cannot explain it.” “I think you should look into the fact that maybe the UGTO was preparing to attack when they happened to stumble across your ‘Mystery Fleet’ and then your 4 ships got caught between them. This matter will be brought to the attention of the Fleet Council. There we shall discuss the events surrounding the attack in the Wolf 359 System. Your are dismissed Admiral.” And with that the Admiral was ushered out the door without fanfare.

Admiral Willis was sitting in Admiral Backslash’s office as Backslash looked at both Rocko’s After Action Report and the ICC Fleet Intelligence Bulletin. “Well it would seem you truly stirred up the hornets nest. Fleet activity is up almost 100% along the UGTO-K’Luth border. I don’t think they have a clue as to what is going on.” “I don’t think so either but we did loose ships in the last battle. We lost the Raven and Voltaire, and we didn’t see what happened to the Concordia but we believe she was also lost with all hands.” “That is truly a hard thing to deal with. The loss of a quarter of your ships is never an easy thing. I want you to take your fleet back to Gemini Station and get re-supplied, rested and repaired. I hope there are ships there to replace what you have lost.” “There is sir, but there are only so many we can use utilizing this tactic. The others are just too large to be of use to us.” “Do what you can Rocko, because we need to keep up the pressure if this plan is going to work.” “I will do my best Sir.” “I know you will Rocko, Dismissed.”


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis

Joined: November 27, 2004
Posts: 25
Posted: 2004-12-29 14:49   
great story better then Lord of the rings keep it coming
cant wait for the next attack

Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2004-12-29 17:20   

Damnit i could be next

Great story mate realy good oh and the Kluth feeling was just right on this side in the story

- Axi

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-12-30 13:49   
Anyone could ne next! Muwahhaha!

Ooo, sorry, that was Twilight...

Great friggin job bro! I'm kinda curious how the Charger was destroyed & reappeared myself... gonna re-read to see if I can tell

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Vice Admiral

Joined: October 21, 2003
Posts: 204
From: The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland.
Posted: 2004-12-31 09:57   
Nooooooo! er.. yay!
Shii's Song

  Email -Ashiya-   Goto the website of -Ashiya-
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-31 10:55   
I am glad you guys are liking the storyline. I really tried to get the feeling of the K'Luth all things concidered. I don't have as much time in K'Luth ships as I do in ICC and UGTO ships. I have started a new side storyline. I am also concidering another side storyline... As you can see the storyline is expanding... it is starting to encompase more and more players. I have decided this is going to be a rather large, indepth adventure. Dare I say ... a "Space Opera". I hope that I will do the DarkSpace adventure justice.

And Coeus.... you really should pay attention to the storyline...

I never once said the Charger was destroyed... I just said your father died fighting the K'Luth and that my character wished it had been him and not your father. Read it again...

Rocko tried to save his friend, your father, from a K'Luth attack. Your father died in the resulting attack and all thought the ship had been destroyed...

I am trying to bring this whole storyline together slowly.... bits and peices to the whole puzzle... flashbacks, back stories, sub-plots... the whole works.

Anyways .... I have double checked the storyline and yes it all in order.

Now on to Chapter Fifteen ... or "Rest, Relaxation and the Mourning of Friends."

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-31 11:02   
Chapter Fifteen

As the fleet approached the moon base, Rocko was glad to be back at Gemini Base. He was starting to like this little out of the way place. Too bad he was in charge of this fleet; he would have liked to be the Gemini Base Commander. “Comm, are the docking bays and crews ready for our arrival?” “Yes Sir, they are standing-by for our arrival. They have supply, repair and medical crews standing by to receive us.” “Very Well, Helm make for our docking slip as soon as we can. We need to have everyone working on the ships as soon as we can. Comm, have the ships prepare to transfer all the wounded to the Bases Hospital as soon as they can.” “Aye Sir, I am transmitting the instructions now.”

The Docking Bay was a beehive of activity as technicians, ordnance workers, medical teams and plethora of other crewmen climb, crawled, looked and inspected every foot of each ship. They had to know how every system held up, while preparing the ships for future missions. “Admiral, your stateroom on the base is ready and all the paperwork you will need is there.” He loved his Admin personnel. They always looked after his needs even when he was too tired to look after himself. “Good job, I shall retire for the night. If I am not up make sure I am awake at 6am. I have to review all the requirements we will need and I have to tour the weapons department.” “Yes sir, have a goodnight sir.” But that would not happen this night.

In the early morning hours there was a beep coming from somewhere. It started off as nothing in particular but grew increasingly annoying as the minutes continued on. Rocko got up to investigate where the offending noise was coming from and found his monitor beeping. An incoming message was waiting. “God, whomever it is better have a damn good reason for calling this early in the morning.” Rocko sat down and lit a smoke. “Computer, lights on dim.” And with that the lights came up to a mellow setting that would allow him to see without killing his eyes this early in the morning. Rocko hit the activation button and said, “This had better be good…” “Oh it is good Admiral Willis.” It was Proconsul Tael. “I have some good news for you.” Rocko wondered what was so good that couldn’t have waited for a few more hours.

“Admiral I would like to congratulate you on a successful attack on the K’Luth planet, Wolf 1. I have received word from not only our Sensor Frigate network but from other reliable sources as well that you have really stirred up some interest on the UGTO-K’Luth border. It seems the UGTO are demanding the K’Luth pull back to their pre-war boundaries. Seems the UGTO wants their Wolf 359 System back. I am not sure if this is because of what you have done but the K’Luth are currently refusing.” “Well Proconsul, I am glad to be of service to the Republic. I wish I could just have saved the crews of the ships I lost.” “Yes, I heard you lost the Raven and Voltaire. What happened to the Concordia?” “Last I saw, Captain Yamazaka’s ship it was sinking in Wolf 359’s gravity well. She said that she had lost power in her sub-light drives. Unfortunately the Jump Cruisers don’t have a jump drive.” “Yes, that truly is unfortunate.”

“I called to tell you that Fleet Admiral Backslash needs his Sensor Frigate, the Yates, back. He has a mission that needs to do that requires it. Part of his Sensor Frigate Squadron is relieving those currently on station along the UGTO-K’Luth border.” “That will be done sir, I will have to ask for some time off from our next mission. I have to see what I can dig up from the graveyard to replace the losses I have occurred.” “Very well Admiral, you have two weeks to get every thing back up to speed.” “Thank you sir. I will make good use of the time you have given me.” “I hope that you do Admiral, for that is all that I can give you currently.” And with that the connection closed.

Rocko looked at the clock glowing at him on the wall, “Man… 5:30am? How can that man be up this early in the morning?” Rocko thought he might as well get cleaned up and dressed and find out if any food was available. He might as well have to think on a full stomach vice an empty one. As he dressed he decided he wanted some company for breakfast. Rocko dialed up the bunkroom for Lt. Billings. “Yeah, who is it?” Now that was not an answer he was expecting. “Who is this?” “Oh sorry Admiral, this is Lt. Cummings. Who are you looking for Admiral?” “I am looking for Mr. Billings. Is he there?” “No Sir. Though he was here earlier he is not now.” “If you see him tell him I would like him to meet me in the wardroom.” “I will sir.”

Rocko was going over the Ships Listing of what was available when Billings showed up. He looked a little tired but awake. “Good Morning Mr. Billings, you look like you have been awake all night?” “Well sir, I needed to make sure all the maintenance got done on the ships before we deploy again.” “Well Billings, you have two weeks before that will happen again. Your reprieve started at 4:30am this morning, courtesy of Proconsul Tael.” “Well I think we can get 2 Sensor Frigates and a Supply Ship up and running but the other Jump Cruisers in the bunch will take more than a couple weeks to fix.” “Well we need something, what else is there out there we could use?” “I think I have an idea sir about what our twelfth ship could be.” “What have you got up your sleeve Mr. Billings?”

“You want to drag along a what?” “An Interdictor class ship, sir. I know it sounds odd but it would help us from getting hammered by these Short Jumps. We are getting creamed by them jumping into the middle of us. This way we can at least get a stand off range.” “This may be true, but who in gods name would be bold enough, no I should say, crazy enough to be caught in those rattle traps?” “I am not sure sir but I think you should consider it. It could help us out a lot.” “I believe you may be right. Ok Lt. make the needed repairs and get the Interdictor up and running, but I also want you to get started on a Jump Cruiser. I want to be as combat ready as I can be in two weeks. If you need any further from me I will be down in the Weapons Department with Commander Larkan. We are going to go over the data concerning the new PCM-9’s.” “Yes sir. I will remember that, and I will get to work on the new ships as quickly as possible.”

Rocko knew it would not be hard for Mr. Billings to get 3 ships ready in two weeks. He had already shown his Admiral he could get 12 ready in a month. Now the next part was finding three new skippers for his ships. He was going to have to open back up those other files he had and see whom he could drag out to this lonesome base to fill the needed slots. With those thoughts solidly planted off onto the back burner, he decided he needed to be going. It was off to see what information Commander Larkan had for him and what possible new things he had dreamed up. God knows he would probably need everything they had in there for the next mission.
“Good afternoon Commander, how is the analysis of the data on the new PCM-9’s? Did they do as well as we had hoped?” “Yes they did Admiral. I am just finishing my analysis and I believe, with a little tweaking of the guidance package, they should be ready for mass production and entrance to the fleet.” “That is fantastic Commander! I know there will be plenty of ships Captains out there that will be happy to have those weapons at their disposal.” “And I would like to report, based on the data we gathered during the fielding of these new weapons, we are able to attempt a trial run of the PCM-12’s.”

“I thought you said you were having problems with it? What was found wrong with it?” “It seems the problem was in between the Terminal Guidance Unit, the Guidance Interface and the Detonation Circuit. It seems there was a conflict in the programming that caused the missile to prematurely explode before impact. There was also another small problem, but we think the problem has been solved.” “Well I hope so. It would be really interesting to see the PCM-12 in action.” “Yes sir it would be. I will upload the design specifications for the new missile to your terminal. But be advised sir… we only have enough of the PCM-12’s for one full load. Once we use them up we won’t have any other specimens though we can manufacture more if needed. They use the same set up as the PCM-9’s since they are also anti-ship weapons.”

“Well Commander I must be going, but I am very pleased with the weapons you have produced here and I am happy the weapons worked as advertised. I have to go attend the funerals for the missing crews of the lost ships. I would like to see you there if it doesn’t interfere with your work.” “I will be there Admiral, for it is the least I can do for those brave souls.” “Good, I will see you there.” Rocko looked around and saw all was in order in the Weapons Area and decided it was truly in good hands with Commander Larkan at the helm. Rocko turned and walked out the door and into the hallway he could hear the gathering of people in the Docking Bay. They were gathering to pay their last respects to the men and women that had lost their lives in the last two battles.

Admiral Willis took his place on the podium and listened to the words that were said in reverence to the lost souls and wondered how many more of these he would have to attend. It was even harder to think of the Commanding Officers that were lost in the battle. Rixen, Niggling, Walsh and Yamazaka. Four outstanding officers that Rocko found would be hard to replace. Rocko could deal with the loss of materials and ships, but the loss of highly trained and motivated Captains and their crews was a tough pill to swallow. The flags of the ICC Republic and the individual fleets the Captains had belonged to were set at half-mast. Rocko got up, saluted and left the podium. He needed to have a drink and read up on the new PCM-12’s.

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis

Joined: November 27, 2004
Posts: 25
Posted: 2004-12-31 11:29   
the pcm 12?
cant wait to see those
good lob so far

Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2004-12-31 16:33   
Sweet man truely sweet..

happy new year hope you can cook more of these up in the next year

- Axi

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2004-12-31 19:05   
put me in an EAD sometime, I wanna kick some b00teh at some point ...or die.....like in coeus's story *mumbles something*

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-01-01 00:23   
*kick* You're ICC again you nub! LOL

OMG, fantastic job bro Took a page out of the Twilight book did ya?

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-01 02:48   
Happy New Year To All!

I hope all had a good day, and to treat you all well I have the next Chapter ready for release. Without further comment...

Now Playing... Chapter 16... or "The Dead Shall Rise From The Grave..."


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-01-01 02:55   
*****Chapter Sixteen*****

Rocko relaxed and took out the bottle of whiskey he had always brought with him everywhere he went. Normally the Admiralty frowned on drinking while on duty but today was different, for today he drank a toast to those lost friends both past and present. Rocko knew he had lost too many friends in his many years of service and knew he would loose more in the future. It was a part of his life that would never change. It was just something that came with the uniform and the mantle of command. Ordering people to their deaths in combat was one thing but it was different when they were your friends. “Enough you old fart, stop dwelling on the bad and look to the good. Computer, open the files on the PCM-12.”

And once again that Female voice came to life. “Technical Readout – PCM-12, Code Name “Tomahawk”. The PCM-12 “Tomahawk” is an Anti-Matter based version of the standard PCM-7 “Walleye”. It is primarily designed for the use in the Anti-Shipping role, but has the limited capability to be used in the Planetary Bombardment role. The Tomahawk Missile utilizes the same missile body as both the Walleye and the Harpoon to allow for widespread usage and compatibility amongst PCM equipped fleet units. The Tomahawk missile is the longest ranged weapon to be fielded by the ICC. Its effective range has been double in comparison to the normal PCM while its warhead yield is also larger than both the Walleye and Harpoon.

Rocko was quite impressed with what he was hearing so far. A PCM dedicated to anti-shipping, with a double than normal range, and a larger warhead. This seemed too good to be true but he just sat there, fascinated, and kept on listing. “The missile utilizes the new Harpoon anti-shipping Terminal Guidance Unit, Propulsion Unit but has a new Anti-Matter warhead. The Anti-Matter warhead has the largest nominal yield of any weapon fielded by any faction in known space. Taking the K’Luth Anti-Matter torpedo as a guideline the new warhead utilizes a new way of detonating the Anti-Matter core. K’Luth torpedoes utilize a system that explodes the torpedo from the inside out. The new Anti-Matter warhead in the Tomahawk reverses the process by surrounding the warhead with a magnetic bottle. Upon direction from the Detonation Circuit the warhead is squeezed by the magnetic bottle till the Anti-Matter core in the warhead reaches critical mass, resulting in a detonation equivalent to twice the nominal yield of the standard K’Luth Anti-Matter torpedo.

“Oh my what has the Commander created? This thing is a monster!” Rocko was definitely impressed by what he was hearing. Just looking at all the charts and graphs that accompanied the briefing only reinforced what he had already heard. Rocko really wanted to field these missiles. Just then the Hailing tone came from the door, “Enter.” It was Mr. Billings, “Sir, we have selected the best ships we can out of the junkyard. The new Sensor Frigates and Supply Ship shall be done in about a week, while I probably can get the Interdictor done just before the deadline. We found three Jump Cruisers we found are in bad shape but we should one of them up and running by the time we get back from our next mission.” “I am continually impressed as to what you can accomplish, since I tend to just throw things at you without warning.” “I just try to do my best sir.”

In the Central Command Center of the Wolf 359 System, the Fleet Admiral in charge of Wolf 359 Operations looked down at the dejected Admiral who had just arrived from the K’Luth Homeworld. “Well, report what you have to say about what the council decided.” “My Lord, the Council says they will have to bring the issue of the “Ghost Fleet of ICC Ships” to the attention of the General Fleet Council. They are going to investigate the events that transpired here. As far as my thoughts on the Charger, they are seemingly unbelieving in the fact it truly is the ICCS Charger.” “Did you expect them to understand the information you presented them?” “I was hoping they would but most of the leaders have been out of the hunt for too long.” “Hold your tongue Admiral, you must not speak like that even amongst supposedly trusted friends. You never know when someone may backstab you to get ahead.” “I shall be more careful the next time I speak.”

“I know this Charger you speak of was part of your past. I think you should try to put the past, in the past. It will only drive you crazy. I do not want to loose one of my best commanders to a ghost from the past.” “I swear to you My Lord that this ghost will not come back to haunt me or to claim me as its prize. I defeated the Charger once, I can certainly do it again.” “Well lets hope that your hunt runs well my friend.” “Oh I guarantee it will My Lord. But now I must go to the shipyard and take command of my new ship.” “Yes, I assigned the ship to you. It is only temporary till a larger ship becomes available. It is the KHS Arachnid, a Clavate Class strike cruiser.” “I will bring honor to the Hegemony with this ship just like all the ones I have commanded before it. I believe I will take it for a test run in the System.” “I do not doubt you will bring honor to the Hegemony. You can take watch over the Engineering Ship, KHS Beetle, while you are testing your new ship. It is currently rebuilding Wolf 1.” “It shall be as you wish, My Lord.”

Aboard the KHS Beetle, “Captain, the buildings that were destroyed are currently being repaired. It appears we will be able to repair all the damage that was done on schedule but it will take awhile to replace what was destroyed by both the Humans and the careless ships Captain that rammed his ship into the surface.” “You had better watch your tongue! The ‘careless ships captain’ you refer to is the System Commanders most trusted Commander. He has the absolute trust of the System Lord.” “ I am sorry sir… I meant no ill will or slight towards the Commander.” “Captain! I am getting a Sensor reading on an ICC Jump Cruiser in the Gravity Well of Wolf 359.” “Yes, that would be one of the intruders ships that attacked Wolf 1. It is a dead and derelict ship, stuck forever in between the Gravity Wells of Wolf 1 and Wolf 359.” “But Sir, I don’t think this ship is dead. I am showing power readings on the ship but I could be wrong. The gravity well of Wolf 359 is hampering the Sensors.” “That cannot be. The ship was declared dead.” “Well sir, it may have been declared dead but there is power on that ship.” “Have the nearest available ship respond to our position to investigate this dead ship.”

The KHS Arachnid was just leaving the System Shipyard when the call came. “This is the KHS Beetle requesting assistance at Wolf 1.” The Admiral jumped on the Comm. Channel, “This is the Arachnid, what assistance to you require?” “We have detected power readings on the ICC Jump Cruiser stuck in the gravity well of Wolf 359 and we are requesting assistance investigating the readings. We cannot leave Wolf 1 at the moment to get closer readings.” “The Arachnid will take care of your investigation. Helm set course for Wolf 1 then proceed to close the target around Wolf 359. Lets see what this ship has to offer us. Maybe it can answer some of the questions we have regarding this fleet of forgotten ships and the Ghost Ship of my past, the Charger.” “Yes My Lord, is shall be as you request.”

As the Arachnid slowly closed the distance between itself and the crippled cruiser, the Admiral wondered if there might be Humans alive onboard.” “Sensors are showing definite power readings. Not as much power as would be normally expected for this class of ship but still they are there. I am also getting intermittent human life signs. I suggest we move closer to get a better scan of the target vessel.” “Helm, take us closer. As much as can be possibly done without ourselves getting trapped in the gravity well.” “As you wish My Lord.”

On board the ICCS Concordia, “Engineering, how’s that power shunt coming along?” “We are going as fast as we can. We are rerouting everything, including the kitchen sink, into the sub-light engines. I think we can have enough power to get us out of the gravity well in 10 minutes.” “Very good…” “Captain, Sensors are showing a Clavate cruiser coming to investigate us.” “Engineering you got only 5 minutes now to get all the work done!” “I am not sure if I can get it all done in 5 minutes. The whole power grid is hotwired it’s not funny. I think the engines will hold out but I doubt the rest will work as you planned. You better stall for some time while I prepare to short out every circuit we have down here.” “I will try but I give you no guarantees.” “Captain, we are being hailed by the Captain of the Clavate.” “Well put it on screen.” “Hailing the Human ship in gravity well of Wolf 359. Acknowledge.”

“This is the Captain of the Concordia. Have you come to render assistance?” “Hardly, you pathetic Human. I have come to get answers from you and if you are now forthcoming with the needed answers I shall personally help your ship into Wolf 359.” “Well what kind of answers do you need?” “I want to know what Human faction you are with and who the Commanding Officer is of the ship that was with you, the ICCS Charger.” “Well we are not with any faction right now. We are basically our own faction right now while we are trying to save our collective butts.”

“I can help save your ship if you can provide me the name of the Commanding Officer of the ship you call the Charger.” “I don’t know who
you are talking about.” “Don’t be insolent with me you weak, pathetic little Human.” “Pathetic little Human? I will show you who are pathetic. You couldn’t kill a ship if it was staring you in the face.” “Well it seems you are staring me in the face, so lets find out if your theory is true. All batteries open fire on that Human ship.” “Helm! Bring us about 180 degrees! All power to rear deflector shields, Engineering… Give me all the engines you can and prepare to open the a Wormhole.” “Captain if we do that in our current situation the Gravimetric Waves being produced by Wolf 359 will distort our Wormhole and we could end up anywhere.” “Would you rather die?” “No way! Wormhole device activated!”

As the Concordia plummeted towards Wolf 359 an unstable Wormhole opened and gave the Concordia its chance to cheat death. The Concordia was lucky since right after they went through the Wormhole collapsed. “NO! This cannot be! I will find out who commands this Charger and where they are. I will kill this ship and its memories that haunt me or my name is not Admiral Yomin Carr! Helm, make course for Af.”

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